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ally where there was any great difference from those of the United Kingdom.

The task has demonstrated the many and various interests contained in this vast subject, and has far exceeded the original limit. It is, however, hoped that the wider public to which the articles now appeal will be as sympathetic as the original audiences.

WM. SHEOWRING, Hon. Sec. Institute Committee.




Agent-General for South Australia.

BRITISH Australasia consists of Australia, New Zealand, part of New Guinea, Fiji, the Cook, South Solomon, Tonga, Ellice, Phoenix, and numerous small islands, together with the Gilbert and Union groups. Australia claims the unique position of being at once an island and a continent, and includes New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and West Australia, with Tasmania nestling near the south-eastern shore. These six colonies are now, with all the joy and vigour of youth and union, stepping forward under the name of the Commonwealth to take rank amongst the nations of the world. Twelve hundred miles to the South-east of Australia is situated New Zealand, the home of the comely, brave, chivalrous and intelligent Maori race, and now one of the chief centres of modern democracy. Close to the north-east of Australia lies New Guinea. Fiji, and the other members of the group are scattered eastward in the Southern Pacific Ocean. Together these form one of the most important segments of Greater Britain, and owing to their vast extent, their delineation has incarnadined the map of the Antipodes.

Among the stupendous events of the closing century, there is not one of greater significance than the formation of the Colonial Empire of Great Britain, and no

links will glitter more brightly in the chain of history than those which contain the record of this achievement. Owing to their homogeneous nature and their remoteness from disturbing influences, the Colonies of Australasia afford admirable opportunities for the study of the life history of a group of such communities. Originally the sport of alternate apathy and autocratic interference, passing through successive stages of official administration, up to individual autonomy, and afterwards to Federal Union, the Australasian Colonies, within the brief period of a human life, may be said. to have been exalted from the abject condition of receptacles for rubbish, into temples wherein we have lately witnessed the most choice manifestation of the Imperial spirit.

In accordance with the usual phenomena attending the development of either individuals or communities, the various phases of Colonial growth, especially in the earlier stages, have been of an instinctive nature, impelled by organic requirements and frequently unattended by any intelligent adaptation of means to ends of which the significance, even at times of momentous action, lay beyond the ken of those whose function it. was to direct the helm of State. Many of the leading statesmen of the century have viewed Colonial expansion with indifference, if not with antipathy. There is evidence to show that even the great boon of individual autonomy was granted to the Colonies, more from considerations of ease to the parent than of advantage to the offspring. What a contrast to such unintelligent disregard the present advanced stage of development affords! Witness the enlightened appreciation and ready assent with which the aspirations of Australia towards Federal Autonomy were received, a proof that the instinctive initiation and direction are now reinforced by the intellectual operation, and that Greater Britain has attained the goal of self-conscious existence.

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