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[1762. pected. There | Maryland, against a band of Seneca Indians, he's contest who were ravaging the settlements along the 20 Sheary Potomac. In honor of his public services and private virtues the parish in which he resided was called after him, and still bears the name of Washington. Ile lies buried in a vault or Bridges Creek, which, for generations, was the family place of sepulchre..

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The estate continued in the family. Fis grandson Augustine, the father of our Washbelieve in bereditaryington, was born there in 1694. He was twice od in the conduct married; first (April 20th, 1715), to June, veter, the magmani-daughter of Caleb Butler, Esq., of Westmorethe disposition to land County, by whom he had four ebren, tek bors on Tesh of whom only two, Lawrence and Augustine, survived the years of childhood; their mother died November 24th, 1782, and was buried in ach the family vault.

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On the 6th of March, 1730, ho married in the second auptials, Mary, the daughter of Colonel Si revi- Bell, a young and beautiful girl, said to be the

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of the Northern Neck. By her he had acel sons, George, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles; and two daughters, Elizabeth, or ty, as she was commonly called, and Mildred, who died in infancy.

George, the eldest, the subject of this biog raphy, was born on the 22d of February (11th ..S.), 1782, in the homestead on Bridges Creek. This house commanded a view over many miles of the Potomac, and the opposite shore of Maryland. It had probably beenslave, purchased with the property, and was one of now the primitive farm-houses of Virginia. The which roof was steep, and sloped down into low



mon- jecting eaves. It had four red on the become a ground floor, and others in the attic, and au brothers immense chinney at each end. Not a vestige ted lands of it remains. Two or three decayed dig trees, hern neck, with shrubs, and vines, linger about the place,. ahannock and here and there a flower grown wild Serves to mark where a garden has been." Such, at least, was the case a few years since; but The case may have likewise passed away..

of the

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* marks the site of the house, and an ription denotes its being the birthplace of Washington.

We have entered with some manuteness into this genealogical detail; tracing the family step by step through the pages of historiesl documents for upwards of six centuries; and we have been tempted to do so by the documentary proof it gives of the linegl

Placed there by George W. P. Cuatie, Esq.

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and enduring worth of the race. We have shown that, for many generations, and through a variety of eventful scenes, it has maintained an equality of fortune and respectability, and whenever brought to the test has acquitted itself with honor and loyalty. Hereditary rank may be an illusion; but hereditary virtue gives a patent of innate nobleness beyond all the blazonry of the Herald's College.



When George was about seven or eight years old his brother Lawrence returned from England, a well-educated and accomplished youth. There was a difference of fourteen years in their ages, which may have been one cause of the strong attachment which took place between them. Lawrence looked down with a protecting eye upon the boy whose dawning intelligence and perfect rectitude won his regard; while George looked up to his manly and cultivated brother as a model in mind and manners. We call particular attention to this brotherly interchange of affection, from the influence it had on all the future career of the subject of this memoir.

Not long after the birth of George, his father removed to an estate in Stafford County, opposite Fredericksburg. The house was similar in Lawrence Washington had something of the style to the one at Bridges Creek, and stood on old military spirit of the family, and circuma rising ground overlooking a meadow which stances soon called it into action. Spanish depbordered the Rappahannock. This was the redations on British commerce had recently prohome of George's boyhood; the meadow was voked reprisals. Admiral Vernon, commandhis play-ground, and the scene of his early ath-er-in-chief in the West Indies, had accordingly letic sports; but this home, like that in which he was born, has disappeared; the site is only to be traced by fragments of bricks, china, and earthenware.

In those days the means of instruction in Virginia were limited, and it was the custom among the wealthy planters to send their sons to England to complete their education. This was done by Augustine Washington with his eldest son Lawrence, then about fifteen years of age, and whom he no doubt considered the future head of the family. George was yet in early childhood: as his intellect dawned he * received the rudiments of education in the best establishment for the purpose that the neighborhood afforded. It was what was called, in popular parlance, an "old field school-house; " humble enough in its pretensions, and kept by one of his father's tenants named Hobby, who moreover was sexton of the parish. The instruction doled out by him must have been of the simplest kind, reading, writing, and ciphering, perhaps; but George had the benefit of mental and moral culture at home, from an excellent father.

Several traditional anecdotes have been given to the world, somewhat prolix and trite, but illustrative of the familiar and practical manner in which Augustine Washington, in the daily intercourse of domestic life, impressed the ductile mind of his child with high maxims of religion and virtue, and imbued him with a spirit of justice and generosity, and above all a scrupulous love of truth.

captured Porto Bello, on the Isthmus of Darien. The Spaniards were preparing to revenge the blow; the French were fitting out ships to aid them. Troops were embarked in England for another campaign in the West Indies; a regiment of four battalions was to be raised in the colonies and sent to join them at Jamaica. There was a sudden outbreak of military ardor in the province; the sound of drum and fife was heard in the villages with the parade of recruiting parties. Lawrence Washington, now twenty-two years of age, caught the infection. He obtained a captain's commission in the newly raised regiment, and embarked with it for the West Indies in 1740. He served in the joint expeditions of Admiral Vernon and General Wentworth, in the land forces commanded by the latter, and acquired the friendship and confidence of both of those officers. He was present at the siege of Carthagena, when it was bombarded by the fleet, and when the troops attempted to escalade the citadel. It was an ineffectual attack; the ships could not get near enough to throw their shells into the town, and the scaling ladders proved too short. That part of the attack, however, with which Lawrence was concerned, distinguished itself by its bravery. The troops sustained unflinching a destructive fire for several hours, and at length retired with honor, their small force having sustained a loss of about six hundred in killed and wounded.

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