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CHAPTER I. Burke on the State of Affairs in America-
New Jersey roused to Arms-Washington grants Safe
Conduct to Hessian Convoys-Encampment at Morris-
town-Putnam at Princeton-His Stratagem to Conceal
the Weakness of his Camp-Exploit of General Dick-
inson near Somerset Court House-Washington's Coun-
ter Proclamation-Prevalence of the Smallpox-Inocu-
lation of the Army-Contrast of the British and Ameri-
can Commanders and their Camps,

CHAP. II. Negotiations for Exchange of Prisoners-Case

of Colonel Ethan Allen-Of General Lee-Correspond-

ence of Washington with Sir William Howe about

Exchanges of Prisoners-Referees appointed - Letters

of Lee from New York-Case of Colonel Campbell-

Washington's Advice to Congress on the Subject of Re-

taliation-His Correspondence with Lord Howe about

the Treatment of Prisoners-The Horrors of the Jersey

Prison-Ship and the Sugar-House,


CHAP. III. Exertions to form a New Army-Calls on

the Different States-Insufficiency of the Militia-Wash-

ington's Care for the Yeomanry-Dangers in the North-

ern Department-Winter Attack on Ticonderoga ap-

prehended-Exertions to reinforce Schuyler-Precarious

State of Washington's Army-Conjectures as to the

Designs of the Enemy-Expedition of the British

against Peekskill,

CHAP. IV. Schuyler's Affairs in the Northern Depart-
ment-Misunderstandings with Congress-Gives offence
by a Reproachful Letter-Office of Adjutant-General
offered to Gates-Declined by him-Schuyler Repri-
manded by Congress for his Reproachful Letter-Gates
appointed to the Command at Ticonderoga-Schuyler
considers himself virtually suspended-Takes his Seat
as a Delegate to Congress, and Claims a Court of In-
quiry-Has Command at Philadelphia, .

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CHAP. VI. Schuyler on the Point of Resigning-Com-

mittee of Inquiry Report in his Favor-His Memorial to

Congress proves Satisfactory - Discussions regarding

the Northern Departinent-Gates mistaken as to his

Position-He prompts his Friends in Congress-His

Petulant Letter to Washington-Dignified Reply of the

Latter-Position of Gates defined-Schuyler reinstated
in Command of the Department-Gates appears on the
Floor of Congress-His Proceedings there,
CHAP. VII. The Highland Passes of the Hudson-George
Clinton in Command of the Forts-His Measures for
Defence-Generals Greene and Knox examine the State
of the Forts-Their Report-The General Command of
the Hudson offered to Arnold-Declined by him-Given
to Putnam-Appointment of Dr. Craik in the Medical
Department--Expedition planned against Fort Independ-
ence-But relinquished--Washington shifts his Camp
to Middlebrook-State of his Army-General Howe
crosses into the Jerseys-Position of the two Armies at
Middlebrook and behind the Raritan-Correspondence
between Washington and Colonel Reed,

CHAP. VIII. Feigned Movements of Sir William Howe-

Baffling Caution of Washington-Rumored Inroads from

the North-Schuyler applies for Reinforcements-Re-

newed Schemes of Howe to draw Washington from his

Stronghold-Skirmish between Cornwallis and Lord

Stirling-The Eremy evacuate the Jerseys-Perplexity

as to their next Movement-A Hostile Fleet on Lake

Champlain-Burgoyne approaching Ticonderoga-Spec-

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CHAP. IX. British Invasion from Canada-The Plan-

Composition of the Invading Army-Schuyler on the

Alert-His Speculations as to the Enemy's Designs-

Burgoyne on Lake Champlain-His War-Speech to his

Indian Allies-Signs of his Approach descried from
Ticonderoga-Correspondence on the Subject_between
St. Clair, Major Livingston, and Schuyler-Burgoyne
intrenches near Ticonderoga-His Proclamation--Schuy-
ler's Exertions at Albany to forward Reinforcements-
Hears that Ticonderoga is evacuated-Mysterious Dis-
appearance of St. Clair and his Troops-Amazement
and Concern of Washington-Orders Reinforcements to
Schuyler at Fort Edward, and to Putnam at Peekskill-
Advances with his Main Army to the Clove-His Hope-
ful Spirit manifested,

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CHAP. X. Particulars of the Evacuation-Indian Scouts in

the Vicinity of the Forts-Outposts abandoned by St.

