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Learn the principal parts of the following verbs:

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a. Copy the following verb forms, and after each

write which of the three principal parts it is:

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b. Select the verbs (6) that are used with helpers, and tell which of the principal parts each verb is:

1. The water in the pipes has frozen.

2. I brought this book for you.

3. He has swum the river safely.

4. The boys have broken the window.

5.`The little girl took the baby by the hand.

6. Mother will set the vase on the table.

7. She laid the new clothes away.

8. Squirrels often hide nuts for winter use.

9. She had worn her new dress.

10. You have often set it there.

c. Write the predicate verbs in the above sentences, and, after each, the time expressed.


1. What is a noun?

2. What is an adjective?
3. What is an adverb?

4. What do most verbs express?
5. What else may verbs express?

6. What names are given to the three principal parts of the verb?

7. Name the form of the verb with which has, have, and had are used.

8. Which form of the verb has no helper?

9. What time do the words shall and will help to express?

10. From these verbs make a list of those that must be used with all singular subjects except I and you: blows, ring, has swum, have broken, break, go, have gone,` falls, sets, has lain, have sat, ride, does, go, do.

II. Make a list of the verbs in paragraph 10 that must be used with a plural subject or I or you.

12. Arrange the following pronouns in two lists, those in the singular number in one list and those in the plural number in the other: I, them, he, me, we, her, us, him, they, she, mine, theirs, each, all.

13. Copy the following adjectives in three lists, placing in one list those adjectives that point out, in another those that tell how many, and in a third,

those that show ownership: this, a, many, the, my, some, an, those, that, our, every, all, any, these, no, few, their. 14. Tell what helpers and what form of the verb are used when expressing future time.

15. Tell what form of the verb is used when expressing present time.

16. Tell what helpers and what form of the verb may be used when expressing past time.

17. Name another way in which past time may be expressed.

105. THE VERB “BE”

This lesson tells about one of the verbs that do not express action—the verb be. Be is a very troublesome verb because there are so many ways of writing the present and past forms.

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You are already familiar with the time expressed by verbs, also with their changes in form to show the number of the subject. Now you must learn these same things about the verb be.

a. Find, from the sentences on the opposite page, the following things about the present form of the verb be: What word is nearly always the subject of be? (Sentence 1.) What word is always the subject of am? (Sentence 2.) Which of the present forms is used when the pronoun you is the subject? when a plural noun is the subject? when a singular noun is the subject?

1. You be good.

2. I am late.

3. The children are here.

4. You are a good girl.

5. The man is a fireman.

b. Select the verbs in these sentences and tell the time indicated by each. Change the number of the subjects, and make any other changes necessary. 1. Many men are good citizens.

2. The bird in this cage is a very sweet singer.

3. You are too late.

4. He is away in the country for a vacation.

5. We are tired.

6. The sick baby in my charge is now quite well. 7. The day is pleasant.

8. They are very friendly with my maltese kittens. 9. I am late with the flowers again to-day.

c. Tell the number of the noun subjects that may be used with the following verbs:

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Read the following account of "The People of the World." Make an outline by finding a sentence that will recall to your mind the content of each paragraph. Prepare to tell this account by thinking it through, sentence by sentence, with the outline before you. Be ready to criticize one another with regard to the truth of every statement.

The People of the World

We do not know exactly how many people there are in the world, but the number is estimated at nearly 1,600,000,000. Mankind is distributed very unevenly. The regions of permanent ice on the mountains and about the poles are uninhabited. Deserts contain very few people, except around the oases, and the hot, moist jungles also are practically uninhabited.

The largest numbers of people are found in the lowlands near the seashore, where the climate is not too severe for outdoor labor the year round, and where there is sufficient moisture to raise the crops necessary for food. The most densely inhabited region of the world, outside of certain small areas in some of the largest cities, is in the low plains of southeast Asia.

The most progressive nations live in the coastal portions of the Temperate Belts, where the summers are not too hot and the winters not too cold, and yet where there is enough contrast between summer and winter to make it healthful. In the occupied regions of the Hot Belt the people are not so energetic and advanced as they are in the cooler Temperate Belts. White people cannot live permanently in many tropical regions except where the altitude is sufficiently high to give a cooler and drier climate than is found in the lowlands.

The largest number of people belong to the white race. The people of this race are the most active, enterprising, and imaginative of the world. They speak many languages and are divided into many nations. Some of them are very dark colored, so that really two groups of white people exist, the dark-skinned and the lightskinned. The light-skinned live in the cooler portions of the Temperate Belts, while the dark-skinned occupy the warmer parts of this belt and the subtropical regions.

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