Documents on the Use and Control of the Waters of Interstate and International Streams: Compacts, Treaties, and Adjudications

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U.S. Department of the Interior, 1956 - 760 strani
"In this volume are collected all of the interstate compacts presently in force among States of the American Union which apportion or govern the consumptive use of the waters of interstate streams, which have to do with the prevenion or amelioration of pollution of such waters, or which deal with the control of floods and problems associated therewith. This volume also includes, either by reference or in full text, all those like compacts which, though ratified by at least one State, did not come into force because of the failure of ratification by another party or because the consent of the Congress was not given. In addition, there are collected in it the treaties between the United States and Canada or Mexico and the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in interstate litigation which cover the three subjects outlined above."--Page iii.

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Stran 350 - But no person shall be prosecuted, punished or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any act, transaction, matter or thing concerning which he shall...
Stran 395 - Any questions or matters of difference arising between the High Contracting Parties involving the rights, obligations, or interests of the United States or of the Dominion of Canada either in relation to each other or to their respective inhabitants...
Stran 174 - The representatives of the signatory States have signed this agreement in a single original which shall be deposited in the archives of the Department of State of the United States, and a duly certified copy shall be forwarded to the Governor of each of the signatory States.
Stran 539 - ... to appear and show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted...
Stran 44 - President by public proclamation shall have so declared, and, further, until the State of California, by act of its legislature, shall agree irrevocably and unconditionally with the United States and for the benefit of the States of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, as an express covenant and in consideration of the passage of this Act...
Stran 533 - Basin" means those parts of the States of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming within and from which waters naturally drain into the Colorado River System above Lee Ferry, and also all parts of said States located without the drainage area of the Colorado River System which are now or shall hereafter be beneficially served by waters diverted from the System above Lee Ferry. (g) The term "Lower Basin...
Stran 395 - The International Joint Commission is authorized in each case so referred to examine into and report upon the facts and circumstances of the particular questions and matters referred, together with such conclusions and recommendations as may be appropriate, subject, however, to any restrictions or exceptions which may be imposed with respect thereto by the terms of the reference.
Stran 297 - States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.
Stran 127 - Nothing in this compact shall be construed to limit or prevent any State from instituting or maintaining any action or proceeding, legal or equitable, for the protection of any right under this compact or the enforcement of any of its provisions.
Stran 390 - Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to itself or to the several State Governments on the one side and the Dominion or Provincial Governments on the other as the case may be, subject to any treaty provisions now existing with respect thereto, the exclusive jurisdiction and control over the use and diversion, whether temporary or permanent, of all waters on its own side of the line...

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