KING, MENDHAM, & Co., Electrical Engineers AND Manufacturing Electricians. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Specially compiled List of Electrical STANLEY Mathematical Instrument Manufacturer to H.M. Government, Council of Of the Highest Quality and Finish, at the most Moderate Prices. W. F. S. obtained the only Medal in the Great Exhibition of 1862 for Address:-GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Price £2 12s. 6d. net, richly Bound in Half-Morocco; Size, Crown Folio. THE LIBRARY REFERENCE ATLAS OF THE WORLD. BY JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. With General Index to 100,000 Places. The Times says:-"To those desirous of possessing an atlas of handy size, at a reasonable price, and amply supplied with maps executed with taste and accuracy, Mr. Bartholomew's Library Atlas' may be commended. It is the first venture of the ind of any extent which the publishers, Messrs. Macmillan, have gone into, and it does them credit. The atlas is quarto in size, nd therefore may be consulted with comparative ease. There are eighty-four sheets or plates, several containing a number of aps. The physical and economical maps, and the very large number of maps devoted to the British Islands, are particularly welcome. India, Canada, Australia, and the United States have several sheets given to them, while the rest of the world is epresented in reasonable detail. There are few places one is likely to inquire for that will not be found in this atlas, which may be asily consulted by means of the copious index appended." Scottish Geographical Magazine says:-"It is emphatically the atlas for newspaper readers and students of contemporary anges in geography." St. James's Gazette says:-" An atlas which in all essential points is one of the best of the kind that have ever appeared in England. We have no hesitation in recommending it." The Pall Mall Gazette says:-"A perfect atlas de luxe is Mr. Bartholomew's Library Atlas of the World.' The whole volume clearly printed, largely designed, and stoutly bound; also the very useful plan of printing titles and numbers on the back of the aps is adopted. Altogether this atlas is emphatically one that may be recommended." The Morning Post says:-"The Library Reference Atlas of the World' is a volume of noble proportions, and is certainly one the best works of the kind extant." MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. SCIENTIFIC WORTHIES. The following is a list of the Portraits that have appeared in the above Series: MICHAEL FARADAY. THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY. JOHN TYNDALL. GEORGE GABRIEL STOKES. SIR CHARLES LYELL. SIR CHARLES WHEATSTONE. SIR WYVILLE THOMSON. ROBERT WILHELM BUNSEN. ADOLF ERIK NORDENSKJÖLD. SIR JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER. WILLIAM HARVEY. JEAN BAPTISTE ANDRÉ DUMAS. SIR RICHARD OWEN. JAMES CLERK MAXWELL. WILLIAM SPOTTIS WOODE. ARTHUR CAYLEY. SIR C. W. SIEMENS. JOHN COUCH ADAMS. JAMES JOSEPH SYLVESTER. DMITRI IVANOWITSH MENDELEEFF. roof impressions of these, printed on India paper, may be had from the Publishers, price 5s. each, or the Set of 26 Portraits in a Handsome Portfolio for £6 15s. od., carriage paid. THE PORTFOLIO MAY BE HAD SEPARATELY, PRICE 6s. Cheques and Money Orders payable to MACMILLAN & CO., FICE OF "NATURE," 29 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & Co.'s PUBLICATIONS. This Day, Vol. III., Part II., New and thoroughly Revised Edition. A COMPLETE TREATISE ON INORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. By Sir HENRY E. ROSCOE, F.R.S., and Professor C. SCHORLEMMER, F.R.S. Svo. Vol. II. Part I.-Metals. 185. V Vol. I.-The Non-Metallic Elements. Second Edition, Revised, 215. Vol. III.-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE HYDROCARBONS and their Derivatives, or ORGANIC CHEMISTR With numerous Illustrations. Five Parts. Parts I., II., and IV. 21s. each. Parts III. and V. 18. e. Since this part-Vol. III., Part II.—of this work was published in 1884, our knowledge respecting this department of or chemistry has largely increased. The authors have endeavoured to represent the present position of the science by introducin, i results of all the latest and more important researches, with the effect that the greater part of the volume has been re-written. evidence of this they would refer, amongst others, to the researches of Curtius on the fatty diazo-compounds; of Kiliani on constitution of the members of the sugar group; of Emil Fischer on the artificial production of certain members of this series Brown, Heron, and Morris, on the starches and dextrins; and, lastly, of W. H. Perkins, Jun., on the interesting gr Polymethylene compounds. In the former edition, the derivatives of Furfuran, Pyrrol, and Thiophene, were also described in part; their number has, however, so largely increased that it has been found impossible to include them in the revised edition. Now Ready, in Two Volumes, Demy 8vo, Price 215. THE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF ASA GRAY. VOL. I.