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capitalizes the sources of gold, uses of gold, Aztec goldsmiths and their work, gold jewels from Oaxaca, the Nahuan region, the Tarascan region and the Totonacan region. Saville's volume dealing with an art which even the extravagant statements of the early writers did not exaggerate, reveals "the artistic temperament of the native Mexicans." "So far as the few specimens of gold from Mexico justify us in making a comparison with the same class of objects from other parts of ancient America, we are safe in placing these jewels . . on a higher plane generally than those of the inhabitants of Chiriqui, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru" (p. 187). Two more monographs by the same author deal with the bibliography of Yucatan, Bibliographical Notes on Uxmal (Vol. IX; No. 3, 1921; 106 pp.; 7 pls.), and, Reports on the Maya Indians of Yucatan (Vol. IX; No. 3, 1921; 86 pp.). Transcripts of several little known ethnological accounts of the Mayas by Mendez, Aguilar and Hernandez are edited with notes. Vol. III, No. 3, Hawikuh Bonework, by F. W. Hodge (84 pp.; 46 pls.; 44 figs.) is a study of artifacts found in abundance in the ruins of Hawikuh, New Mexico, a Zuni site and one of the "Seven Cities of Cibola” of ancient Spanish times. The chief conclusion of interest in the bone objects from Hawikuh lies in the disclosed fact that, although exposed to contact with the Spanish for a period of about 130 years, the ancient industry of these Indians was no more modified by the products of civilization than their religion was affected by Christianity (p. 150). Several numbers in the series are devoted to the Indians of Manhattan Island. New York City in Indian Possession, by R. P. Bolton (Vol. XI; No. 7, 1920; 172 pp.; 3 pls.; map) is a historical account, and Archaeological Investigations on Manhattan Island, by A. B. Skinner (Vol. XI; No. 6, 1920; 90 pp.; 26 pls.; 19 figs.; 2 maps) is a discussion of sites, consisting of village sites and shell heaps. Based upon a comparative study of the objects from various parts of the city and adjacent territory, Skinner's conclusion is that the "natives were an offshoot from the typical Unami Delawares and not from the Wappinger group which held the east bank of the lower Hudson and extended eastward into Connecticut." They were under considerable Iroquois influence. He further concludes that the Hudson river was a boundary which divided the natives of Delaware culture from those of the New England area; a conclusion coinciding with the demarcations of dialect. Native Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimo, by Donald A. Cadzow (22 pp.; 11 pls.; fig.), is an interesting report on some specimens of native copper work obtained from a band of the little-known Copper Eskimo temporarily visiting Fort Norman in the MacKenzie district in 1919.





SIDNEY N. DEANE, Editor-in-charge

*Books, pamphlets, and other matter for the Bibliography should be addressed to Professor SIDNEY N. DEANE, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.


Marius Audin and E. Vial, Dictionnaire des artistes et ouvriers d'art de la France: Lyonnais, Paris, 1918-1919, Bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie. lxvi, 523 and 377 pp. 4to. 50 fr.

P. C. Moran Bardon. Investigaciones acerca de arqueologia y prehistoria de la region salmantina. Salamanca, 1919, Saenz de Jubera. 131 pp.; 17 pls. 4to. 3 fr.-H. Bayley, Archaic England: an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthwork, customs, coins, etc. London, 1919, Chapman. 900 pp.; 600 figs. 8vo. 31 fr. 50.-A. Bel, Inscriptions arabes de Fès. Paris, 1919, Imp. nationale. 426 pp.; figs. 8vo. A. Bel, Les Industries de la céramique à Fès. Paris, 1918, Leroux. 319 pp.; 226 figs. 8vo.

