Slike strani

F.R.S., 418; Spontaneous Combustion of, in Ships, Prof. V.
Lewes, 517; Organization of Fossil Plants of Coal measures,
Prof. W. C. Williamson, F. R.S., 572
Coasts of Finland, the Secular Upheaval of, 348

Cobalt, Effects of Pressure on Magnetization of, C. Chree, 237
Cockburn (J.), a Brilliant Meteor, 81

Cockerell (T. D. A.): Galls, 344. 559; a Greenish Meteor,
369; some Notes on Dr. A. R. Wallace's "Darwinism," 393
Coco de Mer, the, 256

Coco-nut Palm, Self-fertilization of, W. B. Hemsley, F.R.S.,
537: Captain W. J. L. Wharton, F. R.S., 585
Cocoa-nut Butter, 162, 284

Cocorda (G. D.), the South African Gold-fields, 164
Code, Technical Education in the New Education, 505
Coldstream (William), Illustrations of some of the Grasses of
the Southern Punjab, being Photo-lithographs of some of the
Principal Grasses found at Hissar, 533

Coleman (A. P.), Glories, 154

Collins (F. Howard): an Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy,
340; Heredity and the Effects of Use and Disuse, 559
Colomb (Admiral), Rule of the Road at Sea, 515
Coloration, Protective, of Eggs, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, 53;
Rev. Fred F. Grensted, 53; E. B. Titchener, 129
Colour-blind Engine Drivers, 325

Colour-blindness in the Mercantile Marine, 494
Colour-blindness, the Committee on, 568
Coloured Analytical Tables, H. W. Hake, 29

Colouring-matter, a New Green Vegetable, C. Michie Smith,

Colours, Chemistry of the Coal-tar, Dr. R. Benedikt and Dr.
E. Knecht, 8

Combustion, Spontaneous, in Coal Ships, Prof. V. Lewes, 517
Comets: Barnard's Comet, 1888-89, 20; Barnard's Comet, II.
1889, March 31, 45; Comet Borelly (g 1889, December 12),
211; Spectrum of, 374; Brooks's (d 1889, July 6), Dr.
Knopf, 115, 211; Identity of Brooks's Comet (d 1889) with
Lexell's (1770), S. C. Chandler, 163; Orbit of Barnard's
Comet (1884, II.), 164; a New Comet, 164; Identity of
Comet Vico (1844) with Brooks's (1889), 233; Ephemeris
of Brooks's Comet (d 1889), 403; Orbits of the Companions
of, 305; Comets and Asteroids discovered in 1889-Comet a
1889, W. Brooks, 428; Comet b 1889, E. E. Barnard, 428;
Comet 1889, E. E. Barnard, 428; Comet d 1889, W.
Brooks, 428; Comet e 1889, Davidson, 429; Comet ƒ 1889,
Lewis Swift, 429; Comet g 1889, M. Borelly, 429; Brooks's
Comet (a 1890) 522, 549; Dr. Bidschof, 571; Return of
Brorsen's Comet, Dr. E. Lamp, 69; Comet Davidson (e
189), 88; D'Arrest's Comet, G. Leveau, 596; a New Comet
(f 1889, November 17) discovered by Lewis Swift, 69; Dr.
Zelbr, 115, 233; Dr. R. Schorr, 139; Dr. Lamp, 233;
Orbit of Swift's Comet (V. 1880), 257; Nuclei of Great
Comet (II. 1882), F. Tisserand, 358, 522; Periodic Comets,
139; the Orbit of Winnecke's Periodical Comet, M. H. Faye,

Compass on Board, the, 412

Conductivity in Flin's, a Natural Evidence of High Thermal,
Prof. A. S. Herschel, F. R.S., 175

Congenital Variation, Acquired Characters and the Duke of
Argyll, F.R.S., 173, 294, 366; W. T. Thiselton Dyer,
F.R.S., 315: F. V. Dickins, 316; Kight Rev. Bishop R.
Courtenay, 367; Dr. J. Cowper, 368; Herbert Spencer, 414;
Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R.S., 415

Congress, Moscow Archæological, 283

Coral Reefs of the Java Sea and its Vicinity, Dr. H. B. Guppy,

Coral Reefs in Recent Seas, Dr. John Murray, 167
Corday's (Charlotte) Skull, Dr. Topinard, 500
Cormorant, Pallas's, 373

Cornish (Thos.), the Old English Black Rat in Cornwall, 161
Corona of January 1, 1889, Prof. Tacchini, 139
Corona of 1889, December 22, W. H. Wesley, 450
Coronal Light, Photometric Intensity of, Prof. Thorpe, 139
Corpi (F. M.), the Catastrophe of Kantzorik, Armenia, 190
Corsican Population, Cephalic Index of, Dr. A. Fallot, 357
Cory (Dr. Robert), History and Pathology of Vaccination, E.
M. Crookshank, 486

Cosson (M.), Death of, 230

Costa Rica, Meteorology of, Boletin Trimestral of San José
Observatory, 427

Cotes (E. C.), Locusts in India, 403

Cottam (Arthur) Large Scale Charts of the Constellations, 45
Courtenay (Right Rev. Bishop R.), Acquired Characters and
Congenital Variation, 367

Cowper (Dr. J.), Acquired Characters and Congenital Varia-
tion, 368

Crabs, Foreign Substances attached to: Francis P. Pa-coe,
176; F. Ernest Weiss, 272; Alfred O. Walker, 296; Captain
David Wilson-Barker, 297; Dr. R. von Lendenfeld, 317;
Prof. W. A. Herdman, 344; Walter Garstang, 417, 490,
538; Ernest W. L. Holt, 463, 515, 586

Cradle of the Aryans, the, Gerald H. Rendall, 128
Craig (Thomas), a Treatise on Linear Differential Equations, 508
Craters, Changes in Lunar, Prof. Thury, 183

