Slike strani

SECTION XI. Jewellery, Gold and Silversmiths Articles,

Clockwork, Sc.

page 138 If the United States follow the nature of things, they must difdain every thing which belongs to jewellery. As to gold and filverfmiths ware, copper plated with filver will be preferred in America to filver plate; and the plated ware of the English, being infinitely fuperior to that of France, will have the advantage.

Causes of the inferiority of French plated ware.-With respect to clockwork, Watches are articles of neceffity to the free Americans; but to furnish these people with them, they must be made good and cheap. France may pretend to this commerce.-Means which the ought to employ.

SECTION XII. Different Sorts of Paper, ftained Paper, &c.

page 142

These are manufactured in France better than any where else. France will furnish the Americans with them in concurrence

with all other nations.

Paper is an article of commerce, and of which the production cannot exceed the confumption; which ought to be every where encouraged. The confumption of it will become confiderable in free America; but the Americans will not for a long time be able to furnish themselves with all the paper they want.



page 146

Workmanship being dear in the United States, printing-preffes cannot be multiplied there; those which exift ought to furnish nothing but gazettes and a few books. It is to Europe to furnish the last.-France is invited by the low price of her workmanship to print for the United States.

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page 149 An important article of the first neceffity to the United States. They will be for a long time obliged to get it from Europe: That of France being of a more falty nature, will have the preference; it may be furnished at a cheap rate, if government will remove the impediments to the exportation of falt.

SECTION XV. General Confiderations on the Catalogue of French Importations into the United States. page 153 Extent of the Exportations of England to the Colonies, before the revolution: they will encreafe with the encreafe of population. France ought to be anxious to make the fe exportations. It is the only means of fupporting her marine. But in profecuting this commerce, he ought to do nothing but that which agrees with her convenience: fhe ought not to embrace every thing. The fame advice to be given to the free Americans: all ought to confult their pofition, and by this pofition Europe ought to manufacture for America, whofe pofition fhould difpofe her to agriculture.


page 159

Of the Articles which Independent America may furnish in return for Importations from France.

Preliminary reflections on the facilities which France has juft

granted to the free Americans, to encourage their exportations to France; facilities contained in a letter from M. de Calonne to M. Jefferfon.



page 162

This article is the most important of American productions. The confumption of tobacco cannot but encrease, if it be given at a cheaper rate.


The cultivation of tobacco does not agree with the Euro pean states, which have acquired population enough to make another use of their good lands.

Moreover, this cultivation has nothing which ought to make it defirable, it is not lucrative to the planters, it is one of the caufes of flavery. Particular and natural circumftances favour the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia and the Carolinas, and as it is at prefent extended in the immense interior of America, this country will be for a long time the great magazine of tobacco.

It is from America that France fhould get tobacco.

Of the prodigious revenue which France draws from the impoft on this article.

Of the inconveniencies attached to the monopoly of the Company which farms it.

Of the impoffibility of ever making tobacco an article of

commerce, or of exchange, as long as this monopoly exists. Of the Committee chofen in France to remedy these inconveniencies.

Of the project prefented to this Committee, by the Marquis de la Fayette, to restore tobacco to a free commerce, and yet preserve to the ftate the revenue which it draws from the impoft on that leaf.

Examination of the inconveniencies attached to this project. Another plan propofed, which offers none of these inconve niencies, and which unites the double advantage of rendering a revenue more confiderable, in leaving the commerce of tobacco perfectly free, in preventing contraband for ever, and in difpenting with an army to hinder it. Before this plan is laid open, an objection, propofed in a celebrated work, against the establishment of the liberty and freedom of commerce, is refuted.

Of the new method of collecting the duty laid on tobacco become faleable; a duty which would render, in the actual tate of things, much more than the fifcal revenue.


This new method confifts in diftributing the collection of the duty on entry, on the preparation and fale; developement and difcuffion of these three stages of the impoft.

Of the advantages which refult from the liberty of the commerce of tobacco in France.

That this liberty far from making tobacco dearer, would diminish its price.

That it would improve the preparation of it.

That the confumption would encreafe, and confequently the fale,

SECTION II. Fisheries, Whale Oil, Spermaceti Candles. page 200

The neceffity of favouring abundance, and the low price of articles of fubfiftence; means of encreafing population. Fifh is one of thefe articles of fubfiftence of which Government ought to favour the importation; the neceffity of abandoning entirely the ancient system of the productions. Refutation of the objections of Lord Sheffield.

That the free Americans have many advantages to enable them to take their fish and sell it, and their oil at the lowest price.

That France has none of these advantages.

That, confequently, France ought to abandon her fisheries. Examination of an objection of Lord. Sheffield's upon the fisheries forming failors.

Difcuffion of his opinion, and general opinion on premiums.
Developement of their inconveniencies to the fisheries.
The true means of forming good failors.

The neceffity and advantages of giving privileges to the fil and oil of the Americans.

Abfurdity of wishing to encourage, by premiums, the French whale-fifhery.

Another abfurdity of wifhing to invite and fettle American

fishermen in our ports.



Corn and Flower.

page 218 Advantages of giving privileges on the admiffion of Foreign

corn and flower.

Difcuffion of fome objections propofed against the entire and conftant liberty of the commerce of grain.

Of the great quantity of corn produced by the United States. Of the receffity of receiving them, and of maning great depofits of them in France.

Of the lodging of American corn in the Sugar Iflands.

SECTION IV. Mafts and Yards, and other Timber for the Navy.

page 229

That the State of the North, which furnish them, begin to be exhausted.

That it was advantageous to get them from the United States; that they are, at leaft, as good, cheaper, and the transport of them more easy.

Examination of the objections made against the fhip-timber of America.

Of the different fpecies of timber, in the United States, proper for the construction of veffels.

Of the confiderable quantity of it which the English procured therefrom before the war.


Of Furs and Skins.

page 234

Of the Advantages which the free Americans will have over the English of Canada in the commerce of furs.

That these advantages refult from the pofition of the Ame ricans.

Of the quantity of furs exported by Canada into England before the war.

Of the the means which the English ufe to procure Ame

rican fkins.


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