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The Pastor's Fire-Side: by Miss Jane Porter.


weariness, privation, and danger.' The believe what you wish-and rest satiseyes of Louis flashing the brave ardours fied.' I am satisfied,' returned Louis, of his heart, gave the only answer to the and ready to be confined within these Sieur's remarks, but it was eloquence of walls, at whatever employment, and for the high expectations he had raised.- whatever time, my father may choose to 'Young man,' continued his austere dictate. Follow me.'"

monitor, I come to lay open this After the formality of a solemn oath momentous pass to you-and once never to betray the confidence reposed entered, you are no longer your own, in his fidelity, the Sieur prepares to iniyou belong to mankind, you are de- tiate his pupil into the duties of his new voted to labour for them, and, above office. all, to sacrifice the daintiness of a pam- "Now, Louis,' said he, your task pered body, the passions of your soul, is easy-Will is a conquering sword.' the affections of your heart, to the ser- As he spoke, a smile played for a movice of the country which was that of ment on his stern lip-but, like a sunyour ancestors, and to which your beam on a dark cloud, it suddenly disfather is now restored.'-'I am ready, appeared, and all was gloom again: he Sir,' exclaimed Louis, to take my post, opened the escritoir, and took from the be it where it may, and I trust that I shelves two thick scrolls in strange shall maintain it as becomes my father's characters. Louis continued to gaze on son. At present,' replied the Sieur, the face of this mysterious man as he 'it is within these walls.'-Louis looked arranged the sheets on the table. The aghast the animation of hope springing smile which had just lit up those lurid forward to military distinction, faded features with the nameless splendors of from his countenance: Within these mental beauty, was passed away-but walls-how? What can be done here? the impression remained on his pupil's I believed I thought the army.'-This heart-Ignatius placed the papers before incoherent reply was suddenly arrested his attentive pupil-telling him they by the steady fixure of Ignatius' eyes; comprised his duty for the day-that he a pause ensued-doubly painful to Louis must copy them stroke by stroke-for on account of the shock his expecta- the inaccuracy of a single curve might tions had received, and because he had produce consequences to burthen his so weakly betrayed it. With the tint soul for ever. The Sieur then sat down of shame displacing the paleness of dis- to give minute instruction respecting the appointment, he stood before his fa- execution of these momentous documents ther's friend, looking on the ground--the task was complicated, and of a at last the Sieur spoke What army do nature totally different from any thing you speak of?'-With increased em- Louis had ever practised, or could barrassment, Louis replied, The Spa- possibly have anticipated. However he nish army; that which the Marquis cheerfully engaged in its performance; Santa Cruz gave my uncle to under- and his employer having seen the prestand was soon to march against Aus- cision of his commencement, rose to tria, to compel the emperor to fulfil his withdraw. Before he quitted the room, broken treaties.' And to meet that he turned, and said, that he supposed it army in the heart of the Austrian capi- was hardly necessary to enjoin the tal,' said Ignatius, you thought was propriety of always keeping that chamber the object of your present summons.- locked, both when it was occupied and Unable to speak, from a humiliating when it was vacant."

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consciousness of absurdity, Louis co- In the progress of the story, Louis is loured a deeper scarlet, and again cast called to trials of fortitude, of endurance, his eyes to the ground.-No,' con- and privation, more arduous and severe tinued the Sieur, there are ways of than the scrutiny, the splitude, and mysforcing sovereigns to do their duties, tery, which haunt the chateau of Pfaf besides that which the sword commands fenberg. In the following scene, which -if it will sooth your disappointment is subsequent to the disgrace of Ripto think that you labour in one of them, perda, the author exhibits the char


The Pastor's Fire-Side: by Miss Jane Porter.