Creak (E. W., F.R.S.), Report on the Magnetical Results of
the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, 105

Creation and Physical Structure of the Earth, J. T. Harrison,

Criminals, Identification of, by Measurement, Jacques Bertillon,


Crismer (M.), New Compound of Hydroxylamine with Metallic
Chlorides, 401

Croft (W. B.), Electrical Figures, 132

Croll (Dr. James, F. R.S.), Former Glacial Periods, 441
Crookshank (E. M.), History and Pathology of Vaccination,
Dr. Robert Cory, 486

Cross (C. J.), Acetylation of Cellulose, 142; the Constituents
of Flax, 193

Crosthwaite (R. J.), Wanton Destruction of Forests in India,


Crows, the Food of, W. B. Barrows, 137

Crustaceans, Discovery by Prof. Giard of Micro-organism con-
ferring Phosphorescence on, 137

Cryptogamic Botany, the Revised Terminology in, Alfred W.
Bennett, 225

Crystal Palace, International Exhibition of Mining and Metal-
lurgy, 592

Crystals of Lime, H. A. Miers, 515

Cundall (J. T.), Production of Ozone by Flames, 502

Cunningham (J. T.), Anchovies on South Coast of England,

Curtius (Dr.), Hydrazine, 547

Cyclamen in Savoy, Threatened Extinction of, 569
Cygni, Y, Variable Star, 88

Cyprus, Lieut.-General Sir Robert Biddulph, 45

Conroy (Sir John), Luminous and Non-Luminous Radiation of Daffodils, Double Varieties of, 593
Gas-Flame, 357

Constable (F. C.), Fighting for the Belt, 199

Constellations, Large Scale Charts of the, Arthur Cottam, 45
Continents and Oceans, the Permanence of, Joseph John
Murphy, 175

Cook (Charles S.), Spectrum of Aqueous Vapour, 598
Cooke (M. C), Toilers in the Sea, 409

Cope (Prof. E. D.): Lamarck versus Weismann, 79; on the
Causes of Variation, Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F. R.S., 128
Copenhagen, the Lund Museum in the University of, 26
Copernican System of Astronomy, is it True? W. S. Cassedy,

Copper, the Spectrum of Subchloride of, Prof. A. S. Herschel,
F.R.S., 513

Copper, Volumetric Estimation of, Etard and Lebeau, 431
Coral Reefs, Examination of the Structure of, Angel Heilprin,
Dr. H. B. Guppy, 193

Daily Graphic, the, 66

Dalmatia, Earthquakes in, 136

Dana (Prof. James D.), Sedgwick and Murchison, Cambrian
and Silurian, 421

Danckelmann (Dr. von): Meteorology of Gold and Slave Coast,
479; Climate of German Togoland, 545

Danish Expedition to East Coast of Greenland, the Proposed,

Darwin (Prof. G. H., F.R.S.), Microseismic Vibration of the
Earth's Crust, 248

Darwin, Before and After, Prof. G. J. Romanes, F. R.S., 524
Darwin's and Lamarck's Theories as to Transmission of
Acquired Characters, Prof. E. R. Lankester, F. R.S., 486
Darwin's Voyage of a Naturalist, New Edition, 495
Darwinian Theory, and Acquired Characters and Congenital
Variation, 368; Herbert Spencer, 414; Prof. E. Ray Lan-
kester, F. R.S., 415

Darwinian Theory and Evolution, Rev. John T. Gulick, 309
Darwinians, Neo-, the Duke of Argyll and the, W. T. Thisel-
ton Dyer, F.R.S., 247

Darwinism: Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S., 9; Prof. Geo. J.
Romanes, F.R.S., 59; some Notes on Dr. A. R. Wallace's,
by T. D. A. Cockerell, 393; and Panmixia, Prof. Geo. J.
Romanes, F.R.S., 437

Daubree M.), Analogy of South African Diamantiferous Matrix
to Meteorites, 263

Dauvergne's Journey in North-West Cashmere, 165
Davidson's Comet 1889), 429

Davis John), a Life of, Clements R. Markham, F.R.S., 52
Davison Chas.), Supposed Earthquake at Chelmsford on
January 7, 369

Dawkins (Prof. W. Boyd, F.R.S.), Discovery of Coal near
Dover, 418

Dawson (Sir J. W., F.R.S.): Fossil Rhizocarps, 10; Certain
Devonian Plants from Scotland, 537

Day (Francis), Fishes, 101

Deformation of an Elastic Shell, Prof. Horace Lamb, F.R. S.,

Dehérain (P. P.), the Exhaustion of Soils cultivated without
Manure, and Value of Organic Matter in Soil, 119
Delachanal, Vincent and, Sorbite, 23

Demography and Hygiene, Congress on, 401

Denniker (M.), Classification of Races, based on Physical
Characters only, 332

Denning (W. F.), Kecent Observations of Jupiter, 206
Dentine and Bone, the Longevity of Textural Elements, parti-
cularly in, John Cleland, 392

Dentition, a Milk, in Orycteropus, O. Thomas, 309
Derbyshire, the Flora of, by the Rev. W. H. Painter, 77
Descartes and his School, Prof. Kuno Fisher, 171

Desert of Atacama, on the Supposed Enormous Showers of
Meteorites in the, 108

Deslandres 'H.): Fundamental Common Property of Two Kinds
of Spectra, Lines and Bands; Distinct Characteristics of each
of the Classes; Periodic Variations to Three Parameters, 576
Deslongchamps (M. Eugene), Death and Obituary Notice of,

Deutschen Seewarte: Annual Report of, 85; Meteorological
Observations, 231

Dewar's (D.) Weather and Tidal Forecasts for 1890, 546
Diamine (Diethyline), Dr. J. Sieber, 428

