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rations having passed the house of commons, the war with the colonies was in fact at an end. The original purpose of France being accomplished, the could have no motive to persevere in a contest, the expence of which was enormous, and the farther success uncertain. Spain, after extraordinary exertions, having failed in both her grand objects, the recovery of Gibraltar, and the conquest of Jamaica, had little reason to flatter herself that her future efforts would be more effectual than the past; and Holland would have neither the inclination or ability to continue the war alone.

During the negotiation with France and Spain, protracted chiefly in confequence of the demand in which Spain for fome time resolutely perfifted of the cession of Gibraltar, provifional articles of pacification between Great Britain and America were figned on the 30th of November 1782, by which the thirteen provinces were declared free and independent states; and by a boundary line very favoable to America, the whole country fouthward of the lakes on both fides of the Ohio, and eastward of the Miffifippi, was ceded to the colonies, with a full participation of the fisheries on the banks of Newfoundland, and the Gulph of St. Laurence. In return for which the congress engaged to RECOMMEND to the feveral states to provide for the restitution of the confifcated estates of the loyalifts. But this recommendation eventually proved, as might have eafily been foreseen, nugatory and useless; and this wretched portion of his majesty's deluded fubjects migrated in great numbers to the inhospitable wilds of Nova Scotia, and the barren shores of the Bahamas.

Dr. FRANKLIN, so lately the subject of the vileft and groffeft abuse, had now the glory of figning this treaty on the part of the united states-the intelligence of which was received in America with emotions of exultation and rapture. The definitive treaty was not however signed till the following year, at the close of which New York, Charleftown, lestown, and Savannah, the only place in the poffeffion of the English, were finally evacuated; and general Washington made his public entry into the first of these cities as foon as the royal army was withdrawn. The rejoicings on this occafion were celebrated with patriotic enthusiasm; after which an affecting leave was taken by the general of the friends and companions of his warfare, who accompanied him on his return to his own province, in filent and folemn proceffion, to the banks of the north river. When the barge quitted the shore, he waved his hat, bidding them for the last time adieu. To this valediction, fixing their regards on their beloved commander till they could no longer diftinguish his person, they replied by acclamations intermingled with fupprefsed sobs and involuntary In every town and village through which the general paffed, he was received with the highest demonftrations of gratitude and joy.


When he arrived at Annapolis, he fignified to congrefs his intention to resign the command he had the honor to hold in their service, referring to them the mode in which it should be done. They resolved it should be in a public audience. When the day fixed for that purpose arrived, the hall of the fenate house was crowded with perfonages of the highest merit and diftinction; and general Washington, addressing the prefident in a speech remarkable only for its dignified fimplicity, demanded leave to surrender into their hands the trust committed to him, and, having finished the work affigned him, to retire from the great theatre of action to the tranquil scenes of private life, earnestly recommending to the protection of Almighty God the interests of his dear country, and those who have the superintendance of them to his holy keeping." To this address the president replied in words to the following purport:" The united states in congress afsembled, receive with emotions too affecting for utterance the folemn refignation of the authority under which you have led our troops

troops with success through a perilous and doubtful war. Called upon by your country to defend its invaded rights, you accepted the facred charge before it had formed alliances, and whilst it was without friends or a government to fupport you-you have conducted the great military conteft with wisdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power through all disafters and changes-you have, by the love and confidence of your fellow-citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and tranfmit their fame to posterity. Having defended the standard of liberty in this new world, having taught a leffon useful to those who inflict, and to those who feel oppreffion, you retire with the bleffings of your country; but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command, it will continue to animate remotest ages. May the Almighty fofter a life so beloved with his peculiar care, and may your future days be as happy as your paft have been illustrious." The grand and interesting scenes which crowded upon the imagination of the general and the prefident, almost deprived them of the power of articulation; and the mingled emotions of joy, regret, and admiration, which agitated the minds of the spectators, were expressed more forcibly by looks and geftures than they could have been by words.

Immediately on this resignation, the late commander, "haftened," to use his own words, "with ineffable delight to his feat at Mount Vernon, on the banks of the Potowmac;" whence, at the powerful call of his country, he in a short time again emerged in order to affume the high station which he now occupies as prefident and guardian of that new and noble conftitution, which, by one of the happiest and most extraordinary efforts of human virtue, wisdom, and ability, has been substituted in America, to her former feeble, inefficient, and defective form of government.



In Great Britain, to the affairs of which we must now revert, the fession of parliament commenced December 5, 1782, with a very excellent speech from the throne, in which, his majesty, reverting after a long and inglorious feries of years to the genuine principles of whig policy, declared, " that he had lost no time in giving the nececeffary orders for prohibiting offenfive operations against America, and had been directing his views to a cordial reconciliation with them. Such being his own inclination, and such the sense of his parliament and people, he had not hefitated to conclude with them provifional articles of peace, by which they were acknowledged free and independent states. He deplored this dismemberment of the empire, which had become a matter both of policy and prudence; but testified a hope that religion, language, interest, and affection, would yet prove a permanent tie of union between the two countries. He spake with pride and fatisfaction of the late gallant defence of Gibraltar : he recommended an immediate attention to the great objects of public receipt and expenditure, and above all to the state of the national debt. He applauded the liberal principles which had actuated the conduct of parliament respecting Ireland: he pressed a revision of the whole system of trade with a view to its fullest extenfion; and turning his attention to Afia, pointed out our vast poffeffions there as a most important object of regulation and


He declared that the true spirit of the constitution would be the invariable rule of his conduct, and called upon parliament to exercise their temper, wisdom, and difinterestedness."

Loyal addresses were voted in both houses without a divifion; but some severe remarks having been directed in the house of peers against the inconfiftency of the minifter, who had at a former period so strongly oppofed the recognition of American independence, his lordship declared, " that he had exerted every effort to preferve America

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America to this country;" and with great animation exclaimed, "that he had not voluntarily yielded up this independency; he had merely fubmitted to the controlling power of neceffity and fate. It was not I, faid he, that made this cession-it was the evil star of Britain-it was the blunders of a former administration-it was the power of revolted subjects, and the mighty arms of the house of Bourbon."

Doubts having arisen whether the acknowledgment of independency was abfolute or conditional, and lord Shelburne declining to communicate any particulars of a negotiation actually pending, Mr. Fox moved in the house of commons an address to the king, to lay before the house copies of such parts of the provifional articles as related to the fame; but this was opposed as inexpedient and improper, not only by the chancellor of the exchequer Mr. Pitt, but by the late minister lord North; and the question being put, Mr. Fox's motion was negatived by a majority of 219 against 46-a divifion, perhaps fatal to the minister, by inspiring him with high and lofty ideas of his own strength and security.

On the 23d of December the parliament after voting one hundred thousand seamen and marines for the service of the enfuing year, adjourned to the 21st of January 1783-the day preceding which preliminary articles of peace were figned between Great Britain, France, and Spain, which immediately after the recess were fubmitted to the confideration of the two houses. By this treaty Great Britain guarantied to France the island of Tobago, and restored that of St. Lucia; also the fettlements of Goree and Senegal in Africa; and the city of Pondicherri, with her other conquests in the east, accompanied by some additions of territory. Lastly, the claims of Britain respecting Dunkirk were expressly relinquished; and on her part, France agreed to restore, Tobago excepted, all her valuable and important conquests in the West Indies. His catholic majesty was allowed to retain Minorca


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