Clair-Burgoyne secures Mount Hope-Invests the For-

tress-Seizes and occupies Sugar Hill-The Forts over-

looked and in Imminent Peril-Determination to evacu-

ate-Plan of Retreat-Part of the Garrison depart for

Skenesborough in the Flotilla-St. Clair crosses with the

rest to Fort Independence-A Conflagration reveals his

Retreat-The British Camp aroused-Fraser pursues St.

Clair-Burgoyne with his Squadron makes after the Flo-

tilla-Part of the Fugitives overtaken-Flight of the Re-

mainder to Fort Anne-Skirmish of Colonel Long-Re-

treat to Fort Edward-St. Clair at Castleton-Attack of

his Rear-Guard-Fall of Colonel Francis-Desertion of

Colonel Hale-St. Clair reaches Fort Edward-Conster-

nation of the Country-Exultation of the British, 362

CHAP. XI. Capture of General Prescott-Proffered in

Exchange for Lee-Reinforcements to Schuyler-Arnold

set to the North-Eastern Militia to repair to Saratoga

-Further Reinforcements-Generals Lincoln and Arnold

recommended for Particular Services-Washington's

Measures and Suggestions for the Northern Compaign-

British Fleet puts to Sea-Conjectures as to its Destina-

tion-A Feigned Letter-Appearance and Disappearance

of the Fleet-Orders and Counter Orders of Washington

-Encamps at Germantown-Anxiety for the Security

of the Highlands-George Clinton on Guard-Call ou



CHAP. XII. Gates on the Alert for a Command-Schuy-

ler undermined in Congress-Put on his Guard-Courts

a Scrutiny, but not before an expected Engagement-

Summoned with St. Clair to Head-Quarters-Gates ap-

pointed to the Northern Department-Washington's

Speculations on the Successes of Burgoyne-Ill-judged

Meddlings of Congress with the Commissariat-Colonel

Trumbull resigns in consequence,

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against Bennington-Germans and their Indian Allies-
Baum, the He-s an Leader-Stark in the Field-Muster-
ing of the Milita-A Belligerent Parson-Battle of Ben-
ington-Breyman to the Rescue-Routed-Reception of
the News in the Rival Camps-Washington urges New
England to follow up the Blow,

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CHAP. XVII. Stratagem of Arnold to relieve Fort Stan-

wix-Yan Yost Cuyler-The Siege pressed-Indians

intractable-Success of Arnold's Stratagem-Harassed

Retreat of St. Leger-Moral Effect of the two Blows

given to the Enemy-Brightening Prospects in the

American Camp-Arrival of Gates-Magnanimous Con-

duct of Schuyler-Poorly requited by Gates-Corre-

spondence between Gates and Burgoyne concerning the

Murder of Miss McCrea,


CHAP. XVIII. Landing of Howe's Army on Elk River-

Measures to check it-Exposed S tuation of Washing-

ton in Reconno tring-Alarm of the Country-Procla-

mation of Howe-Arrival of Sullivan-Foreign Officers

in Camp-Deborre-Conway-Fleury-Count Pulaski-

First Appearance in the Army of "Light-Horse Harry"

