| 1774 - 624 strani
...genius was fuch, We fcarcely can praif¿ it or blame it too much ; Who, born for the univerfe, narrow \l his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Though fraught with all learning, kept ftraining his throat To perfuadc Tommy Townfend * to lend him... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1774 - 70 strani
...praife it, or blame.it too much ; (m) Vide Page 6.. (*) Ibidw Who,, C 9 ] Who, born for the Univerfe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave u,p, what was meant for mankind. . Tho' fraught with all learning, yet flraining his throat, To perfuade (o) Tommy Townfend to lend... | |
 | 1785 - 306 strani
...whofe genius was fuch, We fcarcely can praife it, or blame it too much • Who, born for the univerfe narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for .mankind. Tho' fraught with all learning, yet ftraining hit throat, To perfuade f Tommy Townfhend to lend him... | |
 | Muse - 1785 - 316 strani
...genius was fuch, We fcarccly can praife it, or blame it too much; Who, born for the univerfe*arrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Tho' fraught with all learning, yet (training his throat, To perfuade f Tommy Townfhend to lend him... | |
 | 1785 - 304 strani
...genius was fuch, We fcarcely can piaife it, or blame it too much; Who, born for the univerfe aarrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Tho' fraught with all learning, yet ftraining his throat, To perfuadc f Tommy Towiifheiid to lend him... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1792 - 312 strani
...EDMUND, whofe genius wjas fucb, fcarcely can praife it, or blame it, too much; Who, born for theuniverfe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Though fraught with all learning, yet ftraining his throat, To perfuadl Tommy Townfend f to lend him... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1794 - 114 strani
...iesourgoodEdmund(a),whofe genius wasfuch, We (carcely can praife it, or blame it too much ; Who, born for the univerfe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Tho' fraught with all learning, yet draining his throat, ToperfuadeTommyTown(hend(0)tolendhimavote;... | |
 | Jeremiah Whitaker Newman - 1796 - 296 strani
...Edmund, whofe genius was fuch, I frarcely can praife it or blame it too much, Who born for the univerfe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Who, too deep for his hearers, ftili went on refining, while they thought of dining ; Tho' equal to... | |
 | Jeremiah Whitaker Newman - 1796 - 296 strani
...or blame it too much, Here lies our good Edmund, whofe genius was fuch, Who born for the univerfe, narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind. Who, too deep for his hearers, ftill went, on refining, And thought of convincing, Tho' equal to all... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1798 - 464 strani
...intellectual fcaft, regret that he ihould be churaclcrifed as the man, /•< Who born for the univerfe narrow'd his mind, " And to party gave up what was meant for mankind ?" Talking of the origin of language, Johnibn faid, " It muft have come by infpiration. A thoufand,... | |
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