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rest on the public debts, and other ar- | rangements for the improvement of the Company's finances. The capture of the enemy's possessions on the continent of India, and the armament fitted out for the protection of the trade in those seas, have occasioned some considerable addition of expense: but those captures have added to our revenues, as has also the depriving the French of their share of the trade in salt and opium.

It is, however, on the mild and efficient system of government already established, or in a state of improvement throughout the British settlements in India, that I chiefly rely for the increasing prosperity of our affairs in that country. When the natives see a system of law and justice established, which affords equal protection to the rich and to the poor, and the tenure by which they hold their property rendered permanent, instead of precarious, they must feel a deep interest in the stability of the British government, and the wealth, population, and general prosperity of the country must rapidly advance. Such has already been the effect in the Bengal provinces of those systems for settling the land revenues, and administering justice, which I last year explained to have been established. The collections in 1793-4 exceeded the amount of any preceding year; for, not only a sum equal to the annual rent was paid, but also a part of former arrears. The arrears, however, still owing by the landholders, and included in the assets, amount to a considerable sum. To a certain degree this must always be the case in accounts of such a magnitude made up to a particular day; but the sums stated as owing by them in the present account, are augmented by the first effect of those regulations, from which the greatest benefits to the country have since arisen. In general, men hesitate at alterations in an established system, whatever benefits may be promised by the change: but in India, where the prejudices of the natives are blended with their existence, and where established custom has the force of law, no arguments would avail to inspire them with confidence in so considerable a variation in the tenure of their landed property. Therefore, although the settlement was moderate, yet it had the effect of lessening the collections at first, from the prevailing aversion of the inhabitants to prompt payment, and their propensity to seize every pretext of delay.

While the country was in an unsettled state, it was natural that artifices of this nature should be resorted to, in hopes that a change of system might take place, in which the old demands might be forgotten, and new ones satisfied with the sums so reserved. Such was the situation of the inhabitants of that country, under the native or Mahomedan dominion; and, for want of an established system, the Company's government but too much resembled it. By inflexibly persevering in the system which has now been fixed, we may hope in time to eradicate those prejudices, and introduce a more generous mode of proceeding, with respect to receipts and payments. The large sum collected in the last year, shows, that this effect has, in a great degree, already been produced in Bengal ; and, in consequence of the increasing confidence in the stability and good faith of the British government, the population of these provinces has increased by the influx of inhabitants from the adjoining states, to enjoy the advantages of living under its protection. While, on the one hand, this circumstance evinces the flourishing state of our possessions, it, on the other, adds to the Company's receipts by the increased consumption of salt, from which a revenue of upwards of a million per annum has been collected in the last two years. In the last of those years the amount was nearly 300,000l. more, and the large sum thus realized is stated to have arisen not from an enhanced price, but from an increased consumption.

With respect to Madras, it has not yet been possible to establish a system of such regularity in the administration of the revenue. The introduction of similar regulations to those which have been adopted at Bengal must be a work of time. Innovations, however beneficial, must be made progressively; as it is only by degrees that the natives can understand how much their own good will be promoted by any alterations. But as the permanent security of property is the most certain means of increasing the population and prosperity of a country, I doubt not but such regulations founded on justice and sound policy, will be established, as will render the state of this settlement nearly, if not equally flourishing with that of Bengal. By the late treaty with the nabob of Arcot, the tributes of several of the southern Polygars, who had resisted the various demands

made upon them, are to be collected immediately by the Company. The amount in the first year, has fallen short of the stipulated sum; but when they find their contributions equitably fixed, and the demands made on them not regulated by our necessities, but conformable to their agreements, I have no doubt but they will see it their interest to make their payments with greater regularity. The drought, which prevailed some time ago in the northern circars, has occasioned a deficiency of revenue from that quarter in the last two or three years; but as the country is recovering from the effects of that calamity, it will become more productive. The circars are also capable of being considerably improved, by the adoption of proper measures for ame liorating the administration of justice, and regulating the revenue system in these districts. The countries ceded by Tippoo Sultan produced a larger revenue in the last year than was collected from them in the one preceding; and the nabob of Arcot and rajah of Tanjore now pay their subsidies with punctuality. On the whole, as I have already observed, the revenues of this presidency appear to be equal to its ordinary expenses in time of peace; and when the improvements I have suggested shall be carried into effect. a surplus may probably be obtained, towards the provision of the profitable investment of coast goods.

