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certificate shall be produced, within fix months from the date of the bond, under the hand of the British conful or vice-conful residing at the port or place at which such goods or commodities shall be landed; and if no vice-conful shall be there refident, then under the hands of two known British merchants refiding there; and if no British merchant shall reside there, then under the hand of the chief magistrate of the place, testifying that the faid goods have been all duly landed at that port or place.

Provided also, that nothing herein before contained shall be construed to licence the exportation, sale, sending, fupplying, or delivering of, or in any manner to relate to any arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, gunpowder, bullets, pitch, tar, hemp, masts, timber, fail-cloth, cordage, faltpetre, or any naval or military stores whatsoever, nor to relate to any store or article whatsoever, intended for the use of the armies, troops, fleets, ships, or vessels of the enemies of his Majesty; or any articles which are specially prohibited by any other act or acts of parliament, other than the acts before mentioned, to be exported, fold, supplied, or delivered, as aforefaid; or in any manner to affect the provifions of any other act or acts of parliament; or to licence or authorize the feveral acts, matters, and things aforesaid, further or otherwise than as the fame might be affected by the several before-mentioned acts of parliament.

Provided also, that every perfon who shall take the benefit of this licence and authority, shall take the fame upon condition, that if in cafe of any proceeding, civil or criminal, under the provisions of any of the acts herein before mentioned, or any thing alledged to have been done contrary thereto, any question thall arife whether the thing done was authorized by the licence hereby given, the proof that fuch thing was done under the circumstances, and according to the terms and conditions of this order, shall lie on the perfons claiming the benefit hereof.

And his Majesty, with the advice aforesaid, is hereby further pleased to order, that this licence and order shall remain and be in force and effect until the 25th day of December next ensuing, unless the same shall be fooner revoked.

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein, as to them may respectively appertain.






Proclamation issued at Frankfort on the 3d September 1796, by General Duvignot.

THE general of brigade, Duvignot, commanding at Frankfort, informs the inhabitants, as well as the strangers and merchants who visit this city upon mercantile business, that they may depend upon the most perfect safety, and that the report of the pretended retreat of the army of the Sambre and Meuse, circulated by the malevolent, is totally unfounded. This army is advancing again vigorously, and the army of the Rhine and Moselle has completely defeated the enemy, and entered Munich on the 30th ult.

Frankfort, 17 Fructidor, (Sept. 3,) 1796.

The general and commandant of Frankfort,


Decree of the Council of Five Hundred, of the 6th September, 1796, respecting the Amnesty.

I. EVERY profecution begun, or to be begun, every action, pursuit, and judgment, on account of offences committed on occafion and during the course of the revolution, up to the 4th Brumaire, 4th year inclusive, are extinguished and annulled, civil action for restitution being still referved.

II. The ci-devant French emigrants, and those against whom transportation has been pronounced, are alone excepted from the general amnesty introduced by the preceding article.

III. Every time an individual shall be fued in judgment for a fact prior to the 4th Brumaire, the point shall be ascertained whether it was connected with the revolution. In the cafe of the affirmative, the amnesty shall be applied; in the contrary cafe, the instruction shall be followed out.

V. The party accused may have action to have the judgment annulled, when the amnesty is refused. And the commiffioner of the Directory shall have the fame privilege when the amnesty is misapplied.

V. Offences pofterior to the 4th Brumaire shall be profecuted according to the rigour of the laws, under the penalty of forfeiture.


Resolutions of the Common Council of Newcastle, relative to the Emigrant Priests.

AT a special common council, held here this day, for the purpose of taking into confideration the best means of providing for the accommodation of the French ecclefiaftics, about to be removed from the island of Jersey to this port.

It was unanimoufly refolved,

That it appears to this body, that the cafe of these unfortunate exiles is truly deplorable, and that their situation calls for every. attention which humanity can suggest.

That their removal into the interior parts of the country is highly expedient, and particularly recommended by government, who allow a reasonable fum for the expence of their removal,

and for their maintenance.

That a committee be appointed to provide proper dwellings, and other neceffary accommodations for them; and that such committee confift of the right worshipful the Mayor, Sir M. W. Ridley, bart. and the other Aldermen, the Sheriff, and the other members of the common council, and of all who thall be difposed to give their afsistance to this charitable work.

That it be earnestly requested of the noblemen, gentlemen, clergy, and other inhabitauts of this town, and of the adjoining counties of Durham and Northumberland, to communicate to the committee their fentiments on the means which appear most conducive to the end proposed, and leaft burdensome or inconvenient to those parts of the country where these unhappy perfons shall be received; and to give information of any vacant buildings which may be converted into dwellings for them: and that all written communications on the subject be addressed to Sir M. W. Ridley, bart. M. P. Blagdon, near Newcastle.

