Athletics: Work supervised by instructor. Exercise outdoors required. Summary: Total number of recitation periods, 18 plus 2,* equals 20 "Points" gained for college entrance, six (6). SECOND CLASS. English: (3) College entrance requirements in Literature, Composition. Outside reading directed. Selections from the Odyssey. German: (3) College entrance requirements. Plato, The Death of Socrates, Thucydides, The Sicilian Expedition. Virgil, Story of Aeneas, or Nisus and Euryalus. Grammar and Composition. or Latin: (3) College entrance requirements, Grammar and Composition. Cicero or Virgil reviewed. French: (3) College entrance requirements. Terence's Phormio. Virgil, The Games in Aen. V, or Story of Turnus. Grammar and Composition. History: (3) European History, introductory to Advanced History in First Class. Use of lantern. Science: (3+2*) Physics, College entrance requirements. Mathematics: (3) Plane Geometry. College entrance require ments. Morals and Ethics: Social Service Club. Meetings Sundays. Practical Work. Athletics: Work supervised by instructor. required. Exercise outdoors Summary: Total number of recitation periods, 18 plus 2,* equals 20 "Points" gained for college entrance 8 or 10. "Points" brought forward (from Third Class) 6 or 6. Grand total of "Points" 14 or 16. FIRST CLASS. English: (3) College entrance requirements. Reading, Composition. Outside reading directed. Required. German: (3) or Latin: (3) (a) Advanced German. College entrance work. Prometheus Vinctus, Aeschylus. Electra, Sophocles. Cicero, De Senectute. Grammar, Composition. in (b) Beginner's German (for those who take Elementary Latin college examinations Second Class. Required). (a) Advanced Latin, College entrance work. (b) Beginner's Latin or Beginner's Greek. (Taken instead of Music or Commercial Geography. See below). French: (3) Advanced French. College entrance work. Grammar and Composition. Alcestis, Euripides, Aeneid, The Passion of Dido, Book IV. Frogs, Aristophanes. History: (3) (a) Art: (1) and Advanced History, College entrance work. (Recommended). (b) Civics: (3). College entrance work. Required. Music. Lectures on Modern Composers. Notes taken. Note book graded, alternating each week with Geography: (1*) Commercial and Economic Geography. Notes taken, Note book graded. Both these two courses required. Science: (1-3*) (a) Physiography and Astronomy, or Chemistry. Required. (b) Anatomy (3). Required. College entrance work in each course. Mathematics: (4) Advanced Mathematics. College entrance Morals and Ethics: Social Service Club. Meetings, Sundays. work. Practical work. required. Athletics: Work supervised by instructor. Exercise outdoors Summary: Total number of recitation periods, depends on SUMMARY OF "POINT" SYSTEM FOR COLLEGE ENTRANCE. Third Class: History (2), Science (2), Mathematics (2), To tal, 6. Second Class: [German Course]. German (2), French (2), Science (2), Mathematics (2). [Latin Course] Latin (4), French (2), Science (2), Mathematics (2), total 10. First Class: [German Course or Course A]. For Harvard B. S. degree. English (4), Civics (1), Science (2), Anatomy (1), two electives, (4), Music* (-), Commercial Geography* (—), total 12. [Latin Course or Course B]. For Harvard A. B. degree. English (4), Civics (1), Science (2), Anatomy (1), one elective (2), Music† (-), Commercial Geography† (-), Beginner's German (-), total, 10. Grand Total Points, 26 or 26. *Course A1: Beginner's Latin or Beginner's Greek may be substituted. +Course B': Beginner's Greek may be substituted or another elective. Total number of recitation periods per week in First Class. Course A1: 19 and 3*; Course B1: 19 and 3* ADVANCED ELECTIVE COURSES. Advanced Latin, German, French, History Mathematics. Under the new definitions for admission to Harvard, which have just appeared, there would be no changes in Course A, (or A1); in Course B to make room for the extra elective, either omit Beginner's German, or Music and Commercial Geography. This would give either 16 and 4* or 19 and 3* recitations per week. *Unprepared. Recommended. Note: The Required Courses in I Class contribute towards the completion of the ideal aimed at in this curriculum, viz.: to prepare boys for life, collegiate or non-collegiate, or, in short, to teach them to take life earnestly. Some features of this Curriculum: I. Substitution of German for Latin, practically making a classical and non-classical course with omission of Greek, but see above A1, B1. II. Introduction of Ancient Class. Literature in translation in English, French and German. III. A strong scientific course. IV. Early courses in physiology, systematic physical training throughout course, and college examination in anat omy. V. A strong historical course, terminating with Civics. VI. Easier courses in Mathematics in two lowest classes and and greater variety up to III. Class. VII. Vocational training is represented by one period for one year. VIII. More illustrative work. Use of lantern. IX. Musical training not neglected; also some Drawing. X. A practical course in Ethics, etc., teaching by biography, supplemented by lectures and talks on manners and deportment. And lastly, one word on making a curriculum. We should regard it as a work of art, or perhaps better, an intricate piece of intellectual machinery, the proper use of which should produce the development aimed at in the pupil, viz., a preparation for life. In brief, each part in the curriculum is a necessary part of the whole machine, and its position therein should be carefully considered before given standing room and this process of delicate adjustment should be performed every year. For school curricula should be progressive and keep pace with the world about them. "Pity the man you can't persuade That the world has moved in the last decade." Thomas Towne. Approached in this way, the faculty of each school have before them in arranging the curriculum, an intricate problem of far reaching significance. In the curriculum herewith given, I make "History" the backbone with which I endeavor to coördinate the affiliated courses in literature. For history is the written expression of life, as literature is, of thought. No attempt has been made in the language courses to fill in the only subjects to be read, in fact, variety from year to year is recommended both for teacher and pupil, wherever expedient. The subjects in italics indicate where and how emphasis may be laid upon the ancient classical literature in translation. Good translations of any Greek and Latin authors into modern languages may be obtained at the foreign publication houses. The full scope of this secondary school curriculum may be better understood by reading also my article in Education, April 1910, entitled "Secondary Education." In addition, I would recommend most strongly, a Literature Note Book, arranged according to periods, on the basis suggested in that inspiring little book by Mary E. Burt, "Literary Landmarks"* and under each heading, with proper date, require the pupil to record with some remarks, his impression of the author or historian read. This habit would help make all his literary work coherent. "If we shall stand still, In fear our motion will be mocked or carped at, Shakespeare. •Literary Landmarks, M. E. Burt, Houghton Mifflin and Co. |