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the former part of the verse, he speaks of the law being dead; and, here, of its being revived with a new spirit, in contradistinction to the oldness of the letter. So true was it, what in another place he observes, that the law was a SHADOW of things to come; but the BODY was of Christ. The shadow not of a body then to be seen or understood, as these answerers imagine, but of a body that was to come, and, by its presence, to explain the meaning and reason of the shadow. For the Jews being, as the apostle says, in bondage under the elements of the world,† were as men shut up in prison, with their faces kept turned from the light, toward the whited wall of CEREMONIES; on which indeed they saw many shadows; but the body or opposite substance at their backs, to which they could not turn, they saw not. And, in this state, says the apostle, they were kept shut up unto the faith, which should afterwards be revealed. Therefore till that time came, it appears that the great community of the Jews had no knowledge of this faith; one of the essential articles of which is life everlasting. This, we must needs have concluded even though he had not said, that till that time came, they were in bondage under the elements of the world. A proper character truly of a people acquainted with the revealed doctrine of life and immortality. But the objectors pretend that the reason why Moses did not PLAINLY teach a future state, in the manner that CHRIST hath taught it, was because the Jews were a carnal people, incapable of spiritual things. Now what is the consequence of this incapacity, but that the spiritual sense was reserved for better times, when their minds should grow more pure and defecated from carnal things; which all along continued so gross and bounded, that even the most easy of their typical informations, the calling in of the gentiles, was never understood by them; yet this truth the prophets had, from time to time, so plainly cultivated, that the veil of typical embroidery seems often to have been drawn aside, to assist their weak sight. But farther, the better part of the objectors, I suppose, will allow that temporal good and evil were not only proposed, but actually dispensed to the Jews, living for some time under an equal providence. And what was the consequence of this but to confine them to the literal sense of their sanction, and stop them from looking farther? Yet in defiance of reason, of scripture, of the order of things, nay even of their own systems, these men will suppose, because the LAW is said to be spiritual, or to have a spiritual sense, that therefore this sense always went along with, and was inseparably attached to, the literal, in the understandings of the Jewish people. Which is so strangely absurd, that it takes away the very cause and occasion of two

For, why, let me ask, had the law a spiritual sense, under a carnal cover, but for this reason, that the first Jews were so grossly minded as to be incapable of spiritual things; and were therefore, in order to direct and govern their affections, presented with the carnal, to repose upon? That schoolmaster, as St Paul calls the Law, which


Col. ii. 17.

† Gal. iv. 3.

‡ Gal. iii. 23.

was to bring them by degrees, through those carnal elements, to the spiritual and sublime doctrines of CHRIST. - Yet see the scheme of these objectors. The early Jews are supposed of so sordid a taste as to be incapable of a spiritual repast, and therefore they had a carnal cover laid before them: yet were they, at the same time, so quick scented as to pierce through this carnal shell to which they were attached, into the spiritual substance, for which they had no relish.

This may be reason, say these men; but what is human reason when opposed to scripture? Just what it was, say I, before you set them at variance: and apparently for no other purpose than to silence and disgrace this modest handmaid of revelation.

However, scripture, it seems, informs us that the figurative and literal, the spiritual and carnal senses of the law, always went together. This, they say, the author of the epistle to the Hebrews plainly teaches. "There are priests who offer gifts according to the law; who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle. For see, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern showed thee in the mount."* But these words will never do the business. Could the objectors, indeed, find a text which tells us, that "as Moses was admonished of GOD about the spiritual sense of the law, so he informed the people of it," this would be to the purpose. As it is, it will hardly follow, that because Moses was admonished of the spiritual sense, that therefore the spiritual and a carnal went together in the intellects and worship of the people. Moses's knowledge of this secret I allow, as it seems to follow from the privilege of his mission; for if Abraham desired to see Christ's day, and saw it, and was glad, we are not to suppose that Moses, who had a higher office in the ministry of God's dispensations than Abraham had, should be less favoured than Abraham


