Slike strani

ever, affure the public, that it is not the lefs genuine and authentic for that; and we can further affure them, that we have never prefumed to differ from the common and official accounts, but where our information proceeded from fo fuperior an authority as to leave not a doubt but that it was right. Some explanation will alfo be found in this volume, of certain political tranfactions, which have appeared in a mysterious light to most perfons; but these affairs will be still more amply elucidated in our next volume.

On the literary parts of this volume, the usual attention has been bestowed; and we trust they will pot be found inferior to our former endeavours in these de partments.

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Great Britain. Short Retrofpect of political Tranfactions from the Commence-

ment of the War. Humiliating Proposals of the French Republic to appease

the Refentment of the British Cabinet. Offer on the Part of the Republic to

relinquish her Colonies to Great Britain, as the Price of Neutrality. State

of Affairs at the Conclufion of 1795. Meetings of the Correfponding So-

ciety. Outrages offered to the King in his Way to and from the Houfe of

Lords. Examination of Witnefes at the Bar of the Houfe. Proclamation

for apprehending the Offenders. Proclamation against Seditious Meetings.

Lord Grenville's Motton; in the Lords for a Bill for the Prefervation of his

Majefty's Perfonand Government. Debate on that Motion. Bill read a

fecond Time. Mr. Pla's Molion in the Houfe of Commons for a Bill to

prevent Seditious Meetings and Affemblies. Warm Debate on that Bill.

Mr. Fox's Motion as a Call of the Houfe. Mr. Dundas's Declaration

that the two Bills had been in Contemplation before the Outrage against

the King. Debates in the Lords on the Commitment of Lord Grenville's

Bill. Amendments propofed by the Duke of Leeds and Earl of Lauderdale.

Lord Grenville's Bill paffed in the House of Lords. Public Meetings in

Oppofition to the two Bills. Lord Grenville's Bill read a first Time in the

Houfe of Commons. Mr. Sheridan's Motion for an Inquiry concerning

Seditious Meetings. Further Debates in the Commons on Lord Grenville's

Bill Debates on Mr. Pitt's Bill-in the Houfe of Commons in the Houfe
of Lords. Reflections on thefe B.lls. Never yet acted upon by Miniftry,

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France-Preparations for the Campaign of 1796. Revolt of the Chiefs of

the Vendée. Proclamation of Stoflet. Death of the rebel Chiefs, and final

Submiffion of the infurgent Departments. Opening of the Campaign in Italy.

Command of the Army given to Buonaparte. Attack of the Combined Armies.

Victory of the French at the Battle of Monte Notte. Battle of Millefimo.

Brave Defence of the Piedmontefe General Rovera. Defeat of the Auftrians

with the Lofs of ten thousand Men. Surprize and Repulfe of the French

at Dego by Marshal Beaulieu. Ceva taken by the French. Retreat of

Count Colli across the Stura towards Turin. Defeat of the Piedmontefe

Army at Cherafco. Sufpenfion of Arms demanded by the King of Sardinia.

Peace concluded between the French Republic and his Sardinian Majefy at

Paris. Conditions of the Treaty. Reflections on the Treaty. Obfervations

on the Mode of Conducting the War. Evacuation of Piedmont by Mohal

Beaulieu. Poffeffion of the Piedmontefe Fortrees by the French. Prepa-

rations made by Beaulieu to prevent the Paffage of the Po at Falenza. Paf-

Jage of the Po by the French at Placentia. Defeat of the Auftrians at

Fombio. Repulfe of the Auftrians at Codogno. Death of General Laharpe.

Armistice folicited by the Dukes of Parma and Modena. Defeat of the

Auftrians at the Bridge of Lodi. Conquest of Lombardy. Causes of the

Difcontents between the French Republic and the United States of America.

General Washington's intercepted Letter to Mr. Morris. Reprefentations

made to the French Directory to prevent an immediate Rupture. Rife and

Progrefs of the Difcontents in Holland. Negotiations of the discontented

Party with the French Government. Affembly of the Dutch Convention.

State of Parties. Declaration of War against England. Propofitions

made at Bafle by the English Ambasador for opening a Negotiation with

France. Remonftrances of the French Directory with the Canton of Bafle.

Envoy Extraordinary fent from Bajie to Paris. Appointment of a Minifier

of the Police. Troubles in the South of France. Infurrection in the Depart

ment of the Nievre. Proclamation of the Directory. Jacobin Societies Shut

up. Severe Laws enacted against them. Revolt of the Legion of the

Police. Confpiracy of Babeuf. Troubles occafioned by the refractory

Clergy. Laws refpecting the Divifion of the Efates of Emigrants, 182

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Opening of the Campaign on the Rhine. Object of the Campaign. Battle on

the Sieg. Victories of the French at Altenkirchen. Pafage of the Lahn.

Attack of the French by Prince Charles. Retreat of the French to their

former Pofitions. Paffage of the Rhine by the Army under Moreau. Kehl

taken. Auftrian Army in Italy take Refuge in Mantua. French take Pof-

feffion of Leghorn. Entrance of the French Army on the Territories of the

"Pope. Surrender of Bologna, Ferrara, and Urbino. Armiftice concluded

with Naples and the Pope. Conditions of the Armistice. Petition of the

French Artifts against the Removal to Paris of the Monuments of the Arts

from Italy. Refufal of the Directory. Operations of the French Army in

the Brifgaw. Return of Prince Charles from the Lower Rhine to the Af-

fifiance of General Wurmfer. Battle of Reuchen. Battle of Radftadt.

General Fourdan advances to Frankfort. Battle of Ettingen. Retreat of

the Imperial Army into Germany. Paffage of the Rhine at Huningue.

French in Poffefion of the Courfe of the Rhine. Trial of the Murderers of

September 1792. Acquittal of the Infurgents in the Affair of Vendemiaire.

Caufes and Confequences of that Infurrection. Affairs of Finance. Extinc-

tion of the Affignats and Refcriptions. Creation of Mandats. Loans in-

forcing their Circulation. Great Depreciation of this Paper. Forced Loans.

State of the Public Revenue. Various Modes of granting the Supplies.

Suppreffion of religious Houfes in the Low Countries. Expulsion of the Pope's

Envoys from Paris. Difmiffion of the Sardinian Ambaffador. Difmiffion

of the Plenipotentiary from the Duke of Tuscany. Expulfion of the Swedish



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