Manual of modern geography, mathematical, physical, and political, Količina 11870 |
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Adriatic Alps amounted ancient annual Arctic Arctic Ocean Asia Atlantic Austria Baden Baltic Basins inclined Bavaria belong birthplace Black Sea Britain British Isles Canal cantons Cape capital carboniferous Caspian celebrated central centre chiefly climate coal coast commerce consists contains copper cotton cultivated Dalmatia Danube Devonian duchy eastern Elbe elevation embraces empire England English Europe European exports extensive extreme famous feet Finland Fiord fortified France French GEOGRAPHY Geology Greece Gulf Hungary important inhabitants Ionian Seas Ireland iron islands Italy kingdom Lake land language largest latitude linen manufactures miles mineral Moldavia mountains Naples nearly North Sea northern Norway numerous ocean peninsula population principal provinces region Rhine Rhone river-basins rivers rocks Roman Russia Sardinia Scotland seaport seat Sicily silk Silurian soil South Germany southern Spain species strata surface Sweden temperature total number town trade Turkey Volga Wallachia western wine woollen zone
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Stran 346 - This work has been constructed for the purpose of placing in the hands of the public a useful and thoroughly accurate ATLAS of Maps of Modern Geography, in a convenient form, and at a moderate price. It is based on the ' ROYAL ATLAS,' by the same Author ; and, in so far as the scale permits, it comprises many of the excellences which its prototype is acknowledged to possess. The aim has been to make the book strictly what its name implies, a HANDY ATLAS — a valuable substitute for the
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Stran 347 - We have carefully read this truly satisfactory book, and do not hesitate to say that it is an excellent compendium of the great facts of Geology, and written in a truthful and philosophic spirit."— Edinburgh Philosophical Journal.
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Stran 347 - Of singular merit for its clearness and trustworthy character." — Standard. Third Edition, Enlarged. GEOLOGY FOR GENERAL READERS. A Series of Popular Sketches in Geology and Palaeontology. By the Surne. 6s. "This is one of the best of Mr page's many good books. It is written in a flowing, popular style. Without illustration or any extraneous aid, the narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent reader."— Geological Magazine.
Stran 345 - Constructed from the best materials, and embodying the results of the most recent investigations, accompanied by a complete INDEX OF PLACES, in which the proper quantities are given by T.
Stran 346 - We do not remember having seen a work so completely to our minds as this, which combines sound theory with judicious practice. Proceeding step by step, it advances from the formation of the shortest sentences to the composition of complete essays, the pupil being everywhere furnished with all needful assistance in the way of models and hints. Nobody can work...
Stran 346 - This is Mr Keith Johnston's admirable Royal Atlas diminished in bulk and scale so as to be, perhaps, fairly entitled to the name of ' handy,' but still not so much diminished but what it constitutes an accurate and useful general Atlas for ordinary households.