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lecture on George II. in "The Cornhill Magazine") assembled here and entertained each other with gaming, dancing, fiddling, and tea? There are fiddlers, harpers, and trumpeters performing at this moment in a weak old balcony, but where is the fine company? Where are the earls, duchesses, bishops, and magnificent embroidered gamesters? A half-dozen of children and their nurses are listening to the musicians: an old lady or two in a poke bonnet passes, and for the rest, I see but an uninteresting population of native tradesmen. As for the library, its window is full of pictures of burly theologians and their works, sermons, apologues, and so forth. Can I go in and ask the young ladies at the counter for "Manfroni, or the One-Handed Monk," and "Life in London, or the Adventures of Corinthian Tom, Jeremiah Hawthorn, Esq., and their friend Bob Logic"? absurd. I turn away abashed from the casement from the Pantiles no longer Pantiles but Parade. I stroll over the Common, and survey the beautiful purple hills around, twinkling with a thousand bright villas, which have sprung up over this charming ground since first I saw it. What an admirable scene of peace and plenty! What a delicious air breathes over the heath, blows the cloud shadows across it, and murmurs through the full-clad trees! Can the world show a land fairer, richer, more cheerful? I see a portion of it when I look up from the window at which I write. But fair scene, green woods, bright terraces gleaming in sunshine, and purple clouds swollen with summer rain— nay, the very pages over which my head bends disappear from before my eyes. They are looking backwards, back into forty years off, into a dark room, into a little house hard by on the Common here, in the Bartlemy-tide holidays. The parents have gone to town for two days: the house is all his own, his own and a grim old maid-servant's, and a little boy is seated at night in

the lonely drawing-room, poring over "Manfroni, or the One-Handed Monk," so frightened that he scarcely dares to turn round.


OUR last paper of this veracious and roundabout series related to a period which can only be historical to a great number of readers of this Magazine. Four I saw at the station to-day with orange-covered books in their hands, who can but have known George IV. by books, and statues, and pictures. Elderly gentlemen were in their prime, old men in their middle age, when he reigned over us. His image remains on coins; on a picture or two hanging here and there in a Club or old-fashioned dining-room; on horseback, as at Trafalgar Square, for example, where I defy any monarch to look more uncomfortable. He turns up in sundry memoirs and histories which have been published of late days; in Mr. Massey's "History;" in "The Buckingham and Grenville Correspondence; "and gentlemen who have accused a certain writer of disloyalty are referred to those volumes to see whether the picture drawn of George is overcharged. Charon has paddled him off; he has mingled with the crowded republic of the dead. His effigy smiles from a canvas or two. Breechless he bestrides his steed in Trafalgar Square. I believe he still wears his robes at Madame Tussaud's (Madame herself having quitted Baker Street and life, and found him she modelled t'other side the Stygian stream). On the head of a five-shilling piece we still occasionally come upon him, with St. George, the dragonslayer, on the other side of the coin. Ah me! did this George slay many dragons? Was he a brave, heroic champion, and rescuer of virgins? Well! well! have you and I overcome all the dragons that assail us?

come alive and victorious out of all the caverns which we have entered in life, and succored, at risk of life and limb, all poor distressed persons in whose naked limbs the dragon Poverty is about to fasten his fangs, whom the dragon Crime is poisoning with his horrible breath, and about to crunch up and devour? O my royal liege! O my gracious prince and warrior! You a champion to fight that monster? Your feeble spear ever pierce that slimy paunch or plated back? See how the flames come gurgling out of his red-hot brazen throat! What a roar! Nearer and nearer he trails, with eyes flaming like the lamps of a railroad engine. How he squeals, rushing out through the darkness of his tunnel! Now he is near. Now he is here. And now what? lance, shield, knight, feathers, horse and all? O horror, horror! Next day, round the monster's cave, there lie a few bones more. You, who wish to keep yours in your skins, be thankful that you are not called upon to go out and fight dragons. Be grateful that they don't sally out and swallow you. Keep a wise distance from their caves, lest you pay too dearly for approaching them. Remember that years passed, and whole districts were ravaged, before the warrior came who was able to cope with the devouring monster. When that knight does make his appearance, with all my heart let us go out and welcome him with our best songs, huzzas, and laurel wreaths, and cagerly recognize his valor and victory. But he comes only seldom. Countless knights were slain before St. George won the battle. In the battle of life are we all going to try for the honors of championship? If we can do our duty, if we can keep our place pretty honorably through the combat, let us say, Laus Deo! at the end of it, as the firing ceases, and the night falls over the field.

