Slike strani
[blocks in formation]

Winchester, i. 411.

Winchester College, ii. 277.
Windham, Right Hon. William, i.
320, 555; ii. 89, 268, 471, 480,
499, 521, 538, 587, 597, 602 seq.,
636, 648; visits Johnson when
dying, ii. 639, 643, 644.

Wine, its effect on different per-
sons, ii. 39, 126-7, 186-7; its
effect on conversation and bene-
volence, i. 465; ii. 28-9, 246,
501; 'drives away care,' i. 468;
melancholy increased by it, i.
298; abstinence a great deduc-
tion from life, ii. 130, 187, 246;
reasons for abstinence, i. 651;
ii. 187, 190; claret and ignor-
ance, ii. 253; claret, port, and
brandy distinguished, ii. 286.
Wirgman, keeper of a toy-shop, ii.


Wirtemberg, Prince of, i. 459.
Wise, Francis, Radclivian Libra-

rian, i. 183-6; Johnson visits
him at Elsfield, i. 180.
Wit, ii. 292, 400 n.
Witches, evidence of their having
existed, i. 458; 'machinery of
poetry,' ii. 344; Shakespeare's,
ii. 287.

Woffington, Margaret (Peg), ii. 200.
Wood, Anthony à, i. 41; ii. 454.

Woodcocks, i. 371, 510.
Woodhouse, the poetical shoe
maker, i. 420.

Woolwich, hulk at, ii. 203.
Word to the Wise, ii. 84.
World, The, Chesterfield's papers
on the Dictionary, i. 171-2;
Johnson thinks little of it, i. 280.
World Displayed, Introduction to
the, i. 230.

Woty, Mr., i. 255.

Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W., Tour
to the Northern Parts of Europe,
ii. 321.

Xenophon, delineation of characters
in the Anabasis, ii. 355; Trea-
tise of Oeconomy, ii. 68.

Yalden, Rev. Thomas, Johnson
adds him to the Lives, ii. 280.
Yonge, Sir William, i. 446; Epi-
logue to Irene, i. 133.
York, ii. 332.

York, Duke of, Johnson dedicates
music to him, i. 333.
Young, Arthur, Tours, ii. 123.
Young, Dr. Edward, i. 145; ii.

126, 191, 232, 554; Johnson
and Boswell visit his house, ii.
420-2; estimate of his poetry,
i. 396; ii. 377-8; Life by
Croft, revised by Johnson, ii.
375; Night Thoughts, i. 396; ii.

Young, Mr. (Dr. Young's son), Bos-
well and Johnson visit him, ii.


Young, Professor, of Glasgow, imi-

tates Johnson's style, ii. 628.

Zeck, George and Luke, i. 336.
Zobeide, ii. 26.

Zoffani, J., ii. 649 n.
Zon, Mr., i. 182.

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Printed at the University Press Oxford by Frederick Hall


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