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MASSACHUSETTS 1971-Subcommittee on Equal Educational Opportunities. Report issued December 1971. This report ruled out full state funding as impractical at the present time, but stated an imperative need for equalizing educational opportunity. The study recommends the continuation of the state's percentage equalization formula, reimbursing districts for the costs of education in inverse proportion to the relative wealth of the district. The basic percentage recommended was 40%, with a minimum of 10%. Vocational and special education would be reimbursed separately, but on the same formula. A minimum effort would be required from all districts. Contact: Dr. Neil Sullivan, Commissioner of Education, (617) 727-5180.


1970-72-Special Commission to Develop a Master Tax Plan. Periodic reports have been issued. Chairman: Senator Robert Cowley. Contact: Daniel O'Sullivan, Director, Massachusetts Legislative Research Bureau, (617) 727-2345.

1969-"Equal Quality Plan:" A report prepared by the Michigan
Association of Professors of Education Administration.
Contact: Dr. Russel E. Wilson, University of Michigan,
(313) 764-8416.

1972-Special Committee on School Aid Distribution. Appointed by
Senate Education Committee as a result of SR 117: Senator
Gilbert E. Bursley, Chairman, Senate Education Committee.
Interim Report February 3, 1972: "An Analysis of the Governor's
Proposals for Financing Elementary-Secondary Public School
Operating Costs and a Comparison with Democratic Party
Proposal." Governor Milliken's proposed constitutional amend-
ment will: (1) Reduce the present constitutional property
tax limit from 50 mills to 26 mills, then freeze the lower
limit, constitutionally; (2) Assure constitutional limits on
the taxing power of local units of government; (3) Provide up
to six mills, by vote of the people for enrichment of local
education programs and that millage will be equalized by law
so each mill will yield the same amount in every district;
(4) Guarantee 4 1/2 mills to be divided, by law, among voca-
tional, compensatory and special education, and intermediate
school districts; (5) Mandate the legislature to "establish
a program of general state taxation and a method of distributing
funds for the support of elementary and secondary public school
districts to assure equal and quality educational opportunity
for all students. Contact: Mr. Hornburger, Department of
Education, (517) 373-2878.

1972-"School Finance Reform in Michigan 1971:" a report prepared by Executive Office, Bureau of Programs and Budget, Technical Report C 16. Contact: John T. Dempsey, Director, Bureau of Programs and Budget.





1972-Education Finance Study Committee. Appointed by the Commissioner
of Education with approval of Governor's Office. The Committee
consists of 34 members representing the House and Senate educa-
tion committees, business, lay citizens and school administrators.
The Committee is to study the new formula as developed by the
Legislature as a result of the Minnesota Court ruling. They are
also to study new "weighting" concepts. All reports will be
released by the Chairman: Dr. VanMueller, University of
Minnesota, School of Administration. Final report due October,
1972. Contact: Howard B. Casmey, Commissioner of Education,
(612) 296-2358.

1972-State Planning Agency staff report: "Minnesota's School Finan-
cing Plan" -- a review of action taken by the 1971 session of
the Legislature concerning School Finance in Minnesota. Contact:
Jerrald Christenson, State Planning Agency, (612) 296-6662.

Governor's School Finance Study Group. A study group consisting of educators and lay people was appointed by the Governor to study school finance problems as related to the Serrano Court decision. Chairman: Dr. Frank Luvall, Mississippi Department of Education, (601) 354-6934.

1972-Statewide Committee to Study School Finance. A broadbased Com-
mittee of approximately 104 members appointed by the Commissioner
of Education and State Board of Education to study school finance.
Four subcommittees are active: (1) Sources of school revenue;
(2) Distribution of school revenue; (3) Structure of school
districts; (4) Educational programs. Co-chairmen: Dr. Delmar
Cobble, Department of Education and Dr. Loren Townsend, former
dean of School of Education of University of Missouri. Contact:
Dr. Arthur L. Mallory, Commissioner of Education, (314) 635-8125.
1972-Joint Interim Committee (Committee on Taxation). This interim
Committee was established by SCR's 23 and 25. It will consist
of equal representation of the House and Senate and is charged
with studying the taxing laws of the state in light of recent
court decisions on propèrty tax support of public schools.
Contact: William R. Nelson, Director of Research, Missouri
Committee on Legislative Research, (314) 636-2186.


1972-"Study of Basic Education; Program Financing Methods in Montana" (Part One); and Part Two, Study No. 1 "A Study of Funding Schemes for the Foundation Program" issued by the Department of Public Instruction in Working Draft Form, May 1972. Contact: Michael Billings, Director, Finance Support for Schools, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, (406) 499-2511.



1972-Legislative Council Interim Committee on State Aid. This Committee will study school finance in Nebraska and the implications of the Serrano and other court decisions. Report will be issued to the Legislature in January, 1973. Chairman is Senator Jerome Warner. Contact: Jack Rodgers, Director of Research, Legislative Council, (402) 471-2224.

1971-The Education Subcommittee of the Nevada Assembly Ways and
Means Committee devised legislation in the 1971 session con-
taining a mechanism that would "trigger" additional money for
public schools for the second year of the biennium if certain,
specific definitely knowable financial conditions were found
to exist at the end of the first year. As a result of this
innovative legislation, authored by Assemblymen Frank Young
and Jack Schofield of the Subcommittee, and the better than
anticipated Nevada economy in 1971, every school district in
Nevada will have $7 per pupil more to spend next year. Contact:
Mr. Liston, Nevada Department of Education, (702) 882-7330.

1972-The Nevada State Department of Education is charged by statute to make an ongoing study of public school finance in Nevada. Contact: Mr. Liston, Nevada Department of Education, (702) 882-7330.



