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lacking in amiable traits. He was to a great extent free from the stylistic vices of his period and was often imitated by Calderon. It is difficult to comprehend the obscurity into which his works and reputation fell soon after his demise. To-day we possess about 80 of the 400 pieces we know came from his hand. He also wrote historical works including 'La Genealogia del Conde de Sástago' (1640); 'La Cronica of the Brothers of Charity. (See EL BURLADOR DE SEVILLA). The best editions of his works are those of Augustin Durán, of Hartzenbusch, Teatro escogido de Tirso de Molina (12 vols., 1831-41); by Romanos (1848); and Rivadeneira Comedias escogidas de fray Gabriel Téllez.' Consult Cotarelo, C., Tirso de Molina Investigaciónes bio-bibliográficas' (Madrid 1883); Morel-Fatio, A., Etudes sur le théatre de Tirso de Molina) (in Bulletin hispanique 1900); Nueva biblioteca de autores españoles (Madrid 1906-07); Armesto, 'La leyenda de Don Juan' (ib. 1908).

TELLICHERRY, těl-i-chĕr'i, or TELLICHERRI, India, a seaport and garrison town in the Malabar district of Madras, 45 miles northwest of Calicut. The main buildings include the castle - now a jail- the North Malabar district court, custom-house, churches and government offices. The entire area, on a picturesque site, covers about five square miles. The principal exports are sandal wood, coffee and cardamons, spices, cocoa and cocoanuts. The factory of the East India Company was founded in 1683. There are missions and other schools; also Brennan College founded in 1862. Pop. 27,883.

TELLURIUM, an element discovered by Mueller von Reichenstein (1782) in a specimen of gold ore from Austria. Klaproth named it from the Latin tellus, meaning the earth. Tellurium occurs free, but most commonly in company with gold, silver, lead and bismuth. Native tellurium 1S found in considerable quantity in Boulder County, Colo. The other important minerals containing tellurium are sylvanite, calaverite, pelzite, hessite and tetradymite. They are found principally in Austria, and in the United States in Colorado and adjacent States.

Tellurium is a silver white metal, atomic weight 127.6, melting point about 453° C. and specific gravity 6.25. It is brittle, not changed by exposure to the air and when heated a little above its melting point it boils and condenses again in the cool portion of the retort as metallic drops. In chemical properties it is very like sulphur. It unites with chlorine readily, forming TeCl2 and TeCl3. The oxides TeŎ, and TeOs are analogous, yet differ considerably from SO2 and SO. Tellurious and telluric acids and the salts derived from them are also known. Tellurium forms a compound with hydrogen analogous to HS and possessing an even more disagreeable odor.

This element resembles sulphur in imparting very undesirable properties to metals even when present in very small amount. If tellurium and any of its compounds are introduced into the human system they give the breath a very strong and disagreeable garlic-like odor. To obtain the free element the ore is digested first with sulphuric acid; hydrochloric acid is then added in small quantity and the whole

treated with sulphurous acid which precipitates the tellurium.

TELPHERAGE, aerial transportation, as in a cable or elevated railway, by electric power, arranged for automatic operation. Both the system and the word "telpherage," which means "distance carrying," were introduced by the late Fleeming Jenkin. He recognized the ease with which the electric motor could be adapted to automatic transportation of materials and he devised a system which when put into service gave satisfaction. This consisted of two overhead cables, mounted on stout poles, along which light carriers were hauled by means of one or more electric motors. To transmit current to the motors the cables were cut into sections, adjacent sections of one cable being insulated from each other, but crossconverted with sections of the other cable so as to form two continuous conductors, each lying alternately on the right and on the left of the system. The trains were somewhat longer than the sections of cable so that one end rested on one conductor while the other was on the second, thus completing the electric circuit.

