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-a Roman Doric rotunda - a mechanics' institute, and the Spa and its grounds are attractive features of the place. There are fine promenades. The People's Park occupies both sides of the valley. Fishing and the manufacture of jet ornaments are the chief occupations. The castle erected about 1136 was held against the Barons by Piers Galveston, and it was twice besieged by the Parliamentary forces. Later it became a fortified barrack. În 1914 it was bombarded with a loss of civilian life by a German squadron. Pop. 37,000.

SCARBRO, W. Va., town situated on the Chesapeake and Ohio and Virginian railroads. The chief industry is coal mining, the famed New River smokeless coal being produced here. The value of the town's taxable property is $400,000. It contains a 10-room graded school. The annual receipts and expenditures average about $2,000. The town is situated at an altitude of 1,800 feet and was named for the English town of Scarborough. Pop. 5,000.

SCARECROW, The. The prolific pen of Percy Mackaye has never turned out a more satisfactory drama than this, called by him "a tragedy of the ludicrous." It is clearer in its philosophical purpose, more skilful in its dramatic treatment, more direct in its human application than anything he has yet done. When it was given in New York, at the Garrick Theatre, on 17 Jan. 1911, with the excellent support of Frank Reicher, as Ravensbane, and Edmund Breese, as Dickon, a Yankee improvisation of the Prince of Darkness, it met with the cordial recognition it deserved. Were

repertory the fashion at the present day (1919) in the American theatre, it would occupy a worthy place among the plays for constant revival.


The inspirational source for 'The Scarecrow is Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Feathertop,) a tale included in his 'Mosses from an Old Manse'; Mr. Mackaye acknowledges his dependence on the story for the main ideas of his plot. But he writes an introduction to the printed play, showing the main details in which he and Hawthorne differ. These may summed up briefly: Hawthorne's Scarecrow "is the imaginative epitome or symbol of human charlatanism," the satire being aimed against fashionable society, Mr. Mackaye stretches his philosophy to wider application. His Scarecrow, Ravensbane, is the "emblem of human bathos." Are we not all more or less human scarecrows, composed of rubbish, out of which we have to hew our own salvation? When Dickon and Goody Rickby construct a scarecrow, and breathe into him, by their devilish magic, the breath of life, symbolized by the glow of a pipe, which keeps Ravensbane alive, they do so in order to wreak vengeance on the old justice, Gilead Morton. But they give no thought to the tragedy which might befall a scarecrow thus thrust upon the world and subject to human experience. They do not realize that when, at the end, in love with the justice's niece, Ravensbane looks into the magic mirror, which reveals people as they really are, he will see himself as a scarecrow, and the tragedy of the ludicrous, so entertaining to the onlooker, will fall heavily on his own poor pumpkin head. "What absurdity is our highest consumma


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SCAREY CREEK, Engagement at. On 2 July 1861 General McClellan, then preparing to advance from Buckhannon against the Confederate forces under General Garnett at Rich Mountain, ordered General Cox to move with one brigade from Camp Dennison, Ohio, cross the Ohio River at Gallipolis, and operate in the Kanawha Valley, the object of the movement being to secure McClellan's right flank and to prevent General Wise from reinforcing Garnett at Rich Mountain. With three regiments Cox arrived at Gallipolis, where he was joined by another regiment, and on the 10th crossed the river to Point Pleasant, where he received orders from McClellan to drive Wise from the Kanawha Valley. Cox went up the Great Kanawha on steamboats, and at the mouth of Scarey Creek, on the south side of the river, found his passage disputed by a force of 200 men, with two guns, under command of Colonel Patton. It was necessary to dislodge Patton, whose two guns commanded the river. A small body of Cox's command had reconnoitered the position, and awaited the arrival of Cox's main body, which came up on the 16th. Cox landed on the north side of the river, and on the 17th Colonel Lowe, with the 12th Ohio, two companies of the 21st, and some cavalry, in all 1,020 men and two guns, was landed on the south side of the river and advanced upon Patton, reaching the bank of the creek about 3 P.M. The two guns were put in position and the cavalry advanced, but were speedily driven back by the Confederate guns. The artillery now opened on both sides and, after some sharp firing, Patton's men were seized with a panic; but reinforcements coming up, they were rallied, and the Confederates advanced and took position along the bank of the creek, across which there was quite a severe contest. A small Union force was sent across the creek to turn the Confederate left and seize their guns; but, not waiting for this movement to develop, the main body charged across the creek and drove the Confederates up the hillside, back upon their guns, and another panic ensued. But more reinforcements coming up, the Confederates rallied and poured such a telling fire into the advancing Union line that it fell back in



