xxvi ADVERTISEMENTS A Magazine That Helps That is what you are looking for. A magazine, every issue of which will contain something that will lead to your advancement-that will help you to bigger money. THE STENOGRAPHER is just such a magazine. It is Send names of ten stenographers and get a premium 512 Perry Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Special Short-time Offer The Ohio Teacher enjoys the distinction of having fully twice as large a circulation as any other state educational journal in the United States. It is now national in its circulation and national in its influence. There is a reason. We want you to see what that reason is by reading The Ohio Teacher yourself. SHORT-TIME OFFER-In order to further extend our circulation thruout the whole country, we are making a special offer for a short time, to send absolutely free and prepaid a book of 128 pages entitled "A Course of Study for Elementary Schools." Many thousand copies have been sold to teachers and school officers all over the United States. It is a remark bly valuable book, and fits the needs of teachers in every state. It was written by Dr. Henry G. Williams, dean of the Ohio State Normal Coll ge, and editor of The Ohio Teacher. The Ohio Teacher is published twelve times a year, 576 large double-column pages 8 x 11 inches and costs only 75 cents a year. The price ought to be $1.25, and will probably be advanced to that price soon. This journal is thirty-one years old, and not an experiment. To all readers of Education who mention this offer, we will send The Ohio Teacher one year for 75 cents and send Free "A Course of Study for Elementary Schools." Subscribe today. Your money cheerfully returned to you if you are not satisfied. Addr.ss THE OHIO TEACHER ATHENS, OHIO. ADVERTISEMENTS The Use of Outline Studies The use of Outline Studies may or may not be advisable. It depends on the character of the Outlines. Those that furnish ready-made information; those that do the work which the pupil should do for himself; those that make it carcely necessary for him to examine the book that is outlined; these are well ramed "Canned English." These deserve the reprobation that is heaped upon them by thoughtful teachers. There are others that have been made with special care for the scholarly interests of the pupil. They are based on sound pedagogical principles. They are in every respect helpful and commendable. 1. The Kingsley Outline Studies Are distinguished from all others. by the following features : They open with a brief paragraph on "Preparatory Work," which helps the pupil to get his bearings, to place the book to be studied in its proper setting in the general scheme of history and of literature. 2. They require the pupil to read the book three times, studying it critically each time from a different view point. 3. They close with a section on "Supplementary Work," including a valuable list of theme subjects and examination questions. 4. Throughout, the Kingsley Outlines are almost wholly in the form of suggestion and direction rather than of assertion They raise questions and set the pupil at work to do his own thinking. They are not a crutch, but an inspiration. The series numbers 65 on English. one each on Grammar and Geography, 4 (2 ready) on History, and 10 on Latin (Caesar, Cicero and Vergil). See Page XXVIII for detailed list. xxvi THE OCEAN SHORE OF NOVA SCOTIA I S the best shore and has the best climate in all America for a short holiday or a whole summer's stay. The coast from Yarmouth to Halifax is littered with delightful towns, villages and easily accessible secluded retreats. The lakes, streams and woods of the hinterland are full of fish and game. 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PERIODICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS SPECIAL CLUBS Education $3.00, Popular Educator, $1.25 xxix For $3.75 Education 46 Primary Education, $1.25 4.75 44 Nature Study Review, $1.00 46 Correct English, $1.00; Popular Educator, $1.25 4.50 46 46 Etude, $1.50, (Containing in 1 year $20.00 worth of Music) 3.75 3.85 46 Popular Educator, $1.25; Journal of Education, $2.50, (“The Boston THREE ds of this agency. All were in state normal schools which have frequently Normal places filled in the same week of January, 1911, illustrate the methemployed teachers through us before and which made direct application to us, and in each case we recommended only a single candidate and Lotified no one else. The principal of the Castleton, Vt., normal met our candidate at Utica, the principal of the Geneseo nor thal met our candidate at Syracusa NORMAL the candidate and how she impressed us, and though this was the most important of the three places, he engaged her through know what you want and this teacher will fill the bill," that usualy fills the PLACES C. W. BARDEEN, OUTLINE STUDY OF ANCIENT HISTORY By MAUD ELMA KINGSLEY Is now ready. It is uniform with our Outline Study of United States History by the same author. It presents in a masterly manner a review of all the important events of human history from the beginning down to the destruction of Jerusalem in A. D. 70. It is useful for Schools, Sunday schools, and general reference. Excellent for review, and in preparing for examinations. N. B. Mediæval and Modern European History will be outlined later in companion volumes. Schwalbooks of all Publishän at Reduced Prices Hinds and Noble, 31-33-35 West 15th St., N. Y. City. 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