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#pon wine were immediately productive. The amount of the taxes and the estimate were, he flated, in the first year nearly equal; in the fecond, the produce exceeded the eftimate; and what they might prove in the prefent, could not be afcertained. What would be the peace eftablishment at the end of the war, muft entirely depend on the fecurity and permanency of the treaty; but whatever it was, the finking fund would ftill continue to be paid, together with the intereft of 3,500,000l. at four per cent. His lordship drew a very flattering picture of the revenue and refources of the country; that one per cent. lefs was paid for intereft than in former wars; that in 1792 only twenty-nine navigation bills were paffed, and last year there were forty-feven; but one hundred and nine inclosure bills in 1792, and laft year two hundred and feventeen. Our commerce had gone to an unparalleled extent, and, though deftroyed with Holland, had increafed with Germany, and last year amounted to fix millions.

The refolutions and statements of the earl of Lauderdale were approved and enforced by the marquis of Lanfdowne, and oppofed by lord Grenville. Lord Lauderdale, in reply, commented upon the 3rements which had been made of the revenue and expenditure, which had materially differed in the conclufion. He contended, that the expenditure of the last year of the war, from the papers on the table, was much greater than minifters allowed, in the navy, army, and extraordinary estimates; and particularly confidered the arrears and extraordinaries of the ordnance as a novelty; as the noble duke who lately prefided there had left his office without any extraordinaries

to be brought against it. On putting the previous queftion, which had been moved by lord Hawkefbury, it was carried without a division."

The fubject of the game laws which underwent confiderable inveftigation in both the houses of parliament, was introduced to the notice of the house of commons, February 16, by Mr. Coke of Norfolk, who moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the game act. The principal object of this bill was to defer the commencement of the feafon for fhooting partridges till the 14th of September, in order to prevent injury to the farmers; which was carried. Mr. Curwen brought forward a motion for the total repeal of all the game laws; upon which the fubject was warmly agitated in the house of commons, and the motion thrown out by a confiderable majority. Little worthy of remark occurred, however, in the debate, excepting the extraordinary and truly Jacobinical obfervation of the chancellor of the exchequer, that "property was the creature of law."

On the 18th of February, Mr. Wilberforce again moved for the abolition of the flave trade, and prefaced the motion by a speech of great length, and replete with every argument calculated to fupport the humane measure he propofed. He obferved that the ift of January 1796 was the period allotted by the houfe for the abolition of this infamous traffic; that this time had however elapfed, and this deteftable bufinefs proceeded with undiminished fpirit. Independent of juftice and humanity, it was, he obferved, further incumbent upon the legiflature to terminate the trade, on account of the prefervation of our Weft-India islands. Had the abolition-act paffed fooner,



the enemy, he faid, would never have obtained fuch firm hold in Guadaloupe, Grenada, and St. Vincent's. The motion was oppofed by general Tarleton, Sir W.Younge, Mr. Dundas, and a very confiderable number of gentlemen. It was ably fupported by the chancellor of the exchequer, Mr. Smith, Mr. ferjeant Adair, &c. and in a very animated and eloquent fpeech by Mr. Fox. In all its various flages, the meafure called forth the whole of the talents of the house, 'either in attack or defence; but the arguments adduced have been fo frequently before the public during the repeated difcuffions upon this fubject, as to render any further detail of them unneceffary. The real friends to humanity will learn with concern, that the narrow views of intereft and policy prevailed over every confideration of religion and juftice. On the confideration of the reports, general Tarleton moved to poftpone confidering the flave-trade abolition bill for four months; and the bill was loft by a majority of four. On reading the flave-carrying bill, Mr. Wilberforce attempted to introduce a regulation of flaves in proportion to the tonnage; but, upon a divifion being called for, and the houfe being at different times counted out, the number of members were found inadequate to compofe a houfe; and the motion was confequently thrown out.

During this feffion a bill was brought into the houfe for rendering permanent the Westminster police establishment; which, after much difcuffion, was negatived; and an amendment, moved by the chancellor of the exchequer, to continue it for five years, was adopted. Mr. ferjeant Adair prefented to the houfe a petition from

the quakers, and moved for leave to bring in a bill for their relief, as to the imprisonment of their perfons for tythes, and for making their folemn affirmation evidence in criminal as well as in civil cafes. The bill was ably fupported by Mr. Adair, by Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Francis, Mr. Martin, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Lechmere, and Mr. Wigley, and paffed the houfe of commons, but was thrown out by the lords. A bill for the relief of curates met with confiderable oppofition in the houfe of commons, from its being confidered as a money bill, which had originated in the upper houfe. This objection was, however, removed, by recurring to a variety of cafes, in which the lords exercifed the right of introducing claufes for payment of money; and the prefent bill certainly did not attempt to levy any new impoft, but merely enacted a new diftribution of fums already applied by parliament to particular purpofes. The bill therefore paffed.

