OF MASTER AND SERVANT, IN REGARD TO CLERKS, ARTIZANS, DOMESTIC SERVANTS, AND LEIA BY EDWARD SPIKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BIB) THIRD EDITION. BY CHARLES HAMILTON BROMBY, Esq., B.A., OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. LONDON: SHAW AND SONS, FETTER LANE, Law Printers and Publishers. INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD EDITION. IT has been thought well in preparing the present edition to retain, as far as possible, the original text and the original arrangement of the work. It has, however, been necessary, owing to recent legislative enactments, to re-write that portion which relates to the Criminal Law. A chapter has been added on the Law of Trade Unions and Strikes, and also one on the Law of Arrest for Crimes. A large number of additional Cases have been cited from the various Law Reports; the points decided in the more important cases are set out in the text, those of less importance, and merely illustrative of principles discussed in the text, are referred to in the foot notes. And an Appendix, giving a list of the Statutes now practically regulating the contract of service, has been added. CHARLES HAMILTON BROMBY. 4, KING'S BENCH WALK. b |