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eminent greatness by Jehovah in Trinity, in all their immanent acts of grace; relation is built in him-personal election pitched on us in him; we were appointed heirs in him and with him—we were loved personally considered in him. He was the comprehending head in whom were embraced all the members. Jehovah's eye rested on us in him-His heart settled upon us in him, and all our bliss and blessedness secured in connection with him, the all-uniting centre of unity and circumference of divine love. Christ was all in divine decree as apprehended in his God-man person, was all in foreknowledge in all Jehovah's uptakings of his church-the mirror through which the church was beheld, the comprehended fulness of all her provision, and the glorious Husband to whom the king's daughter was everlastingly espoused. Relation is built in him, redemption founded in him, and glorification secured in him.

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He is God the Father's all. Not simply as possessing all divine perfections as being all-wise, all-powerful, all-just, all-righteous, and all in every perfection of his divine nature unoriginatingly inherent in himself; but in his complex person, as God the Word-the eternal Son of God-the only-begotten who lay in the bosom of the Father. Thus my faith beholds in the constitution of his God-man person an object of Jehovah's delight, an object great enough for his thought to revolve on, his affections to take up, and his delights to rest on for ever. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ declared from heaven : "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"- "Mine elect in whom my soul delighteth"-"I was daily his delight." What mortal thought can enter into the Father's complacency in his divine Christ, his anciently appointed Son, full of truth and full of grace, whom he hath appointed heir of all things; of whom it is said, he is in the bosom of the Father! This is the glory he had with the Father before the world was, whom Jehovah possessed before his works of old. The man in God-"the man, that is my fellow"-his near one. He was the great centre of divine attraction, "For thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world." Jehovah rested in his love in the person of Christ, through whom the vast love of the Deity ran upon the church. He is the all-attracting object of the Father's delight, for he is the Son of his love-the only-begotten who is in the bosom of the Father-the image of the invisible God--the brightness of his glory, whom the Father so loved as to make him head of all principalities and powers, and so loved him that when his glory was concealed in our flesh, he commanded all the angels to worship him. The infinite mind and heart of Jehovah is set upon Christ, all his determination is to glorify him, all his thoughts and purposes centre in Christ. Truly it was in reference to this great antitype of the temple that Jehovah declared "mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually."

He was God's all to glorify the Godhead in the stupendous designs of eternal sovereignty. The exaltation of the first-born into personal union with one of the eternal Three, laid the foundation of Jehovah's declarative glory, in whose gloriously constituted person Jehovah went

forth in the accomplishment of his everlasting designs. He was all in the great covenant of sovereign grace, fitted in his matchless person to enter into and undertake all the stipulations of that vast agreement. Jehovah's honour was everlastingly secured. He could rest with infinite repose on the God-man contractor, with holy satiety in his all-sufficient person-was eternally satisfied with his word-could trust all the myriads of his elect-all the weight of his own character-all the eternal honour that was to issue from the wisdom mystery of Zion's salvation, and the everlasting glorification of all the redeemed in ultimate bliss. Here was divine dignity maintained, and divine honours secured; one able to carry into effect all the divine intentions of everlasting forethought, and to bring a revenue of honour to Deity. This great theme of the Godhead lay wrapt in the infinite mind of the Elohim ; was developed to our Lord Christ when he lay in the bosom of the Father, who was the great daysman of all the countless host he represented. He was God's all in the covenant, emphatically stiled, "the Covenant :"-able to undertake and accomplish all himself, no angel nor creature was wanted. God the Father could trust no other-the honour was too great-the undertaking too vastthe deed too mighty-and the consequences too infinite to rest short of an infinite person. O the immutable and immortal honours of our divine Christ! No angel was thus honoured and exalted; it was the exclusive glory of the Son of his love to stand in this nearness to God, who in his complex person is the ancient of days-Jehovah's all in appointment-Jehovah's all in power and greatness-and Jehovah's all in his fulness of officiating glory.