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newly acquired provinces is finally settled and the arrangements with the native princes, completed, a respectable military force must be kept in readiness, which increases the expenses in that department. The charges of collecting the revenues of the ceded countries will undoubtedly engage the attention of the government, as in the last year they amounted to above half the receipts; but on this the supravisor observes, that the expenses of that year are not to be looked upon as a precedent for future years. In other respects, the affairs of this presidency bear a very favourable aspect; the whole of the bond debt which bore 9 per cent. interest, and has been for many years a heavy drain on Bengal, had been, by the advices dated in January last, paid off by notes bearing a less interest; and the 8 per cent. promissory notes, in like manner were expected to be discharged in a very short time; after which the debt will bear an interest of six per cent. only. But as no account was inclosed in this dispatch of the amount of debts, I have been obliged to refer to the debts as they stood on the 31st October 1793, when half the debt bearing interest was at 94 per cent. In respect, therefore, to the amount of the debt owing at this presidency, and the annual interest thereon, the next statements must be considerably better than those now before the committee.

From these remarks on the general The late account from Bombay show state of the revenues and charges of that the revenues of that presidency, and the British settlements in India, it apof the districts on the Malabar coast, are pears that, notwithstanding the extra exin a progressive state of increase. In the penses which the present war occasions, last year, the receipts amounted to the result is more favourable than was 312,3647.; and for 1794-5 they are esti- computed in the average estimate, on mated at 354,8831. This latter sum is which my calculations were founded in 35,7421. less than the amount estimated making the late arrangement between the in the arrangement between the public public and the Company; and that there and the Company in 1793; but a farther is every prospect of our affairs in that increase is certainly probable, as the country continuing in their present flouceded countries will, in the course of ano- rishing state. In concluding these obserther year, be more recovered from the vations on the prosperous state of the reeffects of the late war. Hitherto the re- venues of the British provinces in India, I venues of those districts have fallen far am naturally led to the claims of the short of the amount at which they were brave officers of the Company's army, estimated in the treaty with Tippoo Sul- whose services have so much contributed tan; but the progressive increase has to the extension and security of those been rapid, as in 1792-3, the amount col-possessions. When the Company acted lected was 44,140/.; in 1793-4 122,386/.; and for 1794-5 the estimated amount is 197,680. The charges of this presidency I have already mentioned to be far higher than was computed for a peace establish. ment; but until the government of the

merely as a commercial body, their forces consisted only of a few guards stationed at their factories or seats of trade. With the accession of territory, a larger num. ber of forces became requisite for its defence; and now, when the British power

is second to none in Hindostan, its pre- | in Europe, shall have leave of absence, eminence can only be maintained by a under medical certificates, with the formidable military power, adequate both approbation of the commanders-in-chief to repel any hostile attack on our own and the governments in India, without dominions, and to protect those of our loss of rank or pay. Nor does it seem allies. Accordingly, our military force in proper to confine the leave of absence that quarter is not only greater than is merely to cases of ill-health; but in order maintained in time of peace by Great Bri- to keep up that love for their native land tain, but is equal to the establishment which is almost universally implanted in kept up by some of the principal mili- every breast, but which long and unintertary governments in Europe. The gra- rupted residence in a foreign clime tends dations of rank, and the proportion of to alienate, a certain proportion of officers, officers in the Company's service, have in time of peace, should be allowed to renot kept pace with the increase of num- turn home, in rotation, for a limited time, bers; nor have sufficient regulations been in like manner, without loss of pay or established for the encouragement and rank. An arrangement formed on these reward of long and faithful services. The principles will, I trust, fully redress the highest rank in their army is that of co- several grievances of which the Company's lonel, and the number of that rank is very officers have complained in the memorials limited; the elder officers, therefore, can- which have been laid before this House, not look up to those elevated situations, and I feel great satisfaction in the reflec which, in other armies are the reward of tion, that the improved state of the British long service and tried abilities; and the revenues in India, the reduction effected younger see but a distant and discouraging in the amount of the debts owing there, prospect of arriving at the rank of co- and in the interest payable on those debts, lonel, or even to that of field officer. So slow will enable the company to carry the regu is the progress of promotion, that thirty lations proper for these purposes into ef years indurance of a climate so hostile to fect, without any inconvenience to their European constitutions, is scarce suffi- finances, which will not be abundantly cient to obtain a colonelcy; and neither compensated by the satisfaction and zeal during that long period, nor after an officer which the officers of every rank will feel, has obtained that highest rank, can he visit in the more certain prospect that their his native country, without losing his pay exertions in the service of their country and emoluments during his absence. For will be readily acknowledged and liberally those who have no other support than the rewarded. income derived from their profession, and whose ill state of health, or impaired constitution, may render a temporary return to Europe absolutely necessary, there is not any provision, except such relief as may be obtained from the liberality of the court of directors, or the aid of their friends, without which humiliating support, such officers have only the dreadful alternative of dying in India, or lingering in indigence at home. To afford relief to the officers, in all these cases, will be the principal object of the arrangement for the army in India, at present under consideration, of which I shall just mention the leading principles, viz. that a certain number of general, and a larger proportion of field officers shall be allowed to each of the military establishments at the several presidencies; that a comfortable and honourable retreat shall, after a certain number of years service, be afforded to such officers as may wish to retire; and that officers whose state of health may require a temporary residence