disorder, leaving dead and wounded on the field, recrossed the creek, and continued the retreat. The Union loss was two officers and 12 men killed and 47 men wounded; the Confederate loss one officer and four men killed and nine wounded. Two colonels, a lieutenantcolonel, and two captains of Cox's command, whose regiments were not engaged, but who were led by curiosity to see a fight, left camp on the north side of the river and were taken prisoners. This check delayed Cox's advance up the river several days, until he could get land transportation. Consult Official Record' (Vol. II).

SCARIDÆ, a large family of fishes, represented by the parrot-fishes, which occur in all warm seas, lingering about coral reefs and weedy rocks. Few species are of any value as game or for food, but some are utilized in the West Indies and Hawaii. See ICHTHYOLOGY.

SCARLATINA. See SCARLET FEVER. SCARLATTI, skär-läa'tē, Alessandro, Italian composer: b. Trapani, Sicily, 1659; d. Naples, Italy, 24 Oct. 1725. Appointed maestro di capella by Queen Christina of Sweden, he wrote his first opera for performance in her palace. He produced his first oratorio 'I Dolori di Maria sempre Vergine,' in 1693, and was then appointed maestro di capella to the viceroy at Naples. He held the position of chapel-master at Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, 1707-09, and then returned to Naples. Scarlatti was possessed of great fertility of imagination. In method he opposed the enemies of the counterpoint, being considered the greatest contrapuntist of his age, and the inventor of accompanied recitative. His compositions, few of which have been published, included 115 operas, 200 masses, 9 oratorios, 500 cantatas, and miscellaneous minor pieces. Three of his operas, 'Geroue'; 'Il Flavio Cuniberto'; and 'La Teodora Augusta,' preserved in the original manuscripts, are at Christ Church, Oxford, England, and another is in the British Museum.

SCARLET FEVER, or SCARLATINA, an acute infectious disease, the specific cause of which has not yet been discovered (1919). The disease is characterized by a rapid onset of fever, general symptoms of poisoning, and later by the appearance of a typical rash. The disease was not definitely described until the latter part of the 16th century, although an occasional case is suggested in literature before that time. Epidemics ravaged Europe for 150 years before the disease made its appearance in America; this was in Massachusetts in 1735; and the disease then spread all over New England and the rest of North America. Not until 1830 did it get a foothold in South America, but since that time epidemics have been widespread and frequently very malignant.

In spite of laborious researches, the causative agent has as yet eluded detection. The disease is transmitted directly from one individual to another, or through articles which have been in the sickroom, such as clothing, bedding, paper, pictures, and particularly those substances from which infectious material is not readily dislodged. The virus is not killed by cold, but dry heat, steam and gasses such as formaldehyde or chlorine are thought to destroy it after a comparatively short exposure to their action. It is doubtful if this is true. The con

tagion is given off in the discharges of the nose and throat, in the vomit, in mother's milk and in the desquamated skin. It may also be carried in the milk-supply, as animals are liable to the disease. It occasionally happens that the disease is transmitted before the appearance of the rash, but the most contagious period is after the onset of desquamation. The young are particularly liable to the disease. One attack usually protects the individual for life.

The period of incubation lasts from two to seven days, and occasionally longer. The onset is usually sudden and active, the patient appearing very sick and dull, complaining of sore throat and general pains througout the body. Severe and persistent vomiting ushers in the attack. The temperature rises rapidly, reaching 103° or 104° F. in the first 24 hours. These symptoms constitute the prodromata, lasting from 12 to 36 hours; at the end of which period the rash appears, first on the front of the neck and chest, and gradually spreads over the entire body in two or three days. This rash is a diffuse blush of brilliant scarlet hue, showing tiny elevations of a deeper color scattered through the general redness. The temperature and severity of the disease increase until the rash is all out, then gradually subsides, the temperature reaching normal about the 10th day. The tongue shows similar elevations to those described on the skin, and hence is described as "strawberry tongue." The throat presents a general intense redness of the pharynx, palate and tonsils, with sometimes small white spots, or considerable patches of false membrane of a pearly white appearance. Desquamation begins about seven days from the appearance of the rash, and the parts that are first affected are the first to desquamate. The process continues until the entire skin of the body is shed. At first the desquamation is in the form of tiny particles, but after it has continued for a few days the skin begins to peel off in large flakes, sometimes even the entire skin of the hand or foot being shed in one piece. This process is not completed in less than 10 days, and may take over six weeks, the skin between the toes and fingers being the last to peel. There may be an entire second desquamation, but it is doubtful if this ever carries contagion. The popular belief that the disease is more serious to adults than to children does not seem to be warranted by the observation of eminent authorities.