Yet though I believe this, the text here urged in support of it, does in strictness, prove little of the matter. The objectors suppose the sense of the text to be this" that the priests served unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, and that of this truth Moses was admonished, by God in the mount." But the apostle is here instructing us in a very different truth. The words as Moses was admonished of God are a similitude or comparison which conveys a sense to this purpose," The priests, who offer gifts according to the law, serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, in as exact and close a manner as that tabernacle, which Moses was admonished to make, answered to the pattern showed him of it, in the mount." Not only the argument which the apostle is upon, but the propriety of the word χρηματίζω points us to this sense: which signifies to command or direct the doing of a thing by an oracle or magistrate; and this χρηματισμός οι direction we find in the place which the sacred writer refers to "And look that thou make them after this pattern, which was showed thee in * Heb. viii. 4, 5.

the mount." * But there is nothing these men will not employ for the support of their absurdities. They will borrow aid even from a quibble or equivocation: and the following words of the same apostle have been urged to prove that the law taught its followers the doctrines of the gospel-" Unto us [Christians] was the GOSPEL preached as well as unto them" [Jews].†

1. And now to proceed to the particular texts produced from the PENTATEUCH, in support of this opinion, God says to Abraham, In thee, shall all the families of the earth be blessed. The Jews understood this to signify a formulary, that men should use, when they invocated the choicest blessings on their friends and families, to this effect; may God bless thee as he blessed Abraham. And the first of Christian interpreters, Hugo Grotius, understands it to signify a promised blessing, which, in time, should be derived to the whole earth, from Abraham's care that his posterity should continue in the belief and worship of the one true God. Indeed, when the fulness of time came, it would then be seen, both by Jews and Christians, that this blessing ultimately centred in the holy Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, to whom the Father hath delegated all power and dominion. Again, "God says to ABRAHAM, I am thy exceeding great reward." § And again: "I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations, for an everlasting covenant; to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." || "He repeats the same promise to Isaac and to Jacob personally; yet he gave Abraham no inheritance in the land, though he promised he would give it to him and to his seed after him." - Thus have these texts been urged by an excellent writer against the Sadducean opinion, as containing a promise of future rewards in another life: but urged by him, I will suppose, as proving such a promise in a secondary or spiritual sense only. Because that sense is sufficient for his purpose: and because in that sense only, is it true, that they do contain such a promise. For, 1. In the literal sense it is a promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham and to his posterity; and in this sense it was literally fulfilled, though Abraham was never personally in possession of it; since Abraham and his posterity, put collectively, signify the RACE OF ABRAHAM; and that race possessed the land of Canaan. And surely, God may be allowed to explain his own promise: now though he tells Abraham, he would give HIM the land, yet, at the same time, he assures him that it would be many hundred years before his POSTERITY should be put in possession of it; for when Abraham desired to know whereby he might be certain that he, i. e. his seed, should inherit the land of Canaan,** he is ordered to offer a sacrifice; after which, God in a vision explains to him * Exod. xxv. 40. Heb. iv. 2. ‡ Gen. xii. 3. § Gen. xv. 1. || Gen. xvii. 7, 8. Dr S. Clarke, Evid. of Nat. and Rev. Relig. p. 241, ed. 6. ** Gen. xv. 8.

the import of his promise: "That his seed should be a stranger in the land that was not theirs, and should serve them, and that they should afflict them four hundred years: that afterwards they should come out with great substance, and in the fourth generation should come into CANAAN, for that the iniquity of the Ammonites was not yet full."* And as concerning himself, that he should go to his fathers in peace, and should be buried in a good old age.† Thus we see, that both what GoD explained to be his meaning, and what Abraham understood him to mean, was, that his posterity, after a certain time, should be led into possession of the land. And lest any mistake should remain concerning the accomplishment of this promise, the sacred historian sums up the relation in these words: "In that same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, UNTO THY SEED HAVE I GIVEN this land." ‡ But had the historian omitted so minute an explanation of the promise, yet common sense would instruct us how to understand it. A whole country is given to Abraham and to his seed. Could it possibly be GOD'S design, who does nothing in vain, to place his family in the land of Canaan, till they were numerous enough to occupy and defend it? His posterity was his representative: and therefore the putting them into possession was the putting him into it. Not to say, that where a grant is made to a body of men collectively, as to a people or a family, no laws of contract ever understood the performance to consist in every individual's being a personal partaker. 2. Secondly, the giving a heavenly Canaan to Abraham could not be the literal sense of the text, because an earthly Canaan is owned to be the direct immediate subject of the promise. The Jews indeed contend for this literal sense, and with some show of reason; for they hold, that the future state at the resurrection will be passed in the land of Judea, where Abraham, they say, is then to rise and take possession.§ This is consistent, however. But these CHRISTIAN objectors, who hold no such opinion, must be content at last to find a future state not only in the spiritual sense of the words: and that sense, we are by no means ambitious of taking from them.