Diamonds, the Formation of, M. Daubrée, 263

Dianthus, Enumeratio Specierum Varietatumque Generis, F. N.
Williams, 51

Dianthus, Notes on the Pinks of Western Europe, by F. N.
Williams, 78

Dibasic Organic Acids, a New Synthesis of, Prof. Crum Brown,

Dickins (F. V.), Acquired Characters and Congenital Variation,

Dickinson (W. L.), Local Paralysis of Peripheral Ganglia and
Connection of Nerve-fibres with them, 118
Dierckx (G.), Sun-spot in High Latitudes, 472
Differential Equations, a Treatise on Linear, Thomas Craig,

Differential Equations, a Treatise on Ordinary and Partial, Prof.
W. W. Johnson, 270

Digestions, a Comparative Study of Natural and Artificial, A.
S. Lea, 430

Dines (W. H.), Anemometers, 212

Diseases of Plants, Prof. H. Marshall Ward, F.R.S., 436
Diseases, Tropical, the Relation of the Soil to, A. Ernest
Roberts, 31

Distant (W. L.), Monograph on Oriental Cicadida, 161
Disturbed Water, on the Effect of Oil on, A. B. Basset, F.R.S.,

Ditte (A.), Action of Sulphuric Acid on Aluminium, 503
Divers (Dr. E., F.R.S.), Oxyamido-sulphonates and their Con-
version into Hyponitrites, 143

Dobbins (J. R.), Spread of the Australian Ladybird in California,

[blocks in formation]

Doumer (E.), Refracting Powers of Double Salts in Solution,

Dover, Discovery of Coal near, Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, F. R.S.,

Dreams, Dr. Julius Nelson, 546

Da Chaillu (Paul B.), the Viking Age, 173

Duchayla's Proof, Prof. J. D. Everett, F.K.S., 198
Dumont (M., Natality of Paimpoi, 332

Dun Echt Observatory, 351

Dundee Technical Education Association, 113

Dunman (T.), a Glossary of Anatomical, Physiological, and
Biological Terms, 173

Dunn J., a Remarkable Meteor, 560

Dunstan Prof.), Apparatus for distilling mercury in vacue, 526
Dust, Atmospheric, Dr. Marcet, 358, 473

Dust, the Motion of, Hon. Kalph Abercromby, 406

Dust Particles, the Number of, in the Atmosphere of certain
Places in Great Britain and the Continent, with Remarks on
the Relation between the Amount of Dust and Meteorological
Phenomena, John Aitken, F.R.S., 394

Dutch East Indies, Science in, 547

Dutch India, Flora of, 461

Dwight (Jonathan, Jun), birds that have struck the Statue of
Liberty in New York Harbour, 181

Dyer (W. T. Thiselton, F. R.S.): the Duke of Argyll and the
Neo-Darwinians, 247; Acquired Characters and Congenital
Variation, 315

Dynamics, Elementary, of Particles and Solids, W. M. Hicks,
F.R.S., 534

Earl (A. G.), Elements of Laboratory Work, 461
Earth and its Story, edited by Dr. Robert Brown, 341
Earth, on the Creation and Physical Structure of the, J. T.
Harrison, 151

Earth's Crust, Microseismic Vibration of the, Prof. G. H.
Darwin, F.R.S., 248
Earth-currents and the Occurrence of Gold, Geo. Sutherland,

Earth-tremors from Trains, H. H. Turner, 344
Earthquakes: Record of British Earthquakes, Charles Davison,
9; at St. Louis, 18; Earthquake of July 28, 1889, at
Kiushiu, J. Wada, 23; Relation of certain Magnetic Per-
turbations to Earthquakes, M. Mascart, 23; the Earthquake
of Tokio, April 18, 1889, Prof. Cargill G. Knott, 32; Earth-
quakes in Algeria and Servia, 113; in Italy, Dalmatia, Bos-
nia, and Herzegovina, 136, 181; at Granada, 161; British
Earthquakes, William White, 202; Earthquakes in Turkes-
tan, 230; the Earthquake of July 12 at Lake Issyk-kul,
230; Earthquakes at Chelmsford and in Perthshire, 256;
Chas. Davison, 369; in Carinthia, 284; at Rome and in
Portugal, 401; at Bonn and Malaga, 470; at Trieste, 519;
in the United States, 569; in the Tyrol, 569
Earthworms from Pennsylvania, W. B. Benham, 560
Easter Island, Archeology and Ethnology of, Walter Hough,

Eastman (Prof. J. R.), on Solar and Stellar Motions, 351, 392
Eclipses: Eclipse Parties, 139; Total Solar, of 1886, Rev. S.
J. Perry, F.R.S., 88; H. H. Turner, 88; Dr. Schuster,
F.R.S., 327; Total Eclipse of December 22, 1889, 229;
M. A. De La Baume Pluvinel, 428; Total Eclipse of January 1,
1889, Prof. Holden, 305

Eder (Dr. J. M.), La Photographie à la Lumière du Magnésium,

Edinburgh International Exhibition, 85

Edinburgh Royal Society, 167, 214, 335, 358, 382, 431, 478, 575
Edison Phonograph, Use of, in Preserving American Indian
Languages, J. W. Fewkes, 560

Education: Physiology of Education, Mary Putnam Jacobi, 28;
Lord Salisbury on Free Education, 84; Education in Basuto-
land, Sir Marshall Clarke on, 86; Scientific Education in
China, the Question of Language, 162; the Need for Vital
Improvements in English Education, Sir Lyon Playfair, 180:
Association for Improvement of Geometrical Teaching, 207;
Polytechnics for London, 242; Necessity of a School for
Modern Oriental Studies, Prof. Max Muller, 255; the New
Codes, English and Scotch, 385; Land Grants to Educational
Institutions in U.S.A., 448; the Revised Instructions to
Inspectors of Elementary Education, 577; Mathematical
Teaching at Sorbonne, Prof. Ch. Hermite, 597; Technical
Education in New South Wales and Bengal, 66; Conference at

