Physical Geography for Schools by Bernard Smith, M. A., F. G. S., Late Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; Harkness Scholar of University of Cambridge (1906) Supplementary University Extention Lecturer, Cambridge and London; Late Examiner in Geography for the Cambridge Local Examination. The Macmillan Company. Price $1.10. This book is designed for the use of students in the higher classes, and presents within its 190 pages the essentials of the subject. Inasmuch as the text is largely confined to facts found in the British Isles, the illustrations, which are striking and abundant, are chosen as much as possible from that locality, to the end that British students might learn to appreciate the physical characteristics of their own country. The Lawrence Reader and Speaker by Edwin Gordon Lawrence, author of "The Power of Speech," etc. A. C. McClurg & Co. $1.50 net. The delightful art of Reading and Speaking are without doubt greatly neglected, and every incentive to further the study of them should be of interest, and if of merit be commended. We find in the Lawrence Reader and Speaker unusually well chosen selections calculated to arouse in the student a desire to master these two arts. Annals of Educational Progress, 1910, by John Garber, Ph. D. J. B. Lippincott & Co. $1.25 net. "The author of this volume is conversant with the entire philosophy of Education, and has had wide experience in the application of his theory to the practical problems arising in a great urban school system." In this report of the educational progress of the year he has given to the reader not only the facts of present-day education throughout the world, but an insight into the meaning of these facts as they relate themselves to the general philosophy of education, and as they interpret themselves in terms of practical procedure. Property Insurance by Solomon S. Huebner, Ph. D., Professor of Insurance and Commerce, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, Univ. of Pennsylvania. D. Appleton & Co. $1.20 net. Prof. Huebner has presented in this book the important legal principles and practices upon which fire and marine insurance, corporate surety bonding, title insurance and credit insurance are based. The book is intended as a text-book for students of insurance in colleges and universities. It will, however, prove of value to the insurance agent or broker. Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction, edited, with introduction and notes by Alice Vinton Waite, Prof. of English Language and Composition in Wellesley College and Edith Mendall Taylor, Instructor' in Rhetoric and Composition in Wellesley College. D. Appleton & Co. Price $1.50 net. To the young student in composition ever seeking for a practical guide to his work we would heartily recommend this unparalleled collection of Short Prose Fiction. The stories are of the narrative form and comprise "The sketch, story, novelette, and drama." Elements of Zoology to Accompany the Field and Laboratory Study of Animals by Charles Benedict Davenport, Ph. D., Director of the Department of Experimental Evolution, Carnegie Institution of Washington, and of the Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn Institute of Art and Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island; and Gertrude Crotty Davenport, B. S., formerly Instructor in Zoology at the University of Kansas. With four hundred and twenty-one illustrations. Revised edition. The Macmillan Company. $1.25. This revised edition with its many fine illustrations can hardly be excelled as an introduction to the study of animals. The aim of the authors has been not only to present clearly and interestingly an outline of what they conceive to be most important for the ordinary citizen to know concerning animals, but to stimulate a few to make the study of animals a life work with the purpose of giving to the world a greater knowledge of all that relates to the animal kingdom. The Animals and Man by Vernon Lyman Kellogg, Professor in Stanford University. Henry Holt & Company. Another excellent text-book of zoology which will rank among the best published. "The whole book has been written and arranged from the point of view of a biologist intent on making our knowledge of the make-up and life of the lower animals help in understanding human structure and physiology and in contributing to human welfare." Teachers who have used Professor Kellogg's "First Lessons in Zoology" and his “Elementary Zoology" will be eager to possess this volume. The Children of History-Early Times; the same-Later Times, by Mary S. Hancock. Author of "A Cross of Stars," etc. Also stories from British History. By Tom Bevan. Little, Brown & Co. Price $.50 net each. These charmingly illustrated little volumes of 142, 190 and 206 pages respectively, in which are brought together interesting details of the lives of such people as Romulus and Remus, Prince Gareth, Olaf the Brave, William the Conqueror, Napoleon, Isaac Newton, John Milton, etc. The idea is a happy one and is well carried out. These volumes will make splendid supplementary reading in the grades. A Text Book of General Bacteriology. By William Dodge Frost, Associate Professor of Bacteriology in the University of Wisconsin, and Eugene Franklin McCampbell, Professor of Bacteriology in the Ohio State University. Illustrated. The Macmillan Company. Price $1.60 net. This is, we believe, the first general and comprehensive textbook of bacteriology in the English language. The work is based on the authors' actual experiences in teaching the subject in college classes. It puts within reach of the student the latest knowledge of this important modern science. It will be found to be a complete book for class use, presenting both theory and methods, and illustrating the main points with numerous well executed drawings. An Introduction to Zoology by Robert W. Hegner, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of Zoology in the University of Michigan. The Macmillan Co. Price $1.90. This volume is intended for the use of colleges and universities. It is an introductory book and was prepared especially for the zoological work in the general biological course at the University of Michigan, where it was intended to supplement the one lecture and four hours of laboratory work per week for a half year. The