N. CLAYTON, town clerk.

Proclamation of the Emperor.

BY the increasing and urgent neceffity of profecuting this expenfive war with vigour, his majesty the Emperor fees himfelf constrained to demand extraordinary support from his fubjects, in order not only to keep off an all-defolating enemy from his frontiers, but also to obtain by force a peace fo long defired in vain. But his Imperial Majesty constantly directing his thoughts to wards treating his beloved subjects with all poffible lenity, and choofing always fuch means as are the leaft burdensome, expects that every good fubject, equally convinced of his duty, and of the preffing exigencies of the state, will strive to alleviate those wants by contributions, voluntary and proportionate to their means, in money, grain, horfes, oxen, common clothes, linen, leather, iron, steel, lead, and arms.


Vienna, 18th Septemver.

Proclamation of his Royal Highness the Archduke Charles to the Inhabitants of the re-conquered Districts of the Germanic Empire.

Head-quarters at Windecken, Sept. 11, 1796.

WHEREAS the enemy, in their present retreat from several countries and districts of Germany, have carried with them several persons as hostages, on account of contributions by them ordered, and partly left unpaid; and whereas some cities or districts might really feel a disposition to pay the arrears of fuch contributions, in order to liberate their fellow-citizens,

We, as commanding general, field-marshal of the Emperor and the Empire, for ourselves, induced, by the advantage which might arife to the enemy from it, to remind the people in a general way of the Imperial edicts promulgated to that end in the Empire, and the proclamation of the commander in chief of the Emperor and the Empire, founded upon it, and to forewarn carnestly every body not to send off any fuccours in ready money, nor in bills of exchange, nor in any other manner, either to redeem the hostages carried off by the enemy, or for their relief, as in case of contravention to these presents, the fums destined for that purpose shall not only be confiscated, agreeably to the laws existing, but as all those who shall make such payments, or shall co-operate to that end in any other manner, shall be inevitably fined to double the amount, and, according to circumstances, put under arrest, or brought to some other marked punishment.

Letter from the Executive Directory of the French Republic to the Minister of War.

THE reforms already determined by the Executive Directory in the war department, have informed you, citizen minister, of its intentions to reduce, without delay, all expences in this department, but fuch as are absolutely neceffary; and d it observes, with the most lively fatisfaction, the efforts you daily make to second its views of economy.

It appears, by the accounts that you have given to the Directory upon the different branches of your administration, that the service of your offices, including the war-office, may be made after the fuppreffion already ordered in the armies of the interior, and and the simplification which may be introduced in the mechanism of your labour, with a third of the officers now employed.

The most preffing reform, citizen minifter, appears to us to respect all those employments not abfolutely neceffary. From such a reform, it follows, you will be able to make an excellent choice of fuch as remain; that it will be easier to pay them; that you will have a right to exact more affiduity from them; that there will be more connection in their operations, and more difficulty in indulging the spirit of dissipation and intrigue, which is the fource of disorganization, venality, and injustice; that, lastly, being confined within narrower limits, you will obtain more ease for communications, more union in your labours, and a more active vigilance. The resources of the citizens will become less difficult; and, in fine, you will be able to let buildings to the nation, which will become useless to yourselves.

This meafure may occafion a still greater diminution of the expences of the officers, and you will do well in this respect to present the amount of the expences after the new system is adopted. You will likewise do well not to accommodate any one from this time, on any pretext, with either horfes or coaches but, on the contrary, to oblige those who shall have obtained them, to return them into the depots of the Republic.

Citizen minifter, the Directory invites you, with refpect to your choice of persons to be employed, to confult only the public good, and to lay afide every personal confideration. Talents, republicanism, constant attention to the constitution of the third year, and good conduct, are the only titles which should determine your choice, and it is only to merit you will have a regard, not to recommendations, from whomsoever they may come, but to the individual situation of the candidate, as it may be more or less unfortunate with respect to their families, or the services they shall already have rendered the Republic.

In requiring you, citizen minister, to thew yourself rigorous and inflexible in remedying every abuse, the Directory would at the fame time be just; it is better that reform should be carried on gradually with respect to those to be deprived of their employments. The Directory, therefore, authorises you to preferve their salaries to them for the space of three months, in order to | give them time to feek fome other means of existence, and for the purpose of avoiding a too fudden suppreffion, and too immediate interruption of habitual labours: that the first reform should be made on the ist Brumaire next, and the other in the course of the fame month.

This first reform, citizen minister, is fundamental, and all the others, which are forced by the necessity of a rigid economy, should be conducted upon the fame principles. The Executive VOL. V. Directory


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