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way, have been recently published in two volumes(*) and have suffered most contradictory criticism. While some of his plays have gained such. epithets as "vulgar," "immoral," "base," "an outrage upon art and decency," we could find not one critic, who did not mingle highest praise with scorn and derision. Mr. Shaw's plays are withal interesting and the work of a genius and a poet. Exceedingly clever and amusing are his prefaces to the two volumes, Mainly About Myself. Mr. Shaw is also the author of one of those charming Roycroft books, to which

(*) Plays, Pleasant and Unpleasant. By Bernard Shaw. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Price $1.95. By mail$2.15.

we have repeatedly referred, entitled A Preachment on Going to Church. (1)

A dramatization of Miss Helen H. Gardener's popular novel An Unofficial Patriot(2) will be produced early in the fall under the name of The Rev. Griffith Davenport by James A. Herne at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. The story is based on the life of the author's father and introduces in a realistic way the character of Abraham Lincoln from her father's personal recollections.

(1) A Preachment on Going to Church. By George Bernard Shaw. 16mo. Price 90 cents. By mail $1.02.

(3) An Unofficial Patriot. By Helen H. Gardener. Paper Price 33 cents. By mail 43 cents.

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By KELA DOcetti.

The number of The Musical Courir of July 4th is a most noteworthy and sumptuous affair. It is the long announced National Edition and we must say that our high strung expectations, roused by the publisher's big promises, have been more than fulfilled. It is a number well worth preserving, giving an excellent picture of the present state of American music and of music in America. No less than 168 pages, full of most interesting and valuable reading matter, descriptive, critical and biographical articles by prominent writers, profusely illustrated, for 10 cents. In truth we must congratulate the Musical Courier on its fine achievement. Every American, Every American, interested in music should secure a copy of this really grand number.

Another first-class musical magazine, which we do not wish to slight, in mentioning the Musical Courier, is the Musical Record published monthly in Boston. It is indeed a record, and a very complete and interesting one of musical news, and can be heartily recommended to everybody interested in music matters. In addition to a store of valuable information every number contains several good music pieces, instrumental and vocal, and the low price of only 10 cents per number helps greatly to make it the popular musical magazine that it is.

Still another popular musica magazine worthy of special recommendation is Ev'ry Month. This excellent publication, deservedly quite a favorite in musical families, contains outside of musical matter and compositions, many illustrated articles on various topics of general interest, stories and fashion notes. The July number of this commendable magazine contains two pretty instrumental music pieces: an eccentric patrol by Eduard Holst, entitled "Hawaiian Parade" and "The Rolla Waltzes" by Jackson Gourand; also a song by Gussie L. Davis, entitled "We Never Meet, 'Tis Better So" and a marching song by Safford Waters, entitled "Beneath the Flag." Of the very interesting reading matter we will mention the following: "American Women Playwrights" by Esther Singleton; "At the Roll-Call-Missing" an excellent article on Gladstone by Arthur Carleton; "Uncle Sam's Daughters" (The Petticoats in the Department at Washington) by Abbie G. Baker; a short story by Frances Hempstead, entitled, "At the Next Station" and other readable articles. The number is illustrated throughout.

A monthly musical magazine, containing popular music pieces exclusively, vocal as well as instrumental, though mostly reprints of

old pieces, and very simply arranged is the New York Musical Echo, published at Savannah, Ga. It contains no reading matter.

The July number of the Ladies' Home Journal called "The President's Number," contains among much other interesting and valuable reading matter an illustrated anecdotical biography of President McKinley, and a new march by Victor Herbert, "The President's March" dedicated to the Chief Executive, which has all qualities to make it popular.

Edouard Joseph Mangeot, editor of Le Monde Musicale, one of the most prominent French musical papers, died at Paris on the 29th of July. He was at one time a piano manufacturer, and the first one to acknowledge the vast superiority of the American piano over the flat scale, lightly strung French pianos. He reorganized his entire manufacturing plant and began to manufacture pianos after American principles. This was after the Paris Exposition of 1867, where a large number of American pianos had been exhibited and caused much comment by experts, but no general appreciation. Mangeot's efforts were in vain, due to the obstinacy of the French musical world, and the result was his failure in business. Subsequently he went to Paris and established the Monde Musicale, which soon became a recognized musical authority.