Manchester on Technical Education, 84; Dundee Technical
Education Association, 113; the City Guilds and Technical
Education, Sir H. E. Roscoe, M.P., F.R.S., 160; on the
Future of our Technical Education, Sir Henry E. Roscoe,
M.P., F.R.S., 183; Technical Education in Elementary
Schools, 356; Technical Education in Central India, 470; a
South London Polytechnic, 481; Technical Education Bill,
Sir H. E. Roscoe, 493; Technical Education in the Code,

Eggs, Protective Coloration of, E. B. Titchener, 129; Dr.
Alfred R. Wallace, 53; Rev. Fred. F. Grensted, 53
Egypt, Vandalism in, 447

Egyptian Civilization, Early, W. M. Flinders Petrie, 109
Eissler (M.), a Hand-book of Modern Explosives, 224

Elastic After-Strain, on a Certain Theory of, Prof. Horace
Lamb, F.R.S., 463

Elastic Shell, Deformation of an, Prof. Horace Lamb, F.R.S.,

Elastical Researches of Barré de Saint-Venant, Prof. A. G.
Greenhill, F.R.S., 458

Electricity: Modern Views of Electricity, Dr. Oliver J. Lodge,
F.R.S., 5, 80; Electrical Cloud Phenomena, Prof. W. K.
Burton, 10; New Method of Measuring Differences of Poten-
tial of Contact, Prof. Righi, 18; Institution of Electrical
Engineers, 21; Magnetism and Electricity, Andrew Jamieson,
30; Specific Inductive Capacity, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge,
F.R.S., 30; Siegsfeld's Electric Thermometer, 43; a
Method of driving Tuning Forks Electrically, W. G.
Gregory, 47; a New Electric Radiation Meter, W. G.
Gregory, 47; Electrifications due to Contact of Gases and
Liquids, J. Enright, 47; Proceedings of the National
Electric Light Association at its Ninth Convention, 50;
Electric Light at the British Museum, 301; the National
Electric Light Association, 302; Magnetism and Electricity,
Arthur W. Poyser, 52; a Proposed Gilbert Club, 84; the
Edinburgh International Exhibition, 85; Variations of Electric
Resistance of Nitric Peroxide at Various Temperatures, J.
J. Boguski, 119; Electrical Figures, W. B. Croft, 132; the
Are Light, Joseph McGrath, 154; Effect of Repeated Heat-
ing and Cooling on Electrical Coefficient of Annealed Iron,
Herbert Tomlinson, F.R.S., 166; Electrification due to
Contact of Gases with Liquids, Enright, 166; Electrification
of a Steam Jet, Shelford Bidwell, F.R.S., 213; Develop-
ment of Electricity and Heat in Dilute Electrolytic Solutions,
Prof. Planck, 215; the Peltier Effect and Contact E.M. F.,
Prof. Oliver J. Lodge, F.R.S., 224; Electric Currents in Skin
from Mental Excitation, Herr Tarchenoff, 232; Electrical
Negative Variation of Heart accompanying Pulse, Dr. Aug.
Waller, 288; Electric Splashes, Dr. S. P. Thompson, 309;
on Galvanometers, Ayrton, Mather, and Simpson, 310, 381;
Electrostatic Stress, Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., 358; Easy
Lecture Experiment in Electric Resonance, Prof. Oliver J.
Lodge, F.R.S., 368; Determination of Coefficient of Dynamic
and Electromotor Produce, P. Guzzi, 380; Electrical Resis-
tance of Iron Alloys at High Temperatures, H. Le Chatelier,
383; Electrical Resistance, Measurement of, Dr. Feussner,
407; Electrical Oscillations in Rarefied Air, M. James Moser,
431; Magnetism and Electricity, Prof. Jamieson, 461; Elec-
trical Radiation from Conducting Spheres, an Electric Eye
and a Suggestion Regarding Vision, Prof. Oliver J. Lodge,
F.R.S., 462; Use of Bolometer for Observing Electrical
Radiations of Hertz, Dr. Rubens, 504; Short Lectures to
Electrical Artisans, J. A. Fleming, 561; Absolute Measure-
ments in Electricity and Magnetism, Andrew Gray, 561;
Electricity in Modern Life, G. W. de Tunzelmann, 561;
Samples of Current, Electrical Literature, 561; Shape of
Movable Coils used in, Electrical Measuring Instruments,
T. Mather, 574; Prof. Stricker's New Electrical Lantern,

Elementary Physics, M. R. Wright, 78

Elementary Schools, Technical Education in, 356
Elephant Sketeton, Large Indian, 66

Ellis (Thos. S.), the Human Foot, 365

Ellis (Wm.), Relative Prevalence of North-East and South-West
Winds, 586

Emerson (P. H.), Naturalistic Photography, 366
Encyclopædie der Wissenschaften, 87

Engine Drivers, Colour-blind, 325

Engineer's Sketch-book, Thomas Walter Barber, 52
Engineers, Institution of Electrical, 21

Engines, Compound Locomotives, 331

England, Railways of, W. M. Acworth, 434
Enright (J.), Electrification due to Contact of Gases and Liquids,
47, 166
Entomology: the Metamorphosis of Anoura, E. Bataillon,
23; Entomological Society, 93, 191, 382, 503, 575; Pre-
sidential Address by Lord Walsingham, 334; Entomologist's
Monthly Magazine, New Series, 161; Spread of the Australian
Ladybird in California, J. R. Dobbins, 161; Extraordinary
Abundance of Agrotis spina in New South Wales in October,
A. S. Olliff, 161; Alexandria Garden Pest, R. W. Blunfield,
181; Temperature Experiments on Lepidoptera, F. Merrifield,
191; the Gizzard in Scolopendridæ, Victor Willem, 237;
Sugar Losing its Attractions for Lepidoptera, Joseph Ander-
son, 349; Sugar-cane Pests at St. Vincent, 372; Wax Organs
of the Bee, G. Carlet, 407; Beetle-settlement in Disused
Gasometers, T. H. Hall, 520; Introduction into California of
Australian Natural Enemies of the Fluted Scale (Icerya
purchasi), 569