2. "The days of the years of my pilgrimage," says Jacob to Pharaoh, " are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage." || -From this speech it is concluded, that Moses taught a future state: and, especially since the author of the epistle to the Hebrews hath brought it as a proof that Jacob and the patriarchs looked for a better country. That ‡ Ver. 18.

*Gen. xv. 13, et seq.

† Ver. 15.

Deus Abrahamo loquens ait: dabo tibi, et semini tuo post te, terram peregrinationis tuæ. Atqui constat, Abrahamum, et reliquos patriarchas eam terram non possedisse: necosse ergo est, ut resuscitentur, quo bonis promissis fruantur; alioqui promissa Dei irrita et falsa forent. Hinc itaque non tantum ANIME IMMORTALITAS probatur, sed etiam essentiale fundamentum legis, RESURRECTIO scilicet MORTUORUM. - Manasseh Ben-Israel de Resurrectione Mort. p. 7.

|| Gen. xlvii. 9.

Chap. xi. ver. 13.



Jacob did so, is unquestionable; but it can never be allowed that the words, in their literal and obvious meaning, express any such thing. Pharaoh is here questioning the patriarch, not of human life in general, but of his own. Therefore, to make the reply pertinent, Jacob must be understood to mean by his pilgrimage, the unsettled way of life, living in tents, and removing from place to place, as the convenience of pasturage gave him invitation: and, by the evil of his days, the straits he suffered from the fraud of Laban, and the hatred of his brother Esau. As for the complaint of the fewness of his days, he himself explains it to be, not on account of the shortness of human life in general, but, because he had not attained unto the days of the years of the life of his fathers. The sense, therefore, which the writer of the epistle to the Hebrews puts upon these words, must needs be the spiritual sense.


3. The same patriarch, in his last benediction of his sons, breaks in upon the prophetic blessings with this pious ejaculation, I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord:* which is supposed to respect the salvation of mankind by JESUS CHRIST. I grant it doth so in a spiritual sense; nay, for aught I know, it may in a literal. But how should an early Jewish reader understand it in this sense, when the same terms of the salvation of God, or of the Lord, are perpetually employed, throughout the whole Bible, to signify God's temporal mercies to the patriarchs and their posterity; and when now, that the mystery of the gospel hath been so long revealed, Christian commentators understand it in a hundred different senses?

4. BALAAM, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, says, Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his:† which is understood as a wish that he might be partaker with the righteous in another life. Had the apostate prophet said, Let me live the life of the righteous, it would have had a much fairer claim for such a meaning. As it is, both the force of the words, and their relation to the context, restrain us to this literal meaning," Let me die in a mature old age, after a life of health and peace, with all my posterity flourishing about me; as was the lot of the righteous observers of the LAW." This vain wish, Moses, I suppose, recorded, that the subsequent account of his immature death in battle‡ might make the stronger impression on the serious reader, to warn him against the impiety and folly of expecting the last reward of virtue for a life spent in the gratification of every corrupt appetite. But if any one will say, the words have, besides, a sublimer meaning, I have no reason to contend with him.

5. The next is a stricture of the Law in Leviticus, urged by Dr Stebbing in this manner, "Moses enforces the obedience of the Israelites upon this consideration, Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and judgments, which if a man do he shall live in them.§ Here is a promise of life made to those who should observe the statutes and judgments which God gave them by his servant Moses; which cannot be understood of

Gen. xlix. 18. † Num. xxii. 10. ‡ Chap. xxxi. ver. 8. Lev. xvii. 5,

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