Slike strani


ignored bills, 232.

towards, in the Northwestern
Territory, 335.

Impairing contracts, laws fo., un-Indictments, 230, 231, 232, 304.

Indirect taxes, meaning of, 103.
Inferior courts, establishment of,
119, 181, 218, 294, 299.
Influence, foreign, Washington
on, 319.
Inhabitancy, of Representatives,
54, 55, 74, 290. Of Senators,
73, 291. Of the President and
Vice-President, 167, 298.

constitutional, 146, 150, 348,
296, 302. Meaning of, 15.
See Contracts.
mpeachment, by the House of
Representatives, 62, 63, 85,
87, 290. Trial of, before the
Senate, 76, 85, 291. Of the
President of the United States,
76, 78, 83, 291. Requirements
necessary for conviction, 76, 79, || Innocent persons, punished, 135.
291. Mode of trial in, 78, 291. || Innovations in the government,
The judgement to be rendered

in cases of, 79, 88, 291. Per-

Washington on, 314. See

sons liable to, 81, 83, 178, 299. || Insolvent laws, power of Congress

Extent of the power of, 81, 299.
Offences for, 81, 83, 88, 299.

respecting, 114, 294. By the
States, 155.

Summary statement of the pro-Inspection laws, provision as to,

ceedings respecting, 85 No
pardon upon conviction of, 88,
170, 172, 298.
Implication, cases arising by,191.
Implied contracts, 151.

Implied powers of Congress, 131,
133, 141, 191.
Implied prohibitions on the States,


[blocks in formation]

Independence, declared, 12, 24,
27, 275. Admitted by Great
Britain, 24, 325.


106, 296

Institutions, Washington on liter-
ary, 317.

Insurrections, suppression of do
mestic, 244, 302.
Invasion, protection against, 244,


Inventions, patents for, 118, 294


James I., charter granted by, 15.
Jay, John, various offices held
by, 325. Minister Plenipoten-
tiary for concluding and signing
the Definitive Treaty of Peace,
between the United States of
America and his Britannic Ma-
jesty, in 1783, 325, 329.
Jeopardy of life and limb, 230,
232, 304.

John, King of England, Magna
Charta wrung from, 20.
Journals of Congress to be kept,
92, 292.

Judgement to be rendered in cases
Indians, title of the, to the soil, 12. of impeachment, 79, 88, 291
Rights and privileges retained Not pardonable by the Presi-
by the, 14. Power of Congress dent, 88, 170, 172, 298. See
to regulate commerce with the, Impeachment.
108, 109, 294. Trade with, Judgements, foreign, proof of,135.
'13 Good faith to be observed || Judges, appointment and tenure

[blocks in formation]

of office of, 174, 181, 182,
299, 300. Compensation of,
185, 300. Impeachable, 185.
Tenure of office of, in different
States, 206. Functions of the
National, 228. In the Territory
northwest of the river Ohio,331.
Judicial power of the Senate, 76,


Judiciary, under the Constitution,

different States, 186, 187, 209,
221, 300; between a State, or
the citizens thereof, and foreign
States, citizens or subjects, 186,
187, 210, 211, 221, 223, 300.
The mode of exercising juris
diction by the, 212, 300. De-
tails respecting the original and
appellate jurisdiction of the, 212
-227. Bound by the Constitu-
tion, laws, and treaties, 219.
302. Object of the, 222. Ex
clusive powers of the, 223
Non-interference of, with State
courts, 224. Jurisdiction of the,
both as to law and fact, 224,
226, 300, 304.
Jurisdiction, see Appellate, Judic-
iary, and Original.
Ju-Jury, trial by, and its incidents,
228, 300, 304. Object of it,
229. Grand, 231.

48, 289. Appointments of
judges, and tenure of office in
the, 174, 181, 182, 299, 300.
Indispensableness of the, 179,
180. Montesquieu on the, 180.
Two ends of government to be
attained by the, 181. Estab-
lishments of courts, 181, 299.
Provision for the independence
of the, 182, 183, 300.
risdiction of the, 186; in cases
arising under the Constitution,
186, 188, 190, 221, 223, 300;
under the laws of the United
States, 186, 188, 190, 216, 221,
223, 300; under treaties, 186,
189, 190, 216, 221, 223, 300;
in cases of law and equity, 186,
189, 192, 216, 300, 305; in
cases affecting ambassadors, and
other public ministers, 186,
192, 213, 221, 223, 300; con-
suls, 186, 193, 213, 223, 300;
of admiralty and maritime juris-
diction, 186, 187, 194, 196,
221, 223, 300; of captures,
187, 194,; of crimes upon the
high seas, 186, 187, 196, 198,
300; of controversies, to which
the United States is a party,
186, 187, 199, 223, 300; of
controversies between States,
186, 187, 199, 200, 221, 300;
between a State and citizens of
another State, 186, 187, 199,
201, 223, 300; in suits brought
by and against a State, 186, ||
202, 217, 305. Jurisdiction of
the, in controversies between
citizens of different States, 186,
187, 205, 221, 300; of the
same State claiming grants of

[blocks in formation]

Law and equity, cases of, 186,]
189, 192, 216, 300:
Law and fact, jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court as to, 224, 226,
300, 304.