of Virginia-Washingto's Appeal to the Army-Move-

ments of the Rival Forces-Battle of the Brandywine-

Retreat of the Americans-Halt in Chester-Scenes in

Philadelphia during the Battle-Congress orders out

Militia-Clothes Washington with Extraordinary Pow-

ers-Removes to Lancaster-Rewards to Foreign Of



CHAP. XIX. General Howe neglects to pursue his Ad-

vantage- -Washington retreats to Germantown - Re-

crosses the Schuylkill and prepares for another Action-

Prevented by Storms of Rain-Retreats to French Creek

-Wayne detached to fall on the Enemy's Rear- His

Pickets surpr sed- Massacre of Smallwood's Men-

Manoeuvres of Howe on the Schuylkill-Washington

sends for Reinforcements-Howe marches into Phila-



CHAP. XX. Dubious Position of Burgoyne-Collects his

Forces-Ladies of Distinction in his Camp-Lady Har-

ret Ackland-The Baroness de Riedesel-American

Army reinforced-S lent Movements of Burgoyne-

Watched from the Summit of the Hills-His March

along the Hudson-Position of the two Camps-Battle

o the 19th Sept.-Burgoyne encamps nearer-Fortifies

his Camp-Promised Co-operation by Sir Henry Clinton

-Determines to await it-Quarrel between Gates and

Arnold-Arnold deprived of Command-Burgoyne waits

for Co-operation,

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CHAP. XXII. Scarcity in the British Camp--Gates bides
his Time-Foraging Movement of Burgoyne-Battle of
the 7th October-Rout of the British and Hessians-Sit-
uat on of the Baroness de Riedesel and Lady Harriet
Ackland during the Battle-Death of Gen. Fraser-His
Funeral-Night Retreat of the British-Expedition of
Lady Harriet Ackland-Desperate Situation of Bur-
goye at Saratoga-Capitulation-Surrender-Conduct
of the American troops-Scenes in the Camp-Gallant
Courtesy of Schuyler to the Baroness de Riedesel-His
Mag animous Conduct towards Burgoyne-Return of
the British Ships down the Hudson,
CHAP. XXIII. Washington advances to Skippack Creek
-The Britisk Fleet in the Delaware-Foris and Ob-
structions in the River-Washington meditates an At-
tack on the British Camp-Battle of Germantown, 417
CHAP. XXIV. Washington at White Marsh-Measures
to cut off the Enemy's Supplies-The Forts on the Del-
aware reinforced-Colo el Greene of Rhode Island at
Fort Mercer-Attack and Defence of that Fort-Death of
Count Donop,

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CHAP. XXV. De Kalb commissioned Major General-

Pretensios of Conway-Thwarted by Washington-

Conway Cabal-Gates remiss in Correspondence-Dil-

atory in forwarding Troops - Mission of Hamilton

to Gates-Wilkin on Bearer of Despatches to Con-

gress-A Tardy Traveller-Ilis Reward-Conway Cor-

respondence detected-Washington's Apology for his


CHAP. XXVI. Further Hostilities on the Delaware-Fort
Millin attacked-Bravely defended-Reduced-Mis-
sion of Hamilton to Gates-Vis'ts the Camps of Gov-
ernor Clinton a d Put am on the Hudson-Putnam on
his Hobby-Horse-Difficulties in procuring Reinforce-

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ments-Intrigues of the Cabal-Letters of Lovell and
Mifflin to Gates-The Works at Red Bank destroyed-
The Enemy in Possession of the Delaware, .
CHAP. XXVII. Question of an Attack on Philadelphia-
Ge..eral Reed at Head-Quarters- E emy's Works re-
connoitred-Opinions in a Council of War-Exploit of
Lafayette-Receives Command of a Division-Modifica-
tion of the Board of War-Gates to preside-Letter of
Lovell Sally Forth of General Howe-Evolutions and
Skirmishes-Conway I spector-ge eral-Consultation
about Winter Quarters-Dreary March to Valley Forge
-Hutting-Washingto..'s Vindicatory Letters-Retro-
spect of the Year,

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CHAP. XXVIII. Gates on the Ascendant-The Conway
Letter Susp cions- Corsequent Correspondence be-
tween Gates and Washington-Warning Letter from Dr.
Craik-Anonymous Letters-Projected Expedition to
Canada-Lafayette, Gates, and the Board of War,
CHAP. XXIX. Gates undertakes to explain the Conway
Correspondence-Washington's Searching Analysis of
the Explanation-Close of the Correspondence-Spuri-
ous Letters published-Lafayette and the Canada Expe-
dition-His Perplexities-Counsels of Washington, 440
CHAP. XXX. More Trouble about the Conway Letter-
Correspondence between Lord Stirling and Wilkinson-
Wilkinson's Honor wounded- His Passage at Arms
with General Gates-His Seat at the Board of War u
comfortable-Determines that Lord Stirling shall bleed
-H8 Wounded Honor healed-His Interviews with
Washington-Sees the Correspondence of Gates-De-
nounces Gates and gives up the Secretaryship-Is
thrown out of Employ-Closing Remarks on the Conway
CHAP. XXXI. Committee of Arrangement-Reforms in
the Army-Scarcity in the Camp-The Enemy revel in
Philadelphia-Attempt to surprise Light-Horse Harry
-His Gallant Defence-Praised by Washington-Pro-
moted-Letter from General Lee-Burgoyne returns to
England-Mrs. Washington at Valley Forge--Bryan
Fairfax visits the Camp-Arrival of the Baron Steuben
-His Character-Disciplines the Army-Greene made

