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Nature - Stran 192
uredili: - 1890
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Denver Medical Times: Utah Medical Journal. Nevada Medicine, Količina 15

1895 - 562 strani
...Robbins, in Virginia Afed. Monthly. BOOKS. A Text-Book of Human Anatomy. Systematic and Topographical. Including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology...Man. With Special Reference to the Requirements of Surgery and Medicine. By Alexander Macalister, MA, MD, FR S., FSA, Professor of Anatomy in the University...
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Hospital Sisters and Their Duties

Eva C. E. Luckes, Charlotte Ellis Lückes - 1886 - 194 strani
...Anatomy. 816 Illustrations. A new Text-book for Students and Practitioners, Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology...the requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations, 400 of which are original. Octavo. Cloth, 7.50; Leather, 8.50 Ballou's Veterinary...
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A Compend of electricity and its medical and surgical uses

Charles Field Mason - 1887 - 150 strani
...Anatomy. 816 Illustrations. A new Text-book for Students and Practitioners, Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology...the requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations, 400 of which are original. Octavo. Cloth, 7.50; Leather, 8.50 Ballou's Veterinary...
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The Practice of medicine and surgery

William Heath Byford - 1887 - 892 strani
...Anatomy. 800 Illustrations. A New Text-book fo Students and Practitioners. Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology...requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. By ALEX. MACALISTER, ii.rx, FRS, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge, England: Examiner...
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A Manual of Applied Mechanics

William John Macquorn Rankine - 1888 - 784 strani
...Review."—Lancet, MACALISTER (A., MD, FRS, Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge): HUMAN AX ATOMY: Systematic and Topographical (A Text-book of), including...the Embryology, Histology, and Morphology of Man, wiih Special Reference to the Requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations....
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A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines

Cornelius Beringer, John Jacob Beringer - 1889 - 470 strani
...Review."—Lancet. MACALISTER (A., MD, FRS, Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge): HUMAN ANATOMY: Systematic and Topographical (A Text-book of), including...the Requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations. Medium Svo. 36s. " By far the most important work on this subject which has...
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A Treatise on Mine-surveying

Bennett H. Brough - 1889 - 370 strani
...Review."—Lancet, MACALISTER (A., MD, FRS, Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge): HUMAN ANATOMY: Systematic and Topographical (A Text-book of), including...the Requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. With 816 Illustrations. Medium 8vo. 36s. " By far the most important work on this subject which has...
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Edinburgh Medical Journal, Količina 35 ,2. del

1890 - 666 strani
...our knowledge. CWC fart Seconb. REVIEWS. A Text-Book of Human Anatomy: Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology, and Morphology...Practical Surgery and Medicine. By ALEXANDER MACALISTER, MD, FRS, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge. London : Charles Griffin & Co.: 1889....
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Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Količina 24

1890 - 696 strani
...successive numbers of this Journal, 1887-89. A Text-Book of Human Anatomy, Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology, and Morphology...Practical Surgery and Medicine. By Alexander Macalister, MD London: Charles Griffin ,fe Co., 1889. AN important treatise on an old subject by one of the best...
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The Anatomy of the Central Nervous Organs in Health and Disease

Heinrich Obersteiner - 1890 - 496 strani
...Anatomy. 800 Illustrations. A New Text-book for Students and Practitioners. Systematic and Topographical, including the Embryology, Histology and Morphology...requirements of Practical Surgery and Medicine. By ALEX. MACALISTER, MD, FRS, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge, England ; Examiner...
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