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" to which he consoles himself. How much better would it have been, to have ended with the prose sentence ' I shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to... "
Boswell's Life of Johnson: Life (v.l, 1709-1765 - Stran 226
avtor: James Boswell - 1887
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The Rambler [by S. Johnson and others]., Količina 8

1752 - 198 strani
...this part of my work with pleafure, which no blame or praife of man (hall diminifh or augment. I mall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth....
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Harrison's British Classicks, Količina 1

1785 - 600 strani
...this part of my work with pleafure, which no blame or pralle of man ihalldimimfli or augment. I fhufl never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth....
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The Rambler

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 424 strani
...this part of my work with pleafure, which no blame or praife of man fhall diminifh or augment. I fhall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can be numbered among the writers who have givdn ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth....
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: The rambler

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 442 strani
...this part of my work with pleafure, which no blame or praife of man ihall diminiih or augment. I ihall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth....
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: Essay on the life and genius of Dr ...

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 654 strani
...** back on this part of my work with pleafure, " which no man fhall diminifh or augment. " I fhall never envy the honours which wit and " learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can " be numbered among the writers who have " given ardour to virtue, and confidence to...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The British Essayists: The Rambler

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 284 strani
...back on this part of my work with pleasure, which no blame or praise of man shall diminish or augment. I shall never envy the honours which wit and learning...have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth. Avrat in [txxxcvr u.rra%\<&> s Celestial pow'rs ! that piety regard, From you my labours wait their...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A Critical Enquiry Into the Moral Writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson: In which ...

William Mudford - 1802 - 166 strani
...anticipates censure by a firm avowal, that he sought only the advancement of morality, and " that he shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause, if he can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue and confidence to truth." The...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Universal magazine, Količina 11

1809 - 596 strani
...rt-«r-'i-«>-«»^W34CiCXO* UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, N'LXIIL—VoL.XI.] For FEBRUARY, 1309. [NEW SERIES, " We shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause, if we can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth."—DR....
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The Truth and Excellence of the Christian Religion Exhibited. In Two Parts ...

Hannah ADAMS - 1804 - 398 strani
...back on this part of my work with pleafure, which no praife of man (hall diminifh of augment. I mail never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other caufe, if I can be numbered among the writers, who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Rambler, by S. Johnson, Količina 4

1806 - 320 strani
...on this part of my work with pleasure, which no blame or praise of man shall diminish or augment. 1 shall never envy the honours which wit and learning...have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth. A Toy 'IK ,uaxapov a»Ta'?«r l" »' xp.oi£i. From you my labours wait their last reward. Celestial...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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