-REVIEWS OF WORKS ON BOTANY AND RELATED SUBJECTS, 1834-87. The Atheneum says:-' "We must be grateful, as indeed we have cause to be, for the rich legacy he has bequeathed to ... Prof. Sargent has made the selection, and he has done it so well that the present volumes may almost be taken as v reflecting the history and progress of scientific botany for the last half century. It is, of course, impossible for us to do ɛ than refer to these memoirs. Their number, their variety, and the space at our disposal alike preclude us from doing more indicate their general nature and tendency. The first volume is occupied with Dr. Gray's reviews of several of the princi; standard botanical works issued from 1836 to 1888, beginning with Lindley's Natural System of Botany,' and ending wit.. ! Flora of the Peruvian Andes.' Some fifty of the more important publications are thus reviewed, and of these we can only say we wish there were more. The second volume comprises a series of essays constituting probably the most valuable part whole work, containing as they do the quintessence of the author's knowledge and opinions, and their application to the problems of plant-genealogy and geographical distribution. These are followed by a series of biographical sketches of natur from Augustine Pyrame de Candolle in 1841 to Louis Agassiz in 1886. These are mostly drawn up with rare skill an proportion, so that the reader obtains, if not a complete, at least a just and, so far as it goes, an accurate insight into the char ** and life-work of the individual. . . . Interesting as this period in the history of botany is already to those who are pass .. have passed through it, it will become more and more so as science progresses, and the students of the future will feel themse under even stronger obligations to Prof. Sargent than do those of the present." The Saturday Review says :-"The first of these volumes embraces reviews of important botanical works, while the sea contains a number of essays on botanical subjects, followed by biographical sketches of various scientific men. It will readily a understood that these latter writings are of peculiar interest, because the opinions of so independent and thoughtful a writer 25 (936 on his contemporaries must always appeal to those who seek for information respecting the great names which mark the va periods of scientific thought. If anyone is inclined to be curious or sceptical as to Gray's powers in this direction, let him re biographical sketches of Robert Brown and of Humboldt, of Sir William Hooker and of George Bentham, and that of C Darwin... But perhaps the most interesting of his articles to the general reader will be the essays on various botanical sabe in the second volume. . . Some of these essays are extremely interesting, and all are pleasantly readable. . . . Here we = leave these delightful volumes, the publication of which reflects credit on all concerned, and which constitute a fitting memento t greatest botanist America has produced." DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTER OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. By Prof. CHARLES HERBERT MOORE. With Illustrations, Demy 8vo, 16s. The Pall Mall Gazette says:-"This very interesting and ingenious book... is sure to attract attention everywhere. The ordinary reader will find it an agreeable and instructive hand-book, and the numerous woodcuts are well adapted to purpose." SECOND AND REVISED EDITION. SCIENTIFIC LECTURES. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.IN &c. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, 8s. 6d. ELEMENTARY DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES AND SOLIDS. By W M. HICKS, M.A., F.R. S., Principal, Firth College, Sheffield, late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb. Crown Sw, S CAPTAIN COOK. By Mr. WALTER BESANT. With Portrait. Crown Svo. 25.0 MACMILLAN & CO., LONDON. Printed by RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, at 7 and 8 Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, and Published MACMILLAN AND CO., at the Office, 29 and 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden.