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WAR against FRANCE

Now carrying on by GREAT BRITAIN and the
feveral other EUROPEAN POWERS;

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Koninklijke Bibliotheck to's Mage.


THE Fifth Volume of this Collection makes its appearance at the most eventful period of the war-it includes, therefore, matter of the highest importance, and contains all the official documents respecting the late Negotiation-the war between this country and Spain, the progrefs of the French arms in Italy and Germany-the armiftices and treaties concluded with the German and Italian powers-the correfpondence between the French Republic and the United States of America, upon the fubject of the differences that exist between them; together with many other articles relating to the external and internal operations and state of the different belligerent powers. Several of these articles, particularly the important correspondence between the governments of America and France, have never before been published in this country.

The Editor has examined the materials of the Fifth Volume with all the care and attention in his power-he has admitted no papers upon loose or doubtful authority; and he feels a hope that the fame accuracy of translation and clearness of arrangement will be found in this volume as in the four that have preceded it.

March 30th, 1797.


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In page 263, line 19, read United States instead of United Provinces.



Armiflice concluded with the Duke of Wurtemberg by General Moreau, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Rhine and the Mofelle.

I. THE Duke of Wurtemberg fhail inftantly withdraw the troops whom he has furnished to the coalition for his contingent. These troops fhall remain armed, and the Duke shall employ them as he thinks proper for the maintenance of the police in the interior of his dominions.

II. The French troops fhall in future have a free paffage through the towns of the duchy. Such of the troops as in virtue of the present article fhall be ordered into any of the towns, fhall be lodged either in the houses of the inhabitants, or in barracks, according to circumftances, but always in fuch manner as to caufe no danger to the inhabitants.

III. The general in chief, in paffing through the duchy with his troops, in order to continue his military operations, will caufe refpect to be paid to perfons and property. He will alfo take the neceffary precautions to prevent any injury being done to the religion, and civil and military laws of the country.

IV. If it is neceffary for the maintenance of the troops paffing or fojourning in the duchy, to draw fubfiftence from the country, fuch as corn, bread, meat, hay, oats, wood, carriages, or horfes, requifitions for which fhall be made by the generals or commiffaries of war, these articles fhall not be refused; but they shall be received on account as contributions in provifions and ready money, which the Duke of Wurtemberg is to furnish to the army. Every other article purchased from private perfons fhall be paid VOL. V.


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