The complications of scarlet fever_are common and frequently very serious. From the throat germs may pass through the Eustachian tubes to the ears, causing inflammation there. The lymphatic glands of the neck may be enlarged by the poison passing through them, and sometimes they suppurate. Inflammation of the joints having all the characteristics of rheumatism is very common; and affections of the heart may follow this rheumatic complication. There is probably more or less affection of the kidneys in all but the very mild cases, but in some the inflammation of the kidney structure is so severe that the picture of acute nephritis is paramount. (See KIDNEYS). From such inflammation the patient may entirely recover, being left with normal kidneys, or he may succumb because of their impairment; or, again, the kidneys may be left permanently changed; this last condition being particularly apt to

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occur when the inflammation sets in late in the disease or during convalescence. Ordinary cases of scarlet fever are seldom fatal if the complications referred to are absent.

The diagnosis, before the appearance of the rash, is suggested by the rapid onset of the symptoms, the intensely red throat, and the persistent vomiting. The prolonged period of fretfulness, watery eyes and running nose of measles does not occur in scarlet fever; and, differing from that of scarlet fever, the desquamation of measles is bran-like. If a membrane is formed in the throat, it may be necessary to resort to bacteriological examination to distinguish between diphtheria and scarlet fever. There are many drugs which may cause a rash, closely resembling that of scarlet fever; among them, carbolic, benzoic, boracic and salicylic acids, salol, alcohol, antipyrin, phenacetin, arsenic, mercury, potassium chlorate, quinine, sulphonol, belladonna, hyoscyamus, copaiba, cubebs, rhubarb, strychnine and various ptomaine poisons. The rash caused by these substances comes out very quickly, and usually is of very short duration, while differentiation is also made by the absence of constitutional symptoms or the peculiar symptoms of the drug.

The malignant types of scarlet fever have sometimes characterized entire epidemics, but they are now rarely seen. Such cases are seen from the start to be very serious, being attended with high fever, rapid and feeble pulse, intense and persistent vomiting, headache, delirium and coma, death ensuing in two or three days.

Treatment. As scarlet fever is self-limiting and no specific remedy is known that in any way reduces the virulence of the intoxication, reliance must be placed on careful nursing of the patient, constant watch to ward off complications, measures for the relief of such complicating inflammations as do develop and scrupulous efforts to prevent the spread of the disease. Since isolation must be continued for six weeks at least it is important to select a bright, sunny room, if possible, having an open fire. The patient is kept in bed for at least two weeks, commonly much longer. The vomiting is relieved by small pieces of cracked ice; the throat is sprayed twice daily with a mild antiseptic, such as boric acid; the patient is bathed with lukewarm water if the temperature is high, but antipyretic drugs are best avoided. After desquamation begins the entire body is covered daily with a simple ointment to favor it and to diminish the possibility of the contagion being carried. For the first four weeks of the disease the diet consists entirely of milk, but careful watch must be kept of the kidneys, as their impairment may demand a longer continuance of that diet. Not until the lapse of six weeks at least is the patient allowed to go out of doors. and not then if the weather be inclement. To prevent the spread of the disease, thorough disinfection of the sickroom and all of its contents is essential. The patient is thoroughly washed with a solution of corrosive sublimate, then removed to another room to be dried and dressed. The mattress is wrapped in wet cloths, removed from the house, and preferably destroyed. Everything that has been left in the sickroom should be disinfected with solutions of antiseptic property, or subjected to the action of steam in a closed chamber.

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The wall paper should be scraped off, and the walls, ceiling and floor washed with a strong solution of corrosive sublimate, a mop or a loaf of bread being used. Formaldehyde gas is then to be generated in the room for 10 hours, after which the windows are left wide open for several days.