-THURSDAY, Mộ ch 13, 189 Amongst several unsolicited Testimonials THE NEW PATENT WATKIN ANEROID BAROMETER. THE [PRICE SIXPENCE. [All Rights are Reserved. the two following have been received by the RAIN-BAND SPECTROSCOPE. THE OBSERVATORY, MELBOURNE, October 10, 1888. DEAR SIR,-The Watkin Aneroid only reached me three weeks ago, I am very much pleased with it, and have given it a pretty severe trial with very satisfactory results. (Signed) R. J. ELLERY. EDINBURGH, May 31, 89. DEAR SIR,-I have just returned from a six weeks' stay at the Ben Nevis Observatory, and while there had an opportunity of testing the admirable qualities of your new "Watkin Aneroid. The result has been most satisfactory, the extreme error noted being only about 8o of an inch. During my stay at the Observatory the Aneroid was frequently tested by taking it down 2000 feet and then comparing it with the standard on my return. The results obtained speak volumes for the high-class workmanship and great accuracy you have attained in the manufacture of this instrument. (Signed) R. C. MOSSMAN, F. R.M.S., Observer. Scott. Met. Soc. J. J. HICKS, 8, 9, & 10 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. "The 'STAR MICROSCOPE is a modern marvel at its low price. The lenses alone are worth the money."-British Medical Journal. NEW MODEL "STAR" MICROSCOPE MR. JOHN BROWNING begs to direct attention to the advantages of this very powerful, portable, and efficient Instrument, which will divide the Sodium lines or the D lines in the Solar Spectrum, and show the Rain-Band as Separate Lines; it is provided with a fine motion focusing arrangement, and it is applicable to every purpose for which a Direct Vision Spectroscope can be used. Price, in Morocco Leather Case, £3 8s. 6d. NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA'S SPECTACLES. WITH FINEST BRAZILIAN PEBBLES, R. & J. BECK, 68 Cornhill, London, E.C. NEGRETTI AND ZAMBRA make a Speciality of Spectacles for SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS TO THE QUEEN, 38 HOLBORN VIADUCT, E.C. Branches: 45 CORNHILL; 122 REGENT STREET. Photographic Studio-CRYSTAL PALACE, Sydenham. Telephone No. 6583. Telegraphic Address: "Negretti, London." DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL 7th May, Wednesday ART. 18.15 to 9.45 p.m. Model Drawing (2nd Grade Examination). SCIENCE. P.M. " 6 to 10 7 to 10 7 to 10.30 VI. Theoretical Mechanics. VII.-Applied Mechanics. XIV.-Animal Physiology. II.-Machine Construction and Drawing. III.-Building Construction. IV.-Naval Architecture. XXIII.-Physiography. XVIII.-Principles of Mining. V.-Mathematics, Stages 6 and 7. XXIV. Principles of Agriculture. V.-Mathematics, Stages 1, 2, and 3. IX.-Magnetism and Electricity (including Alternative VIII.-Sound, Light, and Heat. I.-Practical Plane and Solid Geometry. XX.-Navigation. XII.-Geology. V.-Mathematics, Stages 4 and 5. XXV.-Hygiene. XVI. and XVII.-Biology. XIX.-Metallurgy. X.-Inorganic Chemistry (including Alternative Candidates who do not belong to any regularly constituted Science or Art Class should apply before March 25 to the Special Local Secretary of the district, or, in case they do not reside within a Special Local Secretary's district, to the Secretary of th nearest Class which is to be examined in the subject they require. A fee for each Candidate, not exceeding 25. 6d. po evening, may be charged by the Local Committee, or the Special Local Secretary. The Special Local Secretaries for the Lond districts are as follows :-Chelsea and Westminster, J. R. Langler, Esq., 130 Horseferry Road, Westminster, S. W.; City (E2 and Hackney, F. E. Harding, Esq., Murton House, Higham Road, Woodford Green, Essex; City (West) and Finsbury W. H. Congreve, Esq., Birkbeck Institution, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.; Greenwich and Deptford, J. J. Pakes, Esq., 10 Malpas Road, Brockley, S. E.; Lambeth (East), and Lambeth (West), F. Dugard, Esq., 3 Sibella Road, Clapham, S. W.; Marylebone, F. Pope, Esq., 18 Baker Street, Portman Square, W.; Southwark and Lambeth (North), A. Bourne, Esq. 38 Stockwell Park Road, Stockwell, S. W.; Tower Hamlets, E. J. Sharpe, Esq., 30 Powerscroft Road, Lower Clapton, NE, Woolwich and Plumstead, R. T. Smith, Esq., 246 Burrage Road, Plumstead, Woolwich; Stratford, J. Horn, Esq., 72 Chobham Road, Stratford, E.; Tottenham and Wood Green, J. F. Adams, Esq., Coombe's Croft House, Tottenham. b Individual Candidates who do not reside near any place where a Local Examination Committee has been formed may examined in all Science and Art Subjects at the South Kensington Museum, as far as room will allow. A Registration Fee of 2s. 6d. per evening, or a Composition Fee of 10s. for any number of evenings, will be charged if application (on Form No. 25) is made before March 25, and of 5s. per evening, or a Composition Fee of 205. for any number of evenings afterwards, if made before April 20. Applications for examination at South Kensington cannot be received after April 20. By order of the Committee of Council on Education. LIVING SPECIMENS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. GOLD MEDAL awarded at the FISHERIES EXHIBITION to THOMAS BOLTON, 83 CAMDEN STREET, BIRMINGHAM, Who last week sent to his subscribers Chatophora elegans, with sketch and descnption. He also sent out Lophopus crystallinus, Argulus foliaceus, Corethra, Trout Ova, Philodina roseola, Floscularia, Corethra plumicornis, Melicerta ringens, Stephanoceros; also Amoeba, Hydra, Vorticella, Crayfish, Dog-Fish, Amphioxus, and other Specimens for Biological Laboratory work. Weekly Announcements will be made in this place of organisms T. B. is supplying. Specimen Tube, One Shilling, post free. Twenty-six Tubes in Course of Six Months for Subscription of £1 15., or Twelve Tubes for 10s. 6d. Portfolio of Drawings, Eleven Parts, 1s. each. Sale by Auction. MONDAY, MARCH 24. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA, &c. MR. J. C. STEVENS will Sell by Auction at his Great Rooms, 38 King Street, Covent Garden, on MONDAY, MARCH 24, at half-past 12 precisely, a Valuable Collection of British Lepidoptera, containing Authentic Specimens of P. Daplidice, V. Antiopa. P. Dispar (several), L. Acis, G. Subrosea, C. Fraxini, and many fine Varieties, including Black Sibylla, also a magnificent 4 Drawer Mahogany Cabinet of the very best make, in which the above are contained. Some very Rare Micro-Lepidoptera from the Fens, &c.. &c. On View Saturday prior from 10 to 4, and Morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. NATURAL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITION. An EXAMINATION will be holden at MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD, beginning on TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1890, for the purpose of electing to Three Open Natural Science Scholarships, of which one will be at Merton College, one at New College, and one at Corpus Christi College; and to one Exhibition at Merton College. (2) The Scholarships are all of the value of £80 per annum, and are open to all Candidates whose age on July 7, 1890, will not exceed nineteen years () The Exhibition is of the value of £60 per annum, and is open, without limitation of age, to Candidates who are in need of assistance at the L'niversity. (4) The Subjects of Examination will be: (1) Chemistry, Mechanics, and Physics (2) Biology. All Candidates in Biology will be required to show some acquaintance with Chemistry, Mechanics, and Physics. An English Essay; a Paper in Algebra and Elementary Geometry; and, if necessary, an Elementary Classical Paper, will also be set to all Can didates Further Particulars may be obtained on application to the NATURAL SCIENCE TUTOR, Merton College. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. The next Course of Lectures on COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY and BACTERIOLOGY, with Practical Work in the Laboratory, will commence on APRIL 1. SUBJECTS OF Lectures. 1 Methods of Bacteriological Research. II. History and Pathology of the Communicable Diseases of Man and of the Lower Animals. THE MASON SCIENCE COLLEGE, APPOINTMENT OF DEMONSTRATOR IN The Council invite applications, on or before MARCH 27, 1890, for the above Appointment. The duties will commence on TUESDAY, April 22, 1890. Particulars of the stipend, conditions, and duties, will be sent on applica tion to the Secretary, Mr. G. H. MORLEY, The Mason Science College, Birmingham, to whom all applications for the appointment should be sent. LAWSON TAIT, ROYAL President of the Council. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, The Post of SUPERINTENDENT of the RESEARCH LABORATORY is now Vacant by the Resignation of Dr. WOODHEAD. The Salary is £200 per Annum, and the hours of attendance required are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Applications are to be addressed to the SECRETARY of the College on or before MARCH 31. Further particulars may be obtained on application to Dr. TUKE, Curator of Laboratory, 7 Lauriston Lane, Edinburgh." UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. The Classes re-commence on MAY 1, and are so arranged as to afford a convenient opportunity for Students to commence their Medical Course. Full information may be obtained from the Office of the College, Gower Street, W.C. JOHN WILLIAMS, M.D., Dean. Applications are invited before MARCH 28, with Three Recent Testimonials, for the Post of DEMONSTRATOR of CHEMISTRY and ASSISTANT-LECTURER on PHYSICS. Salary, £100. FREDERIC H. MADDEN, School Secretary. THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, PRINCIPAL DR. H. J. WEBB, B.Sc. Thorough practical and scientific Training in Agriculture. Preparation for the Colonies. Students gained the First, Third, and Fourth Scholar. ships of the Royal Agricultural Society. 1888. Just Published, Price 1s.; by Post, 1s. 4d. THE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR 1890. London: MACMILLAN AND CO. Manchester: J. E. CORNISH. HENRY EBBAGE, 344 CALEDONIAN ROAD, LONDON. MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS, Gorgeous Polarizing, Brilliant Opaque, and Entertaining Slides, 3 x 1, suitable for Evening Exhibition, 5s. Dozen: Four Dozen Slides sent, carefully packed and Postage paid, for 215., to Australian Colonies, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, South Africa, &c. Microscopes, Mounting Apparatus, and all requisites supplied. Catalogue free to all Parts. |