The old were middle-aged, the elderly were in their prime, then, thirty years since, when yon royal

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George was still fighting the dragon. As for you, my pretty lass, with your saucy hat and golden tresses tumbled in your net, and you, my spruce young gentleman in your mandarin's cap (the young folks at the countryplace where I am staying are so attired), your parents were unknown to each other, and wore short frocks and short jackets, at the date of this five-shilling piece. Only to-day I met a dog-cart crammed with children

children with mustaches and man

darin caps-children with saucy hats and hair-nets children in short frocks and knickerbockers (surely the prettiest boy's dress that has appeared these hundred years) — children from twenty years of age to six; and father, with mother by his side, driving in front and on father's countenance I saw that very laugh which I remember perfectly in the time when this crown-piece was coined-in his time, in King George's time, when we were school-boys scated on the same form. The smile was just as broad, as bright, as jolly, as I remember it in the past -- unforgotten, though not seen or thought of, for how many decades of years, and quite and instantly familiar, though so long out of sight.

Any contemporary of that coin who takes it up and reads the inscription round the laurelled head,

Georgius IV. Britanniarum Rex. Fid. Def. 1823," if he will but look steadily enough at the round, and utter the proper incantation, I dare say may conjure back his life there. Look well, my elderly friend, and tell me what you see? First, I see a Sultan, with hair, beautiful hair, and a crown of laurels round his head, and his name is Georgius Rex. Fid. Def., and so on. Now the Sultan has disappeared; and what is that I see? A boy, - a boy in a jacket. He is at a desk; he has great books before him, Latin and Greek books and dictionaries. Yes, but behind the great books, which he pretends to read, is a little one, with pictures, which he is

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really reading. It is yes, I can the young man gets up and speaks to read now — it is "The Heart of him. And now what is here? He Mid Lothian," by the author of is in a room with ever so many chil"Waverley or, no, it is "Life in dren, and the miniature hanging up. London, or the Adventures of Corin- Can it be a likeness of that woman thian Tom, Jeremiah Hawthorn, and who is sitting before that copper urn, their friend Bob Logic," by Pierce with a silver vase in her hand, from Egan; and it has pictures,-oh! such which she is pouring hot liquor into funny pictures! As he reads, there cups? Was she ever a fairy? She is comes behind the boy, a man, a der- as fat as a hippopotamus now. He vish, in a black gown, like a woman, is sitting on a divan by the fire. He and a black square cap, and he has a has a paper on his knees. Read the book in each hand, and he seizes the name of the paper. It is "The Suboy who is reading the picture-book, perfine Review." It inclines to think and lays his head upon one of his that Mr. Dickens is not a true gentlebooks, and smacks it with the other. man, that Mr. Thackeray is not a true The boy makes faces, and so that gentleman, and that when the one is picture disappears. pert and the other is arch, we, the genNow the boy has grown bigger. tlemen of "The Superfine Review," He has got on a black gown and cap, think, and think rightly, that we something like the dervish. He is at have some cause to be indignant. a table, with ever so many bottles on The great cause why modern humor it, and fruit, and tobacco; and other and modern sentimentalism repel us, young dervishes come in. They seem is that they are unwarrantably faas if they were singing. To them miliar. Now, Mr. Sterne, "The Suenters an old moollah, he takes down perfine Reviewer" thinks, "was a true their names, and orders them all to sentimentalist, because he was above go to bed. What is this? a carriage, all things a true gentleman." The with four beautiful horses all gallop- flattering inference is obvious: let us ing a man in red is blowing a be thankful for having an elegant trumpet. Many young men are on moralist watching over us, and learn, the carriage-one of them is driving if not too old, to imitate his high-bred the horses. Surely they won't drive politeness and catch his unobtrusive into that? — ah! they have all disap- grace. disap-grace. If we are unwarrantably fapeared. And now I see one of the miliar, we know who is not. If we young men alone. He is walking in repel by pertness, we know who never a street —a dark street-presently a does. If our language offends, we light comes to a window. There is know whose is always modest. O the shadow of a lady who passes. He pity! The vision has disappeared off stands there till the light goes out. the silver, the images of youth and Now he is in a room scribbling on a the past are vanishing away! We piece of paper, and kissing a minia- who have lived before railways were ture every now and then. They seem made, belong to another world. In to be lines each pretty much of a how many hours could the Prince of length. I can read heart, smart, dart; Wales drive from Brighton to LonMary, fairy; Cupid, stupid; true, you; don, with a light carriage built exand never mind what more. Bah! it pressly, and relays of horses longing is bosh. Now see, he has got a gown to gallop the next stage? Do you on again, and a wig of white hair on remember Sir Somebody, the coachhis head, and he is sitting with other man of the Age, who took our halfdervishes in a great room full of them, crown so affably? It was only yesand on a throne in the middle is an terday; but what a gulf between now old Sultan in scarlet, sitting before a and then! Then was the old world. desk, and he wears a wig too— and | Stage-coaches, more or less swift.