SCARLET GRAIN, a dye-stuff consisting of coccid insects allied to cochineal. See Coccus.


SCARLET LETTER, the first and by general consent the greatest of Nathaniel Hawthorne's four chief romances, was originally planned as a short tale, and was expanded to its present proportions on the urgent advice of the author's friend and publisher, James T. Fields. When, with the change of administration in 1849, Hawthorne was removed from the surveyorship of customs at Salem, he undertook a collection of short pieces that might have borne to the custom-house, where he had worked, the same relation that his preceding collection had borne to the Old Manse, where he had lived. An introductory sketch, "The Custom-House,' written for this collection, is always prefixed to "The Scarlet Letter,' though it has no real connection with the romance, and though it contains some unfortunate personalities which show the writer's ill-temper over the loss of his position. The account in this sketch of the finding of a moth-eaten embroidered "A" and a manuscript in the upper rooms of the custom-house is of course fanciful. Years before, in the tale of 'Endicott and the Red Cross,' Hawthorne had made incidental mention of a woman who was forced to wear a scarlet "A" in token of her guilt, and the thought of this punishment, or rather of its effect on the wearer, seems to have remained with him until it resulted in the creation of Hester Prynne. The Scarlet Letter' was published in the spring of 1850, and instantly won for the author a recognition that had been denied to the delicate and finished shorter tales of his earlier collections. Its reputation in America has increased rather than diminished with time, and it has been warmly praised in England. In other countries it is less known, perhaps partly because many of its effects are too subtle for translation, partly because the peculiar New England quality is not readily appreciated by those of another race. 'The Scarlet Letter is in every way typical of Hawthorne. The background is colonial New England, and the theme is the effect of a great sin on the four persons most concerned Hester Prynne, who wears the scarlet letter, her paramour, the wronged husband, and the child who is the offspring of illicit love. When the tale opens, the sin is a thing of the past, and the judgment of the law has been imposed. The author passed by the story of love, temptation, yielding, and discovery, and beginning where another novelist might have ended he traced the moral and spiritual tragedy which followed. Even in the handling of this material he made no use of the ordinary devices of the story-teller. Thus, the identity of the guilty man, which might have been so treated as to arouse curiosity and then revealed with startling effect, is allowed to transpire quietly, The chief contrast is between Hester, who suffers



openly, and her partner in guilt, who maintains his honorable position in the community unsuspected; and the lesson which is most likely to be drawn is that of the virtue of open expiation, and the evil of concealment, even where there seem to exist the strongest arguments against confession. In the author's own words, "Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!" A secondary moral, the deadening effect of a secret and long-continued plotting for revenge, as seen in the husband, Chillingworth, is almost too obvious. Yet The Scarlet Letter,' while it is sure to stimulate thought, is not in any sense a preachy book. The reference in the conclusion to Hester's belief in "a new truth" which should "establish the whole relation between man and woman on a surer ground of - mutual happiness," is somewhat perplexing, but has probably been taken by radical social reformers more seriously than the author intended. Throughout the book the thought of V the scarlet letter, both as a material ob

ject and as a symbol, is everywhere present, and is woven into the tale with even too great ingenuity. It is personified in the child, Pearl; it seems to imaginative observers to be flashed in the heavens by the track of meteors; and as we are led to believe, it was burned in penance on the breast of the guilty man. The background, the characters, like the demented witchsister of the governor, the incidents, and the motive unite to sustain throughout the romance a uniform tone - sombre, tragic, unbroken from first to last by a trace of humor, and still neither morbid nor repellant. It would have been a great achievement to tell such a story for the select few who are fond of subtle psychological analysis; it is marvelous that Hawthorne made a tale, in which nothing outward happens, appeal to the mass of readers who are accustomed to demand constant action.


SCARLET TANAGER. See TANAGER. SCARLETT, SIR James Yorke, English soldier: b. 1799; d. December, 1871. He was educated at Eton and Cambridge, entered the army, and in 1854 was sent to the Crimea in command of the heavy brigade. On the 25th of October he led the brigade in its famous charge at Balaclava, and later in the day it brought out of action the remnants of the light brigade after its even more famous charge. In both of these actions Scarlett took a prominent part in the hand-to-hand conflict. For these services he was promoted to the rank of majorgeneral, on 12 December following, and upon the retirement of Lord Lucan took command of the entire cavalry forces in Crimea. In July 1855 he was created a K.C.B. He commanded the camp at Aldershot 1865-70, and retired from active service in the last-named year.

