ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION 9 Second Edition, by way of ADDENDA, as commodiously as he could. In the present edition these have been distributed in their proper places. In revising his volumes for a new edition, he had pointed out where some of these materials should be inserted; but unfortunately in the midst of his labours, he was seized with a fever, of which, to the great regret of all his friends, he died on the 19th of May, 1795. All the Notes that he had written in the margin of the copy which he had in part revised, are here faithfully preserved; and a few new Notes have been added, principally by some of those friends to whom the Author in the former editions acknowledged his obligations. Those subscribed with the letter B, were communicated by Dr. Burney: those to which the letters JB are annexed, by the Rev. J. Blakeway, of Shrewsbury, to whom Mr. Boswell acknowledged himself indebted for some judicious remarks on the first edition of his work: and the letters J B-O. are annexed to some remarks furnished by the Author's second son, a Student of Brazen-Nose College in Oxford. Some valuable observations were communicated by James Bindley, Esq. First Commissioner in the Stamp-Office, which have been acknowledged in their proper places. For all those without any signature, Mr. Malone is answerable. - Every new remark, not written by the Author, for the sake of distinction has been enclosed within crotchets: in one instance, however, the printer by mistake has affixed this mark to a note relative to the Rev. Thomas Fysche Palmer, which was written by Mr. Boswell, and therefore ought not to have been thus distinguished. I have only to add, that the proof-sheets of the present edition not having passed through my hands, I am not answerable for any typographical errours that may be found in it. Having, however, been printed at the very accurate press of Mr. Baldwin, I make no doubt it will be found not less perfect than the former edition; the greatest care having been taken, by correctness and elegance to do justice to one of the most instructive and entertaining works in the English language. April 8, 1799, EDMOND MALONE. A CHRONOLOGICAL CATALOGUE OF THE PROSE WORKS' OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. [N.B. To those which he himself acknowledged is added acknowl. To those which may be fully believed to be his from internal evidence, is added intern. evid.] 1735. ABRIDGEMENT and translation of Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia. acknowl. 1738. Part of a translation of Father Paul Sarpi's History of the Council of Trent. acknowl. [N. B. As this work after some sheets were printed, suddenly stopped, I know not whether any part of it is now to be found.] For the Gentleman's Magazine. Proface. intern. evid. Life of Father Paul. acknowl. 1739. A complete vindication of the Licenser of the Stage from the malicious and scandalous aspersions of Mr. Brooke, authour of Gustavus Vasa. acknowl. 1740. Marmor Norfolciense: or, an Essay on an ancient prophetical inscription in monkish rhyme, lately discovered near Lynne in Norfolk; by PROBUS BRITANNICUS. acknowl. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Life of Boerhaave. acknowl. Address to the Reader. intern. evid. Appeal to the Publick in behalf of the Editor. intern. evid. Considerations on the case of Dr. Trapp's Sermons; a plausible attempt to prove that an authour's work may be abridged without injuring his property. acknowl. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Preface. intern. evid. Life of Admiral Drake. acknowl. Life of Admiral Blake. acknowl. Life of Philip Barretier. acknowl. 1 I do not here include his Poetical Works; for, excepting his Latın Translation of Pope's Messiah, his London, and his Vanity of Human Wishes imitated from Juvenal; his Prologue on the opening of DruryLane Theatre by Mr. Garrick, and his Irene, a Tragedy, they are very numerous, and in general short; and I have promised a complete edition of them, in which I shall with the utmost care ascertain their authen. ticity, and illustrate them with notes and various readings. 1741. A CHRONOLOGICAL CATALOGUE, ETC. 11 For the Gentleman's Magazine. Preface. intern. evid. A free translation of the Jests of Hierocles, with an introduction. Debate on the Humble Petition and Advice of the Rump Par- Translation of Fontenelle's Panegyrick on Dr. Morin. intern. evid. 1742. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Preface. intern. evid. Essay on the Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough. acknowl. An Account of the Life of Peter Burman. acknowl. The Life of Sydenham, afterwards prefixed to Dr. Swan's Edition Proposals for printing Bibliotheca Harleiana, or a Catalogue of Essay on the Description of China, from the French of Du Halde. 