We who lived before railways, and survive out of the ancient world, are like Father Noah and his family out of the Ark. The children will gather round and say to us patriarchs, "Tell us, grandpapa, about the old world." And we shall mumble our old stories : and we shall drop off one by one; and there will be fewer and fewer of us, and these very old and feeble. There will be but ten pre-railroadites left then three then two- then


riding-horses, pack-horses, highway- | Suppose you deny there was such a men, knights in armor, Norman in- day as yesterday? vaders, Roman legions, Druids, Ancient Britons painted blue, and so forth-all these belong to the old period. I will concede a halt in the midst of it, and allow that gunpowder and printing tended to modernize the world. But your railroad starts the new era, and we of a certain age belong to the new time and the old one. We are of the time of chivalry as well as the Black Prince or Sir Walter Manny. We are of the age of steam. We have stepped out of the old world on to "Brunel's" vast deck, and across the waters ingens patet tellus. Towards what new continent are we wending? | to what new laws, new manners, new politics, vast new expanses of liberties unknown as yet, or only surmised? I used to know a man who had invented a flying-machine. "Sir," he would say, "give me but five hundred pounds, and I will make it. It is so simple of construction that I tremble daily lest some other person should light upon and patent my iny discovery." Perhaps faith was wanting; perhaps the five hundred pounds. He is dead, and somebody else must make the flying-machine. But that will only be a step forward on the journey already begun since we quitted the old world. There it lies on the other side of yonder embankments. You young folks have never seen it; and Waterloo is to you no more than Agincourt, and George IV. than Sardanapalus. We elderly people have lived in that pre-railroad world, which has passed into limbo and vanished from under us. I tell you it was firm under our feet once, and not long ago. They have raised those railroad embankments up, and shut off the old world that was behind them. Climb up that bank on which the irons are laid, and look to the other side-it is gone. There is no other side. Try and catch yesterday. Where is it? Here "Times" newspaper, dated Monday 26th, and this is Tuesday 27th.

is a

then 0! If the hippopotamus had the least sensibility (of which I cannot trace any signs either in his hide or his face), I think he would go down to the bottom of his tank, and never come up again. Does he not see that he belongs to bygone ages, and that his great hulking barrel of a body is out of place in these times? What has he in common with the brisk young life surrounding him? In the watches of the night, when the keepers are asleep, when the birds are on one leg, when even the little armadillo is quiet, and the monkeys have ceased their chatter, he, I mean the hippopotamus, and the elephant, and the long-necked giraffe, perhaps may lay their heads together and have a colloquy about the great silent antediluvian world which they remember, where mighty monsters floundered through the ooze, crocodiles basked on the banks, and dragons darted out of the caves and waters before men were made to slay them. We who lived before railways are antediluvians we must pass away. We are growing scarcer every day; and old -old very old relicts of the times when George was still fighting the Dragon.