Modern telpherage systems are more elaborate than Jenkins'. As usually constructed, a light steel framework supports a system of light elevated rails, from which buckets or carriers are suspended, hanging on wheels on the rail or rails. Small electric motors are placed on the carriers. The current is transmitted to the motors by means of a small trolley wire erected over the running cable or rail. Sometimes a double trolley system is adopted. The telpher or towing vehicle is usually equipped with two motors. These may be placed on opposite sides of the cable or side by side. The driving wheels are mounted directly on the motor shafts, as gearings are not used. The carrier way is attached to the telpher or to a trailer and is often fitted with a third motor for hoisting the load. When heavy loads are to be carried two supports may be used, each having one or more running wheels. When the system is not automatic it is controlled from one station or an operator is carried with the train. Where the weights to be transported are light, wire cable is employed, and often the cable is supported between the posts by a suspension cable. In any case a rail is used instead of a cable when a corner is to be turned and in running through buildings where the cable construction would be difficult, or where the weight and traffic is sufficient to warrant the cost.

The advantages claimed for the telpherage system are economy in cost of transporting and a capacity for moving large quantities of material with a low cost of construction as compared with a railway. Further, the system may be erected overhead and out of the way. Telpherage systems are now used in industrial works of all kinds for carrying materials in a building as well as outside. The system may also be adapted to other work, such as excavating trenches, canal construction, etc. Consult Clark, Chas. M., Telpherage'; 'Transactions American Institute Electrical Engineers' (Vol. XIX, p. 391).

TELUGU, těl'oo-goo, or TELINGA. a language of India, belonging to the Dravidian

group, and spoken by about 20,000,000 of people in Madras, Hyderabad, Mysore, Bombay, Central Provinces, Burma, Berar and other parts. The Telugu are the most numerous branch of the Dravidian race, but are less enterprising than the Tamils, who occupy the country to the south of them. The language is allied in roots to the Tamil language, but differs considerably otherwise. See INDIA; TAMIL.

TEMBULAND, těm'boo-lănd, South Africa, a district or dependency of the Cape Colony, in the east of which it is situated, on the Indian Ocean, one of the Transkei districts, adjoining Pondoland and Griqualand East; chief town Umtata. Pop. 232,000 (5,179 Europeans).

TEMENOS, anciently a sacred plot of ground; a piece of land marked off and consecrated to God. Any tract of land allotted to a temple or sanctuary.

TEMESVAR, těm'ěsh-vär, Rumania, on the Bega Canal, 75 miles northeast of Belgrade. It comprises a citadel and suburbs - four in number. Noteworthy are the castle, cathedral, synagogue, bishop's residence and town-house. The manufactures include woolen goods, oil, paper, tobacco, leather, etc., and there are grainmills, distilleries, etc. The fortress has sustained many sieges; memorable is that of 1849, when it was invested and bombarded by the insurgents. Pop. about 72,500.

TEMPE, těm'pē, Vale of, Greece, in Thessaly, a beautiful valley on the Peneus, flanked by Olympus at the north and Mount Ossa at the south. It has been immortalized by the classical poets.



TEMPERAMENT, in music, the system or principle of tuning voices or instruments in accord with the rule of fixed tones, universally adopted since the middle of the 19th century and first advocated by J. Sebastian Bach (q.v.) early in the 18th century. In the system of equal or even temperament, the standard interval is the mean_semitone, that is the 12th part of an octave. This neutralizes the "wolf" or harsh discords of uneven temperament which otherwise exist, among all the tones of voice or instrument, so that the only exactly true intervals become octaves and the number of key scales 12, the relative pitch of the tones of the ideal scale being fixed with mathematical precision. The voice or instrument using the intervals of such a scale is said to be modulated or tuned in pure or just temperament. No further adjustment is required if these tones only are used. Modulation into another key, however, requires that some other tone than the original one shall be the keynote and one or more passing notes are necessary to arrive at the key desired (see MODULATION. For the superseded system of tuning see MEANTONE or MESOTONE TEMPERAMENT; MODE; also WELL-TEMPERED CLAVIER). Consult Groves, 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Vol. V, pp. 53-65, New York 1911).