-Adrien Blanchet, Mémoires et notes de numismatique. Paris, 1920, Picard. 308 pp.; pls. 8vo. 20 fr.-R. P. Boldon, New York City in Indian Possession. (Indian Notes and Monographs, XI, 7.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 172 pp.; 13 pls.; map. 8vo.-J. Brandstetter, Die Siedelungen der Alamannen im Kanton Luzern. Stans, 1919, von Matt. iv, 178 pp. 8vo. 6 fr.- -Marguerite de Brieuvres, La dentelle: Historique de la dentelle à travers les âges et les pays. Paris, 1920, Garnier. 179 pp.; figs. 16mo. 4 fr.-Percy Brown, Indian Painting. Cal

cutta and London, 1920, Oxford University Press. iii, 115 pp. 12mo. -E. A. Wallis Budge, By Nile and Tigris: a narrative of journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1886 and 1913. 2 v. London, 1920, J. Murray. 8vo.- -Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société archéologique de Bordeaux, XXXVII. Bordeaux, 1917, Cadoret. 143 pp.; pl. 8vo.- -Bulletin et Mémoires de la Société archéologique de département d'Ille-et-Vilaine, XLVII. Rennes, 1920, Vatar. xlv, 342 pp. 8vo. 15 fr.

Donald A. Cadzow, Native Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimo. (Indian Notes and Monographs.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 22 pp.; 11 pls.; fig. 8vo.-M. Cagiati, Manuale per il raccoglitore di monete del regno d'Italia. Naples, 1918. Marino. 119 pp.; figs. 8vo. 10 fr.

-E. Chavannes, Six monuments de la sculpture chinoise. Brussels, 1914, Van Oest. 44 pp.; 52 pls. Folio. 50 fr.- -E. Clodd, Magic in Names and in Other Things. New York, 1920, Dutton. vii, 738 pp. $6.-Henri Clouzot and A. Level, L'art nègre et l'art océanien. Paris, 1919, Derambez. 74 pp.; 40 figs. 8vo. -W. Cohn, Indische Plastik. Berlin, 1921, Bruno Cassirer. vii, 87 pp.; 161 pls.; 3 figs. 8vo. 60 M. Comité archéologique de

Senlis, Comptes rendus et Mémoires. 5th Series, VI. Senlis, 1917, Vignon. lxxxix, 213 pp.; map. 8vo.- -Comité archéologique de Senlis, Comptes rendus et Mémoires. 5th series, VII. Senlis, 1919, Vignon. 1, 195 pp. 8vo.- -Henri Cordier, Mélanges d'histoire et de geographie orientales, II. Paris, 1920, Maissonneuve. 327 pp. 8vo. 16 fr. Theodore De Booy, Archaeology of the Virgin Islands. (Indian Notes and Monographs, I, 1.) New York, 1919, Museum of the American Indian. Pp. 1-100; 10 pls.; 32 figs.- -Adolphe Dieudonné, Mélanges numismatiques, II. Paris, 1919; Rollin et Feuardent. 446 pp.; 13 pls. 8vo. 15 fr. John C. Ferguson, Outlines of Chinese Art. Chicago, 1919, University of Chicago Press. xi, 263 pp.; figs. 8vo.-J. W. Fewkes, De signs on Prehistoric Hopi Pottery (Twenty-third Annual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology.) Washington, 1919, Bureau of American Ethnology. Pp. 43-154.

Leo J. Frachtenberg, Alsea Texts and Myths. (Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 67.) Washington, 1920, Government Printing Office. 304 pp. 8vo. P. Bosch Gimpera, Prehistoria catalana. Barcelona, 1919, Editorial catalana. xvi, 300 pp.


-A. Grünwedel, Alt-Kutscha, archäologische und religionsgeschichtliche Forschungen an TemperaGemälden aus buddhistischen Höhlen der ersten acht Jahrhunderte nach Christi Geburt. Berlin, 1920. V. Elsner. 25 colored pls.; 7 pls.; 160 figs.Stéphane Gsell, Histoire ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord, IV. La civilisation carthaginoise. Paris, 1920, Hachette. 519 pp. 8vo. 25 fr. Emil Hannover, Keramisk Haandbog, I. Copenhagen, 1920, Henrik Koppels Forlag. 576 pp.; 684 figs. Ernest B. Havell, A Handbook of Indian Art. New York, 1920, Dutton. vii, 222 pp.; pls. 8vo. $10.- -A. Hébrard, Architecture. Paris, 1919, Vicq-Dunod. xi, 435 pp.; fig. 16mo. 11 fr.