Not long since, a company of horseriders paid a visit to our wateringplace. We went to see them, and I bethought me it is gone. bethought me that young Walter Juvenis, who was in the place, might like also to witness the performance. A pantomime is not always amusing to persons who have attained a cer

tain age; but a boy at a pantomime is always amused and amusing, and to see his pleasure is good for most hypochondriacs.

We sent to Walter's mother, requesting that he might join us, and the kind lady replied that the boy had already been at the morning performance of the equestrians, but was most eager to go in the evening likewise. And go he did; and laughed at all Mr. Merryman's remarks, though he remembered them with remarkable accuracy, and insisted upon waiting to the very end of the fun, and was only induced to retire just before its conclusion by representations that the ladies of the party would be incommoded if they were to wait and undergo the rush and trample of the crowd round about. When this fact was pointed out to him, he yielded at once, though with a heavy heart, his eyes looking longingly towards the ring as we retreated out of the booth. We were scarcely clear of the place, when we heard "God save the Queen," played by the equestrian band, the signal that all was over. Our companion entertained us with scraps of the dialogue on our way home precious crumbs of wit which he had brought away from that feast. He laughed over them again as we walked under the stars. He has them now, and takes them out of the pocket of his memory, and crunches a bit, and relishes it with a sentimental tenderness, too, for he is, no doubt, back at school by this time; the holidays are over; and Doctor Birch's young friends have re-assembled.

Queer jokes, which caused a thousand simple mouths to grin! As the jaded Merryman uttered them to the old gentleman with the whip, some of the old folks in the audience, I dare say, indulged in reflections of their own. There was one joke I utterly forget it but it began with Merryman saying what he had for dinner. He had mutton for dinner, at one o'clock, after which "he had to come to business." And then came the

point. Walter Juvenis, Esq., Rev. Doctor Birch's, Market Rodborough, if you read this, will you please send me a line, and let me know what was the joke Mr. Merryman made about having his dinner? You remember well enough. But do I want to know? Suppose a boy takes a favorite, longcherished lump of cake out of his pocket, and offers you a bite? Merci! The fact is, I don't care much about knowing that joke of Mr. Merryman's.

But whilst he was talking about his dinner, and his mutton, and his landlord, and his business, I felt a great interest about Mr. M., in private life - about his wife, lodgings, earnings, and general history, and I dare say was forming a picture of those in my mind:- wife cooking the mutton; children waiting for it; Merryman in his plain clothes, and so forth; during which contemplation the joke was uttered and laughed at, and Mr. M., resuming his professional duties, was tumbling over head and heels. Do not suppose I am going sicut est mos, to indulge in moralities about buffoons, paint, motley, and mountebanking. Nay, Prime Ministers rehearse their jokes; Opposition leaders prepare and polish them; Tabernacle preachers must arrange them in their minds before they utter them. All I mean is, that I would like to know any one of these performers thoroughly, and out of his uniform; that preacher, and why in his travels this and that point struck him; wherein lies his power of pathos, humor, eloquence;

that Minister of State, and what moves him, and how his private heart is working; - I would only say that, at a certain time of life, certain things cease to interest: but about some things when we cease to care, what will be the use of life, sight, hearing? Poems are written, and we cease to admire. Lady Jones invites us, and we yawn; she ceases to invite us, and we are resigned. The last time I saw a ballet at the opera-oh! it is many years ago I fell asleep in the stalls,

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