Slike strani

Staff departments of the army. Repeal of acts organizing the

Steamships. Ocean mail

Stevens' war steamer.

Stockton, F. B.

Stone, William D.

Strubing, Catharine..
Sullivan, John T..
Swan, Major Caleb

Sykes, John J....

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tennessee. Legislature of, respecting completion of navy-yard at Memphis
Texas, California, Oregon and New Mexico. Protection of..

Texas, officers of its navy to be incorporated into the navy of the United States.
(S. R. No. 59.)..

[blocks in formation]

Tonnage duty on Spanish vessels....

Topographical engineers and ordnance officers. Promotion of.

Trade. Charleston board of....

[blocks in formation]

Vera Cruz and New Orleans, via Tampico. Carrying the United States mail be-
tween S. bill No. 191...


Vincent, Frederick, administrator of James Le Caze..
Virginia State and continental lines of the revolutionary army-to provide for the
unpaid claims of officers and soldiers of, (S. bill No. 53)...
Virginia military bounty land warrants. Land scrip to satisfy..
Voorhees, Philip F..


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Warrington, M. K., and St. J. Chubb, executors of Captain Lewis Warrington..
Washington, D. C. Extending provisions of the charter to the city of...

Watts, Juliana, and Juliana W. Campbell...


2 315

2 220

Weed, Elijah J., case of..

[blocks in formation]

Weeks, David P.....

[blocks in formation]

Wells, Clark H..

2 343

Welsh, George P.

2 343

West Feliciana Railroad Company.

1 144

Weston, jr., Nathan...

1 166

Western Cherokees, claim due by them.

1 190

Whipple, John W., administrator of Joseph H. Whipple...

2 274

White, John Moore...

1 151

[blocks in formation]

Yulee, Hon. D. L., communication from. (See Miscellaneous Documents, No. 109;

also report of select committee, No. 110.)

Yulee, Hon. D. L., contesting the seat of Hon. Stephen R. Mallory..
Young, Jacob. (S. bill No. 194)..


[blocks in formation]


Reports of the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Petition of Lieut. W. D. Porter-S. bill No. 254...

Catharine Crosby, one of the heirs of Thomas D. Anderson-S. bill
No. 322..

Resolution respecting payment of the claim in the case of the Spanish schooner
"Amistad"-S. bill No. 323 ..

Petition of Joseph Balestier-S. bill No. 416
Memorial of William Money-S. bill No. 440

Message of the President of the United States, accompanied by sundry documents
in support of claim for indemnity for losses sustained by Spanish subjects
in New Orleans by the unlawful violence of a mob in that place-S. R.
No. 44...

Vol. No.

[blocks in formation]

Petition of Samuel A. Belden & Co...
Message of the President of the United States in relation to fixing the initial point
in the boundary line between the United States and Mexico....
of the President of the United States of the 27th July, 1852, communi-
cating the correspondence respecting the right of way across the isthmus
of Tehuantepec.....

2 272

2 303

2 345

2 355

Reports of the Committee on Finance.

Resolution (S. No. 10) for the relief of Alexander P. Field.....

1 23

So much of the report of the Secretary of the Treasury as relates to a change in
the coinage-S. bill No. 271...

1 104

Petition of the West Feliciana Railroad Company-S. bill No. 306

1 144

Memorials of George Foster and others, of Charles Belcher & Co, of Puig, Mix
& Co., and of Joseph Mitchell..

2 291

and papers of Edwin Lord and Francis Bacon-S. bill No. 479.

2 292

from J. F. Gilpin and others-S. bill No. 534.....

2 338

Reports of the Committee on Commerce.

Petition of William P. Greene-S. bill No. 66、..........

John A. McGaw-S. bill No. 67...

Bill (S. No. 68) for the relief of Charles N. Kellett.....



Bill (S. No. 69) for the relief of Enoch Baldwin..


Memorial of merchants and others of Portland, Maine, for a marine hospital
Communication from Aaron H. Palmer....

[blocks in formation]

Bill (S. No. 80) for the relief of Thomas H. Leggett.


[ocr errors]

Resolution of the legislature of Michigan, asking an appropriation for a ship canal
around the falls of Ste. Marie..



Memorial of Charles S. Jackson

Memorials of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, port wardens, and board of

[blocks in formation]

Several memorials of merchants, underwriters, and others, for an exploration and
reconnoissance of parts of the China seas, Straits of Gaspar and the Java
Memorial of citizens of Apalachicola, Florida, in behalf of Samuel Bray-S. bill

[blocks in formation]

Vol. No.

Petition of George Dennet-S. bill No. 311....

Bill (S. No. 402) for the relief of the legal representatives of Amos Proctor
Petitions of James C. Doane, Allen Lewis, Ezekiel Holbrook and John Cameron--

S. bill No. 410..

Petition of Thomas Thurston-S. bill No. 427...

Resolution of the Senate as to the expediency of abolishing the exaction of the
marine hospital dues....

Bill (S. No. 65) to repeal an act entitled "An act concerning tonnage duty on
Spanish vessels"

Memorial of Auguste Métayé-S. bill No. 517.

