Be it therefore resolved, That the manual-training department of the National Educational Association, now in session, recommend the appointment of a committee for the purpose of collecting data of the manual-training work done thruout this country, that suggestive courses adaptable to various conditions found therein, may be formulated by them. Further be it resolved, That this committee consist of three persons now actively engaged in manual training, with power to add to their number, a superintendent of schools, a teacher of art, a child's study specialist, a grade teacher, and a representative from such other departments as may be deemed advisable to increase the efficiency of their work. Be it further resolved, That the aforesaid committee of three be appointed by the president of this department. Be it further resolved, That this committee be appointed for a term of two years, being requested to make a preliminary report at the next meeting of this association. Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed by the president of this department to make formal application to the Board of Directors of the Association for an appropriation to defray the expenses of the committee. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. M. MILLER, Los Angeles, Cal., Chairman, ADA F. BLANCHARD, Los Angeles, Cal. Committee on Resolutions. DIRECTOR CREE T. WORK, of Texas: I have been appointed by the Committee of the Manual Training Department to urge favorable action on the report which you have just received from that department. On motion, the application of the Department of Manual Training was received and approved and it was ordered that the desired committee be appointed by the president of the Department of Manual Training and that $500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated for the expenses of that committee. DIRECTOR E. ORAM LYTE, of Pennsylvania, presented the following petition and urged its adoption by the Board of Directors: WHEREAS, At a conference held February 25, 1907, between the officers of the National Educational Association and representatives of six national organizations of womenthe General Federation of Women's Clubs, the National Congress of Mothers, the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the Southern Association of College Women-the desirability of co-operation was recognized and certain "suggestions of principles of united work for the organizations represented" adopted; and, WHEREAS, At said conference a committee consisting of W. W. Stetson, J. W. Olsen, E. H. Mark, Miss M. M. Abbott, Mrs. F. J. Scott, Mrs. Susanna Fry, Mrs. George C. Sikes, Mrs. Henry Solomon, and Miss E. A. Sharp was appointed to formulate the following petition: "We petition the National Educational Association to provide for the organization of a department, to be known as the Educational Department of National Organizations of Women, in order that, by meeting each year with the National Educational Association, these national societies of women may co-operate more successfully with each other and with the educators of the country in bringing the home and the school into more helpful relation;" Therefore, we the undersigned members of the National Educational Association respectfully urge that the said petition be granted and that provision be made for the organization of the department. On motion, the Board of Directors voted to approve the petition and to authorize the petitioners to organize a department to be known as the Educational Department of National Organizations of Women. DIRECTOR JOHN MACDONALD, of Kansas: At a meeting of the Board of Directors in Washington in 1898, they adopted certain forms of spelling for twelve words. This action was carried by a vote of eighteen to seventeen. I think there are three members present in this Board of Directors who were present at that meeting. The change in spelling at that time affected twelve words. I now propose that action be rescinded so far as it applies to three of the twelve words. Nine years is sufficiently long to find out whether the American press and American people are going to follow the lead of the Board of Directors at its Washington meeting. During these nine years the American press has refused to have anything to do with these words. I therefore offer the following resolution and move its adoption: Resolved: That the Secretary of the National Education Association be hereby instructed to use the standard spelling in the printing of the following words wherever they may occur in the Proceedings or in any other publications of the Association: Through in all its compounds and variations; Thorough in all its compounds and variations; Though in all its compounds and variations. The resolution of Director MacDonald was adopted by a vote of twelve to eight, thirteen directors not voting. The committee on the nomination of members of the National Council of Education reported through its chairman, Charles H. Keyes, of Connecticut, as follows: To the Board of Directors of the National Education Association: Your Committee on nominations of members of the National Council of Education recommends the following: J. H. PHILLIPS, Birmingham, Alabama, to succeed himself, term expires 1912. T. A. MOTT, Richmond, Indiana, to succeed Calvin N. Kendall, term expires 1912. GEORGE B. COOK, Hot Srings, Arkansas, to