E. Hernandez-Pacheco, La caverno de la Peña de Candamo, Asturias. Madrid, 1919, Museo Nacional.

281 pp.; 185 figs. 4to.-E. Hernandez-Pacheco, Problemos y metodos de estudio del arte rupestre (Bol. de la Real Sociedad de Historia natural, julio). 12 pp. 8vo.- -G. F. Hill, Coins and Medals. (Helps for Students of History, No. 32.) London, 1920, Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. 62 pp. 1s. 6d.

-F. W. Hodge, Hawikuh Bonework. (Indian Notes and Monographs, III, 3.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 84 pp.; 46 pls.; 44 figs. 8vo.F. W. Hodge, List of Publications of the Museum of the American Indian. New York, 1921, Museum of the American Indian. 38 pp. S. Holth, Greco-Roman and Arabic Bronze Instruments and their Medico-surgical Use. (Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter, Mat.-Naturv. klasse, I. 1919, No. 1.) Christiania, 1919, Dybwad. 20 pp.; 4 pls.; 5 figs. 8vo.-J. Hoops, Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, II. Strassburg, 1916, Trübner. xii, 540 pp.; pls. 8vo. E. A. Hooton, An Indian Village Site and Cemetery near Madisonville, Ohio. (Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, III, 1.) Cambridge, Mass., 1920, Peabody Museum. vii, 127 pp.; 30 pls.; 5 figs. $2.15.

-Louis Hourticq. HistoireGuide de l'art français à l'etranger: le musée d'art français de Sao Paolo. Paris, 1920, Imp. nationale. iv, 60 pp. 16mo. 2 fr.M. G. Houston and F. S. Hornblower, Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian Costumes and Decorations. New York, 1921, Macmillan. xii, 891 pp.; figs. 8vo. $4.- -How to Observe in

Archaeology: Suggestions for travellers in the Near and Middle East, by Sir F. G. Kenyon, G. F. Hill, W. M. Flinders Petrie, J. P. Droop, J. G. C. Anderson, J. L. Myres, D. G. Hogarth, R. A. S. Macalister, and H. R. Hall. London, 1920, British Museum. 103 pp.; figs. 12mo.

T. Ischer, Die Chronologie des Neolithikums der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz. Bern, 1920, E. Bircher. 28 pp.; 23 figs.

E. O. James, An Introduction to

Anthropology; a general survey of the early history of the human race. London, 1919, Macmillan. 259 pp. 8vo. RR. PP. Jaussen et Savignac, Mission archéologique en Arabie, février-avril 1909 et mars-avril 1910, El-'Ela, d'Hégra à Teima, Harrah de Tebouk. Paris, 1914-1920, Geuthner. -W. Jones, Ojibwa Texts, edited by Truman Michelson. (Publications of the American Ethnological Society, VII, Parts 1-2.) New York, 1917-1919, American Ethnological Society. 8vo. $8.

G. R. Kaye, A Guide to the Old Observatories at Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain, Benares. Calcutta, 1920. 8vo.- -Otto Kern, Orpheus: eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuch


With a supplement by J. Strzygowski. Berlin, 1920, Weidmann. 69 pp.; 2 pls. 8vo. 5 M.

H. S. Kingsford, Seals. (Helps for Students of History, No. 30.) London, 1920, Macmillan. 59 pp. 12mo. $0.50.- -R. Kreglinger, Études sur l'origine et le développement de la vie religieuse. 1. Les primitifs, l'Egypte, l'Inde, la Perse. Brussels, 1919, Lamertin. 370 pp. 8vo. 6 fr. 50.W. Kubitschek, Itinerar-Studien (Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philos.-histor. Klasse, 61 Bd., 3 Abh.) Vienna, 1919. 68 pp. 4to. -Kyoto Imperial Museum, Catalogue of an Exhibition of Japanese Art held in Kyoto in 1915, in honor of the Imperial coronation. Kyoto, 1918, Benrido. 5 vols. in 4. 83 facsimiles; 532 pls. 4to.