An interesting and useful new book in music, which deserves to be widely read by all lovers of music is, What is Good Music? (1) by W. J. Henderson, the accomplished musical critic of the New York Times. While Mr. Krehbiel, another able New York musical critic, has in his last equally interesting and valuable book How to Listen to Music,(2) published last year, demonstrated the external phenomena of music, Mr. Henderson concerns himself more with the erection of a critical standard. It is natural that the appreciation of music depends primarily upon the individuality of the listener, upon his physical, emotional and intellectual character and upon his environment. Yet much can be done and ought to be done in the education of the musical mind and sense, and here the author points out the requirements of musical quality, demonstrates good and bad ideals and gives a clear and helpful exposition of the fundamental principles of musical art. By the guidance of this book "the person who desires to cultivate a discriminating taste in music may acquire the fundamental knowledge in a few short months. After that, one needs only to live much in an atmosphere of good music until the acquired principles become unceasingly the moving factors underlying all attention to the art."

(1) What is Good Music? By W. J. Henderson. 12mo. cloth. Price 90 cents. By mail $1.00.

(2) How to Listen to Music. By H. E. Krehbiel. 12mo. cloth. Price $1.08. By mail $1.23.

ular. The introduction, alla marcia, begins with the theme of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, to harmonize with the title and give it the character of a bridal waltz; it is therefore quite appropriate for wedding parties. The same publishers sent us also the following new songs which deserve commending mention:

I Don't Allow no Coon to Hurt my Feelin's. (Lew Dockstader's Song.) Words and Music by Irving Jones.

A collection of famous Beethoven has all qualities to make it very popportraits has just been published, forming part 8 of the artistic publication of the Berlin Photographic Company, which we noticed in our last number, entitled Das 19te Jahrhundert in Bildnissen. (The 19th Century in Portraits.) It contains 8 large plates and many text illustrations, including the Beethoven portraits of Neese, Stainhauser, Hoefel, Hoefel, Klein, Kloeber, Schimon, Stieler, Decker, Lyser, Boehm, Tejzek and Waldmueller, photographed directly from the originals, which are mostly in private collections. The text (in German) consists of an interesting critical and biographical monograph on Beethoven, by Leopold Schmidt, and an art-historical sketch on his portraits by Th. von Frimmel. The cover has a reproduction of a sculp- ing new music: ture by Joseph Flossman. (Price 50 cts.)

Perhaps the easiest and therefore, to composers, the most tempting kind of popular music are waltzes; at the same time it is probably the hardest task to produce something really new and original, in view of the flood of waltz music, wherein almost all musical possibilities are exhausted. Among the vast number of new waltzes we find very rarely one with new musical thoughts or of original invention. The "Orange Blossoms" Waltz, by Max S. Witt, published by Jos. W. Stern & Co., is no exception to the rule, yet it cannot be denied that this very catchy piece, made up exclusively of reminiscences, is cleverly composed and

She Was Bred in Old Kentucky.


Comer's and Lottie Gilson's Hit.) Words by Harry
Braisted. Music by Stanley Carter.

The Flag That Has Never Known Defeat.
Words by C. L. Benjamin and G. D. Sutton. Music
by Mary Dowling Sutton.

I am a Yankee General, or Even Tho' he
Were my Son. Words by R. A. Browne. Music by
Monroe H. Rosenfeld.

His Day Will Come. By Lawrence B. O'Connor
and Monroe H. Rosenfeld,

We have also received the follow

Jubilee March of the Greater New York. By W. C. Parker. Op. 270. Dedicated to Hon. Robert A. Van Wyck, first Mayor of the Greater New York. Young Arion. Two Step March. By Joseph Poznanski. Dedicated to the Young Arion Singing Society of New York.

Both of these marches are full of "go" and musical spirit, and will doubtless become popular ere long.

A Lovely Rose, Romance for Piano, by Edward

A melodious piece and easy to play. It is in the style of the popular sentimental music by Lange, Jungmann, Richards, etc., and aptly called by the composer himself, " sequel to the Flower Song."


A Soldier's Sweetheart. (or My Own Sweetheart, 1 Love You.) Words and Music by James W. Tate.

A very pretty Waltz Song for Soprano or Tenor. Softly the Shadows of Evening are Falling. Words and Music by Mary Nicholson.

On the next page we present to our readers part of a new waltz by J. J. Gruen which has just been published and no doubt will become. the most popular waltz of the year. It has the same movement as

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