Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and WritingSUNY Press, 1. jan. 1999 - 280 strani The significance of shame as a critical human emotion has come to be recognized in the fields of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and psychology. Scenes of Shame brings this body of theory to bear on literary and philosophical representations of shame. The contributors explore the role of shame as an important affect in the psychodynamics of a wide range of literary and philosophical works, including essays on Kierkegaard, Hawthorne, George Eliot, Nietzsche, Lawrence, Faulkner, Sexton, and Toni Morrison. The book also includes an analysis of the problem of shame in student lifewriting in the classroom, and testifies to the importance of affect in philosophy and literature, as well as to the way in which imaginative writers can clarify and enrich our understanding of an emotion that, as Silvan Tomkins claims, "strikes deepest" into the human heart. |
Introduction Shame Affect Writing | 1 |
The Disappearing Who Kierkegaard Shame and the Self | 35 |
Guardian of the Inmost Me Hawthorne and Shame | 53 |
Ardor and Shame in Middlemarch Gordon Hirsch | 83 |
George Eliot and Dilemmas of the Female Child | 101 |
Man of the Most Dangerous Curiosity Nietzsches Fruitful and Frightful Vision and His War Against Shame | 111 |
The Dread and Repulsiveness of the Wild D H Lawrence and Shame | 147 |
Shame in Japan and the American South Faulkners Absalom Absalom | 167 |
Depression Shame and Reparation The Case of Anne Sexton Hilary Clark | 189 |
Quiet As Its Kept Shame and Trauma in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye J Brooks Bouson | 207 |
Unmasking Shame in an Expository Writing Course Jeffrey Herman | 237 |
269 | |
275 | |
Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse
Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing Joseph Adamson,Hilary Clark Omejen predogled - 1998 |
Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing Joseph Adamson,Hilary Clark Omejen predogled - 1999 |
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
Absalom affect anger Anne Sexton ashamed baby become Bluest Eye Casaubon characters child Cholly classmates Claudia concept Concept of Dread conflict conscience consciousness contempt creative culture D. H. Lawrence daughter death defenses against shame depression despair Dimmesdale doll Dorothea dread ego ideal Eliot emotional empathic essay experience exposure expression face father Faulkner fear feelings fiction Freud Garth gaze girl Hawthorne Hawthorne's Hester hide human humiliation ideal imagery incest inner Kierkegaard Kohut Lawrence's Léon Letty lives look Löwith Lydgate Mask Middlemarch moral Morrison mother Narcissism narcissistic Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathanson never Nick Nick's Nietzsche Nietzsche's novel object one's oneself painful Pecola person Psychoanalysis psychology rage readers rejection relation relationship resentment Sartre Scarlet Letter sense sexual abuse shame and guilt Silvan Tomkins social Sons and Lovers story suffering suicide superego Sutpen tion Tomkins Toni Morrison trauma truth victim wish women writing Wurmser York