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CHAP. XXXII. Fortifications of the Hudson-Project to
surprise Sir Henry Clinton-General Howe forages the
Jerseys-Ships and Stores burnt at Bordentown-Plans
for the next Campaign-Gates and Mitlin under Wash-
ington's Command-Downfall of Conway-Lord North's
Conciliatory Bills-Sent to Washington by Governor
Tryon-Resolves of Congress-Letter of Washington to
Tryon-Rejoicing at Valley Forge-The Mischianza, 453
CHAP. XXXIII. Lafayette detached to keep Watch on
Philadelphia-His Position at Barren Hill-Plan of Sir
Heury to entrap him-Washington alarmed for his
Safety Stratagem of the Marquis-Exchange of General
Lee and Colonel Ethan Allen-Allen at Valley Forge-
Washington's Opinion of him-Preparations in Phila-
delphia to evacuate-Washington's Measures in Conse-
quence-Arrival of Commissioners from England--Their
Disappointment--Their Proceedings-Their Failure-
Their Manifesto,

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CHAP. XXXVI. Arrival of a French Fleet-Correspond-
ence of Washington and the Count D'Estaing-Plans
of the Count-Perturbation at New York-Excitement
in the French Flect-Expedition against Rhode Island-
Operations by Sea and Land-Failure of the Expedition
-Irritation between the Allied Forces--Considerato
Letter of Washington to the Count D'Estaing, 471
CHAP. XXXVII. Indian Warfare-Desolation of the
Valley of Wyoming-Movements in New York-Coun-
ter Movements of Washington-Foraging Part'es of the
Enemy-Baylor's Dragoons massacred at Old Tappan
British Expedition against Little Egg Harbor-Massacro
of Pulaski's Infantry-Retaliation on Do op's Rangers
--Arrival of Admiral Byron-Endeavors to entrap
D'Estaing, but is disappointed-Expedition against St.
Lucia-Expedition against Georgia-Capture of Savan-
nah-Georgia subdued-General Lincoln sent to com-
mand in the South,


CHAP. XXXVIII. Winter Cantonments of the American
Army-Washington at Middlebrook-Plan of Alarm
Signals for the Jerseys-Lafayette's Project for an Inva


sion of Canada-Favored by Congress-Condemned by

Washington-Relinquished-Washington in Philadel

phia-The War Spirit declining-Dissensions in Cou-

gress-Sectional Feelings-Patriotic Appeals of Wash-

ington-Plans for the next Campaign-Indian Atrocities

to be repressed-Avenging Expedition set on foot-Dis-

contents of the Jersey Troops-Appeased by the Inter-

ference of Washington-Successful Campaign agai, st

the Indians,


CHAP. XXXIX. Predatory Warfare of the Enemy-
Ravages in the Chesapeake-Hostilities on the Hudson
-Verplanck's Point and Stony Point taken-Capture of
New Haven-Fairfield and Norwalk destroyed-Wash-
ington plans a Counter Stroke-Storming of Stony
Point-Generous Letter of Lee,

CHAP. XL. Expedition against Penobscot-Night Sur-
prisal of Paulus Hook-Washington fort fies West
Point-His Style of Living there-Table at Head-Quar-
ters-Sir Henry Clinton reinforced-Arrival of D'Es-
taing on the Coast of Georgia-Plans in consequence-
The French Minister at Washington's Highland Camp
-Letter to Lafayette-D'Estai: g_co-operates with Li-
coln - Repulsed at Savannah-Washington reinforces
Lincoln-Goes into Winter Quarters-Sir Henry Clinton
sends an Expedition to the South,

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CHAP. III. South Carolina threatened-Its Condition and