TEMPERANCE. This word has long been used to characterize the movement for the temperate use of intoxicants and for the activities of societies of abstainers and those favoring a restriction of the use and sale of

alcoholic beverages. The records of all the early peoples of the world contain references to the evils of intoxication. The Buddhists, Taoists and Confucians taught temperance. "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." (Prov. xxiii, 31-32). The ancient philosophers and founders of the great world religions neither taught nor practised total abstinence and these conditions furnished the religious reasons for advocating "temperance" rather than "total abstinence» from intoxicants. With the development of the manufacture of spirituous or distilled liquors, containing a much larger percentage of alcohol than those of natural fermentation, the evils of intoxication multiplied and temperance sentiment developed and increased. At first the agitation against liquor was sporadic, yet there was a pronounced sentiment developed in both Europe and America in the 18th century. In 1743 Lord Lonsdale made a speech in the English House of Lords, urging the necessity for a temperance reform. In 1760 Smollett called the attention of the English people to the signs "Drunk for ld" and "Dead drunk for 2d." He made an urgent appeal for improvement in the condition of the low alehouses. Yet it was not until 1829 that record is found of a temperance society in Great Britain, at New Ross, County Wexford, Ireland. In 1830 several temperance societies came into being in English cities and the British and Foreign Temperance Society was founded in 1831. It lasted until 1850, but in the meantime its work was taken up by others. Father Theobald Mathew (q.v.), of Cork, Ireland, began his campaign for temperance about 1838 and within three years he gathered about him more than 4,000,000 followers. The best evidence of the thoroughness of his work is that the consumption of liquors in Ireland fell off one-half during the period of his activity. In 1843 he was called to England and in 1850 to America, where he founded the numerous Father Mathew Total Abstinence Societies.

There had been considerable temperance agitation in the States before Father Mathew's arrival. The Washingtonian movement started in Baltimore in 1840 and John B. Gough (q.v.) had begun his wonderful talks for temperance. The influence of Mathew and Gough was evident in the formation of the Independent Order of Good Templars, founded in 1851 in Utica, and spreading rapidly all over the United States and to foreign countries. A woman's crusade for temperance started about 1870 and crystallized in the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. founded in Cleveland in 1874 and now having 12,000 local unions throughout the United States. Frances E. Willard (q.v.) who was prominent in the work, founded the world's Woman's Christian Temperance Union in 1883, and it has become the largest and most influential movement for temperance and prohibition. It can scarcely be said, however, that the United States has led in temperance societies. Great Britain and her colonies far exceeded America in the numher of societies organized, doubtless partly because her territory is so widely distributed. A list of prominent temperance societies in 1905 included United Kingdom 62, Germany 12, Australia 11, Switzerland 11, United States 10,

Austria-Hungary 8, Holland 6, Sweden 6, Denmark 5, France 4, Belgium 2, etc.

Temperance agitation has influenced legislation for 75 years, but still the use of intoxicants has gone on with little interference except locally. As a result temperance agitators have gradually come out stronger and stronger for prohibition of both the manufacture and sale of intoxicants and the temperance movement has merged into the Prohibition movement, though in its inception Prohibition was the work of the more radical reformers. See PROHIBITION.

Temperance Legislation.- Legislation against the liquor evil in America dates from 1642, when the colony of Maryland passed a law making drunkenness a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of 100 pounds of tobacco. As sentiment against intoxication developed the license system was adopted, as a temperance measure, being popular in communities also because it furnished a revenue for the local government. Soon the license system won the approval of the liquor sellers, for it stopped competition in their business, resulted in uniform prices and, therefore, contributed to money-making. Though advanced and introduced by advocates of temperance, the license system was fostered and grew directly through the efforts of the liquor-sellers. Temperance workers then began to advocate no license and a vast amount of legislation developed in the different States over licenses, their revocation or suspension, at the will of the people. Restrictive legislation took the form of local option laws and after the War of 1861-65 the local struggles at the polls of half the cities and towns in the country for years were centred mainly about the question of license or no-license. The establishing of local option in a community had a tendency to drive the lovers of liquor to the neighboring towns where there was license; thus the temperance towns lost their license fees, and saw their bibulous citizens going to other places to drink and also to trade. Often the result was that the financial pressure caused a return to license. There was great wavering between license and nolicense almost all over the country. The first State to recognize that this irregular system could be overcome only by the States acting as a unit was Maine, which in 1851, under the influence of the Gough and Mathew movements, adopted State local option, and as a State continued to refuse to license the liquor traffic. Kansas and North and South Dakota followed, and in 1881 Maine placed the prohibitory clause in her constitution and ended the agitation for a return to licensed liquor-selling.