Christ is all the visible glory of Jehovah, the glory cloud through which all the manifestations of our God in his threefold relation of person is made known to angels and the redeemed. He is the glorious Shechinah where divine majesty dwells, and through which glorious medium the Holy Trinity shines forth in all the splendour of gracious relation, in all the glory of eternal settlement and covenant love, in all the rays of peerless sovereignty, and in all the bright openings of his reigning grace to Zion. The fountain of eternal wisdom first broke forth in the production of the created nature of our glorious Christ, Jehovah's great alpha, "the beginning of the creation of God-the first-born of all the creatures-the image of the invisible God!" The glorious marriage union of the two natures in one indissoluble relation is the great wonder of eternity, the masterpiece of eternal wisdom, and the immutable basis of Zion's blessedness!. In the person of our divine Christ, we have a grand revelation of Jehovah in all his triune majesty-all that can be known of the triune God is unfolded in his person-all the persons in the Deity stand for ever distinguished in his complex majesty, "for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." All the glory of Jehovah that has been revealed in the heavenly world has been through the mirror of our illustrious Christ-all that is known of the Godhead by the spirits of the just made perfect has

been through the chrystal person of the Lord of glory, who "created all things, and by him all things consist." He is the grand revealer of all divine mysteries, and it was his pleasure to break up the ocean of eternal wonders when dressed in our mean array to celestial enquirers, "that by the church might be known the manifold wisdom of God." How glorious did all the essential perfections of the Deity blaze forth in the mighty acts of Jehovah Jesus! What a display of divine majesty was manifested in the stupendous doings of "God manifest in the flesh;" and in the cross, we have the grand outlet of divines attributes blazing in social and awful harmony in the salvation of the church;--and all the divine honours, glories, and perfections of the Godhead will be manifested and known through the Gloryman-all the displays of uncreated majesty, the unfolding of essential grandeur, will be familiarized to us through the medium of the Son of God-will beam upon us through the glass of his transparent person for ever and ever! As Jehovah manifested himself through the cloud, which was the symbol of the divine presence, so God dwells in Christ, the heavenly Shechinah, and shines forth through the glorified man of his right hand, the angel of his presence. Thus He is all, as the revealable medium of divine glory, and reflector of essential majesty !

He is all the fulness of God. It hath "pleased the Father that in Him all fulness should dwell." He is the great reservoir of Deity, the only depot of all spiritual blessings; the constituted well of living waters that springs from the throne of God. He is the glorious head and fulness of life to angels and men; by him all things. consist and subsist. He is the life of the world naturally; the resurrection and the life of his people, and the eternal life of all his saints. He is vested with power to give eternal life to as many as are given him. He is the fountain of life, being essential and eternal life. He is the source of all given life, "I am the life of the world;" and O! sweet fact to Zion, he always says, "because I live, ye shall live also." He animates our dust at first, gives eternal life at regeneration, dates our life on earth, raises our spirits to immortal fruition, and finally refits the body, and unites both in vital union to himself in celestial bliss for ever. O sweet thought!" our life is hid with Christ in God." Not only is he the unoriginating spring of all life in his absolute Godhead, but "the Father hath given him to have life in himself," that he might communicate of his fulness. There is no created life without him. O the blissful mystery of his Godman person!

He is all the wisdom of God in his wonderful person. "In him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge;" not only the origin of all intelligence in his divine personality, but he has immeasurable knowledge as the head of his people, to enrich them for All the wisdom that is imparted to angelic hosts, is from his fulness. He has a fulness without measure. All the fulness of the Holy Ghost resides in him for his members; all the wisdom that is


in the world, is but a ray from his fulness: all light and information spiritual is from Christ. He is the fulness of prophetic light that emblazons revelation, both the source and substance of it. The Holy Ghost is the great purveyor of all spiritual wisdom and knowledge in the mysteries of God; from the resident fulness of our glorified Lord, every new-born soul has his measure of wisdom imparted. We have the mind of Christ; and, like the moon, reflect the rays of the only orb of intelligence that God has fixed in the spiritual firmament. The holy apostle gazing on his magnificent unequalled person, cried out with holy rapture," it hath pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell!" He is God the Father's great luminary; and when we enter his native residence, what impartation of his wisdom, what extensive communications of his knowledge will he pour into our glorified souls! O what heights and depths of discoveries shall we then experience, when our expansive thoughts shall dive into the infinite ocean of inconceivable greatness and bliss!