Population-Stormy Voyage of Sir Henry Clinton-Loss

of Horses-Character of Lieutenant-colo el Tarleto.-

Fleet arrives at Tybee-Sir Henry Clinton advances

upon Charleston-Lincoln prepares for Defence-Com-

modore Whipple-Governor Rutlege-Forebodings of

Washington-Embarkation of British Troops at New

York-Washington sends De Kalb with Reinforcements

-His Hopeful Letter to Steuben,

CHAP IV. Evils of the Continental Currency-Military

Reforms proposed by Washington-Congress Jealous of

Military Power-Committee of Three sent to confer

with Washington-Losses by Depreciation of the Cur-

rency to be made good to the Troops-Arrival of Lafay

ette-Scheme for a Combined Attack upon New York-

Arnold has Debts and Difficulties-His Proposals to the

French Minister-Axious to return to the Army-

Mutiny of the Connecticut Troops-Washington writes

to Reed for Aid from Pennsylvania-Good Effects of his



CHAP. V. Siege of Charleston continued-British Ships
enter the Harbor-British Troops march from Savannah
-Tarleton and his Dragoons-His Brush with Colonel
Washington-Charleston reinforced by Woodford-
Tarleton's Exploits at Monk's Corner-At Laneau's
Ferry-Sir Henry Clinton reinforced-Charleston ca-
pitulates-Affair of Tarleton and Buford on the Wax-
haw-Sir Henry Clinton embarks for New York,
CHAP. VI. Knyphausen marauds the Jerseys-Sacking
of Connecticut Farms-Murder of Mrs. Caldwell-Ar-
rival and Movements of Sir Henry Clinton-Springfield
Burnt-The Jerseys evacuated,
CHAP. VII. Washington applies to the State Legislatures
for Aid-Subscriptions of the Ladies of Philadelphia-
Gates appointed to command the Southern Department
-French Fleet arrives at Newport-Preparations for a
Combined Movement against New York-Arnold ob
tains Command at West Point-Greene resigns the
Office of Quartermaster-general,
CHAP. VIII. North Carolina-Difficulties of its Invasion
-Character of the People and Country-Sumter, his
Character and Story-Rocky Mount-Hanging Rock-
Slow Advance of De Kalb-Gates takes Command-
Desolate March-Battle of Camden-Flight of Gates-

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CHAP. X. Interview of Washington with the French Of-
ficers at Hartford-Plan of Attack disconcerted-Wash-
ingto.'s Return-Scenes at Arnold's Head-quarters in
the Highlands-Tidings of Ai dré's Capture-Flight of
Arnold-Letters from the Traitor-Washington's Pre-
cautions-Situation of Mrs. Arnold,

CHAP. XI. André's Conduct as a Prisoner-His Conver-
sations with Colonel Tallmadge-Story of Nathan Halo
-André's Prison at Tappan-Correspondence on his
behalf-His Trial-Execution-Reward of the Captors
-Reward of Arnold-His Proclamatiou-After Fortui c
of Mrs. Arnold,

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CHAP. XIII. The Marquis Lafayette and his Light-In-
fantry-Proposes a Brilliant Stroke-Preparations for an
Attack on the British Posts on New York Island-Visit
of the Marquis of Chastellux to the American Camp-
Washington at Head-quarters-Attack on the British
Posts given up-Stark forages Westchester County-
Exploit of Tallmadge on Long Island,


CHAP. XIV. Rigorous Measures of Cornwallis in South
Carolina-Ferguson sent to scour the Mountain Country
between the Catawba and the Yadkin-Cornwallis in a
Hornet's Nest-Movements of Ferguson-Mountain Men
and Fierce Men from Kentucky-Battle of King's Mou
tain-Retrograde March of Cornwallis, .