But in other States the contests at the polls continued regularly. Indiana was the first State to pass a local option law in 1832, and several other States had followed by 1850. By 1900 one-third of the country was under local option, and in 1911 local option existed by enactment in 33 of the States. Between 1890 and 1910 appears to have been the most active years with State legislatures in passing laws to restrict and regulate the liquor traffic. Most of the States passed Sunday closing laws, though allowing the hotels to sell liquor to their customers with meals. There was legislation permitting wives and children of drunkards to bring civil suits against any selling liquor to

their provider. There were laws against the locating of saloons within so many feet of churches, schools or polling places. But these laws were largely honored in the breach. Sunday closing never was effective in the large cities, except spasmodically, as some mayor or chief of police became active. Public sentiment condoned the open backdoor as a rule, and it remained to the end the common practice with saloons in large cities. In country liquor shops the selling on Sunday was confined to those who were known personally to the proprietor to be safe.

The effort to improve conditions by high license was equally ineffective. When this was proposed the argument was that nine-tenths of the saloons would go out of business, and that the evil would be confined to those who had the liquor habit and who would drink anyway. This proved to be sophistry. The communities got more money by the high license system and it caused the liquor forces to become more active in politics, until in very many cities and towns a man could rarely be chosen to public office unless he was acceptable to the liquor interests.

A perpetual difficulty with obtaining temperance by all these various methods of legislation was that they failed to strike at the manufacture or the transportation of liquor. Though Maine prohibited liquor selling for years, the agents of the United States government obtained large sums in revenue from liquor that went into Maine, carried there with no attempt to stop it, by the express companies. And this form of nullifying the no-license law in local option communities was notoriously common. The no-license law only stopped the sale of liquor as a beverage over the counter; the individual still had a right to buy it by the barrel, and have it expressed to his home, and give it to his friends, and the best hotels were permitted to place it on their tables as part of the food supplied. The fact that some thousands of statutes in the different States were useless in attaining the end of temperance at length became apparent to the most obtuse. The manufacture and consumption of liquors in the United States had a slow and steady increase all through these years of antagonistic legislation, up to 1913, after which date there was noticed a very slight per capita reduction. The per capita consumption of malt liquors during the past 100 years in the United States slowly and steadily increased up to 1907, after which it fell off a small fraction. The per capita consumption of distilled liquors had a slight but steady decrease from 1865 to 1896. Thereafter it increased until 1907, after which it was variable. But this trifling decrease in distilled liquors was evidently but a change to malt liquors, for the latter grew as the former reduced, and the whole calculation is based on per capita use, the volume of liquors made and sold being always on the increase up to 1907, and the falling off then appeared to be due more to financial stringency than to moral suasion or obedience to law. All these experiences with legislation that accomplished little or nothing taught the public that they were being fooled, and that the powerful financial interests in the liquor trade were always able to guide legislation or block it, or prevent its enforcement, so that in the end the trade was unharmed. As a

result agitation for temperance legislation practically ceased, and those who opposed the liquor traffic worked for Prohibition (q.v.).

TEMPERANCE, Sons of, or THE ORDER OF THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE, was organized in the city of New York, 29 Sept. 1842. It is composed of subordinate, grand and national divisions. It has four national divisions- one for North America, one for Great Britain and Ireland and two for Australia. In the course of its existence it has had nearly 4,000,000 members on its rolls. Its fundamental and inalienable principle is total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors and beverages.




[blocks in formation]

TEMPERATURES, Underground. See


TEMPERING, the art of imparting to metals, by means of heat treatment, a definite degree of hardness. The term is now applied almost exclusively to certain kinds of steel, which are used in the manufacture of tools. It is said that the ancients could harden and temper copper; but this art, if it ever really existed, is now lost. The effects of thermal changes upon steel vary greatly with the quality of the steel and with the exact nature of the treatment. It is necessary to distinguish clearly between "annealing," "hardening" and "tempering." Any steel (except those varieties that are alloyed with silicon, tungsten and certain other elements) may be annealed, but it is essential that the steel shall contain a certain amount of carbon, in order that it may be capable of being hardened and tempered. If steel is raised to a red heat and is then allowed to cool very slowly, it becomes relatively soft, so that it can be filed and turned in a lathe. This process is called "annealing," and it has usually been held that the slowness of the cooling is the essential thing in the softening process. There is excellent reason for believing, however, that the exact temperature to which the steel is exposed before it is cooled has a much greater influence than the rapidity of the cooling. It has been shown, for example, by the researches of Brinel, Tschernoff, Le Chatelier, Heyn, Ridsdale, Stead and others that steel which

