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a. In the following sentences, select the gerunds, and state whether or not each requires an object. Name the object, if any, and give its case. If there is a predicate noun or pronoun, name it and give its case.

1. Upon hearing the good report, John ran quickly to tell his mother.

2. I shall try to solve the problem.

3. To be a rich man was his ambition.

4. He was fined for whipping the dog.

5. By playing a fast game, our team became champions.

6. Chopping wood is hard work.

7. Next to being a hero is knowing one.

8. Doing his duty cheerfully won the promotion for


9. Without asking permission, Molly rushed from the


10. Circling above us, the aëroplanes disappeared from


b. Parse the words in italics in the sentences above, according to the model in lesson 253.


a. From the following sentences make a list of nouns that are subjects; that are predicate nouns; that are objects of verbs; of prepositions; of participles; of infinitives; of gerunds.

b. Parse the words in italics according to the model in lesson 253.

1. By using suitable machinery, the tables were made to whirl swiftly around.

2. The children were invited to attend the "May


3. I was ordered to call all hands.

4. At the foot of the pine tree the fields of grain began.

5. I have no way to pay the debt.

6. Feigning illness, the boy escaped punishment.

7. Her desire is to be a musician.

8. Concealing the plunder, the robber fled.

9. To have punished the child would have been


10. In the play, Fred chose to be director.

II. To have entered the city then, would have meant destruction to the whole army.

12. The bird with the black wing seems to be the one.

13. My sister hopes to become a nurse.

14. He was about to shoot the dog.

15. Seizing a stick, he killed the snake.

16. Glycerine is used in making powder.

17. Being able to do one thing well is a great convenience.

18. She was employed in stamping envelopes.


From the following list of pronouns, select those that may be used in speaking of yourself; in speaking to some one; in speaking of some one or something:

[blocks in formation]

The words just studied, when used in sentences, are called personal pronouns. The pronouns that name the speaker, as, I, me, we, us, are in the first person. The pronoun that names the person spoken to, as, you, is in the second person. The pronouns that name the person or thing spoken of, as, he, she, it, they, them, are in the third person.

a. From lesson 70, select the pronouns, and tell whether each is in the first, second, or third person. b. Parse the nouns in the same exercise. the model in lesson 253.




Most personal pronouns have a special form to show case; as, nominative case I, accusative case You have learned that certain pronouns may be used as subjects and that these same pronouns may also be predicate pronouns. Because they are used as subjects, or as predicate pronouns, they are in the nominative case. Other pronouns, like nouns, are used as objects of verbs, participles, infinitives, gerunds, and prepositions. Such pronouns are in the accusative case.

a. Turn to the sentences in lesson 178 and tell the person of each pronoun, its use in the sentence, and its case.

MODEL: I am the one. "I" is a personal pronoun, first person. It is the subject of the verb "am." Therefore, it is in the nominative case.

b. Parse five nouns in the same lesson. Follow the model in lesson 253.


In the following sentences, select the personal pronouns and tell the number and gender of each:

1. May we go with you?

2. Come to me when you have finished.

3. They sent us here.

4. Is she Harry's friend?

5. I am older than she.

6. I thought it was he.
7. We told them about it.

8. He did not wish to do it.

9. By coaxing the horse, we succeeded in getting him

into the yard.

10. Harry means to do it.

II. Will you help us?

12. Having promised them, I must go.
13. I have tried to see it many times.

14. After amusing her, we played ball.

Parse the pronouns in italics by telling the kind, person, number, gender, use in the sentence, and case of each.

MODEL: May we go with you? "We" is a personal pronoun, first person, plural number, masculine or feminine gender. It is the subject of the verb "may go." Therefore, it is in the nominative case.


a. Review lesson 179 as follows:

Write the possessive pronouns of the first person; the second person; the third person.

1To the Teacher: In accordance with the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Nomenclature, the forms often classed as possessive caseforms of pronouns are to be classed as possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives.

Write the possessive pronouns in the singular number; the plural number.

b. In the following sentences, select the pronouns. Tell whether each is a personal or a possessive pronoun; give the person of each, and its use in the


MODEL: Miss Hill sent for you and him.

"You" is a personal pronoun, second person, object of the preposition "for.”

1. Miss Hill sent for you and him.

2. May I take yours?

3. They have lost theirs.

4. Was he the one?

5. She did not speak to me.

6. Yours is in the desk.

7. Was it he?

8. I tried to find yours.

9. Bring yours to me.

10. Hers are not well done.

II. I bought the book for you.

12. She chose them for mother's room.

13. Did you see it?

14. Mine is new.

15. We did not look for theirs.

16. Ours were on the table.

17. Theirs was left on the beach.

18. He and I will stay with you.

19. He offered his to the poor woman's son.

20. Is it yours?

21. I do not know whose it is.

c. Parse the nouns in italics. For the model, refer

to lesson 253

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