The earl of Moira, in the course of the feffions, brought in a bill for mitigating the rigours experienced by debtors; which was strongly oppofed by the law lords, and thrown out. On the 2d of May, colonel Cawthorne entered into a very elaborate defence of his conduct, relative to the charges advanced against him by a late courtmartial. It was then moved by general Smith, that, being found guilty of feveral of the charges, he fhould be expelled the houfe; which was feconded by Mr. Pierpoint, jun. Mr. Wigley wifhed the houfe to paufe, and entered into a very able vindication of colonel Cawthorne; who was, however, at length, formally expelled.

On the 19th of May the feffion was clofed, as ufual, by a fpeech from

from the throne, which the reader will find in our Public Papers *; and on the following day the parliament was diffolved by proclamation.

Thus terminated a parliament, concerning whofe conduct a more impartial and a more unanimous verdict may be expected from pofterity, than from the prefent age. If we look to the advantages which, in the courfe of their political existence, they conferred on their conftituents, if we inquire by what new and beneficial laws they improved the fyftem of British jurifprudence, or ameliorated the condition of their fellow-fubjects, we must confine our applaufes to two objects the bill introduced by Mr. Fox, which irrevocably vefted in a jury the whole queftion on trials for libel; and the decifion in the fame feffion (1792) for the abolition of the deteftable flavetrade in 1796; a decifion, which they afterwards wanted the virtue to enforce. Perhaps no feature in the character of this parliament was fo marked and prominent as its devotion to party; perhaps the fpirit of independence was never fo little confpicuous in the conduct of any public body. From its first affembling, the individual members were ranked and arranged under their respective leaders, with an order and difcipline almost as regular as in a military establish ment; and, when a certain number of thofe leaders negotiated with the minifter for a change of principles, they were enabled to

* Page (89).

contract for the fervices of their dependants with the precifion of a Heffian envoy, or a Swifs commandant. Hence the violence, the precipitation of their meafures, more analogous to the rafh counfels of a defootic ftate, than to the temperate determinations, the gradual and tardy compliances of a deliberating popular affembly. It would ill become us (who, as private men, can have little communication with the individuals who compofed this auguft body, and confequently are lefs acquainted with their private fentiments) to infinuate, with Mr. Burke, that their votes were fometimes at variance with their opinions. We are rather difpofed to conclude that the majority of them had really no opinion of their own, but modeftly affigned the direction of their faculties to other men: and the appellation with which they were ftigmatized, of a confiding parliament, will perhaps defcend to pofterity as the characteristic defcription of this particular body of reprefentatives. If, however, we fhould be difpofed to acquit them of intentional mifconduct and of actual corruption, we fhall at least have long to lament their unfortunate mistakes. In the fhort space of four years, they nearly doubled the national burthens, which were already enormous, and left their fucceffors involved in a conteft, the iffue of which it is impoffible clearly to forefee, but which cannot, on the whole, be fortunate or happy.

We mean by independence the fpirit of judging and acting individually for theinfelves, independent of party views.

[blocks in formation]