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CHAP. XVI. Hostile Embarkations to the South-Arnold
in Command-Necessitous State of the Country-Wash.-
ington urges a Foreign Loan-Mission of Colonel Lau-
rens in France to seek Aid in Men and Money-Griev-
auces of the Pennsylvania Line-Mutiny-Negotiations
with the Mutineers-Articles of Accommodation-Policy
doubted by Washington-Rigorous Course adopted by
him with other Malcontents-Successful-Ratification
of the Articles of Confederation of the States,

CHAP. XVII. Expedition of Arnold into Virginia-Buc-

caneering Ravages-Checked by Steuben-Arnold at

Portsmouth-Congress resolves to form Heads of De.

partments-Hamilton suggested by Sullivan for Depart-

ment of Finance-High Opinion of him expressed by

Washington-Misunderstanding between Hamilton and

the Commander-in-chief,


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CHAP. XVIII. Cornwallis prepares to invade North

Carolina-Tarleton sent against Morgan-Battle at Cow-

pens-Morgan pushes for the Catawba with Spoils and

Prisoners-Cornwallis endeavors to intercept him-The

Rising of the River-Cornwallis at Ramsour's Mills, 571

CHAP. XIX. Greene joins Morgan on the Catawba-

Adopts the Fabian Policy-Movement of Cornwalli to

cross the Catawba-Affair at McGowan's Ford-Militia

surprised by Tarleton at Tarrant's Tavern-Cornwallis

checked by the Rising of the Yadkin-Contest of Skill

and Speed of the two Armies in a March to the Banks

of the Dan,.


CHAP. XX. Cornwallis takes Post at Hillsborough-His
Proclamation--Greene recrosses the Dan--Country
Scoured by Lee and Pickens-Affair with Colo el Pyle
-Manœuvres of Cornwallis to bring Greene to Actio..-
Battle of Guilford Court-House-Greene Retreats to
Troublesome Creek-Cornwallis marches towards Cape
Fear-Greene pursues him-Is brought to a Stand at
Deep River-Determines to face about and carry the
War into South Carolina-Cornwallis Marches for Vir.
CHAP. XXI. Arnold at Portsmouth, in Virginia-Expe-
ditions sent against him-Instructio s to Lafayette-
Washington at Newport-Consultations with De Ro-

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CHAP. XXII. Inefficient State of the Army-Maraud of
Delancey- Death of Colonel Greene-Arrival of the
Count De Barras-French Naval Force expected-In-
terview of Washington and De Rochambeau at Weath-
ersfield-Plan of Combined Operations-Financial Ar-
rangement of Robert Morris-Scheme to attack the
Works on New York Island and capture Delancey's
Corps-Encampments of American and French Armies
in Westchester County--Reconnoitring Expeditions, 591

CHAP. XXIII. Movements and Counter-movements of

Cornwallis and Lafayette in Virginia-Tarleton and his

Troopers scour the Country-A Dash at the State Legis-

lature-Attempt to surprise the Governor at Monticello

-Retreat of Jefferson to Carter's Mountain-Steuben

outwitted by Simcoe--Lafayette joined by Wayne and

Steuben-Acts on the Aggressive-Desperate Mélée of

Macpherson and Simcoe-Cornwallis pursued to James-

town Island-Mad Anthony in a Morass-His Impetuous

Valor-Alertness of Lafayette-Washington's Opinion

of the Virginia Campaign,


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CHAP. XXXI. Discontents of the Army at Newburg-
Memorial of the Officers to Congress-Anonymous Pa-
pers circulated in the Camp-Meeting of Officers called
Address of Washington-Resolutions in Consequence
-Letters of Washington to the President-His Opinion
of the Anonymous Addresses and their Author,

CHAP. XXXII. News of Peace-Letter of Washington in

Behalf of the Army-Cessation of Hostilities proclaimed

-Order of the Cincinnati formed-Letter of Washing.

ton to the State Governors-Mutiny in the Pennsylvania

Line-Letter of Washington on the Subject-Tour to the

Northern Posts,


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and Dr. Craik to the West-Ideas of Internal Improve-
ment-Parting with Lafayette,
CHAP. XXXV. Scheme of Inland Navigation-Shares of
Stock offered to Washington-Declined-Rural Improve-
ments-The Tax of Letter-writing-The Tax of Sitting
for Likenesses--Ornamental Gardening-Management
of the Estate-Domestic Life-Visit of Mr. Watson-
Reverential Awe inspired by Washington-Irksome to
him-Instances of his Festive Gayety--Of his Laughing
-Passion for Hunting revived-Death of Gen. Greene-
His Character-Washingto.'s Regrets and Encomiums
-Letters to the French Noblemen,

