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ded; and a measure of ale, somewhat Burley, "engage in a siege that may deserving the name, was set apart in a consume time. We must forward, and silver tankard for their exclusive use. A follow our advantage by occupying Glashuge kebbock (a cheese that is made gow; for I do not fear that the troops with ewe milk mixed with cow's milk) we have this day beaten, even with the and a jar of salt butter, were in common assistance of my lord Ross's regiment, to the company. will judge it safe to await our coming."


"To enjoy this exquisite cheer, was Howbeit," said Poundtext, "we may placed at the head of the table, the old display a banner before the Tower, and laird himself, with his nephew on the blow a trumpet, and summon them to one side, and the favourite house-keeper come forth. It may be, they will give on the other. At a long interval, and over the place unto our mercy, though beneath the salt of course, sate old Robin, they be a rebellious people. And we a meagre, half-starved serving man, ren- will summon the women to come forth dered cross and cripple by the rheuma- of their strong-hold, that is, Lady Martism, and a dirty drab of a house-maid, garet Bellenger and her grand-daughter, whom use had rendered callous to the and Jenny Dennison, which is a girl of daily exercitations which her temper an ensnaring eye, and the other maids, underwent at the hands of her master and we will give them a safe conduct, and Mrs. Wilson; a barn-man, a white- and send them in peace to the city, even headed cow-herd boy, and Cuddie, the to the town of Edinburgh. But John new ploughman, and his inother, com- Gudyill, and Hugh Harrison, and Miles pleted the party. The other labourers Bellenden, we will restrain with fetters, belonging to the property, resided in even as they, in times bypast, have done their own houses, happy at least in this, to the martyred saints." that if their cheer was not more delicate "Who talks of safe conduct, and of than that which we have described, they peace?" said a shrill, broken, and overcould at least eat their fill, unwatched by strained voice, from the crowd. the sharp, envious, grey eyes of Miln


"Peace, brother Habbakuk," said wood, which seemed to measure the Macbriar, in a soothing tone to the quantity that each of the dependents swallowed, as closely as if their glances "I will not hold my peace," reiterated attended each mouthful in its progress this strange and unnatural voice: "is from the lips to the stomach. This close this a time to speak of peace, when the inspection was unfavourable to Cuddie, who was much prejudiced in his new master's opinion, by the silent celerity with which he caused the victuals to disappear before him. And ever and anon Milnwood turned his eyes from the huge feeder to cast indignant glances upon his nephew, whose repugnance to rustic labour was the principal cause of his needing a ploughman, and who had been the direct means of his hiring this very cormorant."

earth quakes, and the mountains are rent, and the rivers are changed into blood, and the two-edged sword is drawn from the sheath to drink gore as if it were water, and devour flesh as the fire devours dry stubble ?"

After Henry Morton had declared his intention to Balfour of Burley to join the Calvinistical Covenanters, the latter introduces him to the council. The manner in which business was conducted at these assemblies, may be judged of from the subsequent extract :-

"While he spoke thus, the orator struggled forward to the inner part of the circle, and presented to Morton's wondering eyes a figure worthy of such a voice and such a language. The rags of a dress which had once been black, adherd's plaid, composed a covering scarce ded to the tattered fragments of a shepfit for the purposes of decency, much less for those of warmth or comfort. Along his breast, and mingled with bushy, beard, as white as snow, hung down on uncombed, grizzly hair, which hung in elf-locks around his wild and staring "We will not, with my consent," said visage. The features seemed to be ex

The Maiden and the Rose.


tenuated by penury and famine, until ed him. Nevertheless, our violent breth

they hardly retained the likeness of hu- ren will have it, that he speaketh of the man aspect. The eyes, grey, wild, and spirit, and that they fructify by his pourwandering, evidently betokened a bewil- ing forth." dered imagination. He held in his hand a rusty sword, clotted with blood, as were his long lean hands, which were garnished at the extremity with nails like eagle's claws.

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In the name of heaven! who is he?" said Morton in a whisper to Poundtext, surprised, shocked, and even startled at this ghastly apparition, which looked more like the resurrection of some canni

bal priest, or Druid, red from his human sacrifice, than like an earthly mortal.

