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Statement of letters for Washington, D. C., city delivery, distributed by railway postal clerks in the Third Division Railway Mail Service, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1882.

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The large amount of this mail reported unworked by the Baltimore and Grafton R. P. O., July, 1884, to January, 1885, inclusive, was due to insufficient force to make the distribution. During February, 1885, additional helpers were placed on the line, since which time there has been but one failure (in April) to work up all Washington, D. C., city letters, and that caused by the illness of the clerk.


July 2, 1884.-Kansas City and Albuquerque R. P. O. train No. 1, bound west, was wrecked near Dodge City, Kans., resulting from a washout. Mail apartment was telescoped by following car. No mails lost or damaged. Clerk S. G. Kelly was slightly cut about the head, and clerk N. C. Bowles was considerably injured internally by being thrown against the paper-rack.

July 2, 1884.-Buena Vista and Gunnison R. P. O. train No. 287 was wrecked near Alpine, Colo., by running into a washout. Engine and two cars left the track and were thrown into Chalk Creek. Clerkin-Charge J. T. O'Keefe escaped injury, by jumping into the creek. Several mail locks and two registered packages supposed to have been lost in the stream. No ordinary mail lost, though considerable was slightly damaged by water.

July 2, 1884.-Bowling Green and Memphis R. P. O. train No. 3 ran over a cow near Bell's Depot, Tenn. Engine and two cars left the track. Postal car badly broken up. No one hurt and no mail lost or


July 2, 1884.-New York and Chicago R. P. O. train No. 2 collided with freight engine on siding at Albany, caused by misplaced switch. Cars damaged. No mail lost; clerks bruised but not incapacitated for service.

July 5, 1885.-Jackson and Natchez R.P. O. train No. 2, bound west, ran over a cow near Raymond, Miss., and was thrown from the track. Postal Clerk E. H. Fitzhugh escaped with a few slight bruises. No mail lost or injured.

July 8, 1884.-Cleveland and Pittsburgh R. P. O. train No. 37, bound north, was badly wrecked at Baden, Pa., by running through an open switch. No mail lost or destroyed. J. H. Lind, postal clerk, on duty, escaped uninjured.

July 11, 1884.-Kansas City and Albuquerque R. P. O. Clerk James McKee was injured in his car at Topeka, Kans., by falling over a sack of mail rolling under his feet, incapacitating him for duty for some time. July 12, 1884.-Texarkana and McGregor R. P. O. train No. 2 was wrecked two miles south of Malakoff, Tex. Postal car derailed and turned over. All mail properly forwarded, though partly damaged by water and oil. Clerk-in-Charge W. L. Rose received no material injuries. July 24, 1884.-Kansas City and Denver R. P. O. train No. 101, bound west, was derailed at Silver Lake, Kans., by an open switch. Engine and mail car rolled over on their sides. No mail lost or damaged. Clerks E. E. Thomas and H. B. Chamberlain uninjured.

July 24, 1884.-Menasha and Schleisingerville R. P. O., bound north, collided with a locomotive near Lomira, Wis. Engines and mail car partially wrecked. Mails undamaged. J. T. Bridgeman, clerk on duty, escaped with some bruises.

July 29, 1884.-Kansas City and Denver R. P. O. train No. 102, bound east, was wrecked 4 miles east of River Bend, Colo., caused by cattle on the track. Postal car was derailed. Mail, somewhat damaged by oil and water, forwarded to destination. J. B. Harris and G. W. Bowman, postal clerks on duty, slightly bruised.

July 31, 1884.-Denver and Georgetown R. P. O. train No. 231 was wrecked 2 miles south of Georgetown by a collision with a burro. Entire train derailed, and all cars turned over on their sides. No damage to mails, and but little to mail car. Clerk-in-Charge A. Olsen uninjured.

August 4, 1884.-In consequence of the burning of the Pennsylvania Railroad depot at Jersey City, N. J., this date, about 100 leather pouches, and 200 sacks, together with a pouch of locks and some valises containing schemes, working clothes, &c., belonging to the clerks, were burned. It is believed that no mail was burned except what few letters may then have been in the depot waiting-room letter-box.

August 9, 1884.-Denison, Troup and Houston R. P. O. train No. 199 was badly wrecked near Mineola, Tex. Mails undamaged. Postal clerk in charge, S. White, uninjured. Failure of service from Mineola to Houston.

August 10, 1884.-Atlanta and Montgomery R. P. O. trains Nos. 50 and 51 collided between Atlanta and East Point, Ga., totally demolishing two postal cars. Clerks Thomas, Allen, and Spullock slightly injured. No mail lost.

