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Preston-Stevens Arithmetics

By DeFOREST A. PRESTON, Principal Public School No. 164, Brooklyn, New York, and EDWARD L. STEVENS, Associate Superintendent of Schools, New York City.

Elementary Arithmetic

12mo. Cloth. xii+243 pages. $.35 met.

Standard Arithmetic

12mo. Cloth. xii+351 pages. $ .50 net.

Dictation Day by Day

By KATE VAN WAGENEN, Principal Public School No. 2, Bronx, New York City,

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By RALPH S. TARR, B. S. F. G. S. A., Professor of Physical Geography at Cornell University, and FRANK M. MCMURRY, Professor of Elementary Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

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Craftmanship in Teaching

By WILLIAM CHANDLER BAGLEY, author of "The Educative Process," "Classroom Ma agement," "Educational Values," etc.

12mo. Cloth. ix+247 pages. $1.10 net.

Educational Values

12mo. Cloth. xx+267 pages. $1.10 net.

Games for the Playground, Home,
School and Gymnasium

By JESSIE H. BANCROFT, Assistant Director Physical Training, Fublic Schools, New York C
Ex-Secretary American Physical Education Association; Member American Association for t
Advancement of Science; Author of "School Gymnastics." Etc., etc.

12mo. Cloth. viii+456 pages. $1.50 net.

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York





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Just Published-An Important Educational Book

Annals of Educational Progress


A Report Upon Current Educational Activities Throughout the World
Associate Superintendent of the Public Schools, Philadelphia

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"Dr. Garber's book, which is a compact and remarkably comprehensive volume, more than fulfils expectation. Not only topically, but also geographically, does it survey the spacious domain of twentieth-century education at the end of its first decade, making sufficiently clear what is the general trend of educational development, and devoting appropriate attention to the now engrossing subject of vocational training. Among miscellaneous items of interest with which the book closes are to be found paragraphs on such general topics as postal savings banks, old age pensions, irrigation, Professor Wallace's Shakespeare discoveries, forest fires, and 'the city beautiful,' The book performs a highly useful function not undertaken, so far as we know, by any rival publication."- The Dial.

No School Library is Complete Without

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Correspondence Solicited


Descriptive Circulars Free


Woodwork and Carpentry


Director of Manual Training, Eastern High School, Bay City, Mich.

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HIS series differs from all others now on the market. These books are neither very elementary nor very technical. They enter the great middle ground, and contain matter that is valuable to teachers and to students of manual training and tool work in the upper grammar grades and high school. They are also suited for use in trade, industrial, vocational and technical schools. The Handbook has been prepared especially for normal schools, and is also an aid to the instructor in teaching the subjects treated in the other four volumes.

¶ The course presented is carefully planned, the sequence of the work well laid out, and arranged in usable shape. All necessary information is at hand for both teacher and pupil, together with useful hints and suggestions for the purchase of equipment and the management of manual training classes.

The subjects selected throughout the course are such as will give the student a foundation training that will enable him to develop rapidly into a first-class mechanic.

Mail us a postal and we will send you further information






There are no issues of Education in July and August.

Education for September will be a valuable number. At this early date we cannot announce specifically the contents. But we shall publish during the next school year a large number of suggestive and practically helpful papers, by influential educational writers. Among the special features for the year will be a series of Brief Biographies of Great Educators-Froebel, Pestalozzi, Fenelon, Montaigne, etc., by A. Albertine Witter of the Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, Illinois; and another series of Examination Questions on the English Classics by Maud Elma Kingsley. We shall publish several papers on the teaching of each of the following subjects: English, History, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Civics, Sciences, and Commercial branches. Distinguished specialists will discuss questions of Educational policy, program, administration and discipline. In short the ideals of the past will be fully maintained and we shall try to make Education so valuable that no progressive and thoughtful educator can afford to dispense with it.

The large majority of our subscribers prefer to have us continue their subscriptions until they request us to stop. Watch the date on your label, which gives you the number of Education up to which your subscription is paid; e. g., if your label reads "Jan., '11," it means that you have paid for all numbers previous to that date, from the beginning of your subscription, but not for the Jan., '11 number. It is a very simple matter to stop your subscription. Just send us a line so requesting, accompanied by remittance covering arrears, if any, and we immediately comply with your request. But please do not move away from your

National Association for the Study and Education of Exceptional Children

An incorporated society, not for pecuniary profit, and devoted to the promotion of a national movement for the solution of the problem of the exceptional child.

It maintains: (a). The Groszmann School for Nervous and Atypical Children. MAXIMILIAN P. E. GROSZMANN, Ph. D., Director. Feeble-minded, insane, epileptic, or otherwise clearly abnormal children are not accepted. (b). Course for Teachers of Exceptional Children. Intended for trained teachers desiring to specialize for the ungraded classes of the Public School systems. (c). Physiological and Psychological Laboratory. Devoted to research on the problem of the exceptional child. (d). Publicity Bureau. For the distribution of literature on society proceedings and scientific monographs. For particulars on the general scope of the Association or any of its activities, address SECRETARY N. A. S. E. E. C., "Watchung Crest" PLAINFIELD, N. J.

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present place of residence and expect us to know about it by intuition. Your magazine will continue to go to the old address, and unless you leave directions and postage with the postmaster, second-class mail will not be forwarded to you. In such cases there is a serious loss, which should not be thrown, as it often is, upon the publisher. We desire the fullest sympathy and co-operation between ourselves and the subscribers to Education in the important work which the magazine is accomplishing. This work will be greatly promoted by a kindly considerateness by both subscribers and publishers, of the interests of each other. In view of the fact that the Dickens Centenary Celebration is just beginning, we call special attention to the advertisement, upon another page, of The University Society, who offer a superb set of the Complete Works of Charles Dickens at a low figure and upon easy terms. This is an exceptionally good opportunity to secure a set of books that every one should own and that will give lifelong pleasure.

In view of the coming meeting of the N. E. N. at San Francisco, we take pleasure in calling attention to the following books, published by A. Flanagan Company, Chicago. They will make excellent supplementary readers for any class of boys and girls. They present facts of geography, history, science, etc., that are interesting and important and are profusely illustrated by photographs taken upon the ground. The titles of the books are: "A Little Journey to Some Strange Places and People" (relating to New Mexico and Arizona), by Dr. George Wharton James; and "A Little Journey to our Western Wonderland (California) by the same author. Price 50 cents each.

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To teachers, and their friends attending the San Franciso convention, who have never experienced a voyage on one of the modern ocean liners, it is doubtful whether a more interesting and novel portion of the journey can be taken than that covered by the large steel vessels plying between the city of Portland, San Francisco and the port of Los Angeles

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