[208 racteristic feelings of the father and the poison was the desertion of my son.'son with admirable force and pathos. Hear me, my father!' at last burst from With infinite difficulty Louis has tracked the lips of De Montemar.-Louis is Ripperda's course to Barbary, and at heard in silence-at length he receives length reaches the spot, in which he re- this answer, "Tis well, and the tale is mains concealed. But the fallen minister marvellously told-but I have no conhad learnt to distrust the fidelity of his nexion with its truth nor falsehood.'only son, to whom he reluctantly ac- Yes, my father,' returned Louis, 'it cords the favour of an interview. contains your justification, the acquittal "It was a cold welcome, but Louis of your son, and the atonement of your thought not of the words since the per- repentant sovereigns. My justification mission was granted. He hastened is here!' exclaimed the Duke, proudly through the Arcades to a large curtained striking his breast, and starting from his door. Martini drew it back, and Louis seat- and for atonement, Heaven and beheld the honoured object of his long earth cannot atone for my injuries-tell and filial pilgrimage. The Duke was your queen, that William de Ripperda standing with his back to him, reading a was not born to quail to any man—nor scroll of paper. Nothing that was not to hold his honours by flattery to a purely the son was then in his labouring woman. I served the country of my heart, and he was advancing to throw ancestors for its own sake, neither in himself at his father's feet, when Martini homage to her nor to the king. I despoke My Lord, the Marquis de voted myself to the peace and prosperity Montemar. Ripperda turned his head, of the world-but they rejected peace, Let him wait my leisure;' and looking and they shall find a sword. All have on the paper again, sternly_resumed his spurned me! I am thrust out of Europe reading. Louis stood. The face of and when I have found a land of deadly paleness, the eye's vivid flash, refuge, they would ensnare me to return and the deep emaciated lines furrowed and I will return-return with desowith every trace of the burning volcano lation and death-for Christendom, unwithin, filled him with a dismay even grateful Christendom, has sinned beyond more terrible than the fierce estrange- my wish to pardon.'- How am I to ment this reception announced. But it comprehend you, my father?—You was only for a moment that his astound- cannot comprehend me-I would no be ed faculties were transfixed by the dire- comprehended by a Spaniard-you ful apprehension, he was his father still were once my son-and you have satis-his noble, injured, suffering father- fied me you meant to be loyal to meand rushing forward, he flung himself but you cannot serve two masters.on his knees before him, and covered What master would oppose my serving his face in his robe, for the hand he my father? If you mean the King of would have grasped was withheld. Spain, your own inexpugnable honour Ripperda's breast was locked. What would not raise an arm against him, and is it you require of me,' said he- The he will not, cannot, prevent me dedicatminion of two queens must have some ing my life to you.'My honour, reason for bending thus low to the man, Louis!-Christian knights have honour, the one has dishonoured, and the other the King of Spain has honour, his minbetrayed.'-Louis looked upon that isters and those of Austria have a implacable countenance-he attempted thousand honours; but where were they to speak, but no sound obeyed-he all, when my inexpugnable honour was struggled for his father's hand, and calumniated and betrayed-where, when wrung it to his heart. Ripperda stood the man they durst not bring to an open cold and collected. What would you trial was committed to the dungeons of yet seek of me? I have no longer fame, the Inquisition, to be silently and senor riches, nor power to bestow-these curely murdered ?"

were your idols, deny it not-they were Louis attempts to combat and to my own-I found their food ashes, but soften these vindictive feelings, but he the drought that turned my blood to is still ignorant of his father's object.


Petrarch's Villa.


"Ripperda walked several times up my ensign.'-He pointed to a crescent and down the apartment; several times on a standard in a far corner of the he glanced suspiciously toward his son, room-Louis still gazed on him withand stopped opposite to him, as if he out speaking-but the apprehension of were going to speak; then turned away, his mind was in his looks-' Do not and resumed his perturbed pace-a con- mistake me,' rejoined the Duke—“ my suming impatience inflamed every fea- injuries have not made me mad, but ture and once or twice he took out his they have driven me to a desperation watch, and looking at it muttered to that will prove you to the heart-Are himself. At last, abruptly drawing near you now willing to go where I shall go, his son, he snatched the cross of the to lodge where I shall lodge-shall my Amaranth, and scornfully exclaimed, God be your God, and my enemies your If you would belong to me, forswear enemies or am I cast out like Ismael ག all of which this is the emblem.'-Louis to find my revenge on those who mock was dumb: the Duke resumed with wild me alone.'

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solemnity-One night in the Alcazar, These extracts sufficiently convey an when my gaolers had left me no other eulogium of the work-but we cannot light than my injuries, I bethought me dismiss it without observing, that it will who raised those walls-In the black be little to the credit of that reader who darkness of my prison I saw a host- does not derive something more than they who fell in the passes of Grenada- mere amusement from the perusal of these and from that hour the soul of Aben interesting volumes. Humeya passed into my heart-Yon is



From the New Monthly Magazine.