August 14, 1884.--Cincinnati and Nashville R. P. O. train No. 3, bound south, was wrecked near Zion, caused by breaking of engine wheel, throwing train from the track. Postal car considerably broken. No mail destroyed, though some of the letters were damaged by oil from the lamps. Mail delayed. No one hurt.

August 20, 1884.-Texarkana, Ark., and McGregor, Tex., R. P. O. train No. 1 was wrecked 8 miles east of Big Sandy, Tex. Mail apartment thrown from track and turned over. All mail saved in good order, except a few letters saturated with oil from the lamps. Clerk-inCharge C. W. Albertson received several cuts and bruises, but was not incapacitated for duty in consequence thereof.

August 28, 1884.-Bellaire and Zanesville R. P. O. train No. 7 was wrecked about half a mile from Baltimore and Ohio depot at Zanesville while backing up to said depot. Mail car badly wrecked. No mail lost or damaged, nor was the clerk, D. C. Hancher, hurt.

August 30, 1884.-Glendive and Billings R. P. O., bound west on August 29, struck a land-slide about 12 miles west of Fort Keogh, causing tank of engine to telescope nearly its length into mail car No. 512, flooding it with water and damaging some paper mail. Mail transferred to baggage car and forwarded without loss. Clerk L. F. Babcock uninjured.

August 30, 1885.-Augusta and Atlanta R. P. O., bound north, met with an accident near Madison, Ga., causing postal car to be thrown from track and partially turned on its side. No mail lost or damaged. Clerk S. W. Easley slightly injured.

August 31, 1884.-Mound House and Keeler R. P. O. train No. 2 left the track about 1 mile north of the summit and about 28 miles south of Candelaria, Nev. No mail lost or damaged. Clerk N. E. Conkling uninjured. Mail delayed.

August 31, 1884.-Jacksonville and Pensacola R. P. O. mail car No. 7 jumped the track 7 miles west of Tallahassee and was overturned. No mail lost, though some was damaged by oil and water. Clerk Joseph Raines escaped without serious injury.

September 3, 1884.-Chicago and Cincinnati R. P. O. train thrown from track at Indianapolis, Ind., caused by switch being left open. Postal car badly damaged, but none of the clerks were hurt or any of the mail lost or damaged.

September 6, 1884.-Quincy and Kansas City R. P. O. train No. 2 was wrecked 2 miles west of Meadville, Mo. Entire train left the track. Mail car slightly damaged. Mails undamaged; transferred and taken to Quincy. Clerks on duty uninjured.

September 6, 1884.-Grafton and Chicago R. P. O. train, bound east

was wrecked at Belton, W. Va., caused by train being thrown from the track by a cow. Postal car considerably damaged. Clerks uninjured. All mail, undamaged, delayed three hours and forwarded, in baggage


September 8, 1884.-Atchison and Lenora R. P. O. train No. 63 was wrecked 4 miles east of Frankfort, Kans., by a broker rail. Entire train, except engine and tender, derailed. No damage to mails or injuries to clerks. Delayed seven hours.

September 9, 1884.-Racine and Rock Island R. P. O. train No. 1 collided with train No. 4 1 mile east of Lanark, Ill. Mail cars demolished. Some of the mail slightly damaged. Clerks uninjured.

September 9, 1884.-Chattanooga and Memphis R. P. O. train, bound west, was wrecked between Corinth and Winesoga, Miss. Clerk H. A. Peebles was not hurt nor was any of the mail lost or damaged.

September 10, 1884.-Saint Louis and Texarkana R. P. Ö. train No. 603, bound south, was wrecked near Des Arc, Mo., caused by running over a cow. Postal car was overturned, causing, by explosion of a lamp, the burning of about 200 letters, the partial destruction of about 150 letters, and the damaging of several hundred more. No registered matter destroyed or damaged. Clerk-in-Charge J. G. Fennessy slightly injured.

September 10, 1884.-Washington and Charlotte R. P. O. train No. 53 ran into freight train near High Point, N. C., damaging letter end of car and slightly injuring Clerks M. Wood and C. B. Holcombe. Mail scattered and partly saturated with oil.


September 13, 1884.-Saint Louis and Pierce City R. P. O. train No. 1 was wrecked near North View, Mo., caused by cattle on the track. gine and mail apartment derailed. No mails damaged. Clerk-in-Charge W. A. Moody uninjured. Delayed 6 hours.

September 20, 1884.-Albuquerque and Needles R. P. O. train No. 1 collided with freight train 6 miles south of Albuquerque. Postal car slightly damaged. Mail uninjured. James McKenzie, sub-clerk-incharge, badly shaken, but not disabled.

September 22, 1884.-Kansas City and Pueblo R. P. O. mail car, bound east, left track near Coolidge, Kans., caused by breaking of a journal. No one hurt and no mails damaged or lost.