Ephedra die Arten der Gattung, von Dr. Otto Stapf, 390
Epidemic of Influenza, 145

Equation, Roots of Algebraic, Prof. A. Cayley, 359

Equations, a Treatise on Linear Differential, Thomas Craig, 508
Equilibrium, a Case of Chemical, W. H. Pendlebury, 104
Ergot, Cattle-poisoning by, 569

Eschenhagen (Dr.), Potsdam Magnetic Observatory, 479
Espin (Rev. T. E.): S Cassiopeiæ, 115; Bright Lines in
Stellar Spectra, 549

Estuary, the Mersey, Effects of Training Walls in, L. F. V
Harcourt, 380

Estuary, the Thames, Captain Tizard, R. N., 539
Etheridge (R., Jun.), the Murrumbidgee Limestone, 67
Ethnology: the Leyden Ethnographical Collection, 180; Ethno-
graphy of Venezuela, Pre-Columbian, Dr. Marcano, 332;
Ethnologic Affinity of Ancient Etruscans, Dr. Brinton, 66,
448; Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1884-85, J. W.
Powell, 99; Ethnology of the Philippine Islands, Dr. F.
Blumentritt, 327; German Contributions to Ethnology, 433;
Archæology and Ethnology of Easter Island, Walter Hough,
569; Internationale Archiv für Ethnographie, 594
Eton, Science at, Lieut.-General Tennant, F. R. S., 587
Etruscans, Ethnologic Affinity of Ancient, 66, 448
Ettingshausen (Dr. Constantin Freiherr von), Das Australische
Florenelement in Europa, 365

Euclid, the Study of, 80

Everett (Prof. J. D., F.R.S.): Duchayla's Proof, 198; Traité
d'Optique, M. E. Mascart, 224
Every-day Life, Science of, J. A. Bower, 78
Evolution and the Darwinian Theory, Rev. John T. Gulick, 309
Evolution of Sex: M. S. Pembrey, 199; Dr. A. B. Meyer, 272;
Prof. Patrick Geddes and Arthur Thomson, 531
Ewart (Prof. J. C.): Sardines in Moray Firth, 282; Cranial
Nerves of Torpedo, 477; Development of Ciliary Ganglion,

Exact Thermometry: Herbert Tomlinson, F. R.S., 198; Dr.
Sydney Young, 271

Exhibition illustrating Application of Photography and Meteoro-
logy, Proposed, 301

Exhibition, Bournemouth Industrial and Loan, Science Exhibits
in, 545

Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy, Proposed International,

Exhibition, Paris: English Men of Science decorated, 17;
French Native Colonists in, 427

Exhibition, the Proposed Berlin International Horticultural, 283
Explosives, a Hand-book of Modern, M. Eissler, 224
Explosives, Smokeless, Sir Frederick Abel, F.R. S., 328, 352
Exton (Dr. H.), Geology of Witwatersrand Gold-fields, 190
Eye, the, Cortical Visual Areas, Prof. Munk, 407

Fall of Miner down a 100-Metre Shaft without being Killed, M.
Reumeaux, 471

Fallot (Dr. A.), Cephalic Index of Corsican Population, 357
Farne Islands, Bird-Preservation in the, H. G. Barclay, 112
Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burmah, 101
Fauna of Mergui and its Archipelago, 556

Faye (M. H.), the Orbit of Winnecke's Periodical Comet, 94
Feilden (Col. H. W.), the Barbados Monkey, 349
Fermentation, the Micro-organisms of, practically considered,
Alfred Jörgensen, Prof. Percy F. Frankland, 339

Fern, Sweet-scented, 349

Ferrel (William), a Popular Treatise on the Winds, 124
Feussner (Dr.), Measurement of Electrical Resistance, 407
Fewkes (J. W.), Use of Edison Phonograph in Preserving
American Indian Languages, 560

Fichte (Johann Gottlieb), the Popular Works of, 294
Field Experiments on Wheat in Italy, Prof. Giglioli, 404
Field laid down to Permanent Grass, Sir J. B. Lawes, F. R.S.,

Fievez (Ch.), Death and Obituary Notice of, 400
Fighting for the Belt, F. C. Constable, 199
Fiji, Sea-water Cure for Banana Disease in, 19
Finland, the Secular Upheaval of Coasts of, 348
Fire-damp, Explosions in Mines in Relation to Cosmic and
Meteorological Conditions, Dr. Wagner, 504
Fischer-Sigwart (Herr), Snake and Fish, 162

Fisher (Prof. Kuno), History of Modern Philosophy, Descartes
and his School, 171

Fisher (Rev. Osmond): on the Physics of the Sub-Oceanic Crust,
A. J. Jukes-Browne, 54; Does the Bulk of Ocean Water
Increase, 197

Fisher (Robert), Flower-Land, an Introduction to Botany, 247
Fisheries, Foreign, Administration of, Prof. W. C. McIntosh,
F.R.S., 497

Fishery Industries of the United States, George Brown Goode,

Fishes the Habits of the Salmon, Major John P. Traherne,
74; Dr. René du Bois Reymond on the Striated Muscles of
Tench, 95; Prof. Fritsch on the Sensory Organs of the Skin
of Fishes, 95; Fishes, Francis Day, 101; the Bladder in
Fishes, Prof. Liebreich, 359