Law of the land, 233.
Law of nations, offences against,
119, 294.

Laws, for new countries, 21.
Inefficacy of, under the Con-
federation, 30. Mode of pas-
sing, in Congress, 96, 293.
Power of Congress to make nec-
essary and proper, 131, 295.
Ex post facto, by Congress, 144,
295; by the States, 146, 150,
296. Impairing the obligation
of contracts, 146, 150, 248,
296, 302. Uniformity in inter-
preting, 181. Duty of the Pres-
ident respecting the faithful ex
ecution of the, 177, 299. Ju
risdiction in cases under the
United States', 186, 188, 190,
216, 221, 223, 300. Suprema-
cy of the Constitution, treaties,
and, 249, 302. Washington,
on oppositions to the, 313.
Common, Congress, and Ju-


[blocks in formation]

der the Confederation and Con-
stitution, 47, 49, 289. Advan-
tages of the division of, in Con-
gress, 49.

Legislature, see Congress, Repre-
sentatives, and Senate.
Letters of marque and reprisal,
120, 121, 294. By the States,
unconstitutional, 146, 296.
Levies for the Revolutionary ar-
my, 122.

Liberty, on securing the blessings
of, 45, 289. Of speech and de-
bate in Congress, 93, 94, 292. ||
Religious, 252, 253, 255, 259,

303. Of speech, 255, 261, 303.
Of the press, 255, 261, 303;
restricted in foreign countries,
262; loose reasoning on it, 263.
Of speech and debate, under the
Confederation, 281.
Licensing the press, 263.
Licentiousness of the press, 264
Life or limb, second trials for, 230,
232, 304.

Literary institutions, Washington
on, 317.
Loyalists, articles respecting, in
the treaty of 1783, 327.
Louisiana, acquisition of, 108,



Mably, Abbé, on neighboring
states, 38.
Magazines, 129, 295. Reservation
respecting, 130.

Magna Charta, 20. Valuable pro
visions in the, 257.
Mail routes, 117, 294.
Maritime jurisdiction, power of the
Judiciary in cases of admiralty
and, 186, 187, 194, 196, 221,
223, 300.
Marque, letters of, and reprisal,
120, 121, 294. By the States,
unconstitutional, 146, 296.
Maryland, settled, 16. Proprietary
government of, 18. Accedes to
the Confederation, 28. Com-
missioners appointed by, in
1785, 33. Adopts the Consti-
tution, 35.

Massachusetts, settled, 16. Union
of, with Plymouth, 16. Charter
government of, 19. Recom-
mends a Continental Congress,
26. Adopts the Constitution,
Maximilian, institution of the im-
perial chamber by, 200.
Measures and weights, power of

Congress as to, 116, 294.
Meetings of Congress, 90, 291
Migration and importation of
slaves, 142, 295.

Military establishments, Washing-

ton on, 311.
Military officers, distinction be-
tween civil and, 82. Trial and
punishment of, 82. Appoint-
ment of, under the Confedera-
tion, 282, 285.
Militia, power of Congress over
the, 125, 294. Discipline and
government of the, 126, 294.
Commander of the, when cal-
led out, 128, 298. Amend-
ment of the Constitution re-
specting the, 264, 303. Right
of the, to bear arms, 264, 265,
303. Importance of the, 265.
Clause respecting, in the Con-
federation, 282.
Ministers, public, appointment of,
172, 173, 299. To be received
by the President, 176, 299. Ju-
risdiction of the Judiciary as to,
186, 192, 213, 221, 223, 300.
Mississippi River and its tributa-
ries, freedom of the, according
to the Ordinance for the gov-||
ernment of the Northwestern
Territory, 140, 336. A boun-
dary of the United States, 326.||
Freedom of the, according to
the treaty of 1783, 329.
Mode of passing laws in Congress,
96, 293.

Money, borrowing, under the Con-
federation, 29, 287, 288. Coin-
age of, under the Confedera-
tion, 30, 287. Power of Con-
gress for borrowing, 107, 141, ||
294; as to coining, 115, 294;
regulating the value of, 116,||
294; and counterfeiting, 116,
294. Appropriation of, for ar-
mies, 122, 123, 294. On ap-
propriating, before drawing
from the treasury, 144, 295.||
States forbidden to coin, 146,
147, 296. See Bills, and Pa-

Montesquieu, on the judiciary, 180.
Morality, indispensable to political

prosperity, 316. See Religion.