Interim Legislative Task Force appointed as a result of HB 70,
1971 Session. The Task Force consists of legislators, Depart-
ment of Education staff and superintendents. The Task Force is
to report prior to the 1973 Legislative Session. Chairman:
Paul Fillion. Contact: Newell J. Paire, Commissioner of
Education, (603) 271-3494.

1970-Permanent State Aid Study Commission. Created as a result of
state law: Chapter 233-1970. This is a standing committee
which collects information related to school finance and makes
recommendations to the Legislature. Chairman: Assemblyman
John Ewing. Contact: Paul Mueller, Legislative Service
Commission, (609) 292-7734, or Dr. Victor Podesta, Assistant
Commissioner of Education, (609) 292-4452.

1972-Governor's Tax Policy Committee. This report recommends full
state funding of a standard quality education, financed by a
statewide property tax levied at a rate of $1.00 per $100 of
equalized valuation. The state would also share voter-approved
local leeway expenditures in inverse proportion to the wealth
of a district. Districts spending below the approved level
would be encouraged to increase expenditures; districts spend-
ing above the level would be allowed to continue. Local control
of all other aspects of education would be retained. These
recommendations have been translated into A 1272 for consider-
ation in Special Legislative Session. Sections 6 and 7 of

New Jersey

A 1272 provide that the expense cost per pupil schedule
submitted by the Commissioner shall be deemed approved by
the legislature at the end of a period of 45 calendar days
unless between the date of transmittal and the end of the
45-day period the Legislature passes a concurrent resolution
stating the Legislature does not approve the expense cost per
pupil schedule submitted by the Commissioner and establishing
an alternative expense cost per pupil schedule. Contact:
Paul Mueller, Legislative Service Commission, (609) 292-7734.

NEW MEXICO 1972-Legislative School Study Committee prepared HB 39 relating to school taxation. This bill was not passed.


1972-Interim School Study Committee (Legislative School Study
Committee) and Interim Tax Study Committee were authorized
by Senate Memorial #22 to study and make recommendations with
regard to the levy and allocation of property taxes. Findings
and recommendations are to be made to the first session of the
31st Legislature. Contact: Ronald W. Coss, Director,

Legislative School Study Committee, 329 State Capitol, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, 87501.

1972-New York State Commission on the Quality, Cost and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education (The Fleischmann Commission). This Commission recommended full state funding to eliminate inequality in raising the distributing revenue. Districts would be "leveled-up" to the 65th percentile of operating costs over five years, with districts above that level maintaining current expenditures. Local option levies would be abolished, and distribution of funds would be by unweighted enrollment. Revenue would come from a uniformIce property tax initially, with reliance shifting to the income tax as soon as possible. The Commission also called for greatly increased federal aid. (A more detailed summary of this report is available.) Contact: Chairman Manly Fleischmann, 800 Second Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.

NORTH CAROLINA 1972-Education Finance Committee. State Department of Education Study Committee established by the State Board of Education to study existing allocation procedures and make recommendations for revision of allocation procedures. State Department staff members and local district superintendents serve on the Committee.

This Committee

1972-Education Finance Study Committee. A comprehensive Study
Committee co-sponsored by the State Board of Education,
North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and the
State School Board Association to study total taxation
problems and educational finance allocation procedures in the
light of recent "Serrano-type" court decisions.
will consist of at least 50 members representing lay
professional and business groups in the State.
will be held in the summer of 1972. Contact:
Phillips, Superintendent of Public Instruction, (919) 829-

First meeting
Dr. A. Craig

NORTH DAKOTA 1972-Interim Legislative Educational Education Committee.



group is currently re-examining the School Foundation Program
in the light of recent "Serrano-type" court decisions.
Contact: Mr. Howard Snorteland, Department of Public
Instruction, (701) 224-2261.

1972-NEA Committee on Educational Finance and the North Dakota
Education Association have released a report "To Strengthen
North Dakota School Finance" issued in May 1972. Contact:
Adrian Dunn, Assistant Executive Secretary, (701) 223-0450.

Legislature in Session.

Establishment of Finance Study Commission is expected. Nothing established as of June 1, 1972. Contact: Paul E. Spayde, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction, (614) 469-3708.

1972-Oklahoma Commission on Ad Valorem Tax Structure and Public
School Finance. Created by SJR #45. This temporary
Commission will consist of twenty members:
the Governor, five by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
ten appointed by
and five by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The
Commission is to study, evaluate and recommend possible
revisions of Oklahoma's current methods of financing public
schools by means of the property tax. The Commission is to
consider all the recent judicial decisions in states with
taxing systems similar to Oklahoma and recommend guidelines for
revision of financing methods to the end that the goal of
equal protection under the law is providing equal education for
all students is met. Report to be filed with the first session
of the 34th Legislature. Contact: Senator Lonnie Abbott,
State Capitol, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73105.

1972-Interim Study of the Expenditure of General Fund Money by
School Districts for the Purchase of Land or for the
Construction of Buildings or for Additions to Buildings.
Created by Senate Resolution #96. The Committee of Referral
(Executive Committee of State Legislature) is to analyze
existing law, local problem areas, investigate possible
alternatives and recommend politically feasible remedial
legislation. Report is to be filed with the first session of
the 34th Legislature. Contact: Senator George Miller,

State Capitol, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73105.

1972-Interim Study of the Amount of General Fund Surplus a School
District Should Carry Over at the End of the Fiscal Year.
Created by SR #99. The Executive Committee of the State
Legislature is to refer to appropriate standing committee this
study. Presently Oklahoma has no restriction on the amount
of general fund surplus a school district may have.
is to be filed with first session of 34th Legislature.
Senator George Miller, State Capitol, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, 73105.



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