Gadow, Dr. Hans. Galton, Sir Douglas, F. R. S. Gamgee, Prof. A., F.R.S. Garson, Dr. J. G. Gaskell, Dr. W. H., F. R. S. Giglioli, Prof. H. H. (Florence). Gore, Dr. G., F.R.S. Gray, Prof. Asa, F.R.S. (Harvard) Haddon, Prof. A. C. Haeckel, Dr. E. (Jena). Haldane, J. S. Hammond, J. Harcourt, Dr. A. G. V., F. R.S. Harley, Dr. George, F.R.S. Hartley, Prof. W. N., F. R. S. Lankester, Dr. Edwin, F. R.S. Lankester, Prof. E. Ray, F. R. S. Langley, J. N., F. R.S. Langley, Prof. S. P. (Washington). Lavis, Dr. H. J. Johnston. Lendenfeld, R. von. Ley, Rev. W. C. F.R.S. Liveing, Prof. G. D., F. R. S. Liversidge, Prof. A., F. R.S. (Sydney). Lockyer, J. Norman, F. R. S. Lodge, Prof. O. J, F. R.S. Lubbock, Sir John, F. R.S. MacAlister, Dr. Donald. Macmahon, Maj ›r. Madan, H. G. Magnus, Sir Philip. Marcet, Dr. W., F.R.S. Marshall, Dr. John, F.R.S. Marshall, Prof. Milnes, F.R.S. Martin, Prof. H. N., F.R.S. (Baltimore). Maskelyne, Prof. N. Story, F.R. S. Masters, Dr. M. T., F.R.S. Maunder, E. W. Maxwell, Prof. Clerk, F. R. S. McIntosh, Prof. W. M., F. R.S. Meldola, Prof. R., F. R. S. Meldrum, Charles (Mauritius). Mendeleeff, Prof. (Moscow). Meyer, Dr. A. B. Mill, Dr. H. R. Mills, Prof. E. J., F.R.S. Milne, Prof. John, F.R.S. Minchin, Prof. Newall, R. S., F.R.S. Newcomb, Prof. S. (Washington). Newton, Prof. (Newhaven, Conn.) Newton, Prof. A., F.R.S. Nordenskiöld, Baron. Odling, Prof. W., F.R.S. Oliver, Prof. D., F.R.S. Owen, Sir Richard, F. R. S. Parker, Prof. T. J., F.R.S. Pengelly, W., F.R.S. Pickard-Cambridge, Rev. O., F.R.S. Pitt-Rivers, Lieut.-General, F.R.S. Plarr, Dr. G. Playfair, Sir Lyon, F.R.S. Poey, Prof. (Havana). Pole, Dr. William, F. R.S. Poynting, Prof. J. H., F.R.S. Pritchard, Prof. C., F.R.S. Pye-Smith, Dr. H., F.R.S. Seebohm, Henry. Seeley, Prof. H. G., F.R.S. Sharpe, R. Bowdler. Shaw, Dr. John. Shenstone, W. A. Sherrington, Dr. Sidgwick, Alfred. Sklarek, Dr. W. (Berlin). Spottiswoode, W., F.R.S. Stebbing, T. R. R. Stewart, Prof. Balfour, F. R. S. Stokes, Sir G. G., F.R. S. Strachey, Lieut.-General R., F. R.S. Stricker, Prof. S. Sully, James. Sylvester, Prof. J. J., F. R.S. Symons, G. J., F.R.S. Tait, Prof. P. G. Thompson, Prof. D'Arcy W. Thomson, Prof. Jas., F.R.S. Traquair, Prof. R. H., F.R.S. Tuke, Dr. Hack. Turner, Sir William, F. R.S. Tylor, Dr. E. B., F.R.S. Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street. in the City of London. and Published by MACMILLAN AND Co., at the Office, 29 and 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden-THURSDAY. November 7, 1880. Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office.] THE NEW PATENT WATKIN ANEROID BAROMETER FLAT WATCH Amongst several unsolicited Testimonials THE [All Rights are Reserved. the two following have been received by the RAIN-BAND SPECTROSCOPE. NEW MODEL MR. JOHN BROWNING begs to direct attention to the advantages of this very powerful, portable, and efficient Instrument, which will divide the Sodium lines or the D lines in the Solar Spectrum, and show the Rain-Band as Separate Lines; it is provided with a fine motion focusing arrangement, and it is applicable to every purpose for which a Direct Vision Spectroscope can be used." Price, in Morocco Leather Case, £3 8s. 6d. Illustrated Catalogue of Spectroscopes sent post free, Sixpence. JOHN BROWNING, Optical and Physical Instrument Maker to H. M. Government, 63 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. NEGRETTI AND ZAMBRA'S OPERA, RACE, & FIELD GLASSES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. R. & J. BECK, 68 Cornhill, London, E.C. Barometers, Microscopes, Telescopes, Illustrated Price Lists posted free to all parts of the World. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, OPTICIANS AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS TO THE QUEEN. Branches:-45 CORNHILL; 122 REGENT STREET. N. & Z.'s Large Illustrated Catalogue, 1200 Engravings, Price 5s. 6d. THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY. THE EXTERNAL EXAMINERS OF THE UNIVERSITY. T. ARNOLD, M.A., Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland, Examiner in English Language and Literature. T. G. BONNEY, D.Sc., LL. D., F. R.S.. Professor of Geology in University College of London, Examiner in Geology and Paleontology. E. BRAUNHOLTZ, M.A., Ph.D.. University Lecturer in French, Cambridge Examiner in French Language and Literature. J. A. EWING, B.Sc.. F.R.S., Professor of Engineering in University College. Dundee. Examiner in Engineering, WILLIAM GARNETT, M.A., D.C.L., Principal of Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Examiner in Physics. A. PEARCE GOULD, M.S., F.R.C.S., Surgical Tutor in Middlesex Hospital. Examiner in Surgery. A. V. HARCOURT, M A., F.R.S., Reader in Chemistry in the University of Oxford, Examiner in Chemistry. *MATTHEW HAY, M.D., C.... Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Aberdeen, Examiner in Materia Medica and Pharmacy. G. ERNEST HERMAN, M.B., F.R.C.P., Lecturer on Midwifery in London Hospital, Examiner in Obstetrics. VICTOR HORSLEY, M. B., F.R.C.S., F. R.S.. Professor of Pathology in University College, London, Examiner in Pathology. FRANZ LANGE, Ph.D., Professor of German in the Royal Military Academy. Woolwich, Examiner in German Language and Literature. *WILLIAM RAMSEY MCNAB, M.D., F.L.S., Professor of Botany in the Royal College of Science, Ireland, Examiner in Botany. A. G. PESKETT, M.A.. Fellow and Tutor of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Examiner in Classics. REGINALD L. POOLE, M.A., Ph.D., Lecturer on Modern History in Jesus College, Oxford, Examiner in History. G. V. POORE, M.D., F.R.C.P., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, London, Examiner in Forensic Medicine and Hygiene. *F. T. ROBERTS, M.D., F.R.C.P, Professor of Clinical Medicine in University College Hospital, London, Examiner in Medicine. EDMUND ROBERTSON, M.A., M.P., (late) Professor of Roman Law in University College, London, Examiner in Law. W. R. SORLEY. M.A, Professor of Philosophy in University College, Cardiff, Examiner in Philosophy and Political Economy. H. M. TAYLOR, M.A., Fellow and Mathematical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, Exam.ner in Mathematics. G. D. THANE, M.R.C.S., Professor of Anatomy in University College, London, Examiner in Anatomy. D'ARCY W. THOMPSON, B.A., Professor of Zoology in University Col lege, Dundee, Examiner in Zoology. AUGUSTUS D. WALLER, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology in St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, Examiner in Physiology. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. GOLD MEDAL awarded at the FISHERIES EXHIBITION to THOMAS BOLTON, 83 CAMDEN STREET, BIRMINGHAM, Who last week sent to his subscribers Raphidomonas semen. with sketch and description. He also sent out Paludicella Ehrenbergü, Philodina rose is. Hydrodictyon utriculatum, Leptodora hyalina, Corethra, Floscularia, Clathrulina elegans, Limnias ceratophylli, Melicerta ringens, Stephanoceros, Volvox globator; also Amoeba, Hydra, Vorticella. Crayfish, Dog-fish, Amphioxu and other Specimens for Biological Laboratory work. Weekly announcements will be made in this place of Organisms T. E. is supplying. Specimen Tube, One Shilling, post free. Twenty-six Tubes in Course of Six Months for Subscription of £x 12., or Twelve Tubes for 10s. 6d. Portfolio of Drawings, Eleven Parts, 15. each. The Council invite Applications for the above Professorship, vacant by the death of Prof. E. LOREILLE, B.-es-L. Paris. The Supend will be £200 per Annum, plus one half of the Fees from Day Students, and the whole of the Fees from Evening Students. Applications, accompanied by Ten Copies of Testimonials, should be sest to the undersigned not later than November 30, 1889. The successful Candidate will be expected to enter upon his duties ca January 21, 1890. Candidates are especially requested to abstain from canvassing. GEO. H. MORLEY, Secretary. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LONDON, S.E. TWO ENTRANCE SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS of 125 Guineas and Loo respectively, open to all First-Year Students, will be offered for Compe tion in SEPTEMBER 1890. Special Classes are held throughout the Year for the PRELIMINARY SCIENTIFIC and INTERMEDIATE M.B. Examination of the Un versity of London, and may be joined at any time. Entries may be made to Lectures or Hospital Practice, and Special Arrangements are made for Students entering in their Second or subsequenz Years; also for Dental Students and for Qualified Practitioners. Prospectuses and all Particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, Mr. GEORGE RENDLE. E. NETTLESHIP, Dean. |