ETWEEN the Euganean Hills, a cathedral, at Padua, he had a convenient few leagues from Padua, is situated villa at Arqua, in the most beautiful situthe village of Arqua, where travellers ation that he could select, not far from continue to visit the residence of Pe- what is called the Castello. This house trarch to this very day. A more beauti- is still standing, and in tolerable preserful country than this could scarcely be vation. It is simple, but yet worthy of found in Italy, where Nature has been so a man of fortune and a lover of the arts: universally profuse of her bounty. The it consists of an entrance hall, a saloon, hills are every where covered with vines, five rooms of different dimensions, and corn, and fruit-trees. A romantic lake the offices usually attached to such a and a fine stream cool the air, which is habitation. The door is in the rustic otherwise very pure and salubrious. Fish style; the hall is painted, and represents and fowl abound in these parts, and the the triumphs celebrated by the poet. A mountains, which are lost in the distance, back door opposite to the entrance leads present views of the most picturesque into the garden and to the neighbouring character. Here Petrarch, after a turbu- hills. On the left, a passage conducts to lent life, divided between business, love, the Room of the Visions, as it is called, and study, resolved to seek repose, and and the latter to the saloon, which is to devote himself solely to the enjoy- adorned with paintings of various mythoment of books and the beauties of nature. logical subjects, from the charming pasThe favour of the Prince of Carrara, the torals of the founder. A broad flight of then ruler of Padua, and the property stone steps leads out of this saloon into which he had honourably acquired, as- the court-yard; it is covered at the top sured to him an old age free from the with a small portico, supported by pilcares of life. There was nothing, there- lars an accessory frequently met with fore, to prevent the execution of his de- in Italian villages. Adjoining to the sign, and during his residence near the saloon there is another room, the chim


Petrarch's Villa.


ney-piece of which is painted in a varie- transaction Tommasini has given a cir gated manner, and where foreigners of cumstantial history in his Petrarcha Reall nations have inscribed their names, divivus. Patav. 1601. 4to. In a contiguous closet is preserved an Petrarch's chair, and a half-decayed embalmed cat, which was Petrarch's con- chest are also preserved as well as his stant companion: she is kept is a glazed cat, in this villa: both would have been niche, and is likely to furnish travellers completely destroyed long since, from for a long time to come with an evidence the desire of travellers to possess a piece of the great poet's attachment to her. of them as a curiosity, for which reason Petrarch enjoyed but four years the it was found necessary to secure them by wished-for repose in this villa: he was a grating from farther injury. Soon after one morning found dead in his cabinet, the death of the poet, indeed, such was before his writing-desk: an apoplexy the veneration testified by travellers for had surprized him during the night in this his last abode, that the walls were the midst of his studies. His death covered with names and sentiments in was deeply regretted by all the friends prose and verse. To give a better direc of the fine arts. The Prince of Carrara, tion to this mania, the owners of the who had always entertained a high house provided an Album, in which esteem for him, repaired with his whole strangers might express their feelings on court to Arqua, to attend his funeral; visiting the habitation of Petrarch. This and his example was followed by the book was unfortunately lost; it must nobility, the military officers, the clergy, have contained a great number of reand the university. Sixteen doctors of markable names and effusions. In 1787 laws, in their appropriate habits, carried a new Album was procured for the use the bier, which was covered with cloth of travellers; it is called Il Codice di of gold, enriched with ermine. The Arqua. That it might not wholly expeprocession moved from Petrarch's house rience the fate of the former Codice, Bet to the parochial church of the village, toni, the bookseller, extracted the best where Bonaventura di Peraga delivered pieces that it contains, and published an oration upon the celebrated writer; and after the funeral service, his remains were deposited, agreeably to his last will, in the chapel of the Madonna, which he had founded. His chief heir, Francesco di Borsano, caused a marble monument to be erected to him near the church, with the following inscription, from the pen of Petrarch himself:

trarcæ :

Frigida Francisci lapis hic tegit ossa Pe-
Suscipe, Virgo parens, animam! sate Vir-
gine, parce,
Fessaque jam terris cœli requiescat in arce.
MCCCLXXIV, xviii Julii.