Mr. Dundas then moved his several Resolutions, which, after a short conversation, were agreed to.

Debate in the Commons on the Prince of Wales's Annuity Bill.] June 1. Mr Anstruther, Solicitor-general to the Prince of Wales, acquainted the House, "That the Prince of Wales, while the question relative to his Establishment was under the consideration of the House of Commons, had thought the proper conduct for him to observe was, to avoid expressing any opinion or wish upon the subject; fully sensible that the liberality and wisdom of parliament would make such arrangements as should be best suited to the situation of his affairs, the dignity of the royal family, and the interest of the public; but having understood, that it was the desire of many respectable persons, that his wishes and opinions upon the subject should be known, his Royal Highness had authorized him to assure the House, that he is extremely desirous that

such regulations may be adopted, as to the wisdom of parliament shall seem most expedient and advisable, for the purpose of establishing order and regularity in the expenditure of his income, and to prevent the incurring of debt in future.And, at the same time, his Royal Highness had authorized him farther to express his earnest desire, that the House will appropriate such part of the income, which they may intend to allot to him, to the liquidation of the debts with which he is embarrassed, as, under all the present circumstances, shall seem to the wisdom and prudence of the House most expedient and adviseable; fully sensible that, however large that appropriation may be, the House will be guided solely by the consideration of what shall appear to them the most conducive to his honour, and the interest of the public."

Mr. Pitt said, that in consequence of the communication which had just been made to the House, he rose with sentiments of much less anxiety and much greater satisfaction than he had experienced in any former part of this transaction. In bringing forward this business, he had not however been without consolation. He had satisfaction in contemplating the principles which had given rise to the difficulties attendant on the transaction. He observed with pleasure that a parliament which had never failed in any expression of loyalty to their sovereign, or attachment to his family, which had never been wanting in discovering a proper spirit of liberality, when the occasion called for it, had no less in the present instance shown a degree of jealousy, care, and circumspection, when a demand was made upon the pockets of their constituents, attended with some circumstances which they could not altogether approve. He had no less satisfaction in observing that the illustrious personage himself was impressed with a just sense of that line of conduct, which a regard to his character and situation required him to pursue, and he trusted that the House had that day received an earnest of the future dispositions of his Royal Highness, and of that regard to the welfare of the people, which would distinguish him in the exalted situation to which he one day might be called. Under that impression, he hoped that there would be little difference of opinion as to the proposition to the proposition which he should submit to the House. The instruction which he meant to move

went precisely to the two objects referred to in the communication from his Royal Highness-the regulation of the expenditure of his household, and the appropriation of part of the income for the discharge of debt. The question at present was, whether the aid of parliament ought to be given to his Royal Highness, by adopting legislative regulations for the discharge of debts, which it was admitted on all hands ought never to have been contracted? Without any retrospect to the past, over which he wished to draw a veil he appealed to the fair and candid feelings of the House, whether they could refuse to adopt a measure so necessary for the character and credit of his Royal Highness, and so intimately connected with his personal comfort and the splendor of his rank? He concluded with moving, "That it be an instruction to the gentlemen, who are appointed to prepare and bring in a bill for enabling his Majesty to grant a yearly sum or sums of money, out of the consolidated fund, to wards providing for the Establishment of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales; that they do make provision in the said bill for establishing a regular and punctual order of payment in the Prince's future expenditure, and for guarding against his incurring debts in future; and also for appropriating a proportion of the Prince's annual income, towards the gradual discharge of the incumbrances to which his Royal Highness is now subject.”