Fitzgerald (Captain C. C. P., R. N.), Leak-stopping in Steel
Ships, 516

Fitzgerald (Prof. Geo. Fras.), Multiple Resonance obtained in
Hertz's Vibrators, 295

Five Months' Fine Weather in Canada, Western U.S., and
Mexico, Mrs. E. H. Carbutt, 247

Fleming (J. A.), Short Lectures to Electrical Artisans, 561

Fletcher (Thos.), Coal Gas as a Fuel, 471

Flimm (Dr.), New Method of Synthesizing Indigo, 326

Flint Remains in Kolaba District, W. E. Sinclair, 114

Flints, a Natural Evidence of High Thermal Conductibility in,
Prof. A. S. Herschel, F. R. S., 175

Flora of China, 46

Flora of Derbyshire, Rev. W. H. Painter, 77

Flora of Keeling Islands, W. B. Hemsley, F. R.S., 492

Flora of the Malayan Peninsula, Materials for a, Dr. George
King, F.R. S., 437

Flora of Suffolk, Dr. W. M. Hind, 149

Flow of Water in Rivers and other Channels, a General Formula
for the Uniform, E. Ganguillet and W. R. Kutter, 411
Flower (Prof. W. H., F.RS.): Who Discovered the Teeth in
Ornithorhynchus ?, 30, 151; Suggestions for the Formation
and Arrangement of a Museum of Natural History in Connec-
tion with a Public School, 177

Flower-Land, an Introduction to Botany, Robert Fisher, 247
Fluorine a New Method of Preparing, Henri Moissan, 117,
138; Colour and Spectrum of, Henri Moissan, 214

Fluoroform, Isolation of, M. Meslans, 521

Fog, Effects of, on Plants under Glass, 372
Folk-Lore, Customs of the Akas, 86

Foot, the Human, Thos. S. Ellis, 365

Foot Pounds, 298; Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F.R.S., 317
Forbes (H. O.), Discovery of Maori Cave-dwellings, 209
Forces, Proof of the Parallelogram of, W. E. Johnson, 153;
Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F. R.S., 298

Forecasting, Weather, 278

Foreign Substances Attached to Crabs: Francis P. Pascoe,
176; F. Ernest Weiss, 272; Alfred O. Walker, 296; Captain
David Wilson-Barker, 237; Dr. R. von Lendenfeld, 317;
Prof. W. A. Herdman, 344; Walter Garstang, 417, 490,
538; Ernest W. L. Holt, 463, 515, 586

Foreshadowing of the Periodic Law, a First, P. J. Hartog, 186
Forest Surveys of India, 140

Forestry in India, Dr. Schlich, 470

Forestry in Singapore, Noxious Grass, Lalang, 182
Forestry, Major-General Michael, 348

Forestry, a Manual of, William Schlich, Sir D. Brandis, F. R.S.,


Forestry, Punjab Forest Administration Report, 520

Forests in India, Wanton Destruction of, R. J. Crosthwaite, 210

Fort William Meteorological Observatory, 518
Forth Bridge: Testing of the New, 281; Opening of the, 429
Fossil Plants of Coal-Measures, Organization of, Prof. W. C.
Williamson, F.R.S., 593

Fossil Rhizocarps: Sir J. Wm. Dawson, F.R.S., 10; Alfred
W. Bennett, 154

Fowler (A.): Karlsruhe Observatory, 20; Objects for the
Spectroscope, 20, 44, 68, 87, 114, 138, 163, 183, 210, 232,
256, 285, 304, 326, 350, 374, 402, 428, 449, 472, 496, 521,
548, 571, 595; Note on the Zodiacal Light, 402
Fowler (G. J.), Influence of Different Oxides on Decomposition
of Potassium Chlorides, 502

France: Travels in, Arthur Young, 294; La France Préhisto-
rique, Emile Cartailhac, 102; Brazilian Honours to French
Astronomers, 135; French Meteorological Society, 161;
French Scientific Missions under the Old Monarchy, Dr.
Hamy, 427

Frankland (Prof. Percy F.), the Micro-Organisms of Fermenta-
tion practically considered, Alfred Jorgensen, 339
Fraser (George), Maltese Butterflies, 199

Free Education, Lord Salisbury on, 84

Freshfield (Douglas W.), Search and Travel in the Caucasus,

Fritsch (Prof.): on the Sensory Organs of the Skin of Fishes, 95;
Anatomy of Torpedo marmorata, 263

Frost (Dr. Percival, F. R.S.), Eight Rainbows seen at the same
Time, 316

Future of our Technical Education, on the, Sir Henry Roscoe,
M.P., F.R.S., 183

Future Indian Civil Service Examinations, 265

Gairdner (W. T.), the Physician as Naturalist, 436
Galls: Prof. G. J. Romanes, F.R.S., on, 80, 174, 369; R.
McLachlan, F.R.S., 131; D. Wetterhan, 131; W. Ainslie
Hollis, 131, 272; Dr. St. George Mivart, F.R.S., 174; T.
D. A. Cockerell, 344, 559

Galton (Francis, F. R.S.), Cambridge Anthropometry, 454
Galvanometers: Ayrton, Mather, and Sumpner, 310, 381; Re-
flecting, Geometrical Construction of Direct-reading Scales
for, A. P. Trotter, 478

Ganguillet (E.) and W. R. Kutter, a General Formula for the
Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and other Channels, 411
Garden, the Birds in my, W. T. Greene, R. Bowdler-Sharpe,
Gardiner (Prof. Walter): on a New Application of Photography
to the Demonstration of Physiological Processes in Plants,
16; how Plants maintain themselves in the Struggle for Exist-
ence, 90