material of the book has been collected from many sources. It covers the subject in a thorough way and is very fully illustrated. The bibliography, glossary and index are full and satisfactory. Essentials of Public Speaking, By Robert I. Fulton, Dean of the School of Oratory and Professor of Oratory in the Ohio Wesleyan University, and Thomas C. Trueblood, Professor of Oratory in the University of Michigan. Ginn & Co. This book treats the subject of public speaking in the secondary schools in a simple, yet thorough manner. The essential elements of good delivery are ably discussed. short examples of each branch of articulation are given, and then longer selections from well-known authors are provided for practice. It fully meets the demand for systematic instruction in the fundamentals of good reading and good speaking. Smoky Day's Wigwam Evenings. Indian stories retold by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), and Elaine Goodale Eastman. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co. $.60 net. In these old tales the authors have tried to preserve the true spirit and feeling rightfully theirs, the tales being faithful retellings of those that have been handed down by tradition alone through many generations of a simple and story-telling people. They are arranged by the authors for use in the lower grades of schools, and furnish interesting and profitable reading. They are as colorful and delightful and profitable as the folk-lore stories of other nations, and they have a special interest to the children of this country. Hochzeit Auf Capri, by Paul Heyse, edited with introduction, notes, exercises and vocabulary by Charles Wesley Robson, A. B. Cloth, 135 pages, illustrated. Charles E. Merril Company. Price 40 cents. The introduction, notes, vocabulary and exercises in German and English, together with the text, make up a complete book for light prose reading. The introduction presents a charming description of the life and people on the island of Capri in the Mediterranean. The exercises in the back of the book are based on the text and will be of help in mastering the construction. This little volume will afford interesting reading for classes in German in our High Schools. Voice Training for School Children, by Frank R. Rix, Director of Music in the Public Schools of New York City. Editor of the Assembly Song Book. The A. S. Barnes Co. The author has given in straightforward and untechnical language instructions for training the voice of the child. Teachers in the public schools who lack professional training in music, will find this book exceedingly helpful. By Louise de la Ramée. A Dog of Flanders. Edited by Rose C. Swart, Supervisor of Practice in the Normal School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Rand, McNally & Co. This classic story has been edited with sympathetic interest and care, making it a highly serviceable book for supplementary reading in nearly all of the elementary grades. A valuable feature is a reading list containing the titles of books about dogs. Spanish Short Stories. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary by Elijah Clarence Hills, Ph. D., professor of Romance Languages in Colorado College, and Louise Reinhardt, Instructor of Modern Languages in the Colorado Springs High School. Price $1. D. C. Heath & Co. There are fourteen of these short stories, which are for the most part realistic pictures of the manners and customs of modern Spain, and written by masters of Spanish prose. Nearly all describe recent conditions and nearly all were written in the second half of the nineteenth century, The stories are suitable material to be read immediately after a beginners' book. Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with Applications to Spherical and Isometric Projections, Shades and Shadows, and Perspective, by Albert E. Church, LL. D., Late Professor of Mathematics in the United States Military Academy and George M. Bartlett, M. A., Instructor in Descriptive Geometry and Mechanism, in the University of Michigan. American Book Company. This work is based on Professor Church's Descriptive Geometry, but it retains its original lucidity and conciseness, is thoroughly up to date, and embodies present methods of teaching the subject. The figures and text are included in the same volume, each figure being placed beside the corresponding text, with many new exercises for practice introduced. In the treatment of curved surfaces, all problems relating to single curved surfaces are taken up first, then those relating to warped surfaces, and finally those relating to surfaces of revolution. Periodical Notes Lippincott's Magazine for May has its usual excellent variety of reading matter. "A Leading of Providence" by Jennie Brooks, and "Odors and Memories" by Elizabeth Maury Coombs are delightful, woo tsy, springtime sketches fally in tune with the season. One of the leading articles in the American Review of Reviews for May is "European Waterways, — Their Lessons for America." by Hubert Bruce Fuller. That America needs to develope her waterways will be conceded by every intelligent citizen as he realizes that the railroads of the country are wholly unable to handle satisfactorily the tremendous amount of traffic. Europe's methods of utilizing and improving her waterways are well illustrated by description and picture in Mr. Fuller's article and will suggest to the earnest reader the many possible ways in which America conld "go and do likewise." The June number of The Delineator has a forceful article by William Hard on "The Improved Career of Home-Making." Mr. Hard shows what has been done and suggests what can and should be done by schools, clubs, and societies toward making home work and world work companions Those who have read Mrs. Comer's letter to the rising generation in a recent number of the Atlantic Monthly should not fail to read Randolph T. Bourne's reply in the May issue of that magazine. It is entitled "Two Generations" and is a most convincing appeal for his contemporaries The May 20th Outlook is of exceptional interest containing as it does a paper by the late Thomas Wentworth Higginson on his personal reminiscences of "Dickens in America". In the same number of the Outlook will be found "some estimate of Colonel Higginson's place in American life and letters." |