I have known many an ignorant sailor or backwoodsman who, because he had been brought into sympathetic contact with the primitive qualities of his kind, was humanely a better educated man than those who pride themselves on their culture. The gravest problem... Personal Religion - Stran 123avtor: Charles Herbert Rust - 1915 - 279 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
 | Nathaniel Southgate Shaler - 1909 - 542 strani
...through long fairappearing years, yet fail to have the experiences necessary to humanize him fully. I have known many an ignorant sailor or backwoodsman...gravest problem of civilization is in my opinion how we are to teach human quality in a system which tends ever more and more to hide it. As for the scientific... | |
 | Francis Fisher Browne, Waldo Ralph Browne, Scofield Thayer - 1910 - 344 strani
...through long fairappearing years, yet fail to have the experiences necessary to humanize him fully. I have known many an ignorant sailor or backwoodsman...gravest problem of civilization is in my opinion how we are to teach human quality in a system which tends ever more and more to hide it." Shaler's debt... | |
 | Albert Parker Fitch - 1914 - 248 strani
...through long, fair-appearing years, yet fail to have the experience necessary to humanize him fully. I have known many an ignorant sailor or backwoodsman...system which tends ever more and more to hide it." Now human quality is just what you may learn, if you will, in the varied society and the relative democracy... | |
 | Albert Parker Fitch - 1914 - 266 strani
...yet fail to have the experience necessary to humanize him fully. I have known many an ignoranLsailor or backwoodsman who, because he had been brought into...system which tends ever more and more to hide it." Now human quality is just what you may learn, if you will, in the varied society and the relative democracy... | |
 | Albert Parker Fitch - 1914 - 252 strani
...brought into sympathetic contact with the primitive qualities of his kind, was humanely a better M educated man than those who pride themselves on their...system which tends ever more and more to hide it." Now human quality is just what you may learn, if you will, in the varied society and the relative democracy... | |
 | Lewis Herbert Chrisman - 1921 - 196 strani
...backwoodsman who, because he has been brought into sympathetic contact with the primitive qualities of his 75 kind, was humanely a better educated man than those who pride themselves on their culture." The French have a proverb, which being translated says, "Born a man and died a grocer." With slight emendations... | |
 | 1918 - 314 strani
...because he liad been brought into sympathetic contact with the primitive qualities of his kind, was a better educated man than those who pride themselves on their culture." And Schiller, with the sublime insight of a seer, says through Max in his protest to the warrior Octavio... | |
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