"It is Habbakuk Mucklewrath," answered Poundtext, in the same tone, "whom the enemy have long detained in captivity in forts and castles, until his understanding hath departed from him, and, as I fear, an evil spirit hath possess

The insurgents, as most of our read ers will recollect, were defeated with

great slaughter at Bothwell-bridge; a great number of prisoners are made, and among them Morton and Macbriar, a young, firm, misguided zealot, who had the doctrine of cutting the throats of the vehemently and unceasingly preached up Prelates, for the glory of God. The latand the torture of the boots is inflicted ter is brought before the privy council, upon him, which he bears with unshrinkto the latest gasp. Morton, at the ining firmness, proclaiming his principles

stance of Col. Grahame and Lord Evandale, is banished, instead of suffering death like the other prisoners.

To be concluded in our next


A Pastoral Tale,


space of one day, then drooped her head, and died.

Time had covered the characters with moss; with my hand I pushed it aside, and read the following words :

"The maid whose dust these stones inclose,
Soon shared her lover's doom:
Death snatch'd them both, and for a rose
They sleep within this tomb."

T was during the month when roses deck the bowers, and win many a kiss for rural lovers, that I strayed, in a pensive reverie, along the borders of a limpid rivulet. I reached a spot where four weeping willows waved their flexible boughs over the gliding stream and the spreading turf that clothed the shore. A blooming rose-tree grew beneath their shade; its flowers were gently balanced I remained for some time reflecting on by the foaming breeze. "I will gather the epitaph, and endeavouring to divine. one of these roses,' I exclaimed; "I the history of these two lovers, when a will select the finest for my Annette. In young maiden from a neighbouring hamadorning her bosom, it will awaken let approached to draw water from the pleasing emotions in her heart, and to stream on whose brink I stood. She present her with this small pledge of my guessed my thoughts, and anticipated my faithful love, will be a new source of de- request. "You are, then, acquainted light to my soul.” with their misfortunes," said I.-"Yes," she replied; "my grandmother has told me their melancholy story.-Many years have passed since they lived; love like their's no longer exists in our days.Alas! no, it does not," she rejoined, and I thought by her accents she felt but too much the truth of her assertion.

Already my hand touched the flower destined for my Annette, when I perceived some characters, half hidden by the moss on a stone at my feet. Without gathering the flower, I stooped to read the inscription; it was on a tomb-the tomb of a young shepherdess.

Like the rose, she bloomed the short

"Will you, my fair maid," said I,

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"put down your pitcher, and come under the shade of these weeping willows, beside this rose-tree, and for a few inoments rest yourselt on this moss-covered stone, and relate to me the bistory of these lovers who were so tenderly attached."She willingly assented, and seated herself me; leaning on her hand, she bent towards the rose-tree, and looking sorrowfully at the inscription on the stone, one would have imagined she had known those of whom she was going to speak, and that their remembrance caused emotions which almost prevented her relating their history; but soon recovering herself, she began as follows:


morn of a festival, with his usual frankness, to salute his beloved mistress. Alas! love had flown; no tender smile greeted his approach, no friendly appellation. O poor Charles, what were your feelings at that moment !"-Here the young girl turned her head away to wipe off some tears which had escaped from her eyes.


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"Never did this faithful lover meet Helen without leaving her some remembrance of his affection: that day he had brought her the finest rose of his garden, stil impearled with the morning dew. My dear Helen, my sweet friend,' said he, here is the finest rose of my garden.' "She who has reposed here for a You must keep it Charles,' she coldhundred years was called Helen; she ly answered; Helen will never again was the handsomest and the wisest shep- receive any flowers gathered by your hand.' herdess of the hamlet; she had never The unhappy lover remained speechloved any but Charles. Charles's affec- less; he perceived he had lost Helen's tions were all centered in Helen. Born heart, he had lost her forever. Helen,' at the same time, at the same place, they said he, you will no longer, then, regrew beside each other, and were united ceive my flowers; however, I will leave by love like two branches of a vine, you this rose, you will pick it up-and which meet, entwine, and together live perhaps you may let a tear fall on it and die. Such true lovers had never when I am no longer here to offer you been before seen, and notwithstanding, another.' In saying these words he laid so prudent: all Charles asked was a the rose on the ground before the cruel chaste kiss, and Helen never regretted Helen, and departed. the kiss she had given—” Here the "On his way he met a regiment of ingenuous relater paused and blushed.- soldiers who were cheerfully departing I understand you, my fair maid," said for the wars. Charles addressed the 1:"you act like your prudent grandmo- cominander― Captain,' said he, ' I will ther."-The amiable girl blushed still become a soldier; give me arms and deeper, cast her eyes on the grass her place me in your ranks.'-'Brave young hand had been listlessly gathering, and man,' answered the Captain, here are then continued her relation. arms, come with us and march to glory.'

