Fourth, Instruction is purely individual, the student is not crowded through a course without thoroughly understanding each step. The length of time required for its completion is measured by his capacity for work, the time he gives to it, and his application. Fifth, Throughout the entire course the student is under the skillful direction of competent teachers, who invite inquiry upon all difficulties and obscurities that may come up in connection with it. Sixth, The text-books used as the basis of instruction are the best procurable for their respective purposes. They do not need to be supplemented by the purchase of a large number of other books for collateral reading. Seventh, The cost is low. Eighth, The school uses its influence to aid its graduates in finding positions suited to their capacity and attainments. Examination Questions for Homer's Iliad MAUD ELMA KINGSLEY 1. What people regarded the ILIAD as its greatest literary production? What influence did this people exert in connection with the civilization of Europe? What phase of racial development is reflected in the poem? 2. Describe the geographical distribution of the Hellenic race at the period when the ILIAD was composed. What part of this region was regarded as the home land of the race? In what part of the region did tradition locate the birthplace of Homer? 3. What themes are naturally most popular in the songs and stories of a vigorous and imaginative race which has no written history? By what process do such songs and stories tend to gravitate into groups or cycles? 4. Describe in its essential incidents the story of the Siege of Troy as developed in the Epic Cycle of which it is the theme. What part of the story is related in the ILIAD? What great Latin Epic is based on this same story? 5. Give the location of and describe the Ilios or Troy before whose walls the scene of the ILIAD is laid. Give some account of the modern excavations in this region. 6. At what point in the Trojan War does the ILIAD open? For how long a time does the action of the story poem continue? 7. Describe in detail the opening scenes of the story. 8. Who is the hero of the ILIAD? What are his parentage, age and character? Give the location of Phthia and of Mount Pelion. 9. Describe the cause and the results of Achilles' "wrath"-the theme of Book I. 10. What is the position of Agamemnon in the host of the Greeks? How does he compare with Achilles in age and character? in the nature and source of his power? Give the location of Mycenae. 11. Identify the following: Menelaos, Odysseus, Ajax, son of Telamon, Nestor, Diomedes. Locate the dominions of each. 12. Give a word picture of the situation within the walls of Troy when the story of the ILIAD opens? 13. Identify Priam, Hector, Alexander or Paris, Helen, Antenor, Aeneas. In what respects do the Trojans differ from the Greeks? 14. Make a distinction between the Homeric idea of the worship of the gods and what is now implied by the word "religion.' What makes the Homeric gods angry? How may they be placated? What effect has the anger or favorable disposition of a god on the fortunes of mortals? 15. Give the Greek and the Latin name of the ruler of the gods. What are the nature and extent of his power over other gods? Give the Greek and the Latin name of his consort. What is the Homeric conception of Olympus? 16. Name the principal Olympic gods and the special province of each in the government of the universe. Where does the ILIAD locate the realm of Hades (Pluto), and what was his office in connection with the human race? 17. What form of social order is portrayed in the ILIAD? From what qualities did a king derive his power and influence? 18. What part do the women play in the ILIAD? What indications are given of the social position and influence of women? 19. Describe the appearance of an Homeric hero. To what social class did he invariably belong? Of what material were his arms and armor made? Describe his chariot and his fighting tactics. 20. Enumerate the pathetic and dramatic episodes of the ILIAD. Describe in detail any two of these. 21. Mention 10 of the stereotyped epithets used by Homer in the ILIAD and discuss the appropriateness of each. 22. Describe the peculiar Homeric simile and give five illus trations. 23. Describe the location and arrangement of the camp of the Greeks. What was the importance to the Greeks of their ships? How were the ships protected from danger? What is indicated as to the distance between the rampart of the Greeks and the walls of Troy? 24. Read carefully the 24th Book of the ILIAD and from it estimate the comparative force in the Homeric age of (1) the duty of hospitality as against the duty of revenge; (2) of the idea of amicable agreement as against the instinct of irreconcilable hostility, (3) of chivalrous respect for the virtues of a vanquished foe as against the brute instinct of unrestrained enjoyment of victory. 