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CHAP. IX. The Assumption of the State Debts discussed
-Washington in Favor-A Majority of Two against it—
Hamilton's Appeal to Jefferson on the Subject-The lat
ter arranges for a Compromise-His Account of it-Ad-
justment about the Seat of Government-Assumption
carried-Treaty of Peace with the Creeks-Cavillings
about Presidential Etiquette-Washington's Defence-
Adjournment of Congress-Fancied Harmony of the
Cab net-Jefferson suspects Hamilton of Finesse in pro-
curing his Agency in the Assumption,

CHAP. X. Lafayette at the Head of the Revolution in
France-His Letter to Washington-Gouverneur Mor-

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ris's Opinion of his Position-Washington's dubious and
anxious Views-Presented by Lafayette with the Key
of the Bastille-Visits Rhode Island and Mount Ver-
CHAP. XI. Frontier Difficulties with the Indians-Gen-
eral Harmer's Expedition against them-Ambuscade of
Col. Hardin's Detachment-Escape of Capt. Armstrong
-A second Detachment of Col. Hardin compelled to re-
treat-Washington's long Anxiety as to the Result of
the Enterprise-Final Tidings,

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CHAP. XII. Congress reassembles at Philadelphia-Resi
dence of Washington at the new Seat of Government-
The State Carriage-Hamilton's Financial Arrangements
-Impost and Excise Bili-Passage of a Bill for a Na-
tional Bank-Jefferson's Objections-Formation of two
Political Parties under Hamilton and Jefferson-Their
different Views-Dissatisfaction of Congress at the Re-
port of Harmer's Expedition-Washington's Address to
the Seneca Chiefs-His Desire to civilize the Savages-
Kentucky and Vermont admitted into the Union-First
Congress expires-A new Expedition projected against
the Hostile Tribes under General St. Clair-Washing-
ton's Solemn Warning on taking Leave of him,
CHAP. XIII. Washington's Tour through the Southern
States-Letter to Lafayette-Gloomy Picture of French
Affairs by Gouverneur Morris-His Allusion to Lafayette
-Lafayette depicts the Troubles of a Patriot Leader-
Washington's Reply-Jefferson's ardent Views of the
French Revolution-Distrust of John Adams-His Con-
tributions to Fenno's Gazette-Reprint of Paine's Rights
of Man-Flight and Recapture of Louis XVI.-Jefferson
communicates the News to Washington-His Satisfac-
tion when the King accepts the Constitution,
CHAP. XIV. Rural Hours at Mount Vernon-Assem-
bling of Second Congress - Washington's opening
Speech-Two Expeditions organized against the Indians,
under Scott and Wilkinson-Their feeble Result-Third
Expedition under St. Clair-His disastrous Contest and
dismal Retreat-How Washington received the Intelli-
CHAP. XV. The Apportionment Bill-Washington's Veto
-His Concern at the growing Asperities of Congress-
Intended Retirement-Jefferson's determination to re-
tire at the same Time-Remonstrance of Washington-
His Request to Madison to prepare Valedictory-Wayne
appointed to succeed St. Clair-Congress adjourns-
Washington at Mount Vernon-Suggests Topics for his
Farewell Address-Madison's Draft-Jefferson urges
his continuance,

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CHAP. XVI. Jefferson's Suspicions-Contemned by Ham-
ilton-Washington's Expostulation-Complains of the
Conduct of Freneau's Paper-Hamilton and Randolph
urge him to a Re-election-A warring Cabinet-Hamil-
ton's attack on Jefferson-Washington's healing Admo-
nition-Replies of the two Secretaries-Continued Hos-
tility to the Excise Law-Washington's Proclamation
-Renewed Effort to allay the Discord in his Cabinet, 703
CHAP. XVII. Washington unanimously re-elected
Opening of Session of Congress-Topics of the Presi-
dent's Speech-Abortive attack upon the Secretary
of the Treasury-Washington installed for his Second
CHAP. XVIII. Gouverneur Morris Minister at the French
Court-His Representations of the State of Affairs-
Washington's Concern for Lafayette-Jefferson annoyed
at his Forebodings-Overthrow of the French Mon-
archy- Imprisonment of Lafayette-Jefferson con-
cerned, but not discouraged at the Republican Massacres
--Washington shocked-His Letter to the Marchioness