"Who would have thought that jeal- "As soon as Helen saw her lover de. ousy could have entered into two hearts part her heart failed her; for a long so closely united? Ah! there is much time she gazed at the beautiful rose truth in the saying, that happiness lasts which Charles had placed at her feet; at but for a moment, and that it is in the last she stooped and took it up in inhafinest day that storms surround us, and ling its perfume she bathed it with her the thunder-bolt deals death. Helen tears. O unhappy Charles! if thou thought Charles was faithless; this gave couldst have seen this tear shining on thy the mortal blow to her peace, but she Would not reproach her guilty lover with his crime. I will not change like him,' she exclaimed, but I will no longer love. Then she assumed an air of indifference; it was only assumed, for her heart was torn with grief.

Charles, however, who had no sus picion of his misfortune, came on the

rose, like a fine dew-drop! But he was far off; he never knew that Helen still loved him. Soon the proud shepherdess reproached herself for her assumed indifference, and no longer restrained the tears that weighed heavy on her heart. Her

rose was wetted with them. She looked at it more than once; that rose which had been given her by Charles, She


The Maiden and the Rose.


now raised the flower she had disdained was born, there you will see the insensito her lips, and afterwards hid it carefully ble Helen; tell her that Charles will in her bosom. No one would have offer her no more roses from his garden. guessed it was there; but it rested next Charles is dead! and he loved her. I her heart, and that was enough. O my loved her my friend,' added be, almost beloved Charles !' she mentally exclaim- expiring; do not forget to tell her I ed, forget my cruelty. To-morrow no loved her.' more sadness-to-morrow I will give you as much happiness as to-day I have caused vexation.'

"To-morrow! Ah, poor Helen, why put of till to-morrow the happiness you might have bestowed to-day? Tomorrow you promise yourself much pleasure, but to-morrow will prove a day of


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"The next day, almost as soon as the dawn of morning, Helen went to meet her lover; her heart was gently agitated at the thoughts of seeing him again. Instead of Charles, some young maidens approached her. Helen,' said they, do you know that Charles has quitted the hamlet? We saw him yesterday, adorned with a cockade, marching in the ranks with the soldiers who are going to battle.'

"Charles! Charles gone!' cried Helen. Struck with this terrible blow, she fainted and fell; they ran to her assistance, but it was a considerable time before she returned to life, and the first words she uttered were to ask for Charles, No one answered her inquiries, and poor Helen wept bitterly, then drew the rose from her bosom where it had remained, Here it is,' she said; this flower will be the cause of all our misfortunes. Ah, Charles,why were you not informed that after your departure I placed it next my heart? O my friends! never refuse the gifts of innocence which your lovers may offer you.'

"From that day, the heart-broken Helen withered with grief, like the rose which she always carried in her bosom. She asked of every one news of Charles; if he would soon return? and no one could answer her enquiries. At last news arrived, but it was fatal; Charles had been killed in battle. Before he expired, he said to his best friend and brother in arms, If you go to the hamlet where I

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"After these words, life fled, and Helen had no longer a lover. Weep, weep, cruel maid, and endeavour to give life to the rose which died in your bosom, it is all that remains of Charles.

"But no, Helen wept not; she looked up to Heaven, pressed the dried rose to her heart, died, and ceased to suffer. They doubly are united in the abode where God places the just, when they leave their earthly cares. Helen is at present happy, happy to all eternity, with her faithful and tender lover.