acquired a dangerously crystalline character from annealing for a long time at too low a temperature in a slightly oxidizing atmosphere, or from long continued heating at high temperatures, may have its original structure and properties restored by the simple artifice of heating it to a certain critical temperature (which is about 1,600° F.), and then allowing it to cool; the rate of cooling, in this case, being a matter of comparative unimportance. Steels may sometimes be had which do not need special treatment to render them fit for use in

certain classes of tools; the tool being ready for use after it has been forged and allowed to cool by natural exposure to the air. In general, however, a tool steel must receive special treatment in order to fit it for the work in hand; this treatment being given after the tool has been forged to shape. The process of tempering then consists of two steps, the first of which consists in imparting to the cutting edge of the tool a degree of hardness that is too great for the work for which the tool is to be used, while the second step consists in reducing (or "tempering") this hardness, until it attains a value that experience has shown to be satisfactory. The tempering of an ordinary tool may be described as follows: The finished tool is heated to a bright red, care being taken to have the heat extend back some distance from the cutting edge. The cutting edge of the tool is then immersed in water to a slight depth and kept there until it has cooled sufficiently to remain wet when withdrawn from the water. By this means the steel is rendered exceedingly hard throughout the chilled part; that is, in the vicinity of the cutting edge. If it were used in this condition, however, the edge would be too brittle and would be likely to break in service. To reduce the hardness to the proper value, the tool, immediately after being withdrawn from the water, is brightened up near the cutting edge with a piece of emery cloth, or in some similar manner, and the cleaned area is then watched while the heat from the unquenched part spreads toward the cutting edge. The oxidization of the steel, as the edge becomes hotter and hotter from conduction, causes a play of color to become visible, which serves as an index of the temperature. These colors run from the hot portion of the tool toward the quenched cutting edge. In the order in which they proceed, they may be described as pale yellow, straw yellow, brownish yellow, light purple, dark purple and blue.. When the proper color reaches the cutting edge, the whole piece is again quenched, and the "tempering" is complete. The colors that are used for different implements are as indicated below:

Very pale yellow (about 430° F.): Steelengraving tools, turning tools, hammer faces, planer tools, wood-engraving tools.

Straw yellow (about 460° F.): Dies, taps, drills, punches, reamers.

Brown yellow (about 500° F.): Gouges, plane irons, twist drills, cooper tools, woodboring cutters.

Light purple (about 530° F.): Augurs, surgical instruments, cold chisels, edging cutters.

Dark purple (about 550° F.): Axes, gimlets, needles, hack-saws, screwdrivers, springs, wood saws.

Some tools are of such a shape that they cannot be tempered in the manner here described, but must have their temper "drawn" to the desired color by reheating the piece between hot iron plates, or in a hot iron ring. Springs are often tempered by a different method, known as "oil tempering." In carrying out this method, the piece is first hardened by heating to a bright red heat and then quenching by plunging the whole piece in water or in oil. The article to be tempered is then wetted with oil and gradually and uniformly heated until the oil upon it blazes up, when the piece is again quenched in the oil. This process of

heating to the ignition point of the oil and then quenching is repeated until it has been performed three times, after which the piece is said to be "oil tempered," and is ready for use.

In the early days of steel-working in the United States, it was common to import water in casks from Sheffield, England, for hardening and tempering purposes, as it was believed that there is some special virtue in the water that had been used for so long, and with such eminent success, in that city. There was probably little or no foundation for this belief, and yet it is known that substances that may be in solution in the water that is used for quenching often have an important influence upon the product. Many artisans dissolve salt or cyanide of potassium in the water that they use for this purpose, and there is considerable ground for the belief that such dissolved substances do exert an influence upon the character of the product, which is out of all apparent proportion to the strength of the solutions containing them. In particular, it may be noted that there is a deeply-rooted belief among blacksmiths and other artisans who work with metals that a piece of steel cannot be hardened by heating it and then quenching it in water that contains soap, even in small amounts.

