Assists Teachers in obtaining positions. HARLAN P. FRENCH, 81 Chapel Street, Albany, N. Y. BOSTON The TEACHERS' EXCHANGE 120 Boylston St. Recommends Teachers, Tutors and Private Schools. Correspondence Invited. Our information regarding vacancies comes direct from School Authorities to whom we PERSONALLY RECOMMEND teachers. Our new card index enables us to find at once the right teacher for each place. We use a rapid fire rifle, not a shotgun. Register now for position or promotion. THE THURSTON TEACHERS' AGENCY, : : ::: 623 S. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Dewberry School Agency ESTABLISHED 1892 Operates throughout the South and Southwest. Highest class teachers enrolled. Best positions in all kinds of school and college work filled. Teachers available for promotion should write us. Write for Circulars The PARKER HOME OFFICE WESTERN BRANCH Spokane, Washington recommending agency working A close to the candidate and the for teachers of any agency in this country. Managed by expert educators and business men. Address either office for free literature ADVERTISEMENTS The Bridge Teachers' Agency COLLEGE, ACADEMIC, and HIGH SCHOOL POSITIONS A SPECIALTY. C. A. SCOTT & CO.. Proprietors, xxi 2A Beacon Street, Boston. Agency Manual free on application. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY supplies Professors, Teachers, Tutors, Governesses, etc., to Colleges, Schools and Families. Apply to MRS. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON, 23 Union Square, New York. The Hazard Teachers' Agency Oldest N. W. Agency 19th year. Best Western Schools. Liberal Terms. New Booklet Free. Validation of Certificates in Twenty-one Western States, for stamp. 317 Kasota Building, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. 500 Charles Building, DENVER, COLORADO. 613 Empire State Building, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. The James F. McCullough Teachers' Agency A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL AND COLLEGE BUREAU All calls for teachers direct from school authorities. Positive personal recommendations. Competent teachers in demand. Registration fee, $1.00. Write us, 9 JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGO Established in 1897 as a first-class teachers' agency, our 1910 business exceeded that of 1909 by 15 per cent. EDUCATOR'S EXCHANGE, 100 TREMONT STREET BOSTON, MASS. The PRESIDENT OF THE MAINE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, accepting a position through us, wrote, "You become acquainted with candidates and place them in positions they can fill, instead of just sending notices to them." Receives calls at all seasons for college and normal graduates, specialists, and other teachers in colleges, public and private schools in all parts of the country. Advises parents about schools. WM. O. PRATT, Manager. xxii ́ ADVERTISEMENTS Three Months Subscription FREE! SCHOOL PROGRESS FOR TEACHERS, PARENTS AND PUPILS is published twelve times a year, and it is the only magazine in America that deals exclusively with the home and school problems in a systematic and practical manner for the three important factors in school work-TEACHER, PARENT, PUPIL. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF-SAMUEL C. SCHMUCKER, A. M., Ph. D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS MARY V. GRICE, Philadelphia, Pa. President SMITH BURNHAM, West Chester, Pa. History L. L. WEAVER, Alliance, Ohio. Supervisor C. C. DUNNING, Pittsburg, Pa. Manual MINNIE E. MYERS, Youngstown, Ohio. Physi- DR. FRANCIS GREEN, West Chester, Pa. Pro- ALBERT CARTER, Librarian, Colorado State PROFESSOR FRANKLIN SMITH, Cincinnati, O. MARY SWIFT WRIGHT, Pittsburg, Pa. Art FRANCIS WINDLE, Deputy to the State Zoolo- MARY V. MYERS, Primary. Youngstown, Ohio. JULIA TAYLOR PRICE, Camden, N. J. Kindergarten. DR. BIRD T. BALDWIN. Professor of Pedagogy, Texas State University. ELI RAPP, Berks County, Pa. County Super intendent. CHAS. T. WAGNER, West Chester, Pa. Professor of Pedagogy. Every department of school work is covered from the