"Those who have survived her, have here deposited her earthly remains ; here, beside this stream, is the spot which was once the garden of Charles. It is said that this rose-tree, whose aged root is covered with moss is that from which Charles had gathered the fatal flower that Helen would not receive. It was placed with her in the tomb, and they both mouldered together; but each spring the rose-tree produces fresh ones, which shed their leaves to embalm the tomb of Helen.

"If you have loved," added the young maiden, " if you still love, gather one of these roses; but for your happiness only present it to your love when you are assured she will accept it, and that she will repay you with a smile."

Such was the narrative of this young maiden; she looked once more at the rose-tree, sighed, arose, took up her pitcher, bade me adieu, and disappeared.

Like ber, I again looked at the rosetree, again read the epitaph; with a religious respect I extended my hand over the rose I had already wished to gather, well convinced that my beloved would receive it with pleasure, and in my presence place it in her bosom.-La Belle Assemblée.



Buonaparte and Maineval.


Previous to his Exile.


HE employment of his confidential he reflected" He did not give me a secretaries was, of all kinds of slave formal dismission."-He dressed himself, ry, the least supportable. Day and night it and at the usual hour went to the Emwas necessary to be on the spot. Sleep, peror's cabinet. Some moments after, meals, health, fatigue, nothing was re- the Emperor enters, looks at him, does garded. A minute's absence would have not speak to him,writes a note, rises, and been a crime. Friends, pleasures, public walks about. Maineval continues the amusements, promenades, rest, all must task he has in hand, without lifting his be given up. The Baron de Maineval, eyes. The Emperor, with his hands bethe Baron de Fain, knew this by hard hind his back, stops before him, and experience; but at the same time they abruptly asks-"What is the matter enjoyed his boundless confidence, the with you? Are you ill?"—" No, sire,” most implicit reliance on their discretion, timidly replies Maineval, rising up to and a truly loyal liberality. They both answer.-"Sit down; you are ill; I deserved his confidence. One day at don't like people to tell me falsehoods; two o'clock the Emperor went out to I insist on knowing."-"Sire, the fear hunt: he will probably, as usual, be of having forfeited the kindness of your absent about four hours, Maineval Majesty,deprived me of sleep."-"Where calculates; it is his father's jour de fête: were you then, yesterday?" Maineval

he may surely venture to leave the palace told him the motives of his absence.— for a short time. He has bought a little "I thought this little property would villa, and is desirous to present it to his beloved father, and to give him the title deeds. He sets out, the whole family is collected, he is warmly greeted, they see him so seldom. The present is given, the joy increases, dinner is ready, and he is pressed to stop: he refuses," the Emperor may return and ask for me."

"O, he won't be angry, you are never away."-The entreaties redouble; at last he yields, and time flies swiftly when we are surrounded by those we love. In the mean time the Emperor returns, and even sooner than usual. He enters his cabinet. "Maineval! let him be called."

-They seek him in vain. Napoleon

gratify my father."-"And where did yout get the money to buy this house?" "Sire, I had saved it out of the salary which your Majesty condescends to assign me."-The Emperor, after having looked at him steadily for a few moments, said, "Take a slip of paper and write; the treasurer of my civil list will pay to the bearer the sum of eighty thousand francs." -He took the draft and signed it.— "There, put that in your pocket, and now let us set about our regular business." La Belle Assem.

HE French Papers give circumstan-


grows impatient-"Well, Maineval!" tial accounts of the digging up the They fear to tell him that he is absent, remains of the unfortunate Duke d'Enbut at last it is impossible to conceal it. ghein, in the ditch of the Castle of VinAt length Maineval returns.-"The cennes, near where he was shot by order Emperor has inquired for you, he is of Buonaparte. The peasant who had angry."-"All is lost," said Maineval to dug his grave is still living, and pointed himself. He makes up his mind however out the spot. The different parts of the and presents himself: his reception was body were found-the face turned terrible" Where do you come from? downwards, and the skull fractured by a go about your business. I do not want large stone thrown upon it.-Not a men who neglect their duty." Maineval particle of the skeleton was missing, with trembling, retires: he did not sleep all the single exception of one of his front night; he saw his hopes deceived, his teeth, which was probably broken by a services lost, his fortune missed-it was musket ball. Seventy-three ducats were a dreadful night. Day at length came; found upon him, and all his trinkets—a

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