The art of tempering cannot be adequately presented in a short article, and those who are skilled at it maintain (probably quite justifiably) that the only way to learn it is by actual experience in the shop. Different steels may require radically different treatment, and special implements (razors, for example) may call for years of study before they can be tempered satisfactorily.


TEMPEST, The. Although certain internal evidence, notably the verse-test, has caused most scholars to believe that "The Winter's Tale' was the last of Shakespeare's plays, there will always be reason in thinking that "The Tempest (written in 1610 or 1611) best represents the final mood of Shakespeare as he turned from the writing of his plays to the last years of his life in Stratford. It is certainly one of the group of romantic comedies which Shakespeare wrote after the completion of his tragedies; and in the character of Prospero we are warranted in seeing an adumbration of Shakespeare's personality as he looked out upon the world from the heights of his later years. He, like Prospero, broke his wand and buried his book deeper than did ever plummet sound. After all, while life may be tragical as presented in the series of plays from Hamlet' to Timon of Athens,' it is also full of sunshine and humor and the forgiveness of enemies and the reconciliation of the forces of good and evil. The Tempest' is such a representation of life. While some of the scenes of the play suggest definitely Milan and Naples, Tunis and the intervening Mediterranean Sea, the enchanted island upon which Prospero lived is on none other than the uncharted deep that voyagers were bringing within the compass of man's imagination. In the grotesque figure of Caliban, the magic of Prospero and the spirit-like world of Ariel, there is the atmosphere of the strange world that stood out in definite contrast with the fixed limits of the European

world. More particularly, Shakespeare was indebted to the story of a fleet of ships that had set out from England in 1609, was wrecked in the Bermudas a few weeks after and finally reached the newly-established colony in Virginia. While, as has been suggested, he might have heard from returning seamen stories of this wreck and of the strange happenings in the New World, he was especially indebted to Silvester Jourdan's 'The Discovery of the Bermudas,' published in 1610. Professor Alden has recently made good his contention that the real source for the description of the storm and for the incidents that take place upon the strange island is found in a letter written by William Strachey, dated 15 July 1610, and which, though not published until 1625, was, from contemporary evidence, seen by Shakespeare. The parallelisms between the play and the letter are most striking and certainly tend to show that the author's indebtedness to contemporary sources was far greater than has been generally supposed. The ideal commonwealth suggested by Gonzalo, while based upon Florio's translation of Montaigne's essays, a new edition of which was published in 1610, bears a striking resemblance to conditions in the Virginia colony as portrayed in the letter.

However far one may go in the acceptance of these parallels, the play is none the less the creation of Shakespeare's genius. While it is lacking in the perfect technique of some of his plays, and especially in the closeness of dramatic structure, it is a great poem and it lends itself to allegorical interpretation as do few of the plays. Caliban is a monumental representation of a primitive type of humanity, rejoicing in unrestricted freedom and in the saturnalia of license. Ariel, more than Puck, represents the spiritual forces of nature under the domination of superior wisdom and for the service of man. Prospero, both in his magical art and in his intellectual and spiritual greatness, is an anticipation of the triumphant victory of man at his best over all the forces of the world. There is no greater utterance of Shakespeare than the words in which Prospero, looking out from the serene heights which he has reached, expresses the ultimate truth about man and the universe: "We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."


TEMPLE, Frederick, English prelate, archbishop of Canterbury: b. Santa Maura, Ionian Islands, 30 Nov. 1821; d. London, 23 Dec. 1902. He was the son of an English army officer who died while he was a child, and under his mother's care was well educated in youth, so that he obtained a "double first" at Oxford and was elected Fellow and tutor of his college. After his ordination in 1846 he took charge of Kneller Hall, Twickenham, and from 1848 to 1858 was school inspector. In the latter year he was made headmaster of Rugby and became one of the most powerful and influential successors of Arnold. The publication of Essays and Reviews,' in which series Temple led off with 'The Education of the

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