Gardner (J. Starkie), Physics of the Sub-oceanic Crust, 103
Garrett (T. A.) and W. Lucas, Wimshurst Machine and Hertz's
Vibrator, 515

Garstang (Walter), Foreign Substances attached to Crabs, 417,
490, 538

Gas-flame, Luminous and Non-luminous Radiation of, Sir John
Conroy, 357

Gas Measurement, Improved Apparatus for, Prof. Lunge, 471
Gauge, Bourdon's Pressure, Prof. A. G. Greenhill, F. R.S., 517
Gauthier-Villars (H.), Eder's Photographie à la Lumière du
Magnésium, translated by, 584

Geddes (Prof. Patrick) and Arthur Thomson, Evolution of Sex,

Geodesy a Bibliography of, J. Howard Gore, 9; the Measure-
ment of the Peruvian Arc, E. D. Preston, 309; Geodetic
Surveys of India, 14)

Geography: Geographical Notes, 20, 45, 164, 234, 286, 327,
351, 374, 403, 472, 571; Geographical Results of Stanley's
Expedition, 20, 73, III; the North Coast of New Guinea,
Admiral von Schleinitz, 21; Reported Massacre of Dr.
Peters's Party, 21; Cyprus, Lt.-General Sir Robert Biddulph,
45; Physics of the Sub-oceanic Crust, Rev. Osmond Fisher,
A. J. Jukes-Browne, 53; Teacher's Manual of Geography,
J. W. Redway, 78; Exploration of the Musgrave Ranges,
Australia, 86; Death of Major P. E. Warburton, 164; Death
of Cardinal Massaja, 164; the Ascent of Kilimanjaro, Meyer
and Purtscheller, 164; the South African Gold-fields, G. D.
Cocorda, 164; Arrival of Captain Trivier at Mozambique,
165; M. Thoroddsen's Explorations in Iceland, 165; Dau-
vergne's Journey in N. W. Cashmere, 165; Geography in
Russia, Baron Kaulbars, 208; Colonel Roborovski's Expedi-
tion in Central Asia, 234; Prof. Kuekenthal's Researches in

King Charles Land, 234 ; a Thousand Miles on an Elephant
in the Shan States, Holt S. Hallett, 265; the Lesser Antilles,
by Owen T. Bulkeley, 268; Tietkens's Explorations in Central
Australia, 286; Tavernier's Travels in India, translated by
V. Ball, F.R.S., 313; Area of Austro-Hungarian Empire,
Dr. Penck, 325; Discovery of Pass from Nia to Tibet by
Colonel Pevtsoff and M. Roborovsky, 327; Search and
Travel in the Caucacus, Douglas W. Freshfield, 351; the
Russian Expeditions in Central Asia, 352; Dr. Nansen's
Plan for a North Polar Expedition, 374; Sir Wm. McGregor's
Explorations in New Guinea, 374; a Trip through the
Eastern Caucasus, by the Hon. John Abercromby, 391;
Further Explorations of Solomon Islands, C. M. Woodford,
403; proposed Danish Exploration of Greenland, 403;
Geographical Society of Vienna, 403; Bartholomew's Library
Reference Atlas of the World, 413; Hues's Treatise on the
Globes (1592), 459; Limits of Ever-frozen Soil in Siberia,
Yatchevsky, 472; Diminution in Population of Iceland, 473;
Climate of German Togoland, Dr. von Danckelmann, 545;
Facsimile Atlas to the Early History of Cartography, by A.
E. Nordenskiold, 558; Dr. Hans Meyer's Ascent of Kilima-
Njaro, 572; Modigliani's Exploration of Nias Island, Prof.
Giglioli, 587; a Naturalist among the Head-hunters, C. M.
Woodford, 582

Geology: Indian Geological Survey, Death of E. J. Jones, 41;
Geolog Survey of India, 140; Formation of the Earth's
Crust, Le Conte, 46; Chemical and Physical Studies in the
Metamorphism of Rocks, Rev. A. Irving, 49; the Murrum-
bidgee Limestone, R. Etheridge, Jun., 67; an Elementary
Text-book of, by W. Jerome Harrison, Prof. A. H. Green,
F.R.S., 75; Dr. Hermann Burmeister on the Fossil Horses
and other Mammals of Argentina, 82; Geological Society,
94, 190, 238, 310, 333, 382, 502, 527, 550; Medals awarded
by the Geological Society, 301; Presidential Address at the
Geological Society, Dr. Blanford, F.R.S., 455; Physics of
the Sub-oceanic Crust, J. Starkie Gardner, 103; Geological
Excursion to the Active and Extinct Volcanoes of Southern
Italy, 133; Dr. W. Hind on the Geology of Suffolk, 149; on
the Creation and Physical Structure of the Earth, by J. T.
Harrison, 151; Glaciation of Valleys in Kashmir Himalayas,
Captain Stiffe, 190; Geology of Witwatersrand Gold-fields,
Dr. H. Exton, 190; the South American Pampas Formation,
Herr Roth, 231; Occurrence of Girvanella Genus, and on
Oolitic Structure, E. Wethered, 238; Relation of Pebbly
Sands of Suffolk to those of Norfolk, Parts II. and III., Prof.
Joseph Prestwich, F.R.S., 238, 502; H. S. Williams on the
Devonian System, 309; some British Jurassic Fish Remains,
A. S. Woodward, 310; the Pebidian Volcanic Series of St.
David, Prof. C. L. Morgan, 311; Terraced Hill Slopes of
the Midlands, E. A. Walford, 325; Crystalline Schists and
their Relations to Mesozoic Rocks in Lepontine Alps, Prof.
T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 333; Geological Mechanism, by J.
Spottiswoode Wilson, 390; Sedgwick and Murchison, Cam-
brian and Silurian, Prof. James D. Dana, 421; Former Glacial
Periods, Dr. James Croll, F.R.S., 441; Mica in Mourne
Mountain Granite Geodes, Prof. Sollas, F. R.S., 469; Geo-
logische Uebersichtskarte der Alpen, Dr. Franz Noe's, Prof.
T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 483; a Geological Map of the Alpine
Chain, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F. R. S., 483; a Deep Channel of
Drift in the Valley of the Cam, Essex, W. Whitaker, 527;
Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope, G.
F. Becker, 532; certain Devonian Plants from Scotland, Sir
J. W. Dawson, F. R. S., 537; Composite Spherulites in Ob-
sidian from Hot Springs near Little Lake, California, Frank
Rutley, 551; Magnetic Surveys of Special Districts in the
British Isles, Profs. A. W. Rucker, F. R.S., and T. E. Thorpe,
F.R.S., 598