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mination communicated to Genet-The Vessel sails in
Defiance of it-Formation of the Democratic Society-
The Recall of Genet determined on-The Ribald Lam.
poon-Washington's Outburst,


CHAP. XXII. Threatened Dissolution of the Cabinet-
Action between the Ambuscade and Boston-Trium-
phant return of the former to New York-A_French
Fleet arrives same Day-Excitement of the People-
Genet arrives in the midst of it-His enthusiastic Re-
ception-Is informed by Jefferson of the Measures for
his Recall-His Rage and Reply-Decline of his Popu

CHAP. XXIII. Neutrality endangered by Great Brit
ain-Her Ill-advised Measures-Detention of Vessels
bound for France-Impressment of American_Seamen
-Persistence in holding the Western Posts-Congrese
assembles in December-The President's opening Speech
-His Censure of Genet-The Vice-President's Allusion
to it-The Administration in a Minority in the House-
Proclamation of Neutrality sustained-Jefferson's Re-
port-Retires from the Cabinet-His parting Rebuke to
Genet-His Character of Washington,

CHAP. XXIV. Debate on Jefferson's Report on Com-
mercial Intercourse-A Naval Force proposed for the
Protection of Commerce against l'iratical Cruisers-
Further Instances of the Audacity of Genet-His Recall
-Arrival of his Successor-Irritation excited by British
Captures of American Vessels-Preparations for De-
fence-Embargo-Intense Excitement at "British Spoli-
ations" Partisans of France in the ascendant-A
Chance for Accommodating Difficulties-Jefferson's
Hopes of Reconciliation-The War Cry uppermost-
Washington determines to send a Special Envoy to the
British Government - Jefferson's Letter to Tench
Coxe, .

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CHAP. XXVI. Washington's Denunciation of Self-created
Societies-Not relished by Congress-Campaign_of
General Wayne-Hamilton reports a Plan for the Re-
demption of the Public Debt-And retires from his Post
as Secretary of the Treasury-Is succeeded by Oliver
Wolcott-Resignation of Knox-Succeeded by Timothy
Pickering-Close of the Session,
CHAP. XXVII. Washington's Anxiety about the Pro-
gress of the Negotiation with England-Jay's Treaty
arrives for Ratification-Predisposition to condemn-
Return of Jay-Adet succeeds Fauchet as Minister from
France-The Treaty laid before the Senate-Ratified
with a Qualification-A Novel Question-Popular Dis-
content-Abstract of the Treaty published-Violent Op-
position to it-Washington resolved to ratify-His
Resolution suspended-Goes to Mount Veri:on-Reply
to an Address from Boston-Increasing Clamor,
CHAP. XXVIII. Washington recalled to the Seat of
Government-Conduct of Randolph brought in question
-Treaty signed-Resignation of Randolph-His Corre-
spondence with Washington-Unlimited Disclosure per-
mitted-Appearance of his Vindication - Pickering
transferred to the Department of State-M'Henry ap-
pointed Secretary of War-Arrival of George Washing-
ton Lafayette,
CHAP. XXIX. Meeting of Congress-Washington's
Official Summary of the Events of the Year-Cordial
Response of the Senate-Partial Demur of the House-
Washington's Position and Feelings with regard to Eng-
land, as shown by himself-Mr. Adet presents the
Colors of France-The Treaty returned-Proceedings
thereupon-Thomas Pinckney resigns as Minister at
London-Rufus King appointed in his place-Washing-
ton's View of the Political Campaign-Jefferson's Fears
of an Attempt to sow Dissension between him and Wash-
ington-Mr. Monroe recalled, and C. C. Pinckney ap.
pointed in his Stead-Resentful Policy of France,
CHAP. XXX. Washington's Farewell Address-Meets
the two Houses of Congress for the last Time-His
Speech-Replies of the Senate and House-Mr. Giles-
Andrew Jackson-Offensive Publication of the French
Minister-John Adams declared President-Washing-
ton's Letter to Knox on the Eve of his Retirement-The
Spurious Letters-His Farewell Dinner-John Adams
takes the Oath of Office-Greetings of Washington at
the close of the Ceremony,

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CHAP. XXXI. Washington at Mount Vernon-Influx of
strange Faces-Lawrence Lewis-Miss Nelly Custis-

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