National justice, 40, 289. Enjo
ed by Washington, 318.
National prejudices, Washington
on, 318.
Naturalization, power of Congress
respecting, 114, 294. See Cit-

Naval officers, trial of, 82
Navigation, power of Congress
over, 110. See Commerce.
Navy, power of Congress as to,
43, 124, 141, 294.
Necessary and proper, meaning of,
as to powers of Congress, 131,


Negative of the President on laws,
98, 293.

Neighboring States, Abbé Mably
on, 38.

Neutrality, Washington on, 322.
New countries, laws of England
for, 21.

New England, origin of the States
of, 15.

New Hampshire, settled, 16. Gov-
ernment of, at the commence-
ment of the Revolution, 18.
New Jersey, settled, 16. Adopts
the Constitution, 35.

New States, admission of, into the
Union, 137, 301, 336.

New York, settled, 12, 16. Gov
ernment of, at the commence-
ment of the Revolution, 18.
Concessions of territory by, 29.
Adopts the Constitution, 35.
New-York city, the seat of govern-
ment, 34.
Nobility, prohibition of titles of, by
Congress, 145, 296; by the
States, 146, 156, 296.
Nominations by the President,
172, 173, 299.
North Carolina, settled, 16. Gov-
ernment of, at the commence-
ment of the Revolution, 18
Proceedings of, respecting the
adoption of the Federal Consti-
tution, 34.

Northeastern boundary of the Uni

ted States, according to the trea-
ty of 1783, 325.
Northern Colony, under the char-
ter of James I., 15.
Northwestern boundary of the
United States, according to the
treaty of 1783, 326.
Northwestern Territory, 138. Peo-
pling of the, 139. Dane's ordi-
nance for the government of the,
139, 329. Division of the, into
States, 140, 336. Articles of
compact between the original
States and the people and States
of the, 334.


Oaths of office, of the President,
169, 298. Of Senators and
Representatives, 252, 303. Of
executive and judicial officers,
252, 253, 303. Of State officers,
252, 303. Washington on, 317.
Obligation of contracts, impairing ||
the, 146, 150, 154, 296. Mean-
ing of, 152.
Offences, for impeachment, 81, 83,||
88, 299. Against the law of na-
tions, 119, 294. See Crimes.
Office, tenure of, by Representa-

tives, 50,52,289; by Senators,
67,71,290. Disqualifications of
members of Congress respect-
ing, 94, 292. Prohibition to
hold foreign, 145, 296. Tenure
of, by the President, 159, 160,
296 by the Vice-President,
159, 161, 296. Appointments
to, 172-175, 299. Removal

from, 174. Tenure of, 174;
by judges, 181, 182, 300; by
judges in different States, 206.
See Appointments, Oaths, Qual-
ifications, and Vacancies.
Officers, United States', to be
commissioned by the President,
178, 299. Appointment of mili-
tary, under the Confederation,
282, 285.
Ordinance of the Continental Con-
gress, of the 13th of July, 1787, ||

for the government of the terri-
tory of the United States north-
west of the Ohio, 139, 329.
Original and appellate jurisdiction
of the National Judiciary, 212,
300. Suggestions respecting it,
213-228. Of inferior tribunals,
214, 218. On the exclusion of
the one by the other, 215


Paper money, prohibited, 146,
147, 148, 149, 296. In the
Revolution, 148, 149.
Pardons, not extending to impeach

ment, 88, 170, 172, 298. By
the President, 171, 298.
Parliament, powers and rights of
over the Colonies, 23, 271.
Stamp Act passed by, 24. May
be prorogued by the King, 92.
Parties to a suit, 186, 203, 300,
304, 305.

Party, Washington on the effects

and evils of, 312, 314.
Patents for inventions, 118, 294.
Peace of 1783, indifference of the

States as to taxation after the,
during the Confederation, 31.
Disregard of the, under the
Confederation, 250. Definitive
Treaty of, between the United
States of America and his Bri
tannic Majesty, 324. Provis-
ional Articles of, signed at Paris,
in 1782, 324.

Penal sanctions, the Confederation
without, 30.

Penn, William, 18. Versus Lord
Baltimore, 201.
Pennsylvania, Delaware a depen-
dency upon, 12. Settled, 16.
Proprietary government of, 18.
Adopts the Constitution, 35.
People, the Constitution framed by
the, 36. Elect Representatives,
50, 289. Right of the, to as-
semble, and petition for redress
of grievances, 264, 303.
Per pais, trial, 228.
Petition, right cf, 264, 303. Claim

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