Sir G. F. Laking. A Record of European Armour and Arms through Seven Centuries, I. London, 1920, Bell. 4to. Raymond Lantier, Inventaire des monuments sculptés préchrétiens de la péninsule ibérique, I. Lusitanie, Conventus Emeritensis (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études hispanique, fasc. 1). Bordeaux, 1918, Feret. 43 pp.; 63 pls. 8vo.- -J. Laurent, L'Arménie entre Byzance et l'Islam depuis la Conquête Arabe jusqu'en 886. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, No. CXVII.) Paris, 1919, Fontemoing. 398 pp.; map. 8vo.

20 fr. —J. Laurent, Byzance et les Turcs Seljoucides dans l'Asie occidentale jusqu'en 1081. (Annales de l'Est, 28 Année, Fascicule 2.) Nancy, 1919, Berger-Levrault. 141 pp.; map. 8vo. 7 fr.-H. Lehmer, Das Provinzialmuseum in Bonn, III. Die römischen und fränkischen Skulpturen. Bonn, 1917, Cohen. 20 pp.; 44 pls. 8vo.- -A. Lensi, Il museo Stibbert: catalogo delle sale delle armi europee. Florence, 1918, tip. Giuntina. xx, 878 pp.; 126 pls. 16mo.- -A. Loisy, Essai historique sur le sacrifice. Paris, 1920, E. Nourry. 532 pp. 8vo.- -A. Loisy, Les Mystères païens et le Mystère chrétien. Paris, 1919, Nourry. 368 pp. 8vo.- -L. Seco de Lucena, La Alhambra: Novisimo estudio de historia y arte. Granada, 1919, Vasquez. 447 pp.; figs. 8vo. 8 fr. William A. Mason, The History of the Art of Writing. New York, 1920, Macmillan. 502 pp.; figs. 8vo. $6.50.-Mémoires de la Société archéologique du Midi de la France, XVII. Toulouse, 1919, Privat. 113 pp.; figs. 4to. 10 fr. -Mémoires de la Société des antiquaires de l'Ouest. 3d Series, X. Poitiers, 1919, Bonamy. lxxviii, 643 pp.; figs. 8vo.Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires du Centre, 2d series, VIII. Bourges, 1919, Tardy Pigelet. liv, 301 pp.; figs. 8vo. 12 fr.

-E. H. Morris, The Aztec Ruin. (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, XXVI, Part 1.) New York, 1919, American Museum of Natural History. Pp. 1-108; 13 figs.-E. H. Morris, Preliminary Account of the Antiquities of the Region between the Mancos and La Plata Rivers in Southwestern Colorado. (Twenty-third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology.) Washington, 1919, Bureau of American Ethnology. Pp. 155-206.- -Karl Müllenhoff, Deutsche Altertumskunde, IV, New edition, ed. M. Roediger. Berlin, 1920, Weidmann. xxiv, 767 pp. 8vo. 36 M.

Puran C. Nahar, Jaina Inscriptions: containing index of places, glossary

of names of Sharvaka castes and Gotras of Gachlas and Acharyas, I. London, 1919, Luzac. 256 pp.; pl. 4to.-M. P. Nilsson, Primitive Time-reckoning. (Acta Soc. Hum. Litt. Lundenses, 1.) Lund and Oxford, 1920. 8vo. A. Parat, Notes archéologiques villageoises de l'Avallonais. Dijon, 1919, Jobard. 95, 64 pp.; pl. 8vo.