Kindergarten to the completion of a High School course. Systematic plans and courses are outlined for each grade. The Parents' Department, edited by Mrs. Grice, is becoming a strong help to teachers in the matter of bringing the HOME AND SCHOOL INTO CLOSER RELATIONS. The Boys' and Girls' Department is unique and practical and is a wonderful stimulus for pupils to do better work. A special rate is now being offered to teachers and your subscription will begin with the current month and end with the June Number, 1912. Subscribe at once and receive April, May and June Copies FREE! Regular subscription price $1.50 a year. SPECIAL OFFER $1.00 for FIFTEEN NUMBERS School Progress Publishing Co. 136 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ADVERTISEMENTS xxiii COLORADO TEACHERS AGENCY We want competent teachers for desirable positions. We operate throughout the entire West. We fill positions in Kindergartens, Grammar Schools, High Schools, Normal Schools, Colleges and Universities. FRED DICK, Ex-State Supt., Manager, Rooms 425-6-7 Exchange Building, Cor. 15th and Arapahoe Streets, Denver, Colo. Eastern Office: 101 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Southern Office: 12-16 Trinity Ave., Atlanta, Ga. We Want Teachers 1000 The Western Teachers These trade-mark crisscross lines on every package Cresco Grits and Barley and Barley Crystals BRAS AND DESSERT Newcomb & Gauss PRINTERS 1 City Hall Avenue Salem, Mass. Books, Magazines and all kinds Teachers wanted in Rural and High Schools Colleges and Universities in the Central Western States. More positions to be filled than teachers. Highest salaries. Send for literature. Enroll now for coming school year. Agency P. Wendell Murray, Mgr. Great Falls, Montana. A New Idea in Form Books LAMPE'S LATIN DRILL BOOK The Price is 25 cents each Size of Page, 8 x 11 inches These are aids to the study of Inflections and Elementary Constructions which have demonstrated their value. Schools that have introduced them continue to order new supplies for the work. The use of the Lampe Drill Books enables students to gather together their knowledge of inflections. Much is learned incidentally by association, comparison, etc. The books are designed with a view of giving a maximum gain for the effort put forth. There is space for more than a thousand words for Word Study and Vocabulary Drill. Teachers of Latin and German are asked to correspond with the publishers. We wish you to examine these books. χχίν ADVERTISEMENTS For Special Days! Old Glory Speaker CONTAINS: "The White Bordered Flag," John E. McCann's "America," "Kearsarge and Alabama," Washington's Address, "Bannockburn," Decoration Day Selections, Lincoln's Address, "The Cumberland," "Horatius at the Bridge," "Sheridan's Ride," "Nathan Hale," "Warren's Address." "Speech of John Adams," Patrick Henry's Address," "Blue and the Gray." 80 of the Choicest Patriotic Pieces Written. 126 Pages Price 25 Cents 1000 MEMORY GEMS "Thoughts for those who Think" $25 C 128 pp. 1,000 gems, carefully classified for each of the 12 grades of pupils. Class mottoes, English, Latin, French, German: maxims and proverbs. Three indexes; by authors, by first lines. by sentiment. Elegantly bound in cloth, sent postpaid for 25 cents. The very best book of its kind made. Special Day Exercises By Henry R. Pattengill The best medicine ever to cure "that tired feeling" in School Rhetoricals Without Pain!! Memorial Day! State Day! Arbor Day! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mothers' Day, Penmanship Day, Washington, Lincoln, Flag Day (finest flag drill out), Authors' Day. 164 pp.-brand-span new edition 25 cents Address, MODERATOR-TOPICS Lansing, Michigan Pat's Pick THE BEST EVER Patriotic songs, Folk songs, School songs, Special Day songs, School Exhibition songs, Morning Exercise songs, Institute and Association songs, Ethical, Religious, Comical, Serious, and Sentimental. Lucky 13-12 Song Knapsacks, I "Pat's Pick" for $1.25. Cloth, 50c each; $4.00 per dozen; $25.00 per hundred. Address, H. R. PATTENGILL, Lansing, Michigan |