succeed A. R. Taylor, Decatur, Illinois, term expires 1913. STRATTON D. BROOKS, Boston, Mass., to succeed Charles D. McIver, Greensboro, N. C., deceased, term expires 1913. O. J. CRAIG, Missoula, Mont., to succeed Charles F. Thwing, Cleveland, Ohio, term expires 1908. DAVID C. FELMLEY, Normal, Illinois, to succeed Albert G. Lane, Chicago, Ill., deceased, term expires 1908. DAVID B. JOHNSON, Rock Hill, S. C., to succeed Wm. L. Bryan, Bloomington, Ind., term expires 1908. BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, Berkeley, California, to succeed Wm. R. Harper, Chicago, Ill., deceased, term expires 1909. On motion, the report of the Committee on Nominations of members of the Council was accepted and adopted and the nominees were declared elected to the several terms indicated in the report. There being no further business, the Board of Directors adjourned. IRWIN SHEPARD, Secretary. The following committees were appointed subsequent to the close of the convention in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Directors, as noted in foregoing minutes. COMMITTEE ON A NATIONAL UNIVERSITY BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, president of the University of California. COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION FOR RURAL SCHOOLS LORENZO D. HARVEY, superintendent of public schools and Stout training schools, Menominee, Wis., chairman. ELMER ELLSWORTH BROWN, United States commissioner of education, Washington, D. C. O. J. KERN, superintendent of schools, Winnebago Co., Rockford, Ill. COMMITTEE ON TEACHING MORALS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS JAMES M. GREENWOOD, superintendent of schools, Kansas City, Mo., chairman. CLIFFORD W. BARNES, International Committee on Moral Training, Lake Forest, Ill., chairman. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, superintendent of schools, Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. CARR, superintendent of schools, Dayton, Ohio. COMMITTEE ON SHORTAGE IN SUPPLY OF TEACHERS I. C. MCNEILL, superintendent of Schools, Memphis, Tenn., chairman. COMMITTEE ON PROVISIONS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN JAMES H. VAN SICKLE, superintendent of city schools, Baltimore, Md., chairman. ANDREW W. EDSON, associate superintendent of city schools, New York City. FRANK FITZPATRICK, 93 Sumner St., Boston, Mass. CARROLL G. PEARSE, superintendent city schools, Milwaukee, Wis. LLOYD E. WOLF, superintendent of schools, San Antonio, Tex. A committee on the culture element in education and also a committee on manual training (to be appointed by the Department of Manual Training) were also authorized but the names of the appointees had not been received at the time of going to press. IRWIN SHEPARD, Secretary. GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION ADDRESSES AND DISCUSSIONS ADDRESS OF WELCOME REV. ROBERT J. BURDETTE, PASADENA, CAL. Mr. President, and Members of the National Educational Association: In the name of all the people of the City of Our Lady of the Angels, I extend you a welcome as romantic as our past, as warm as our present, and as big as our future. Now don't get our present and future transposed. We have been homesick for you, ever since you came and went away, leaving memories of your visit, sweet as the perfume of pressed flowers in the pages. of a cherished book. We have made ready for your coming. "Wisdom hath builded her house; she hath also furnished her table; she crieth upon the highest places of the city, Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither." And you have heard, and understood, and come. "As for him that is void of understanding," she saith to him, "Come eat of my bread." And I am here to partake of her feast of good things. Some of you, who came early, made the mistake of bringing your own climate along with you. You should not have done that. We have a much better one for you-one of our own invention. At least, it has been charged that we invent a great deal of it. We acknowledge that we do manufacture it. The formula is very simple. You take all the best climates of all the rest of the world, take out the best of them at the best season of the best year, blend them; refine them a little, and you have a fair imitation of California climate at its worst. It is not protected by patent, but it is forbidden to manufacture it outside of the State. I would tell you more about our climate, but being a minister of the gospel, I am hampered by rigid limitations, and cannot speak freely and broadly as I should. It is a joy, spiced with a thrill of adventure, to meet a school teacher in vacation. It is like meeting a lion in the jungle, whom you used to tease in his cage. You are genuinely glad to see him, but you wonder about two things if he remembers, and if he harbors resentment. My school days were ended, happily for you, before any of you were born. If you will promise to say nothing about it outside this auditorium, that the schools may not suffer thereby, I will confess that I am a product of the public schools. They were not so remarkable for their productions in those days as they have since become. I must have been one of the by-products. The high school of Peoria, Illinois, was my college. I knew so much when I was graduated from that institution, that I could not bring it all away with me. Consequently, |