September 25, 1884.-Cleveland and Selma R. P. O., train No. 3, bound south, was badly wrecked near Montevallo, Ala., throwing mail car down an embankment. Mail undamaged.

September 28, 1884.-Baltimore and Grafton R. P. O. train No. 6, bound west, collided with coal train at West Virginia Central Junction. Platforms of postal car badly broken. Mails and Postal Clerks T. B. McAllister and Cook uninjured. Mails transferred to baggage car and worked therein.

September 29, 1884.-Grafton and Chicago R. P. O. train No. 4 collided with freight train 1 miles west of Farmington, W. Va. Clerks S. C. Sapp and J. F. Adams were seriously injured. The postal car was badly wrecked and burned. Clerk E. P. Waters proceeded from Grafton, W. Va., cared for clerks and took charge of the mail. Registered mail all saved; some of ordinary mail was considerably damaged, and some little lost.

September 30, 1884.-North Conway and Portsmouth R. P. O. Special train, bound east, collided at South Berwick, Me., with train No. 44, bound south, badly damaging postal car thereto attached. Clerk and mail uninjured. Delayed five hours.

October 1, 1884.-Peoria and Terre Haute R. P. O., bound east, broke 6755 PM G -40

through bridge at Farm Creek, 8 miles east of Peoria, falling nearly 20 feet into the water. Clerk D. N. Magner was considerably bruised, but no mail was lost and little wet.

October 1, 1884.-Arcadia and Cherryvale R. P. O. train No. 32, bound east, was wrecked 3 miles east of Cherryvale by engine, tender, and mail apartment breaking through bridge and falling into the water below. Mail apartment completely wrecked. Clerk W. H. Brown was found unconscious covered with the débris. He was cut and bruised chiefly about the back and hips, but was extricated without serious injury. No mails lost or damaged in the wreck.

October 6, 1884.-West Liberty and Council Bluffs R. P. O. train No. 4 collided near Commerce, Iowa, with freight train No. 23, driving tender through end of postal car. Clerk J. M. Bolton found unconscious; suffered contusion and two lacerated wounds on right side of head. Clerk J. E. Williams had left arm mashed, which was afterwards amputated below the elbow. A small portion of the mail was slightly damaged by water, and some was badly mutilated and covered with blood.

October 14, 1884.-Cable and Hudson R. P. O. mail and express car, bound north, was burned at Stanton, Wis., fire rapidly spreading, destroying contents of mail apartment except registered matter and most of letter mail, which were saved.

October 18, 1884.-Way Cross and Chattahoochee R. P. O. train No. 8 collided with freight train 5 miles east of Thomasville. Clerk H. R. Stewart slightly injured. No mails lost or damaged.

October 18, 1884.-Washington and Charlotte R. P. O. mail car attached to train No. 52 caught on fire from stove, damaging 23 letters, which were, however, forwarded to destination. Car but slightly damaged.

October 18, 1884.-Chicago and Louisville R. P. O. train No. 4, bound south, was thrown from the track at Putnamville, Ind., caused by displaced switch, and entire train burned. All mail, pouches, and sacks consumed.

October 23, 1884.-Kansas City and Pueblo R. P. O. train No. 1, bound west, collided with freight train at Wakarusa, Kans. No mail lost or damaged. Clerks uninjured. Delayed 9 hours.

October 23, 1884.-Texarkana and McGregor R. P. O. train No. 1 was derailed at Gavett, Tex. Mail car abandoned. Mail slightly damaged by oil. Clerk H. L. Carey uninjured.

October 23, 1884.-Burlington and Council Bluffs R. P. O. mail and storage cars of train No. 2 were thrown on sides at Corning, Iowa, caused by broken rail. Clerks D. O. Clapp and Frank McAdams uninjured. Mail, considerably saturated with oil and water, forwarded.

October 27, 1884.-New York and Dunkirk R. P. O. train No. 8 was wrecked at Shillington, N. Y. Mail car damaged. Mail gathered up and forwarded. Clerks uninjured.

October 27, 1884.-Beardstown and Shawneetown R. P. O. mail car was derailed on Spring Creek Bridge, 2 miles west of Springfield, by broken axle of the tender. No mail lost or damaged. Clerk W. W. Wright badly shaken, but not seriously injured.

October 28, 1884.-Glendive and Billings R. P. O. train No. 2, bound east, ran off the track at Fulton, Mont., switch being open, overturning engine, mail, and express car. About one hundred letters damaged by oil and water, and sack of empties slightly damaged by fire. Mail transferred to baggage car and forwarded.

November 5, 1884.-Columbia and Charleston R. P. O. train No. 52, bound south, collided at Reevesville, S. C., with freight train No. 31,

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