SCARP. See FAULT; also Escarpment. SCARPA, skär'pä, Antonio, Italian anatomist: b. Friuli, Italy, 13 June 1747; d. Pavia, Italy, 31 Oct. 1832. He studied medicine at Padua, in 1772 was appointed professor of anatomy at Modena, and published in that year his first work on the anatomy of the ear, Anatomicæ Observationes de Structura Fenestræ rotundæ Auris.' In 1783 he resigned this chair to accept a similar one at Pavia, where he pub

lished his great work, 'Anatomicæ Disquisitiones de Auditu, etc.' (1789). At the time of the revolution in Italy he was deprived of his professorship in the university on account of refusal to take the oath required by the Cisalpine republic. He now published his celebrated work on 'Aneurisms' (1804). When Napoleon, after his coronation as king of Italy, arrived at Pavia (1805), and received the officers of the university, he inquired after Scarpa. He was informed that he had long ceased to be a member of the university, and was told the reason. "What," said Napoleon, "have political opinions to do here? Scarpa is an honor to Pavia and to any dominions. Let him be honorably restored." Scarpa was the author of several other surgical works besides those already mentioned. Most of his works have been translated into English and French.

SCARPANTO, skär'pän-tō (ancient CARPATHOS), a Turkish island of the Mediterranean, 28 miles southwest of Rhodes. It is 27 miles long by six miles wide, is rocky and mountainous, and has four harbors, two on the east, one on the north and one on the southwest side, known respectively as Port Pernesi and Port Avdemo, Port Skomaco and Port Grato. There are indications pointing to a former dense population, as judged from the numerous ruins of towns. Pop. 5,000.

SCARRON, skä-rôn, Paul, French author and playwright: b. Paris, France, 6 July 1610; d. there, 6 Oct. 1660. Refusing to take orders he led a wild life in Paris and in Rome, to which city he went in 1634. Shortly after his return to Paris in 1637 he was stricken with an illness which left him a paralytic for the rest of his life. His mind was not affected, however, and he made his livelihood by literature. At one time he was the pensioner of the queen, but losing his pension through the influence of Cardinal Mazarin, he then wrote in revenge his satirical Mazarinade) (1649), one of his bestknown works. He married in 1652 the young and beautiful Francine d'Aubigne, afterward Mme. de Maintenon. Both before and after this event, which Scarron survived eight years, his house was the centre of a brilliant literary society. The most famous of Scarron's writings in his own time is said to have been his 'Virgile Travesti (1648-53), but modern critics prefer his Roman Comique' (1651). There have been many editions of his works; the best are those published in Amsterdam (10 vols., 1737) and reprinted at Paris (7 vols., 1786).

SCARZONERA, a genus of composite plants with numerous species, chiefly indigenous to the Mediterranean regions. The flowers are yellow or rarely rose-colored, having many series of involucral bracts, plumose and unequal pappus, and achenes without a beak and generally wingless. S. hispanica, sometimes known as viper's grass, has long been cultivated for its tapering, fleshy, edible roots, the dark-brown skins of which have caused it to be called black salsify. The leaves are long and lanceolate with waving edges. Other species are also cultivated for their roots.

SCAUP, skåp, or BLACKHEAD DUCK, a duck (Aythya marila), of the same genus as the redhead (q.v.), which it closely resembles in form but from which the green-glossed black


head of the male and the white face of the female distinguish it. It is a very abundant duck about the shores of the North Atlantic, frequenting the sounds, bays and estuaries of the United States to Central America in winter and in the spring passing northward and inland to breed. On the coasts of the New England and Middle States the scaup is most abundant during the fall migration, occurring in flocks which feed chiefly upon small mussels and other marine animals, especially mollusks, secured by diving.

