The Law of Master and Servant: In Regard to Clerks, Artizans, Domestic Servants, and Labourers in HusbandryShaw, 1872 - 120 strani |
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The Law of Master and Servant: In Regard to Clerks, Artizans, Domestic ... Edward Spike Predogled ni na voljo - 2016 |
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35 Vict action agreement apprentice at-Law authority Barrister-at-Law Bing bound charge CHARLES WORDSWORTH clerk or servant Cloth Boards committed contract convicted county court criminal CUNNINGHAM GLEN defendant Demy 12mo Demy 8vo discharge dismissal duty embezzlement employed employer employment entitled evidence Government Board held hiring Hungerford Market implied indictment injury J. F. ARCHBOLD JOSIAH W jury justices justified L. J. Ex labour letter liable Local Government Board malice master and servant menial servant ment Middle Temple misconduct months negligence notice Nuisances Removal offence Officers Paper Boards parish party PATERSON payment Peace person plaintiff Poor Law Practice price 38 Q. B. Rep reason receive recover damages Rimmell Second Edition Shaw Smith South Eastern Railway stat Statutes Third Edition tion trade union Treatise unless Vaccination Act vant W. C. GLEN W. G. LUMLEY wages Western Railway Western Railway Company Wintersett workmen
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Stran 101 - ... near a house or place where a person resides or works or carries on business or happens to be, if they so attend merely for the purpose of peacefully obtaining or communicating information, or of peacefully persuading any person to work or abstain from working'.
Stran 103 - Nothing in this Act shall enable any court to entertain any legal proceeding instituted with the object of directly enforcing or recovering damages for the breach of any of the following agreements, namely, 1.
Stran 63 - In fact, to allow this sort of action to prevail would be an encouragement to the servant to omit that diligence and caution which he is in duty bound to exercise on the behalf of his master, to protect him against the misconduct or negligence of others who serve him, and which diligence and caution, while they protect the master, are a much better security against any injury the servant may sustain by the negligence of others engaged under the same master, than any recourse against his master for...
Stran 62 - The servant is not bound to risk his safety in the service of his master, and may, if he thinks fit, decline any service in which he reasonably apprehends injury to himself ; and in most of the cases in which danger may be incurred, if not in all, he is just as likely to be acquainted with the probability and extent of it as the master.
Stran 34 - The true rule is that the master is only responsible so long as the servant can be said to be doing the act, in the doing of which he is guilty of negligence, in the course of his employment as servant.
Stran 18 - ... including any wages, earnings, money, and property gained or acquired by her in any employment, trade, or occupation, in which she is engaged, or which she carries on separately from her husband, or by the exercise of any literary, artistic or scientific skill.
Stran 70 - The statute under which the prisoner is indicted is 24 & 25 Viet. c. 96, which, by section 68, provides that " whosoever, being a clerk or servant...
Stran 61 - If the master be liable to the servant in this action, the principle of that liability will be found to carry us to an alarming extent. He who is responsible by his general duty, or by the terms of his contract, for all the consequences of negligence in a matter in which he is the principal, is responsible for the negligence of all his inferior agents. If the owner of the carriage is therefore responsible for the sufficiency of his carriage to his servant, he is responsible for the negligence of...
Stran 99 - The purposes of any trade union shall not, by reason merely that they are in restraint of trade, be deemed to be unlawful so as to render any member of such trade union liable to criminal prosecution for conspiracy or otherwise.
Stran 103 - Law (1960) is as follows: . . . any combination, whether temporary or permanent, the principal objects of which are under its constitution, the regulation of the relations between workmen and masters or between workmen and workmen or between masters and masters, or the imposing of restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business, and also the provision of benefits to members...