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What the Press says of It.

With a beautiful climate, a soil of unsurpassed fertility, and mines of won drous wealth, this interesting country occupies a prominent position in the eyes of the whole civilized world-but especially so to the people of these United States. She is the key to our Pacific possessions; and with a government of proverbial instability, the lives and property of vast numbers of our citizens annually passing through her borders are placed in jeopardy. All these, with other great points of interest will be found fully covered by this volume. How acceptable it has already provedto the American people, may be gathered from the notices annexed.

"The work is printed on beautiful paper, in a clear type, and well bound. We have read Squiers' Central America, but were more interested with the narrative of Mr. Stout. The work pursues a natural order-overlooking nothing of interest-giving glowing accounts of the country, its scenery and resources-doing justice to the history of the country and its revolution and leaders, and present inhabitants. It gives, in compact style, the history of Kinney's and Walker's expeditions, and results. Altogether, the book is very interesting both for its own merits, and the knowledge it throws upon. matters of growing importance in our great future."-Independent Civilian.

"Mr. Stout believes that manifest destiny' will one day incorporate Nicaragua with the United States. His book is full of interest, and evidently written with great knowledge of its subject."-Philadelphia Press.

"The book is replete with interest not only intrinsic, but from the manner in which the subject to which it relates is treated."—New Orleans Delta.

"It is a work of about four hundred pages, and embraces more information on the subjects which the author treats of, than any other work of the kind.' -Democratic Age.

"It is written in a clear, easy style, carrying on its very face, the appearance of truth-no exaggeration of facts or coloring of events, for effect."-Baltimore Patriot.

"It treats of one of the most important topics of the political world-is well written-full of pleasant sketches-and takes the reader into a beautiful, and to a great extent, unknown country. Altogether, we highly recommend the reading of this book."-Evening Journal.

"It contains a vast deal of useful information about a country which at

present occupies a large share of public attention; is written in a pleasant offhand, readable style, and apart from value as a work of reference, is eminently worthy of attentive perusal as an entertaining book."— -Transcript.

"During the fillibustering career of Walker, he was a resident of Nicaragua, and saw many of the movements of the belligerents. His information is copious and thorough. The style is clear and lively, and the reader finds no difficulty in taking in the scenes described, and the events related. Whoever is interested in the affairs of Nicaragua, will find this book an indispensable necessity."-Philadelphia Dispatch.

"He is an easy and graceful writer, and his style lends many charms to his subject. We commend it to our readers, assuring them of its interest.". Darlington (S. C.) Flag.

"It is well got up, and is a book which should find its way into every library."-People's (Miss.) Press.

"All who desire to become fully posted in the history of Nicaragua, and spend pleasant moments in its perusal, are advised to purchase this volume." -American (Md.) Sentinel.

"One of the most agreeably written books of travel we have met with in a long time. Its style is simple without poverty of expression, and elegant without ostentation; and while it presents its pictures in a soft, romantic light, it is filled with valuable and accurate information."-Porter's Spirit of the Times.

"The work is worthy of attentive perusal; and we feel satisfied that the time thus spent will be amply repaid in the knowledge obtained of the Central American States."-Baltimore Republican.

"Will be read with much interest at the present time."-Salisbury (N. C.) Banner.

"The interest that attaches to every thing relating to Nicaragua, cannot fail to secure for this book a large sale."-New Church Herald.

"It is a valuable treatise, and imparts much information in regard to the climate, soil, productions, habits, and customs of the inhabitants; and will, no doubt, be the means of directing the attention of enterprising men to that country."-Athens (Ala.) Herald.

"The pages are written in an impartial spirit; is gotten up in capital style -as regards type and paper-and it merits what the trade terms a 'run."Pennsylvania Inquirer.

"This is one of those rare books of travel, calculated to instruct as well as entertain the reader. For a number of years past, no portion of the globe has engrossed more of public interest than Nicaragua, arising not only from the fact that it has been the focus of fillibustering, but because across its territory, either by railroad or canal, is afforded the most eligible route for the commerce of the world to pass between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. To those who wish a treatise on this interesting portion of America, we commend the volume before us as possessing all the general reader can desire.' Easton (Md.) Star.


I HAVE written a current History cf Nicaragua, a Guide Book, and furnished in a succinct form, information, Geographical, Topographical, and Statistical. My residence in the country afforded me great facilities for comparing and verifying the authorities consulted, and the results of my observations and deductions are comprised in the present volume.

The Past of every Province of the Spanish Americas, abounds with interest to the student as well as the general reader; and "El Paraiso de Mahoma" has a

present historic importance, which renders aught orthodox upon the country desirable and attractive.

I have penned my pages with a view solely to merit the respect of the Public, having neither varnished nor tarnished a subject, at present vital to my own country; and I feel assured, that I have not been led astray by the garbled statements of those, whose interests may have suffered from causes, which have not exercised, in

the remotest degree, an atom of influence upon me.


PHILADELPHIA, February, 1859.

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