1743. Dedication to Dr. Mead of Dr. James's Medicinal Dictionary. intern. evid. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Preface. intern. evid. Parliamentary Debates under the Name of Debates in the Senate of Lilliput, from Nov. 19, 1740, to Feb. 23, 1742-3, inclusive. acknowl. Considerations on the Dispute between Crousaz and Warburton on Pope's Essay on Man. intern. evid. A Letter announcing that the Life of Mr. Savage was speedily to be published by a person who was favoured with his Confidence. intern. evid. Advertisement for Osborne concerning the Harleian Catalogue. intern. evid. 1744. Life of Richard Savage. acknowl. Preface to the Harleian Miscellany. acknowl. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Preface. intern. evid. 1745. Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth, with remarks on Sir T. H.'s (Sir Thomas Hanmer's) Edition of Shakspeare, and proposals for a new Edition of that Poet. acknowl. 1747. Plan for a Dictionary of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, addressed to Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield. acknowl. 12 A CHRONOLOGICAL CATALOGUE OF THE 1748. For the Gentleman's Magazine. Life of Roscommon. acknowl. Foreign History, November. intern. evid. Preface. acknowl. For Dodsley's PRECEPTOR. Vision of Theodore the Hermit. acknowl. 1750. The RAMBLER, the first Paper of which was published 20th of March this year, and the last 17th of March 1752, the day on which Mrs. Johnson died. acknowl. Letter in the General Advertiser to excite the attention of the Preface and Postscript to Lauder's Pamphlet intitled, 'An Essay 1751. Life of Cheynel in the Miscellany called 'The Student.' acknowl. Letter for Lauder, addressed to the Reverend Dr. John Douglas, acknowledging his Fraud concerning Milton in Terms of suitable Contrition. acknowl. Dedication to the Earl of Middlesex of Mrs. Charlotte Lennox's 1753. Dedication to John Earl of Orrery, of Shakspeare Illustrated, by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. acknowl. During this and the following year he wrote and gave to his much loved friend Dr. Bathurst the Papers in the Adventurer, signed T. acknowl. 1754. Life of Edw. Cave in the Gentleman's Magazine. acknowl. 1755. A DICTIONARY, with a Grammar and History, of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. acknowl. An Account of an Attempt to ascertain the Longitude at Sea, by an exact Theory of the Variations of the Magnetical Needle, with a Table of the Variations at the most remarkable Cities in Europe from the year 1660 to 1680. acknowl. This he wrote for Mr. Zachariah Williams, an ingenious ancient Welch Gentleman, father of Mrs. Anna Williams whom he for many years kindly lodged in his House. It was published with a Translation into Italian by Signor Baretti. In a Copy of it which he presented to the Bodleian Library at Oxford, is pasted a Character of the late Mr. Zachariah Williams, plainly written by Johnson. intern. evid. 1756. An Abridgement of his Dictionary. acknowl. Several Essays in the Universal Visitor, which there is some difficulty in ascertaining. All that are marked with two Asterisks have been ascribed to him, although I am confident from internal Evidence, that we should except from these 'The Life of Chaucer,' 'Reflections on the State of Portugal,' and 'An Essay on Architecture:' And from the same Evidence I am confident that he wrote 'Further Thoughts on Agriculture,' and 'A Dissertation on the State of Literature and PROSE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. 13 Authours.' The Dissertation on the Epitaphs written by Pope he afterwards acknowledged, and added to his 'Idler.' Life of Sir Thomas Browne prefixed to a new Edition of his Christian Morals. acknowl. In the Literary Magazine; or, Universal Review, which began in January 1756. His Original Essays are Preliminary Address. intern. evid. An introduction to the Political State of Great Britain. intern. evid. Remarks on the Militia Bill. intern. evid. Observations on his Britannick Majesty's Treaties with the Observations on the Present State of Affairs. intern. evid. In the same Magazine his Reviews are of the following Books: 'Mrs. Lennox's Translation of Sully's Memoirs.'-' Letter on the Case of Admiral Byng.'-'Appeal to the People concerning Admiral Byng.' - Hanway's Eight Days' Journey, and Essay on Tea.' Some further Particulars in Relation to the Case of Admiral Byng, by a Gentleman of Oxford.' acknowl. Mr. Jonas Hanway having written an angry Answer to the Review Dedication to the Earl of Rochford of, and Preface to, Mr. Payne's 1757. Speech on the Subject of an Address to the Throne after the Expedition to Rochefort; delivered by one of his Friends in some publick Meeting: it is printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for October 1785. intern. evid. |