25. Mention some of the reasons why the ILIAD has occupied so large a space in the thoughts and affections of mankind. TH Editorial HE Boston meeting of the National Education Association has passed into history. It made history. Various prognostica tions promulgated by flamboyant editorial writers did not materialize; and some remarkable things that were unheralded did happen. It would not be difficult to find fault with some of the happenings at this meeting. The utterances of now and then one of the regular speakers as well as volunteers were far from wise or temperate, as, for instance, the tirade that was fulminated against the colleges by a high school principal, who, in making the colleges mere congregations of young men "absorbed in puerile and trivial interests' and presided over by professors who are "unable and unwilling to enforce serious attention from their students," admitted that even as he spoke he felt like "a guilty boy swearing at his grandmother." There was also about the election of officers too much of the atmosphere of a political convention. The candidacy of Mrs. Ella Flagg Young for the presidency of the Association was pregnant with spectacular features. One of our esteemed contemporaries several weeks before the meeting, editorially dared any man to stand up and vote for any other candidate than Mrs. Young. To do so was set forth in a conglomeration of superlatives as the crime of crimes in the twentieth century. Mrs. Young was elected in spite of the overzealous and intemperate efforts of such would-be friends, and will make an excellent president. The only regret is that this could not have been brought about in a more dignified manner; and in general we would protest against faddists and extremists being thrust into prominence in the meetings of this body, which should be and really is worthy of the utmost confidence and respect of the entire population of the country. Spectacular utterances and occurrences naturally get into the papers and come to the fore. They misrepresent the real spirit of the meetings. It is another illustration of the truth of the old saying that "a man's foes are they of his own household." ASIDE, however, from all littlenesses, which were merely inci dental, the Boston meeting was a grand and uplifting one. About fifteen thousand educators were assembled in our fair city. Copley Square, the center of the gathering, is full of historic and artistic suggestions, and an ideal headquarters for such a meeting. The old Art Museum was arranged, without regard to expense, for the comfort and accommodation of the visitors. The speakers for the most part were the ablest educators of the land, and real contributions of utmost value to the welfare of the country were made in their addresses. The total impression made upon one who followed the program by attendance and by reading the press accounts of the meetings, was uplifting and inspiring. Take for instance Dr. G. Stanley Hall's suggestive statement summarizing the Child Study movement: "Child study," said he, "has applied itself to education and done most to make it scientific and professional. We are now organizing to extend this work to some eighty species of child welfare agencies outside of the school, dealing with defective, delinquent, dependent, vicious, sickly classes, and with health and disease, recreation eugenics, etc. A National Child Welfare Conference uniting these has just held its second annual five-days' meeting. Our practical ends are that every social worker and all connected with these institutions must now draw upon the vast fund of paidology, and make their work more effective in the interests not only of the child, but of themselves. The hundreds of thousands of children in these institutions are a magnificent field for scientific study, and this field is now largely unutilized. We must study these children intensively, gathering all information from their hereditary defects, their personal records, with a view not merely to ameliorate their condition, but to prevent the growth of this enormous and growing drag upon the progress of civilization. We can cure only when we know the causes. Every pupil in the higher grades should be instructed, as a part of his good citizenship, to know about these institutions. Every normal school, college and university which trains teachers should give a special course in order that the school may be brought into sympathetic touch with these philanthropic agencies, and it should also do extension work in its environment to help to co-ordinate the various institutions and to make their community a better place for children to live in, with committees on playgrounds, moving pictures, school and home yard decorations, gardens, milk supply for infants in the summer, probation, boys' and girls' clubs and every active agency to prevent vice and crime, and to promote personal and civic virtue. It is such addresses as these that make these gatherings and the National Education Association itself worth while. |