Geometry: How not to Teach Geometry, Herbert J. Woodall,
60; Geometrical Teaching, 80; Association for the Improve-
ment of Geometrical Teaching, 207; Oxford "Pass
metry, 467

Geophilus maritimus, Edward Parfitt, 153
German Chemical Society, 468

German Contributions to Ethnology, 433


Germany, Zoogeography, Wolves, &c., in, Dr. Lampert, 182
Germination, Retarded, 31

Gernez (D.), Malic Acid and its Compounds, 94

Giard (Prof.), Discovery of Micro-organism conferring Phos-
phorescence on Crustaceans, 137

Gibb (Thomas), Text-book of Assaying, C. Beringer and J. J.
Beringer, 245

Giffen (Robert): Accumulations of Capital in the United King-
dom in 1875-85, 211; the Growth of Capital, 553
Giglioli (Prof.): Field Experiments on Wheat in Italy, 404;
Modigliani's Exploration of Nias Island, 587
Gilbert Club, Proposed, 84, 112

Giles (Ernest), Australia Twice Traversed, 341
Gill (Dr.), Minor Planet (12), Victoria, 139
Girard (Jules), Recherches sur les Tremblements de Terre, 583
Glacial Periods, Former, Dr. James Croll, F.R.S., 441
Glaciation of Valleys in the Kashmir Himalayas, Captain Stiffe,
Glaisher (J. W. L., F.R.S.), the Method of Quarter Squares, 9
Glatzel (Dr.), New Mode of Preparing Manganese, 67
Glimpses of Animal Life, W. Jones, 409
Globes, Hues's Treatise on the (1592), 459
Globular and other Forms of Lightning, Reuben Phillips, 58
Glories, A. P. Coleman, 154

Glossary of Anatomical, Physiological, and Biological Terms,
T. Dunman, 173

Glow of Phosphorus, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 523
Gold, Earth-currents and the Occurrence of, Geo. Sutherland,

Gold Exploration in British North Borneo, 182
Gold in Suspension, Fungoid Growths in, 96
Goldscheider (Dr.), Sensitiveness of Articular Surfaces of Joints,

Goode (George Brown), Fishery Industries of the United States,

Gore (J. E.), Scenery of the Heavens, 391
Göttingen Royal Society of Sciences, 600

Graham (Robert H.), Newton in Perspective, 439
Granada, Earthquake at, 161

Grant (J.), Influence of Different Oxides on Decomposition of
Potassium Chlorides, 502

Grass, a Field laid down to Permanent, Sir J. B. Lawes,
F.R.S., 229

Grasses, How to Know, by their Leaves, A. N. M'Alpine, Prof.
John Wrightson, 557

Grasses of the Southern Punjab, Illustrations of some of the,
being Photo-lithographs of some of the Principal Grasses
found at Hissar, William Coldstream, 533

Gravitation: the Constant of, C. V. Boys, F. R.S., 155; Re-
sonance Method of measuring Constant of, J. Joly, 256
Gravitation, Velocity of the Propagation of, J. Van Hepperger,

Gray (Andrew), Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Mag-
netism, 561

Gray (Dr. Asa), Scientific Papers of, W. Botting Hemsley,
F.R.S., 221

Greatheed (W.), Influenza, 270

Greely (General), Bibliography of Meteorology, 303
Green Vegetable Colouring matter, a New, C. Michie Smith,

Green (Prof. A. H., F.R.S.): an Elementary Text-book of
Geology, W. Jerome Harrison, 75

Green (J. R.), Germination of Castor-oil Plant Seed, 380
Greene (W. T.), the Birds in my Garden, R. Bowdler Sharpe,

Greenhill (Prof. A. G., F.R.S.): the Parallelogram of Forces,
298; Foot-pounds, 317; the Life and Work of G. A. Hirn,
323; the Elastical Researches of Barré de Saint-Venant,
458; Bourdon's Pressure Gauge, 517

Greenish Meteor, a, T. D. A. Cockerell, 369
Greenland, is it our Arctic Ice Cap?, S. E. Peal, 58
Greenland, the Proposed Danish Expedition to the East Coast
of, 403, 545

Greenwich Observatory, 305; Meteorological Observations for
1887 at, 570

Gregory (W. G.): a New Electric Radiation Meter, 47; a
Method of Driving Tuning-forks Electrically, 47
Grensted (Rev. Fred. F.), Protective Coloration of Eggs, 53
Griffiths (Dr. A. B.), Manures and their Uses, 222, 272
Grombchevsky (Colonel), in Central Asia, 352
Ground-movements, Periodic, Plantamour, 373

Groves (Chas. E., F.R.S.), Systems of "Russian Translitera-
tion," 534

Growth of Capital, Robert Giffen, 553

Guillaume (Ch. Ed.), Traité pratique de la Thermométrie de
précision, Dr. Edmund J. Mills, F.R.S., 100

Guillemard (Dr. F. H. H.), a Naturalist in North Celebes,
Sydney Hickson, 457

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