[blocks in formation]

certain importers at New Orleans for an increase in the number of
gaugers-S. bill No. 518..

2 235

citizens of Louisiana for an extension of the port of New Orleans to
the parish of Jefferson-S. bill No. 519..

2 326

Petition of John Gray and Wyer G. Sargent-S. bill No. 524

2 333

Reports of the Committee on Military Affairs.

Memorial of Margaret Hetzel-S. bill No. 83..
Roger Jones-S. bill No. 84..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

mayor and common council of the city of Chicago-S. bill No. 241..
the heirs of the late Major Thomas Noel-S. bill No. 244..
Captain L. McLaws-S. bill No. 249

[blocks in formation]

Sylvester Churchill-S. bill No. 275..

[blocks in formation]

Petition of Colonel James R. Creecy-S. bill No. 276



Report to accompany S. bill No. 304, to increase the efficiency of the artillery
S. res. No. 27. concerning the national defences.

[blocks in formation]

To repeal acts organizing the staff departments of the army, and to provide for the
discharge of the duties thereof by officers of the line-S. bill No. 413..



Petition of John C. Hays......

2 221

Memorial of lieutenants of the corps of engineers, topographical engineers and
ordnance-S. bill No. 436....

2 239

Explanatory of the act of September 28, 1850, relating to pay of principal assistant

in Ordnance Bureau-S. bill No. 437.

2 240

Petition of Langdon C. Easton-S. bill No. 469

2 277

House bill No. 259, to provide for the protection of the Territories of New Mexico,
Oregon and the States of Texas and California..

2 289

Memorial of the agent of the State of Georgia for the payment of all claims for
the services of her militia.

2 329

R. M. Heath, agent of the State of Virginia, for refunding to that
State money advanced on account of the services of certain volun-

2 332

David Butler...

2 339

of the agent of the State of Maine for the allowance of certain claims 2


Reports of the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Memorial of Eliza C. Bache-S. bill No. 70.

1 6

S. bill No. 15-to establish a navy-yard and depot on the bay of San Francisco,
California, &c....

1 14

Petition of Surgeon D. P. Edwards, and other naval medical officers serving with
the marines in Mexico.....

[blocks in formation]

S. bill No. 38-for the relief of M. K. Warrington and C. St. J. Chubb, executors
of Captain Lewis Warrington, and others....

[blocks in formation]

Vol. No.

John O. Means-S. bill No. 132.

S. bill No. 81-for the relief of the administrator of John Bryan..
Memorial of Joseph Gideon-S. bill No. 131..

John W. Simonton and John Whitehead-S. bill No. 156.
Petition of John S. Devlin, administrator of Elijah J. Weed-S. bill No. 157.
Memorial of William A. Christian-S. bill No. 162...

Thomas Pember-S. bill No. 200....

Resolution as to the establishment of a naval depot at Key West-S. bill No. 256.
Petition of Martha L. Downes-S. bill No. 224..

James Glynn-S. bill No. 234....

Hemorial of L. M. Goldsborough, G. J. Van Brunt, and S. F. Blunt-S. bill No.


Thomas Marston Taylor-S. bill No. 288..
Richard W. Meade-S. bill No. 292.

S. bill No. 292-for relief of R. W. Meade-recommitted..

Petition of James D. Johnston...

[blocks in formation]

Memorial of Z. F. Johnston-S. bill No. 321...

[blocks in formation]

Construction of a war steamer by Robert L. Stevens-S. R. No. 26..

[blocks in formation]

Petition of Purser F. B. Stockton-S. bill No. 295.....



petty officers and seamen of the steamer Missouri-S. bill No. 327.
William Davis....

[blocks in formation]

Memorial of the legislature of Tennessee for the completion of the navy-yard at
Memphis, Tennessee..

[blocks in formation]

John Duff, for himself and Joseph Gonder, jr.-S. bill No. 445.
Philip F. Voorhees.....

Lieutenant Van Rensellaer Morgan-S. bill No. 497.

of mechanics and other citizens of Florida, praying that a ship-of-war
may be built at the Pensacola navy-yard..

2 254
2 257

[blocks in formation]

Dr. Washington Moreland, in behalf of the claim of Joseph More-
land-S. bill No. 513......

2 320

Resolutions of the legislature of Pennsylvania in favor of the establishment of a
naval depot and dry-dock..

2 331

Claim of Thomas P. Parsons for arrears of pension-See bill No. 535.
Memorial of McKean Buchanan-S. bill No. 536..

[blocks in formation]

Joint resolutions of the legislature of Texas as to the incorporation of the Texan
navy-S. R. 59...

2 847

2 351

2 356

S. bill No. 422-for the relief of the sureties of Robert S. Moore, deceased..
Resolutions of the legislature of Maryland relative to examinations made to test
the comparative value of coals, and orders given in relation to their use in
the navy

Reports of the Committee on Public Lands.

Sidney S. Alcott-S. bill No. 50.

Charles Melrose-S. bill No. 43.

Victor Morass-S. bill No. 58..



S. bill No. 53-to provide for the unpaid claims of the officers and soldiers of the
Virginia State and continental lines of the Revolution....

[blocks in formation]
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