-Maurice Pézard, La céramique archaïque de l'Islam et ses origines. Paris, 1920, Leroux.

xii, 264 pp.; pls. 4 to. 400 fr.Alexandre Polovtsoff, Les trésors d'art en Russie sous le régime bolcheviste. Poictiers and Paris, 1919, Société francaise d'impr. et de librairie. 295 pp. 16mo. 7 fr. 50.-F. Poulsen, La collection Ustinow: la sculpture. (Videnskapselsskapets Skrifter, II, Hist.filos. Klasse, 1920, No. 3.) Christiania, 1920. 28 pp.; 4 pls.; 25 figs. 8vo.- -Procés-verbaux de la Société archéologique d'Eureet-Loire, XIII. Chartres, 1919, Garnier. xxvi, 499 pp. 8vo. M. Reygasse, Observations sur les techniques paléolithiques du Nord Africain (extr. du Recueil des Notices sur Constantine, XLI). Constantine, 1920, Braham. 20 pp.; pls. 8vo.- -W. H. Roscher, Die Zahl 50 in Mythus, Kultus, Epik and Taktik der Hellenen und anderen Völker, besonders der Semiten. Leipzig, 1917, Teubner. 134 pp.; figs. 8vo.- -Mrs. Scoresby Routledge, The Mystery of Easter Island: the story of an expedition. London, 1920, Sifton Praed and Co. xxi, 404 pp.; 119 pls.; 17 figs.; 11 maps. 8vo.V. Giuffrida Ruggeri, Prime linee di una antropologia sistematica dell' Asia. Florence, 1919, Ricci. 87 pp. 8vo.-J. Ruska, Griechchische Planetendarstellungen in arabischen Steinbüchern. (Sitzung der Heidelb. Akad. der Wissensch., Philos.-hist. Kl. 1919, 3 Abh.) Heidelberg, 1919, Winter. 50 pp. 8vo.

M. H. Sayville, Bibliographical Notes in Uxmal. (Indian Notes and Monographs, IX, 3.) New York, 1921, Museum of the American Indian. 106 pp.; 7 pls. 8vo.M. H. Sayville, The Goldsmith's Art in Ancient Mexico. (Indian

Notes and Monographs.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 264 pp.; 21 pls.; 10 figs. 8vo.-M. H. Sayville, Reports on the Maya Indians of Yucatan. (Indian Notes and Monographs, IX, 3.) New York, 1921, Museum of the American Indian. 86 pp. 8vo.-L. von Schroeder, Arische Religion, II. Naturverehrung und Lebensfeste. Leipzig, 1916, Haessel. vii, 707 pp. 8vo. A. Schulten, Hispania (Geografia, etnologia, historia). Traduicion del aleman por P. Bosch Gimpera y M. Artigas Ferrando, con un apendice sobre la arqueologia preromana por P. Bosch Gimpera. Barcelona, 1920, Tipogr. La Academia. 242 pp.; 3 pls. 8vo. 7 pesetas.- -Paul Schwarz, Iran im Mittelalter nach den arabischen Geographen, IV (Quellen und Forschungen zur Erd- und Kulturkunde, IX). Leipzig, 1921, W. Heims. Pp. 289-511. 8vo. 50 M.-E. Seler, Beobachtungen und Studien in den Ruinen von Palenque. Berlin, 1915, Reimer. 128 pp.; 19 pls.; 146 figs. 8vo. M. Sharpe, Middlesex in British, Roman, and Saxon Times. 1919. 4to.- -J. Sieveking, Hermeneutische Reliefstudien. (Sitz. d. bayer. Akad. d. Wissens. Philos.-philolog. u. histor. Kl., 11 Abh.) Munich, 1920, Bayer. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. 31 pp. 8vo. 2 M.-A. B. Skinner, Archaeological Investigations on Manhattan Island. (Indian Notes and Monographs, XI, 6.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 90 pp.; 26 pls.; 19 figs.; 2 maps. 8vo.-A. B. Skinner, Medicine Ceremony of the Menomini, Iowa, and Wahpeton Indians, with notes on the ceremony among the Ponca, Bungi, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi. (Indian Notes and Monographs, IV.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 357 pp.; pls. $3.- A. B. Skinner, Notes on the Bribri of Costa Rica. (Indian Notes and Monographs, VI, 3.) New York, 1920, Museum of the American Indian. 106 pp.Société archéologique de Bordeaux, Bulletin, XXVI. Bordeaux, 1914, Cadoret. 156 pp.; pls. 8vo.

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