Mr. Duncombe said, that with whatever concern he might rise to obstruct any proceeding that professed to have for its object the ease and comfort of his Royal Highness, he considered the call of duty as paramount to all other considerations. It was the duty of the representatives of the British nation to speak, when the occasion warranted, with a proper boldness, to persons even in the most exalted station. Under this impression he must say that parliament could not, consistently with their duty to their constituents, or with that inviolable regard which they owed to truth and fidelity, after the solemn assurances they had received on a former occasion, consent a second time to pay the debts of the Prince of Wales. At a time (said Mr. D.) when the comforts and conveniences of life are wanting to the middle classes of society, when the poor are scarcely supplied even with common necessaries, and when the prospect

larger income with a view to the application of a considerable part of it to the discharge of the debts. He regretted that the House had as yet received no communication on the subject from his majesty. He had hoped that he would have done something considerable, in the way of extricating the Prince from his difficulties.

of a dearth becomes every day more alarming, I cannot listen to idle claims of splendor and magnificence: I trust that at such a time the benevolent feelings of his Royal Highness will dispose him rather to sympathize with the distress of the lower orders, and to sacrifice some thing for their relief, than to form selfish and extravagant pretensions. In these distempered times, let us beware how, by a wanton profusion of the public money we furnish the favourers of wild and dangerous innovations with a colour of plausibility for their arguments. As a friend to the hereditary monarchy, I feel myself called upon to resist the motion. Let us recol lect that there are other branches of the royal family. If, after the assurance we received, we again consent to pay the debts of his Royal Highness, we shall establish a precedent, of which we cannot tell to what extent it may be carried. I do not mean to say that the debts ought not to be paid, but I look to other resources for that purpose: I look first to the justice of his Royal Highness, to make provision for the payment of those debts that shall be proved to be just; I look to future economy in the regulation of his household; and lastly, I look to the assistance which he may derive from the well-known munificence of his royal father. As the idea of a temporary retirement has been suggested, I have only to remark, that from such a retirement his Royal Highness may reap great advantage in settling his affairs, and be again enabled to emerge with fresh splendor. Retirement is the nurse of reflection; by its influence his Royal Highness may be enabled to confirm those resolutions which he has expressed in his communication to the House, and to return into public life fortified against future error, and qualified for the important duties of that high sta tion which he may one day be called upon to fill.

Mr. Curwen expressed his satisfaction at the message. He hoped it would prove, on the part of the Prince, an earnest of his future attention to the happiness of the country. He remarked on the cruelty that would be attached to the situation of his illustrious consort, if, by a refusal of that House to make any provision for the debts, she was left exposed to the taunts and insults of creditors. He wished his Royal Highness to be put in a situation to obtain respect, and to deserve it; he had therefore voted for the

Mr. Grey said, that every one must have felt satisfaction at the message from his Royal Highness. He was happy to receive it, not as a measure taken upon the spur of the occasion, but as the sincere expression of his feelings, with respect to the House: he wished, indeed, that the whole grace of the transaction had be longed to his Royal Highness; that it had not been suggested from any other quarter; that ministers had first come to the House for a proper establishment, and when it had been granted, that the message had followed from the Prince, requiring the appropriation of part of his income for the discharge of his debts. At any rate, he must consider ministers as responsible for the former message, which contained the assurance that no second application should be made. They ought undoubtedly to have taken some means to enforce that assurance, and they were now bound to explain to the House why such means had not been taken. After what had passed, no reliance could be had that those provisions which might be made with respect to future conduct, would be of any avail. The only way the House had of discharging their duty was, to meet the present application with a direct refusal. His hon. friend had stated that by this refusal her Royal Highness would be exposed to taunts and insults. He hoped that even with the smaller income and proper economy, there would be found sufficient means to make provision for the discharge of the debts, more especially as in such a situation the Prince would be able to come to a composition with his creditors upon much better terms than if the idea was to be held out, that the business was to be taken up by that House. We knew that there were great means in the possession of an illustrious personage, and it was to be hoped that he would be induced to come forward with his assistance.

Mr. Secretary Dundas said, that the House had already decided for an income of 125,000l. The motion was not an application for a sum of money for the discharge of the debts; the only question

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