He is all the holiness of God. The Holy One of God! Not only infinitely holy in his essential majesty, but in his God-man person. The nature he assumed as God's Christ being united to his Godhead, bars at infinite distance the approach of evil. He is the head of holiness to angels; their immutable holiness is built in him, founded in his God-man person; this secured them, being chosen in him. He is of God made sanctification to the church. He is the well from whence springs all the holiness of Zion. Union to, and interest in Christ, is the foundation of all holiness. He is all the imputed holiness of the church, in whose holy person she stands accepted before the throne, is all fair, and without blemish. Sanctified by God the Father, separated from the rest and set apart by God, being elected in Christ our holy head, we were representatively holy in heaven; we are immutably holy in the sight of God by the sacrificial work of his cross. He has carried off our vileness, and we are eternally sanctified before the throne, "For their sakes I sanctify myself." The holy nature imparted in regeneration is from the fulness of Christ, and when sin's defacing and defiling effects are annihilated in death, we shall be perfectly holy, and without blame, being "presented faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."

He is all the salvation of God. All that was essential to salvation in the fitness of his person. Being divine and human, strength and weakness combined; a nature to throw eternity of worth into the offering, and a nature weak enough to die; a nature to dignify the law, and a nature to work under its commandment; a nature that could honour divine justice, and a nature to die under its righteous claims. Marvellous construction of eternal sovereignty! Jesus is the mighty God, yet the crucified man. All his person was engaged in redeeming his church-" He gave himself an offering of a sweetsmelling savour." The blood he shed is called "the blood of God," while it flowed from his humanity." They crucified the Lord of

glory," while it was only his sacred body they nailed to the tree. It was Immanuel that saved us-Immanuel that died for us-Immanuel that atoned for us-Immanuel that bore the curse-Immanuel that redeemed us from all woe!

He is all in salvation, in his acquisitions as a Redeemer, which are perfect, full, and glorious. Did it require infinite wisdom to know all the crimes of his people-to grasp in his thought all the satisfaction that would be required-to know the claims of law, and the cost of our redemption? He was capable of all! Did it require everlasting love to undergo all the punishment, to endure divine wrath, to encounter hell, and pass through the furnace of divine indignation? He possessed the unquenchable flame-his love was stronger than death! Did it require omnipotence to effect the mighty enterprizedivine strength to go through the ponderous work-almighty ability to conflict with a combination of foes that would have sunk the angelic world to destruction? But Jesus was Jehovah, mighty to save! Did it require unspotted holiness in the offering? He was the Holy One of God, perfectly and immutably holy, undefiled, infinitely distant from mortal taint, "who gave himself a sacrifice for sin"-" offered himself without spot to God!" Another requisition which shone in our saving Lord was immutable faithfulness. He was faithful to his Father in the maintenance of all his rights, and faithful to his people in the overthrow of their enemies. Was it necessary to possess unbounded riches? He had unsearchable worth to meet all the demands of so vast an undertaking! He is all perfection and greatness! Of his competency as a Saviour there is no end!

He is all in the accomplishment of salvation. The mighty and stupendous transactions of his dying day were carried on unknown to mortals, nor can the saints of God more than skim the surface of the mighty deep. The Persons in the Godhead were the parties engaged. Christ was the representative and substitute of his people, acting in their place and stead. God the Father was seeking satisfaction, and maintaining the rights of the divine throne. God the Holy Ghost was witness and recorder of all the transactions. Here we behold the great all of salvation effecting the heaven-astounding deed! The God-man Redeemer accomplished salvation in a few hours-such was his all-sufficiency to save! He harmonized all the eternal attributes of Deity in saving a sinner-overthrew the powers of darkness-magnified the law's immutable honours, and restored its just rights-gave to justice eternal satisfaction-drunk up all the fury of indignant majesty-and put out all the fire of hell kindled against his people! He broke out the teeth of the jaws of death, and vanquished the power of the grave; opened an highway from heaven to earth, and from earth to heaven; established everlasting friendship between God and man; and covered with eternal glory his degraded spouse! Deeds like these signalize the immortal Redeemer, and cover his matchless brow with eternal honours! He has ransomed us from the captivity of hell, and rescued us from the gates of everlasting

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