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and selves are commonly added. Notice that his and their are not among the pronouns in the list below.

[blocks in formation]

a. In the following sentences find the pronouns (26). Tell the antecedent of each, if it is expressed, and tell how each pronoun is used.

MODEL: They helped to find her. "They" is a pronoun, the subject of the sentence. It has no antecedent expressed. "Her" is a pronoun, object of the infinitive "to find." It has no antecedent expressed.

1. Send her to me.

2. Fearing to hurt her, John did not shoot.

3. Telling it only made matters worse.

4. I will do it for myself.

5. I hope to find her.

6. The truth itself is sometimes not believed. (“Itself" makes the statement more emphatic.)

7. He will tell you himself.

8. I cut myself.

9. We saw the queen herself.

10. The book on my desk is hers.

II. They went by themselves.

12. It is our privilege to do it by ourselves.

13. He himself told me so.

b. Make a list of the participles, gerunds, and infinitives in the sentences above (5).

c. Diagram sentences 2 and 5.


1. Name the pronouns that may be used as subjects of sentences (7); as predicate pronouns (7); as objects of verbs (7).

2. Write the singular possessive and plural possessive of the following nouns: child, baby, soldier, mouse, daughter, calf, thief, fairy, hero.

3. Write six possessive pronouns.

4. Write four possessive adjectives.

5. Name the different forms of the verb be used when I is the subject; when you is the subject.

6. Which of the principal parts of the verb is used with the helpers have, has, and had?

7. Which of the principal parts of the verb is not used with a helper?

8. Name two ways in which the past participle form of a verb may be used in a sentence; in which the present participle form may be used.

9. When the present participle form of a verb is used as a noun, what is it called?

10. What is the sign of the infinitive?

II. Name three ways in which an infinitive may be used in a sentence.

12. Name the past forms of the verb be. Tell the number of the subject used with each.


The Enchanted Waterfall

Once upon a time there lived alone with his father and mother a simple young woodcutter. He worked hard all

day on the lovely hillside, or among the shady trees of the forest. But work as hard as he could, his earnings were still very small, and he could bring home but little money to his old father and mother. This grieved him very much, for he was an affectionate and dutiful son.

For himself he had but few wants, and was easily. pleased. His mother, too, was always cheerful and contented. The old father, however, was of a selfish disposition, and often grumbled at the poor rice, washed down with weak tea, or, if times were very bad, with a cup of hot water.

"If we had but a little saké, now," he would say, "it would do one's heart good." And then he would reproach the simple young fellow, vowing that in his young days he had always been able to afford a cup of saké for himself and his friends.


Grieved at heart, the young man would work harder than ever, and think to himself, “How shall I earn more money?" He was thinking in this way one day as he was at work on the wooded hills, when the sound of rushing waters caught his ear. He had often worked in the same spot before, and could not remember that there was any torrent or waterfall near. So he followed the sound, which grew louder and louder, until at last he came upon a beautiful waterfall.

The water looked so clear and cool that he stooped down where it was flowing away in a quiet stream, and drank a little of it. What was his amazement to find that, instead of water, it was the most excellent saké. Overjoyed at this discovery, he quickly filled the gourd which was hanging at his girdle, and made his way home. The old father was so delighted with the fine saké that he drank cup after cup. A neighbor, happening to drop in, was told the story and a cup of saké offered him. He

drank it with many words of astonishment and gratitude. Soon the news spread, and before night there was hardly a man who had not paid his visit of curiosity, been told the tale, and smelled the gourd, which was now empty.

Next morning the young woodcutter set off to work earlier than usual, not forgetting to carry with him a large gourd, for of course the enchanted waterfall was to be visited again. What was the surprise of the young man when he came to the spot to find several of his neighbors already there, and all with buckets to carry a good supply of the coveted saké!

"Let us fill our jars and go home," said they. "But. first let us take just one drop of the magic saké." One stooped down and, filling his jar, put it to his lips. Once and yet again did he drink, with a face of astonishment that soon gave place to anger. "Nothing but cold water!" he shouted in a rage. "We have been tricked by that young fellow! Let us duck him in the waterfall!" But the young man had been wise enough to slip behind a big rock when he saw the turn things were taking, and was nowhere to be found.

First one and then another tasted of the stream. It was too true. No saké, but clear cold water was there. Crestfallen and out of temper, the band returned to their homes. When they were gone the woodcutter crept from his hiding place. "Can this be true!" he thought. "I'll taste for myself." He filled the gourd and drank. Sure enough, there was the same fine flavored saké he had tasted yesterday. And so it remained. To the good, dutiful son the cascade flowed with the finest saké, while to all others it yielded only cold water.

The emperor, hearing this wonderful story, sent for the good young woodcutter, rewarded him for his kindness to his father, and even changed the year in his honor, as

an encouragement to children in all future time to honor and obey their parents.

From Japanese Fairy Tales Series, by T. HASEGAMA

Make sentences, using the following expressions. Do not copy the sentences word for word, but use the same thought if you wish.

but little money


but few wants

do one's heart good rushing waters

grew louder and louder

Make sentences:

quickly filled his gourd
cup after cup
visit of curiosity

face of astonishment
nowhere to be found

yielded only cold water

Using simple and young to describe the woodcutter.
Using affectionate and dutiful in describing the son.
Using cheerful and contented in describing the mother.
Using selfish and grumbled in telling about the father's

Using louder and louder in describing the waterfall.
Using amazement in telling how the woodcutter felt.
Using delighted in telling how the father felt when he
tasted the saké.

Using astonishment and gratitude in telling about the

Using enchanted in describing the waterfall.

Using magic in describing the saké.

Using crestfallen and out of temper in describing the neighbors.

Using wonderful in describing the story.

Be ready to tell the story, using as many of the expressions and descriptive words as possible.

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