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In discussing the question with the heads of these schools and with the heads of many other schools, it was found that every head master recognized the dire need for a general awakening to the fact that immorality is on the increase among the children of the country, and that the parents alone prevent the schools from taking the matter up. Every one of these men was willing and anxious to give his boys all possible safeguards against the evils they were bound to meet. They all desired to institute a practical teaching of good morals after the fashion of the excellent example quoted. But one and all declared that they were afraid of the parents, feeling, and perhaps knowing, that the introduction of such a thing into almost any school would mean the instant withdrawal of many of the boys, perhaps even leaving the school with a reputation damaged beyond repair.

It is obvious, then, that in order to have the schools do their duty in this respect, a different attitude must be shown by the parents of the boys affected. With the parents out of the way, it would not be such a difficult matter so to train the children of the present generation that they, in turn, would make for the still better moral education of the following generation. But the parents of this generation cannot be gotten out of the way, even for a few years, and so the old conditions continue, and will continue until the parents are made sensible of the actual results of their present indefensible attitude.

As to how a general awakening may be brought about—that is a great and difficult question. However, if the united strength of the press, daily, weekly and monthly, could be brought to bear against the present narrow view-point, it is the opinion of the writer that wonders could be done. Two or three great magazines are waging a desultory warfare already, and perhaps accomplish something. But a united stand made by all might work a . miracle by freeing the hands of schools against the most persistent and insidious enemies of youth.

Examination Questions for Shakespeare's

"The Tempest"

1. What place does "The Tempest" occupy in the classified list of Shakespeare's dramas? At what period in Shakespeare's career as a dramatist was "The Tempest" written? What effect has this fact upon the drama in question?

From what sources did Shakespeare draw his material for "The "Tempest?" Where is the scene of the action laid? How does "The Tempest" differ in scene setting from Shakespeare's other dramas?

3. Relate the situation at the opening of the story of the drama. Describe the word-picture presented in the opening lines. Describe the inhabitants of the island.

4. Give a synopsis of the story; state clearly the reasons for Prospero's banishment; describe the relations existing between him and the spirits of earth and air which inhabited the island; describe his magic power. Whence did Prospero obtain this knowledge of magic art? To what use does he put his skill in the opening scene of the play?

5. Under what circumstances does Prospero relate his story to Miranda? Describe the shipwreck; describe the occupants of the ship and state their relation to Prospero.

6. Divide the characters of the play into three groups. Of these, which form the farcical element of the drama? Which the legitimate comedy element?

7. How long a period of time does the action of the story cover? Relate the murderous plot of Antonio and Sebastian and describe the manner in which it was exposed.

8. In what manner does the reader learn the details of the shipwreck and the fate of the passengers and crew?

9. Describe the sprite Ariel. Relate his history. What duties did he perform on the island? Reproduce the passage in which Ariel states one great desire. If you have read Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," compare Ariel and Puck.

10. Describe Caliban and his duties. Relate his history. Comment upon Prospero's treatment of him. Give a dramatic reason to account for the fact that Caliban's voice is heard in the play before he himself is seen.

11. Describe the meeting between Ferdinand and Miranda. By what device, common in novels, does Shakespeare heighten the reader's interest in the wooing of the lovers? What is the dramatic value of the scenes in which Ferdinand brings the wood for the fire?

12. Rewrite in your own words the scene in which Trinculo and Stephano meet. Describe the plot of Stephano and Caliban.

13. Describe in full the scene in which Prospero abjures his art and reveals himself to his brother.

14. Describe the Reconciliation Scene and the setting free of Ariel.

15. Describe in detail the island. Comment on Shakespeare's description of this spot. By what means had this island become enchanted? Describe the magic music.

16. What is the plot of "The Tempest?" Explain the title of the play. Mention the two episodes which develop the plot. What is the chief agency in the plot development?

17. What influence upon the plot and machinery of this drama had the discoveries of the time in which it was produced?


What effect upon the action of the drama has the reluctance of Ariel to be under the command of Prospero? Describe the devices which Shakespeare uses to give to Caliban a human interest.

19. Reproduce those philosophic musings of Prospero which most interested you.

20. Show the manner in which Shakespeare works out the theme of retribution in his development of the story of "The Tempest." 21. Show that Ariel symbolizes "whatever in nature is musical, etherial, forceful and vivid, the wave, the breeze, and the flame." To what does Ariel correspond in the intellectual world of man?

22. Reasoning from Question 21, what does Caliban typify? 23. What is the main impression left on your mind by "The Tempest ?"