Besides the above, there are two other inscriptions on this monument. Paolo Valdezocco, a subsequent proprietor of Petrarch's villa, caused a brass effigy of the poet to be placed upon it, with a new inscription. This effigy was afterwards mutilated by a mischievous soldier, and at a later period the tomb itself was broken open by some villains, who carried off part of the bones which it contained. The plunderers, however, were taken and executed, in 1532. Of this

them in 1810, in a neat octavo volume.
The whole of these compositions, to be
sure, are upon one and the same subject,
namely, praise of Petrarch, and venera-
tion for this his last abode: but the feel-
ings of the writers are so variously ex-
pressed, that the whole volume may be
read through, with pleasure. Some of
them, indeed, possess considerable poetic
merit. Those by English and German
travellers are but few, and unworthy of
notice: the French are more numerous,
and of a better order; all the others are
in Latin or Italian, and by Italian travel.
lers. It is these last that give value to
the collection; and it is but natural that
the praises of the celebrated poet should
be more worthily expressed by his own
countrymen than by strangers. The Al-
bum has the following title-

Tu che devoto al sacro albergo arrivi,
Ove s'aggira ancor l'ombra immortale
Di chi un di vi depose il corpo frale,
La patria, il nome, li sensi tuoi qui scrivi.
In Arqua, Anno MDCCLXXXVI., della
morte del Petrarca, CCCCXIV.

This Codex has existed too short a time for us to expect much that is very


Campbell's Account of the Sandwich Islands.


excellent from it, but at the end of two Petrarch's house devolved, after his or three centuries it will certainly pre- decease, to Francesco di Borsano, who sent a collection, interesting in various as I have already observed, was the prinrespects. Is it not to be wished that cipal heir. In the 17th century it was similar books were kept near the graves the property of the family of Gabrielli ; of the great men of other countries? They in the 18th, of the Dottori; and the would contain a permanent eulogy of present proprietor is Mr. Joseph Bernardi, their merits, and certainly form a monu- of Modena. J. B. DEPPING. ment as remarkable as a statue or a tomb-stone.

[New Mon. Mag. Feb.1817.]


From the European Magazine.


THE HE sudden revolution produced in sovereignty of these islands was made the customs of the natives of the by the king, reserving, however, freedom Sandwich islands, from their intercourse in all matters of religion, internal govwith the Europeans, gives a peculiar ernment,and domestic economy. Taminterest to any recent accounts of them, aahmaah, after various successes, had, in from which we may be enabled to trace 1810 reduced all the islands in this the progress of society in one of its ear- under his dominions, except Atooi and liest stages. These islands, from their Onehooi. situation, midway between the continents of Asia and America, the fertility of their soil, and the natural talents and industry of the natives, are rendered by far the most interesting of the recent discoveries in the Pacific ocean, and so were considered by Captain Cook.

Scarcely thirty years have elapsed since the period of the discovery of these islands; and we already find a chief who has made rapid progress towards civilization, and who on all occasions has availed himself of every opportunity of intercourse with the Europeans, surrounWhen Captain Cook, in 1778, dis- ded by artificers, with guards, regularly covered the Sandwich islands, Tereoboo trained to the use of fire arms, and a was King of Owhyhee; Teteree, of navy of 60 sail of decked vessels, built Moratai; and Pedeoranne, of Wahoo, on the island; almost every vessel that and the islands to the leeward. Ta- navigates the Pacific, finds sbelter, promaahmaah, the present king, is known visions, or trade in his harbour. Much in Cook's Voyage under the name of is to be ascribed to the natural ingenuity Maiha-maiha, and was present at the and unwearied industry of the inhabideath of that illustrious navigator: he tants; but added to this, they have rewas only brother to Tereoboo. ceived all the benefits which are conFrom the departure of the Resolution ferred on rising communities, by the till the year 1787, no ship visited these appearance of their chief Tamaahmaah, islands. In 1788, Captain Douglas, in "one of those great men who go before the Iphiginia, touched at Owhyhee, their age.'

Tamaahmaah at this time having ob- The death of Captain Cook, and the tained the assistance of Boyd, a ship frequent murders by the natives, of the carpenter, built a small tender, and it subsequent navigators, gave such ideas was at this period that Young and Davis, of the savage nature of the inhabitants, the persons subsequently noticed, be- that for many years few ships ventured came resident at whyhee. After the to touch there. But since the present arrival of Captain Vancouver, the king, chief has established his power, his conwith the assistance of the ship's carpen- duct has deen marked with such justice, ters, constructed his first decked vessel; that strangers are as safe in his ports as and in order to ensure the good will of in those of any other nation.. He is the English, a formal surrender of the known in this country, from the accounts

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