A closely related species is the lesser scaup duck (A. affinus), which is almost an exact smaller counterpart of the blackhead, except that the head of the male is glossed with purple instead of green and the length is about 16 instead of 18 inches. This species regularly consorts with the larger scaup and is altogether similar in distribution and habits. Both species are shot in large numbers by sportsmen and market gunners and regularly sold in the markets, but the flesh is rather coarse and strongflavored.





not stood the test of time, and his later novels
are outranked by their predecessor. This suf-
fices, however, to give him his place which is
larger in the affectionate remembrance of his
compatriots than in French literary history, for
his success was due to the peculiar optimism
and buoyancy of his temperament rather than
to any special artistic quality. This temperament
allowed him to regard his own difficult and har-
assed life as a subject for comedy and high-
spirited rejoicing. His famous work frequently
reproduces scenes and incidents in his own
experience. The son of a Paris janitor and
tailor, he was driven from home as a lad and
in his effort to win recognition as a poet was
reduced to a condition of starvation which
resulted in impairing his vitality and fre-
quently brought him into the wards of Paris
hospitals. To support himself he was at in-
tervals, like his hero Rodolphe, reduced to
uncongenial and often unpaid tasks on cheap
ephemeral trade journals like the Scarf of Iris
or Beaver (Le Castor) of the Scenes. On one
ever memorable occasion he, however, received
for past and future services 500 francs, which
provides one of the well-known incidents of
his story.
The indulgent ever-smiling young
Bohémiennes, like Mimi and Phemie and the
rich young lady cousins, never if ever appeared
in the doorway of his garret where he toiled
unremittingly for success. It is for this reason
that it is no true picture either of his own
struggle or of the hard-working and serious
life of the Latin Quarter of his time, which,
though it had its rare gala days of festival and
high spirits, had also its long months and
years of unrequited toil that often ended in final
poverty and failure. For this reason those who
know "Bohemia" best refuse to recognize Mur-
ger as its portrayer. A truer picture is to be
found in the biographies of Balzac or Zola or
Daudet, who passed through its toil and trials
before or after this time. It should also be
remembered in this connection that of the hun-
dreds of talented young men who struggled
with them only a very small percentage won
lasting recognition or any financial reward.
Murger was, therefore, not in any sense a
realist but a delightful humorist and idealist
who created certain exaggerated but ever fresh
and amusing types and who made a life of toil
against heavy odds, relieved by the joys of
youthful comradeship and kindred aims, appear
as one long and uninterrupted holiday. This
exaggeration of type is the reason why his
heroes and heroines with but little change
make the strikingly successful characters of the

SCELOPORUS, sē-lõp'ō-rus, a genus of lizards of the family Iguanide, to which the Florida chameleon (Anolis) and the horned toads (Phrynosoma) also belong. Among its kindred, this genus is distinguished by its imbricated keeled scales, the absence of a dorsal crest, of gular folds or a gular sac and of headspines. The tympanum or ear-drum is exposed between the small scales of the side of the head; the tongue is fleshy and shaped somewhat like an arrowhead; teeth are confined to the jaws and have trilobate summits. Femoral pores, the secretion of which assists the sexes in mating, are well developed. Between 30 and 40 species of this genus are known, all of them American and most of them confined to Central America, Mexico and the southwestern United States. In this region these lizards are exceedingly abundant and are everywhere conspicuous objects. They are chiefly terrestrial, but many of the species also live upon stone walls or fences or run up tree trunks when alarmed. Their food consists of insects, which they seize with the greatest agility. In temperate regions they hibernate in cold weather. The males are generally ornamented with bright colors on the under parts which may be considered to be secondary sexual characters. The eggs, which have parchment-like shell hardened with lime, are usually retained in the oviducts until the young are partly or wholly developed; when deposited, holes in the ground,light opera by Puccini based upon his work.


decayed stumps, etc., are utilized for their concealment. As in many other lizards, the tail is easily broken along an unossified plate across the body of the vertebræ, after which it regenerates, but always imperfectly. The only eastern species is the common swift or fence-lizard (S. undulatus). Consult Cope, 'The Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of North America' (United States National Museum, Washington 1900).

SCENES OF BOHEMIAN LIFE, The, by Henri Murger (1822-61), though published at the beginning of his literary career (they began to appear in the periodical press in 1847) mark the highest point in his achievement. His poetry (he always believed himself a poet) has


It was Bohemia as he would have wished it, but as it never was for him or his serious brothers in the fellowship of art. See BoHÉME, LA.


SCEPTICISM, in its widest meaning, is a state of doubt or suspense of judgment. It is often used in connection with religious belief, and here indicates doubt or disbelief of authorized doctrines. The word scepticism has a specific meaning, however, which is implied in its more general uses, and in this meaning it has a philosophical reference and relates to the problem of knowledge. Thus used, scepticism signifies systematic doubt or entire disbelief in

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