France.-Preparations for the Campaign of 1796. Revolt of the Chiefs of the Vendie. Proclamation of Stoflet. Death of the rebel Chiefs, and final Submiffion of the infurgent Departments, Opening of the Campaign in Italy. Command of the Army given to Buonaparte. Attack of the combined Armies, Victory of the French at the Battle of Monte Notte. Battle of Millefimo. Brave Defence of the Piedmontefe General Rovera. Defeat of the Aujirians with the Lofs of ten thousand Men. Surprize and Repulse of the French at Dego by Marshal Beaulieu. Ceva taken by the French. Retreat of Count Colli across the Stura towards Turin. Defeat of the Piedmontefe Army at Cherafco. Sufpenfion of Arms demanded by the King of Sardinia, Peace concluded between the French Republic and his Sardinian Majefty at Paris. Conditions of the Treaty. Rejections on the Treaty. Obfervations on the Mode of conducting the War. Evacuation of Piedmont by Marshal Beaulieu. Pofion of the Piedmontefe Fortreffes by the French. Preparations made by Beaulieu to prevent the Paffage of the Po at Valenza. Paffage of the Po by the French at Placentia. Defeat of the Auftrians at Fombio. Repulfe of the Auftrians at Codogno. Death of General Laharpe, Armiflice folicited by the Dukes of Parma and Modena. Defeat of the Aufirians at the Bridge of Lodi. Conquest of Lombardy. Caufes of the Difcontents between the French Republic and the United States of America. General Washington's intercepted Letter to Mr. Morris. Reprefentations made to the French Directory to prevent an immediate Rupture. Rife and Progrefs of the Defcontents in Holland. Negotiations of the difcontented Party with the French Government. Aembly of the Dutch Convention. State of Parties. Declaration of War against England. Propofitions made at Bafle by the English Ambassador for opening a Negotiation with France. Remonftrances of the French Directory with the Canton of Bafe. Envoy Extraordinary fent from BaЛle to Paris. Appointment of a Minifter of the Police. Troubles in the South of France. Infurrection in the Department of the Nievre. Proclamation of the Directory. Jacobin Societies flut up. Severe Laws enacted against them. Revolt of the Legion of the Police. Confpiracy of Babeuf. Troubles occafioned by the refractory Clergy. Laws refpecting the Divifion of the Eftates of Emigrants.


THILE the contending powers on the Rhine were collecting their forces to open the campaign of 1796 as foon as the time limited for the armistice fhould expire, and the French army in Italy, which poffeffed only a few pofts on the fhores of the Mediterranean, between Nice and Gehoa, was recruiting its fhattered forces to attempt once more the conqueft of Piedmont, the civil war in the western departments of

France drew near to a clofe. This war had proved more hoftile to the establishment of the republic than the combinations of all its foreign enemies. The fertile country of the Vendée, where nature had poured forth its riches in fuch profufion, but which the horrors of this terrible conflict had fo long covered with ruin and defolation, had enjoyed but for a moment the perfpective of happier days. The chiefs of the royalifts, who had


made their formal fubmiffion to the republic, and who had been admitted to the privilege of treating with the government as with a foreign power, again feduced the inhabitants of thofe departments from their allegiance; and the executive power found that it was indifpenfably neceffary to rid it felf of this domeftic enemy, before it entered on the operations of the campaign. The zeal of the directory was ably feconded by general Hoche, to whom the talk of terminating this war was entrufted, and who had already given ample proofs of courage and ability.

This contest, which had hitherto been carried on with addrefs and intelligence on the fide of the infurgents, now d. generated into a war of rapine and plunder. The chiefs of the Vendée, whofe aim was the restoration of royalty, had felt the neceffity of good order and difcipline while that object was thought attainable, and had conducted their troops with the addrefs and prudence neceffary to its fuccefs; but perceiving that the pacification lately concluded with the republic had alienated the minds of the great mafs of the people in the infurgent countries from attempting to plunge themfelves a fecond time into the horrors from which they had juft efcaped, they let loose the remainder of their bands to indifcriminate pillage and murder. The Vendéan had now returned to his peaceful occupa. tions; the interchanges of commerce had taken place with the inhabitants of the neighbouring departments, and the defolated communes began to feel the comforts of regular government, when this new irruption took place. Stoflet, who had previously intimated to his confidents that the

pacification entered into with the republic was a neceffary measure in order to renew the war with vigour, again iffued proclamations, calling the people to arms, and affuring them that the intention of the republic in making peace was only to deliver them over individually to deftruction. Although this invitation was difregarded by the people in general, ftill the influence of the chiefs encouraged numbers to revolt; and the plunderers being now released from every restraint, not only the western departments, which had been already the scene of war, were again desolated, but the departments nearer to the feat of government became alfo the theatre of pillage and terror.'

This conflict was, however, but of fhort duration; for, after several defeats of the various rebel armies, and the capture and death of their leaders Charette and Stoflet (29th March), the remainder of the infurgents, comprehended under the names of Chouans and Vendéans, haraffed on every fide, fubmitted to the forces of the republic, or to the magiftracies of the different communes; and peace was finally restored to these defolated departments.

The campaign opened in the fouth on the 9th of April. During the three former campaigns, the French had attempted in vain to pierce through Piedmont into Italy. That country of mountains feemed to oppose an infurmountable barrier to their progrefs. The republican armies had hitherto only fealed the van-guard of the Alps, from whence alfo they had been driven, after having viewed, in perspective, the immenfe difficulties they had to encounter before they could fucceed in achieving the conquest of Italy. The French had poffeffion

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