24. Enumerate some of the most conspicuous literary excellences of "The Tempest." Make a list of those passages which seem to you most noteworthy; comment upon each.

25. Quote criticisms of "The Tempest" gathered from reliable


American Notes-Editorial

FORSYTH DENTAL INFIRMARY. Boston is to have an institution which is perhaps unique in this country if not in the world; and which commends itself to the judgment of all lovers of children as one of the most admirable of all modern philanthropic institutions. It is a splendidly endowed Dental Infirmary, to be established by John Hamilton and Thomas Alexander Forsyth in memory of their brothers, James Bennett and George Henry Forsyth. It has been incorporated by a special act of the Massachusetts Legislature. A magnificent building is to be erected in a central location, on the Fenway. With its wings it will enclose a sunken garden. The building will be so placed that light from all sides will be permanently assured. Besides the extensive plant, a fund of one million dollars for maintenance will be available. The best medical talent will be employed in practical work and investigation. This institution will be devoted to the care of children's teeth. It will offer the opportunity to all deserving children under the age of sixteen to obtain free expert advice and care for their teeth. It will furnish valuable practical teaching in oral hygiene. Much valuable education will reach the homes of the children through this medium; and popular attention will be secured to the importance of properly caring for the teeth in childhood, as a means of general bodily health and efficiency. The number of children requiring dental oversight in the Boston public schools is so great that the dental clinics are overcrowded in looking after only a small portion of the most pressing cases. Now all cases can be cared for. There will be a lecture room, a museum, and a research fellowship in connection with this splendid endowment.

CHILDREN AND PATENT MEDICINES. This is the subject of another of the valuable "Child-Study Leaflets" issued by the State Normal School, Valley City, North Dakota. The following, from the leaflet, is a sample of the useful work of this series:

"In many states the better class of drug stores are getting out of the saloon business and the cigarette business, and to that extent restoring the ancient respect with which their high calling was regarded; if they should take a further step and refuse to sell the more vicious of the patent medicines, they would remove the opprobium that now attaches to their business and be among the most honored and beneficent of callings. Dr. Horatio Wood Jr. (Popular Science Monthly for June '06) estimates that every year $100,000,000 are spent in the United States alone for patent medicines. The worst of these

are the Pain Killers, containing cocaine or morphine as the soothing principle, and the Exhilarators containing alcohol or strychnine, "to make you feel good when you take it and miserable when you don't."

From the standpoint of child welfare, Dr. Wood declares the soothing syrups to be the most diabolical of all, as they are loaded down with morphine. The Ladies Home Journal of April, 1908, cites the case of a child that became peevish and cross. At eight o'clock the mother gave the child the first dose of medicine; at two or three o'clock in the afternoon the child died. The chemist found morphine in the medicine.

The Food Department of the United States has published a list of medical preparations, "soothing syrups," which are referred to as "baby-killers." The use of this class of products is certainly to be condemned, and the list as given by the U. S. government chemists includes the following preparations:

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup (morphine sulfate).

Childrens' Comfort (morphine sulfate).

Dr. Fehy's Pepsin Anodyne Compound (morphine sulfate).
Dr. Fahrney's Teething Syrup (morphine and chloroform).
Dr. Fowler's Strawberry and Peppermint Mixture (morphine).
Dr. Grove's Anodyne for Infants (morphine and sulfate).
Hooper's Anodyne, Infants Brand (morphine hydrochloride).
Jadway's Elixir for Infants (Codeine).

Dr. James Soothing Syrup (heroin).

Koepp's Baby's Friend (morphine sulfate).

Dr. Miller's Anodyne for Babies (morphine sulfate and chlorohydrate).

Dr. Moffet's Teethina Teething Powders (powdered opium).
Victor Infant Relief (chlodoform and cannabis indica).

RESTRICTING IMMIGRATION. One of the finest examples of cleancut, cogent reasoning we have ever seen is to be found in PresidentEmeritus Charles W. Eliot's letter to Honorable William S. Bennett against restricting immigration. Unanimous consent was obtained to print this letter, and one to the same purport from Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in the Congressional Record on January 14, 1911. Students who are debating the immigration question will find these letters most suggestive. We quote Dr. Eliot's paragraph relating to the educational test to restrict immigration, as follows:

"An educational test to restrict immigration is both misdirected and untimely. It is misdirected, because ability to read is no proof of either health or character. Many entirely illiterate persons are vigorous, honest, and of sound judgment in affairs and in the conduct of life. It is untimely, because the right moment to apply an educational test is on admission to suffrage, not on admission to the

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