Slike strani
[blocks in formation]

Anti-Corn Law League, origin of, 216
Mr. Cobden on, 216
progress of, 292

Apparel, exports of, 1828 and 1878, 539
Arbitration, decision of the tribunal of,
on the Alabama' dispute, 455
Argentine Confederation, exports to,
1840-1878, 563

treaty in force with, 565
Arkwright's patent, date of, 6
Arms and ammunition, exports of, 1828
and 1878, 539

Armed neutrality declaration, 47
Arts, foundation of the Society of, 13
Asia, exports to, 1840-1878, 562
Assignats, creation of, 94


depreciation of, 95

Associated Chambers of Commerce,
proceedings of, 434

Australia, discovery of, 33
discovery of gold in, 329
exports of gold from, 332
exports to, 1840-1878, 563

Austria, treaty of Commerce with,


progress of commerce of, 514
exports to, 1840-1878, 562

treaties in force with, 565


BALANCE of trade, causes of exces-

sive, 501

Bank Charter Act, Sir Robert Peel on,

passing of, 280

for Scotland and Ireland, 280
operation of, 309

suspension of, 311, 403, 468
committee on, 312, 405

report upon, 313

Bank of England, foundation of, 19
capital of, 19

restriction of accommodation by,

suspension of cash payments by,


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


Corn Laws, Mr. Whitmore on, 214
Lord Lauderdale on, 214

Mr. Villiers' motion on, 215, 217
Sir Robert Peel on the, 260, 293
partial repeal of, 293

Mr. Cobden on, 294
Law, the last, 262
Cotton, history of, 5

- machinery, history of, 6

factories and spindles, 1850 and
1861, 410

- factories in 1870, 430

consumption per head in 1801 and
1821, 142

rise in prices of, 446

effects of Civil War in America on,

-industry, progress of, 536
speculation in, 309

imports of, 202, 255, 320 413, 493,


manufacture, estimated value of, in
1780, 61

exports of, 1828 an 1 1878, 539

duties on foreign, in 1787, 1819,
1825, 168

exports of, 1820-30, 202

1830-40, 255

1840-50, 320

1850-60, 413

1860-70, 493

1870-78, 552

1860-1870, 488

1870-1878, 548

Credit, Committee on, 127
crises of 1825-26, 184

1836 and 1839, 219

1847, 308

1857, 400

1866, 461

losses caused by, 404
depression in 1793, 70

accommodation to traders in 1793,

laws, conference on, 335
policy, Sir Robert Peel on, 260
Companies formed in 1825-26, 184
financial, 462

See Joint Stock Companies
Consols, prices of, in 1793, 69
Contraband of war, what is, 375
Copyright, law of, 351

Corn, exportation of, prohibited, 20
taxes on importation of, 20

- institution of returns of average
prices of, 22

high prices of, 20, 72

in 1801, 212

imports of, in 1825, 1826, 1847, 310
Laws, Committee on, 212
impolicy of, 213

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fontainebleau, decree of, 108
text of, 120

Foreign Enlistment Act, .451
exchanges, meaning of, 121

loans in 1822-1829, 186, 221, 496
trade, Committee on, 156

France, commerce with, 29

- relations with, 53

treaty of Versailles with, 54
commerce with, 55
declaration of war by, 68
embargo on French ships, 69
hostile measures by, 78
currency and banking in, 94
creation of assignats in, 95
bankers in, 97

national debt of, 96

- monetary standards in, 96
foundation of the Bank of, 97
law on the coinage of, 99
tariff of, 152

imports and exports of, in 1815, 152
- in 1847 and 1848, 316

commercial forces of, 198

- relations with, 417

effects of revolution of 1848 in,

the treaty of Versailles with, 418

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